Back to 1988

Chapter 58: Low fever


When Bai Luochuan came back at night, he saw that Mi Yang had already fallen asleep. There were two beds in the room, and Mi Yang slept on the one by the window. He was wrapped in the quilt, and the mattress was slightly dented, and it seemed that the bed had become softer. He slept so soundly that Bai Luochuan felt sleepy as well and fell asleep very easily.

Bai Luochuan went over and tucked the corner of the quilt for him. There was a small light in the room, and the light was dim, but he could still see a corner of something in Mi Yang's hand. Bai Luochuan stretched out his hand and rubbed it. The touch couldn't be more familiar. Mi Yang had never left his side since he was a child, so he naturally saw this little pillow every day. Although it was just a pillowcase now, he could sleep very soundly when holding it in his hand.

Bai Luochuan went to wash up quietly, turned up the air conditioner in the room a little bit, and then went to bed.

Mi Yang's biological clock was quite accurate. He woke up early the next morning. Seeing that it was almost time, he called Young Master Bai to wake up, squeezed some toothpaste and asked him to brush his teeth. Bai Luochuan was a little grumpy in the morning and looked unhappy, but the toothbrush was already in his mouth, and Mi Yang kept urging him, so he had no choice but to wash up and follow them to have breakfast.

When they went downstairs, the other two classmates who came with them also arrived. They were a little surprised to see Bai Luochuan. One of the girls smiled and said, "It's really rare. I've been to competitions with you so many times, but this is the first time I see you get up to eat breakfast."

Bai Luochuan casually said "hmm" and sat there waiting.

The female classmate wanted to ask him why he didn't go get the food, but she saw Mi Yang carrying two plates over, placing one in front of Master Bai, and whispered to him, "No coffee, how about milk? I saw some hot ones over there."

Bai Luochuan nodded and spoke to him in a better tone: "Okay."

Mi Yang brought over two glasses of milk. Neither of them thought anything was wrong, so they sat down and started eating.

The female classmate's eyes moved to Bai Luochuan, and soon fell on Mi Yang. Perhaps because she thought Mi Yang was more approachable and spoke gently, she whispered to him: "Are you Bai Luochuan's younger brother?"

Mi Yang shook his head and said, "No, we grew up together."

The female classmate said: "No wonder, you two are quite familiar with each other, I see you have been taking care of him, you are really good to him."

Mi Yang smiled and said, "He is very good to me too."

The female classmate couldn't think of an answer. She and Bai Luochuan often participated in competitions together more than half a year ago. The individual competition was fine, but during the team competition, Young Master Bai didn't treat her as a girl at all. He assigned things as he should and gave a black face to those who didn't do well. But if she had to say, he was more strict with the boys.

While the female classmate was talking to Mi Yang for a few sentences, Bai Luochuan interrupted them twice. The first time was to ask Mi Yang to hand him the box of sugar cubes, and the second time was because he disliked the box because it contained brown sugar and frowned.

Mi Yang gave him another piece, stirred it to dissolve, and whispered, "Same, drink it."

Bai Luochuan then drank it.

The female classmate stole a glance from the side, and when her eyes met Bai Luochuan's, she immediately turned her attention to her own food, and didn't dare to continue chatting with Mi Yang. But she was also muttering in her heart, it seemed that it was unclear who was in charge of whom between the two of them. Bai Luochuan had a bad temper, but Mi Yang didn't seem to be afraid of him at all.

The first day of the competition went smoothly. When he came back in the evening, Bai Luochuan didn't say anything in front of others and still looked calm. When it was just him and Mi Yang, he couldn't help but show off that he had guessed the right question. He was so excited when he heard Mi Yang praising him.

They had dinner together in the evening, and Mi Yang also went with them. The classmates who competed with Bai Luochuan gathered together to chat, and someone joked, "I heard that a TV station will come to film tomorrow's experiment. I wonder if it will be broadcast. Maybe we can be on TV too."

Bai Luochuan listened incoherently, but his eyes were on the female classmate who was talking to Mi Yang. The girl had probably talked to Mi Yang in the morning, and sat down to greet him in the evening, and chatted with Mi Yang in a low voice. Bai Luochuan only vaguely heard Mi Yang say "I have a younger sister at home", and saw the female classmate opposite her suddenly realized something, and said with a smile: "So that's how it is, no wonder I feel so relaxed when talking to you, are you usually very nice to your younger sister? Are you so gentle to other girls?"

Before Mi Yang could answer, he heard a "hiss" from the side.

Bai Luochuan covered his mouth and frowned, "It hurts, it seems like it's bitten, can you help me take a look?"

Mi Yang took a look and wiped it with a tissue. There was blood on it. The bite was not light. He poured him a glass of water and asked, "How did you bite your mouth?"

Bai Luochuan said vaguely: "It's not careful, it still hurts, take a look, is there a big cut?"

He kept letting Mi Yang watch, and even when Mi Yang said it was okay, he refused to let go, insisting that it hurt, until Mi Yang talked to him alone. When they talked, he didn't cry out in pain as loudly as before, and spoke much more fluently.

After a while, the female classmate came over and interrupted them. Bai Luochuan asked impatiently, "What are you doing?"

The female classmate was very embarrassed. She picked at the corner of a book and whispered, "Nothing. I just want to confirm the calculation steps with you..."

Bai Luochuan said: "You only think of this now? Why should I have taken care of it a long time ago?"

The girl's face turned red, and she stood there, not knowing whether to stay or leave.

Mi Yang said: "It's not too late now. You still have a game tomorrow, so go ahead."

Bai Luochuan asked: "What about you?"

Mi Yang said: "I'll go back to my room and wait for you. I have nothing to do anyway, so I can read a book or something."

Bai Luochuan thought for a moment, and saw the female classmate looking at Mi Yang again from the corner of his eye. He immediately subconsciously moved aside to block her and nodded, saying, "Okay, when you go back, don't come out again. It's cold outside, be careful not to catch a cold."

Mi Yang agreed, got up and went back to his room.

After he returned, he first searched in the suitcase. Every time when he went out, Cheng Qing would prepare a small medicine box for him and put some common medicines in it. This time he was going on a long journey, so he had to prepare everything. Mi Yang took out a bottle of watermelon frost spray, which was for treating oral ulcers, and it could also be used by Bai Luochuan if he bit the corner of his mouth.

Putting the medicine on the table, Mi Yang picked up the book he had read yesterday and continued reading. This book was also found for them by Teacher Wei Xian. Teacher Wei followed them back to Shanghai from the border town and taught them carefully. Bai Luochuan had more talent, but he relied more on this good teacher. If it weren't for Wei Xian, he might not have achieved what he has today.

Doing it over again doesn't mean that you can do many things as a matter of course.

Mi Yang has met many classmates in Shanghai schools. Many of them have already surpassed ordinary children at the starting line, either because of their outstanding talents or superior family backgrounds, but they have also put in much more effort than ordinary people. Mi Yang believes that he has ordinary talents, but he has the rationality and calmness of an adult, which allows him to calm down and do things steadily. Therefore, when Wei Xian is tutoring, he always puts in a lot of energy to study hard and listen hard.

The book he was reading was also found by Wei Xian. After Wei Xian came to Shanghai, he looted a lot of good things from his good friend, the professor, and even found a set of tools for repairing books for Mi Yang. At this moment, Mi Yang was reading a manuscript that the professor was preparing to publish. It was a record of his team going to Xinjiang to rescue album rubbings and silk paintings, and he took a lot of photos. This copy was sorted out and sent to the publishing house, and Wei Xian printed another copy for Mi Yang to take a look at first.

Mi Yang has always been interested in books about specific repair cases. In his previous life, he had to explore on his own and had little exposure to them. Now, it is like opening the door to a new world. Just by looking at them, he wishes he could go to the Turpan Museum to see those things with his own eyes.

When Bai Luochuan came back at around nine o'clock, Mi Yang put down the book and said, "I found the medicine."

Bai Luochuan was stunned for a moment before he remembered that he was injured, and said, "Oh, no need, I'm almost healed."

Mi Yang said: "How can such a deep cut heal in an instant? Come over and spray the medicine, or he will complain of pain again tomorrow morning and refuse to eat."

Bai Luochuan wanted to hide, but the room was so small, he had no choice but to be grabbed and sprayed with medicine powder, his face wrinkled with bitterness. He just opened his mouth to speak, Mi Yang said: "You can't speak, just hold it in your mouth, it will be fine in one night."

Young Master Bai practiced the silent meditation the whole night, tossing and turning, unable to sleep, feeling very uncomfortable.

The next morning, Mi Yang stopped him before he left. After watching him spray the pesticide himself, Mi Yang nodded and said, "Okay, you can go now."

Bai Luochuan put on his scarf and said vaguely: "Wait for me to come back. I have nothing to do at noon. Let's go out to eat. I will go shopping with you in the afternoon."

Mi Yang handed him the gloves and said, "Well, come on."

Bai Luochuan grinned and put two fingers above his eyebrows. The young man looked proud, lively and full of vigor.

Mi Yang read a book for a while in the morning and slept for a while in bed. When he woke up, he felt that the room was very cold. He looked and found that the air conditioner was turned off. There was only a little residual heat from the heater. He felt cold even wrapped in the quilt.

He got up, put on some thick clothes, and called the front desk. The person at the front desk apologized, "I'm so sorry, the power supply in the whole city is tight and there's nothing we can do. The elevators are all out of service. We'll restore it as soon as possible. How about we send you a bed and quilt?"

Mi Yang lives on the 17th floor, and since he had already requested an extra portion yesterday, he didn't ask them to deliver it.

He put on his clothes and wanted to drink some water, but found that there was no hot water in the room. He could only drink some cold water and felt vaguely uncomfortable in his throat.

The sound of an ambulance was heard outside, and the most recent one even stopped downstairs of the hotel. Mi Yang stood up and looked out the window. Fully armed medical personnel were carrying a person out of the hotel on a stretcher, and someone was holding an infusion bottle and hurriedly sent it to the ambulance, but only one ambulance left, and the other one stayed where it was, with people constantly coming in and out, and some people running out in a panic with boxes.

This scene was too familiar. Mi Yang's memory even overlapped with some scenes he had seen on TV. Two words suddenly emerged in his mind - SARS.

SARS is a severe acute pneumonia that is highly contagious and may cause sudden death. What’s more terrifying is that its pathogen has not yet been identified, so it is called "atypical pneumonia."

Mi Yang's impression was that it happened in the summer, and the earliest report was around May. He was in Shanhai Town at the time, and had been staying at home for more than two months because of the school holidays. He did not have a very deep impression of it. He only remembered that everyone stayed at home that summer, and there was the lingering smell of disinfectant and fumigated vinegar.

He looked outside as medical staff began to disinfect and set up cordons, and his brows furrowed even deeper. Perhaps it was because he relied too much on the memories of his previous life and did not take precautions early enough, and was too careless.

The phone in the room soon rang. It was the hotel front desk asking him to stay in the room. "A guest from Hong Kong suddenly had a fever and has been sent to the hospital for treatment. Please don't panic. Stay in the room and wait for the medical staff to measure your temperature. After confirmation, we will check you out. The loss will be borne by our hotel..."

Mi Yang listened to her and said calmly: "Okay, I understand."

He called Bai Luochuan first, but his phone was turned off, probably because the competition had not yet ended. He did not have their teacher's phone number, so he could only send him a message to briefly explain the situation, and repeatedly reminded him: "Don't go back to the hotel, go directly back to Shanghai."

After sending the text message, she called Cheng Qing again and said, "Mom, listen to me, there is 'flu' in Beijing. Someone in our hotel has a fever and has been sent to the hospital. I'm fine, don't worry, I just need to be quarantined again... Yes, I'm in the hotel, it's safe now, you wait for me in Shanghai."

Because there were no news reports emphasizing the severity of the virus, everyone just thought it was a new type of flu that occurs every spring, but it is not as serious as the quarantine. Cheng Qing hesitated and asked him, "Yangyang, do you want me to go over and accompany you?"

Mi Yang refused and said, "You stay at home with Xiaoxue. I'm fine and can take care of myself." He paused and said, "If possible, please get another batch of medicine, Isatis root and Xiao Chaihu granules, as well as disinfectant, masks and the like. You must take good care of yourselves and don't let Xiaoxue go to kindergarten."

Cheng Qing said: "Xiaoxue is in better health than you. You catch a cold every spring. This time you went to the north, it was so cold all of a sudden... Don't you really need your mother to go over and accompany you?"

Mi Yang said: "No, you are in Shanghai, don't go anywhere."

Mi Yang hung up the phone only after Cheng Qing agreed.

He put the back of his hand on his forehead and felt it was slightly hot.

There was a thermometer in the medicine box he carried with him. He took it out and took the temperature. After waiting for a few minutes, he took it out and looked at it. It was 37.5°, a low fever, but still a fever.