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Chapter 5: Baby bottle


Little Bai Luochuan was wearing new clothes today and a woolen hat with a plush ball on top. It swayed when he turned around. He was sitting there holding a big red orange and giggling. When his eyes were curved, they looked like crescents, which was particularly adorable.

Mi Yang was lying there and moved his hands, and Cheng Qing picked him up and put him together with Bai Luochuan. He smiled and said, "Yang Yang is awake too. Come and play with your brother. Your brother is here to see you again. Are you happy?"

Mi Yang blinked and stretched out his hands to the adults to be hugged, but he was not hugged away as he wished. Instead, a big orange was stuffed into his little hand.

Mrs. Bai said with a smile: "Give Yangyang one too, the same as his brother's, okay?"

Mi Yang looked down at the orange, his nose was filled with the fruity aroma, he twitched his little nose and thought that it was okay.

Mi Yang couldn't eat oranges, but it was nice to hold one and smell it. The orange had a fresh fragrance, and it felt cool when his fingertips touched it. Mi Yang recalled the sweet and sour taste of the orange flesh and smacked his lips.

Mrs. Bai looked at the two children, and focused more on Mi Yang, praising him: "Yang Yang's eyes are like black grapes, and his eyelashes are long. I thought he was a little girl at first. No wonder people say that sons look like their mothers. They are as beautiful as you."

Cheng Qing was a little embarrassed, and quickly praised: "No, Luo Chuan is good-looking, with fair skin, like Sister Luo."

Mi Yang also turned his head to look at Young Master Bai. It turned out that this guy was really fair from childhood to adulthood. No matter how much his skin was exposed to the sun, it would only turn a little red. He remembered that once when they went out camping, Bai Luochuan was impatient with the heat in the mountains and insisted on dragging him to swim in the river. When he took off his T-shirt, his body was so white that it seemed to glow. He also had a thin layer of firm muscles on his body, which made him quite envious.

Perhaps he noticed Mi Yang's gaze, Xiaobai Luochuan also turned his head to look at him, but he didn't keep his balance well, and he twisted his body and fell over, almost falling on Mi Yang. Mi Yang would then do an emergency rescue, looking up and trying desperately to hide backwards - based on yesterday's experience, Master Xiaobai was going to suck his face again!

Mi Yang's guess was correct, but being aware didn't mean he could get away with it, as Master Xiaobai soon sucked one side of his face with a giggle, leaving saliva marks on his face.

Mi Yang was pressed down and his little hands and feet were struggling, and he made two "ah ah" sounds to call for adults!

But the two mothers standing by the bed just looked at them with a smile. Cheng Qing's eyes were bent with laughter. Mrs. Bai even asked the guard to go back and get a camera to take a souvenir picture.

Mi Yang stopped struggling and just lay there with a look of despair on his face, letting Xiaobai Luochuan suck his face.

Master Xiaobai held on to him and played with him for a long time. There were probably only two ways for young children to show affection: a big hug and a loving peck on the face. After showing affection, he started rolling the orange again and even shouted "Ah" at Mi Yang.

Mi Yang: “…”

Mi Yang turned his head to look at Cheng Qing and stretched out his hand stubbornly. He wanted to wash his face first! His face was covered with Bai Luochuan's saliva, okay!

Fortunately, Cheng Qing had taken care of him for a few months and knew some of his little habits. He took a handkerchief to wipe his little face, and after he turned into a fragrant baby again, he put the two children together again. This time Mi Yang cooperated more. As soon as he went over, he tried his best to cooperate with Master Xiaobai to play the orange rolling game, and pushed his own to Master Xiaobai for him to play, trying to keep himself safe.

Cheng Qing saw that the two of them were having fun and smiled, "I was worried that Yangyang had never met other children before, and wondered how long it would take for them to play together. But they have become so close in just a few minutes!"

Mrs. Bai was also very happy. She would stay with her husband for a few months. It was okay for them to suffer here, but she was alone with her child, and it was rare for her son to find a playmate. This was much better than she expected, and when she looked at Mi Yang, her eyes also showed love.

Mrs. Bai had something to do at noon, and originally wanted to take the child back. Cheng Qing was honest and advised: "Sister Luo, there are only two military wives in the camp. Xiao Zhao will help you take care of the child when you take him back. If you feel at ease, leave Luochuan with me and ask Xiao Zhao to stay and help. I will take care of Yangyang too, so it won't be a big deal to take one more child!"

Xiao Zhao is the guard of Political Commissar Bai. Although he helps out sometimes, it is always worrying for a grown man to take care of a child. Mrs. Bai was very happy to hear Cheng Qing say this and asked, "Will it not delay your work?"

Cheng Qing said with a smile: "What do I have to do? I just want to cook for Mi Yang's father. It won't delay me!"

Madam Bai smiled and said, "Thank you for your help."

Mrs. Bai left a guard here to help look after the children with Cheng Qing, and left first, saying she would be back in the afternoon.

Cheng Qing stayed and spread a small blanket for the two little ones, then surrounded them with pillows to prevent them from falling out, and sat aside to start knitting. She looked relaxed and occasionally teased the children. However, Xiao Zhao, a security guard carrying a shoulder bag, was a little nervous. He calculated the time and asked, "Sister-in-law, is it time for them to eat some fruit puree?"

Mi Yang was also a little hungry, and looked up at his mother eagerly.

Cheng Qing nodded and said, "Okay, I'll go prepare it for them."

The guard said, "I have it with me. I always bring some snacks with me when I go out. Today I have an apple."

Cheng Qing said: "Okay, you take care of them, I'll go make some milk powder for Yangyang."

The guard agreed and took out a yellow bib from his bag for Xiao Bai Luochuan to tie on. The young master probably knew that he would have something to eat if he put it on, so he sat there obediently, put his two dimpled hands on his belly, and turned his bright eyes to the guard. When he saw the guard take out his cartoon lunch box, his eyes brightened up a little, stretched out his hands, and patted his belly again: "Aiya!"

There was an apple and a small spoon in the small lunch box. After cutting it in half, the guard wanted to give some to Mi Yang, but Cheng Qing refused with a smile, shaking the bottle in his hand and said, "No, Yang Yang can't eat too much, he eats this."

The guard began to feed the fruit puree to Master Xiaobai. He handed over a spoonful and the young master immediately ate it up with a slurp. The little guy ate it with such relish that his eyes narrowed. After eating some of the fruit puree, he took a piece of cut apple and held it in front of his bib, chewing it with relish.

On the other side, Mi Yang was also waiting for his snack.

He usually drinks milk powder, and now he waited for Cheng Qing to make it. After testing the temperature on the back of his hand, he slowly drank it. After Mi Yang ate two mouthfuls and was not very hungry, he ate absentmindedly while looking out the window. The snow had stopped last night, but the outside was covered in silver. The only green was probably a few pine trees with branches weighed down by heavy snow. Just looking at them made him feel very cold.

Babies tend to get sleepy easily, and it is common for them to fall asleep while eating.

Mi Yang sucked the bottle, closed his eyes and fell asleep in a short while. During this time, his mother picked him up and fed him with the bottle again. Even when he was asleep, Mi Yang stretched out one of his little arms to hold the bottle, closed his eyes and drank from it in big gulps until he burped.

Bai Luochuan saw it and reached out to touch his bottle, "Huh?"

Mi Yang was furious. What kind of crazy problem is this! He used to snatch anything he liked from Bai Luochuan. He had been like this since he was in school. He would snatch anything he looked at for a few more seconds, even the school beauty who wrote him a love letter. Now he even snatches a milk bottle!

Mi Yang spit out the pacifier, raised his little eyebrows, and "poofed" a mouthful of milk at Xiaobai Luochuan - I'm telling you to grab it!

Young Master Xiaobai was persistent and his bandit spirit was still very stubborn. He grabbed Mi Yang's bottle and put it into his mouth, taking two big gulps.

When he got Mi Yang's bottle back, a lot of milk had been left. He looked down and saw that the nipple was about to break a small hole. No wonder he drank so fast just now!

Cheng Qing was surprised and said, "Oh, Luochuan has grown teeth!"

Mi Yang was hiding in his mother's arms with the bottle in his arms, but when he heard it, he turned his head to look. Little Bai Luochuan was grinning, revealing two rice-sized milk teeth. He felt envious again. Although their birthdays were only two months apart, he felt that there was a lot of developmental difference between them.

Mi Yang remembered that Bai Luochuan would probably grow to 1.8 meters in the future. He was half a head shorter than Bai Luochuan at that time. 1.76 meters was considered short in the north, but it was not too late now. Eating more and drinking more milk, bone soup, etc. should be able to make up for another two centimeters, right? He didn't ask for more, 1.78 meters was enough.

Little Bai Luochuan wanted to reach out to grab the bottle, but Mi Yang didn't let him this time. He opened his mouth, took the bottle in his mouth and drank it in big gulps.

Cheng Qing poked his forehead and laughed at him: "Stingy guy, what's wrong with giving brother a little drink?"

Little Bai Luochuan sat on the side waiting with his eyes wide open, probably thinking that he could have a share after Mi Yang finished drinking, so he bit the apple in his hand and blinked at Mi Yang's bottle.

Mi Yang turned his head away from him and snorted.

Cheng Qing was so amused by them that he found a bottle and mixed some milk powder for Xiaobai Luochuan to drink. The two little guys each held a bottle and gulped down the milk, as if they were competing with each other, and they even enjoyed their meals.

The guard sighed and said, "It's easier to raise two of them together."

Children get sleepy when they are full. Bai Luochuan is a little better than Mi Yang, but he is still a baby. He drank most of the bottle of milk and soon began to rub his eyes. Cheng Qing brought a small quilt, which was made of new cotton and was very soft. She held the two little guys and let them take a nap. Mi Yang yawned, rubbed his face with his little hands, and soon fell asleep with his eyes closed. The little Bai Luochuan next to him did not sleep in such a standard posture. He turned over and slept on his stomach. He rubbed his white and tender cheeks on the soft quilt, as if to confirm its smell. He opened and closed his eyes several times before slowly falling asleep.