Back to 1988

Chapter 76: You are the best in the world


The rescuers acted quickly, communicating with each other via walkie-talkies, and quickly took action.

Zhao Haisheng wanted to follow but was held down by the adults, covered with thick clothes and sent to the back to get emergency bandages to treat his wounds.

Mi Yang was also carried over by the rescuers. He was just choking on water, but he was still conscious. However, the water choked his trachea and his mouth, nose and throat were all burning and painful, and he couldn't speak. He heard someone calling his name, and when he squinted his eyes to look, he only saw a flashlight swaying back and forth, and someone was talking in his ear: "Found on the shore, choking on water..."

Soon someone came over, blocked out all the light, leaned over and covered his mouth, pinched his cheek with one hand to make him open his mouth, then took a deep breath with lips to lips, then spit out the river water in his mouth, lowered his head and took two more breaths, and after cleaning them, pinched his nose, and came close to him again to perform artificial respiration.

Mi Yang was lying there, only having time to smell the familiar breath. When he was forced to open his mouth to receive it, he had no time to react. The other party moved very quickly and breathed in him twice without any delay. The hot breath and clean smell were the most familiar to him. The voice in his ear was also familiar with the urgency: "Mi Yang? Mi Yang, try it, exhale through your mouth."

Mi Yang followed him once and wanted to open his mouth to say "Okay", but only uttered a faint and vague sound. Bai Luochuan pinched his nostrils again, leaned over and blew a deep breath into his lips, repeating this every few seconds until Mi Yang's breathing merged with his, and then he relaxed a little.

Mi Yang said hoarsely: "Okay."

His nose was pinched, so he could only move the tip of his tongue when he spoke, which slightly touched Bai Luochuan's, and both of them separated immediately.

Bai Luochuan let him go, but unbuttoned his collar. He placed his fingers on his trachea and neck, still pressing gently, frowned, called his name in a low voice, and asked if he was feeling better.

Mi Yang lay there, feeling much better, and nodded, "I'm fine."

There were many people in the rescue team. In addition to those who were shouting for rescue in the front, the logistics personnel also carried a stretcher. Bai Luochuan also brought a doctor from home, but the doctor was old and had difficulty walking, so he was waiting at the foot of the mountain.

Bai Luochuan untied his raincoat, wrapped Mi Yang in it, hugged him tightly and asked, "Are you cold?"

Mi Yang shook his head. He had felt a little cold just now, but now that he was wrapped up in warmth, he no longer felt cold.

Bai Luochuan said again: "I will take you down the mountain first, they will find the person."

Mi Yang nodded and said, "Okay."

Bai Luochuan took off his raincoat and put it on him, then squatted down and said, "Come on, I'll carry you."

Mi Yang hesitated for a moment and said, "Forget it, I can go by myself, or..."

Bai Luochuan squatted there without moving, his body wet from the rain, and said, "Come up."

Mi Yang lay on his back, trying to use the large raincoat to cover the two of them. A member of the rescue team nearby saw them and said, "How is it, can we go? There's a stretcher behind us!"

The guard who came up with him came over and said, "Let me carry it. We have a horse, so it can carry it down faster..."

Suddenly, someone's intercom buzzed not far away, and soon a voice shouted: "Found it! The boy was found... He's still alive, needs a stretcher, hurry, hurry and send him down the mountain for rescue!!"

Bai Luochuan heard it clearly and immediately said to the guard: "I will go with the rescue team, you take the horse over there, Wule is still young, it is not difficult for him to pass through the woods, it is much faster than a stretcher, save people first!"

The security guard immediately responded and led the horses over with the rescue team.

Bai Luochuan said to the rescue team staff beside him: "He just choked on the water. He is awake now. I will take him down. Leave the stretcher to those who need it more." He lifted Mi Yang up and said: "Please find two people to lead the way for us."

The other party immediately said, "Okay, you guys come with me. Captain Wang just found a few students. Let's take you down the mountain first!"

Bai Luochuan nodded and followed him.

Mi Yang lay on his back, and could only hear the crackling sound of raindrops falling on the raincoat and Bai Luochuan's breathing, which was steady and powerful. Master Bai's back was very warm, and even if he was soaked, he could still warm up a little bit. Mi Yang hugged him tighter, and suddenly felt a little tired, and slowly closed his eyes.

Not knowing how long he had been bouncing on Bai Luochuan's back, Mi Yang vaguely heard him talking, as if he was explaining something to someone, his voice was solemn: "He choked on water, which may cause lung infection. Let's take an X-ray and keep him in the hospital for a thorough examination... Yes, let's test him first, I'm afraid he may be allergic to the medicine..."

Mi Yang listened to two sentences and heard every word clearly, but he could not react. The back of his hand felt cold and then slightly stinging. A stream of cold liquid was slowly injected into him, making him less conscious and he slowly fell asleep.

Mi Yang had a not very good dream.

In the dream, the earth shook, the houses collapsed, and even the weight pressing on his body was so real that it seemed as if he had experienced it himself.

The mountain he had been gazing at had tumbled down huge rocks, which pressed upon the wreckage of the already collapsed houses, blocking the only way out.

He dreamed again of Bai Luochuan covering him. Their posture was intimate, but Bai Luochuan's arms were supported on both sides of his head. It was a protective posture.

Bai Luochuan was protecting him.

He remembered that on the night of Bai Luochuan's engagement, he was not dizzy, but the wall was really shaking. They were knocked down by the falling wall and trapped in that small gap, barely surviving. Bai Luochuan protected him, always holding his chest and protecting him with his own body...

Mi Yang's nose felt sore, but in his dream, he couldn't cry no matter what. He seemed to be a thin layer of memory floating there, unable to shake the past.

Bai Luochuan didn't know how long he had been holding on. His voice had become hoarse. The man who had been so bright and beautiful before was now in a state of embarrassment. Only a pair of eyes were still staring at him as before. He said in a hoarse voice, as if he had been rubbed with sandpaper: "Mi Yang, kiss me."

He said, “Just for a moment.”

Mi Yang leaned over and kissed him with difficulty.

There was a taste of blood in his mouth, not his own, but Bai Luochuan's. The man who was protecting him bit his wrist and fed him blood.

Bai Luochuan smiled after receiving the kiss, his eyes seemed to be filled with starlight, and even in the darkness one could see the sudden softening of his tenderness. He said, "I was just teasing you. I was lying to you about not getting engaged... I won't marry anyone, I just want to be with you."

Bai Luochuan's breathing slowed down as kisses fell on his face one after another, but he was in a good mood. He panted and said, "Is this a reward for a hero? When we get out, I don't want to just kiss your cheek."



Mi Yang raised his chin and kissed him again, and said in a hoarse voice: "I will marry you after we get out."

Bai Luochuan's chest beat faster, and his eyes sparkled with joy: "Really? You're not lying to me, are you?"

Mi Yang said seriously: "I'm not lying to you, just hold on for a while, don't sleep, we can get out."

This time the man waited for a long time but there was no response, only slight breathing sounds.

Mi Yang said: "Bai Luochuan, do we need to get the marriage certificate after we get out? Where should we get it? Then we need to have a wedding banquet. How many people should we invite? Wake up, don't sleep... The last time I went to see Aunt Luo, she asked me to educate you well. Now I have become one with you. How are you going to compensate me?"

He said a lot, and I asked him very carefully.

Bai Luochuan chuckled weakly, "I'll compensate you with a ten-carat diamond ring that can only hold me captive."

Mi Yang said: "It can't be smaller than the one Yang Liuqing wears."

Bai Luochuan uttered intermittently: "What an idiot... to buy her... a ring..."

You still have the energy to curse at me at this time. Mi Yang's nose was sour, and he said, "Bai Luochuan, wake up, can you accompany me?"

Bai Luochuan woke up again and fed Mi Yang blood again regardless of his wishes.

He buried his head on Mi Yang's shoulder, and said to him in a weak voice, "I'm so tired."

Mi Yang's hands and feet were pinned down and he couldn't move. He bit the tip of his tongue and tilted his head to feed his own blood, but he didn't have enough strength. Bai Luochuan refused to drink it either, so he just kissed him and forced him to drink it himself.

Mi Yang choked and called his name.

Bai Luochuan suddenly regained some energy. He whispered, "I feel a little cold."

Mi Yang wanted to hug him, but his hands and feet were already in pain and he had no feeling at all. His eyes were sore and he said, "Then hug me. You won't feel cold after a hug."

Bai Luochuan laughed, and with his cheek pressed against his, he said with his cold body temperature: "I don't know if there is reincarnation. If there is, I'm afraid I can't remember it. How can I find you then..."

Mi Yang said: "It's okay, I'll remember it and come find you."

Bai Luochuan chuckled and said, "Okay."

Mi Yang himself began to feel cold. He gently rubbed Bai Luochuan's cheek and said, "I have a good memory. I will definitely remember it."

Bai Luochuan said: "Then please say it a few more times, I'm afraid you will forget it."

Mi Yang did the boring and repetitive repair work countless times when he was repairing the book. He had enough patience to repeat in Bai Luochuan's ear over and over again: "I will remember you and everything... I will come to find you again, you have to wait for me, this time... This time I will always be with you and will not leave you for a moment..."

Bai Luochuan smiled, and his voice gradually faded away: "Only remember the good things. Forget about the stupid things I did."

"But I don't think I can change my bad temper. If you see me again, you must stay with me and teach me more. I will listen to you alone. I want to become a better person."

"If you remember to smile at me when you see me, I will recognize you and be good to you forever."

"If we can start over, let's start together, okay?"

Mi Yang moved his mouth and made a little sound: "Okay."

Bai Luochuan lost his strength, and Mi Yang gradually lost his strength as well. He felt cold all over and his consciousness was blurred.

He embraced the person in front of him and closed his eyes.

He thought, this guy is not lying to me.

Those clumsy and irritable tempers mixed with a clumsy heart, but they never meant to tease, from beginning to end, it was the real and strong Bai Luochuan. It was me who didn't dare to take that step. If there is another chance, I would like to meet you again.

You are the best in this world.

The dream was distorted, like a melted mirror, and soon changed into other scenes.

They were all familiar to him, and he could no longer tell whether they were from the previous life or this life.

Or maybe, it's all themselves.

Mi Yang was wrapped in an army green baby swaddling clothes, held and coaxed softly by his young parents. They smiled and took a small rattle to play with him, while heavy snow kept falling outside.

After a while, the young Political Commissar Bai and his wife also walked in. Mrs. Bai had fashionable curly hair and was holding a delicate and beautiful baby in her arms. She was wearing a teddy bear hat and woke up from her sleep by moving her nose. He opened his big watery eyes and looked at Mi Yang curiously.

The little baby Mi Yang raised his little hand and smiled at him.

The beautiful little baby immediately giggled, revealing its only two little white teeth as big as rice grains.

Mi Yang's face was wiped by a warm and wet towel. The other party's action was very gentle, but he still woke up. He moved his eyelashes and opened his eyes to see the person who carefully wiped his face. He originally had a look of distress, but when he saw him wake up, he immediately raised his eyebrows and said in a low voice: "Do you know that you had a fever again last night? The doctor said that if you don't wake up, it may turn into pneumonia. You are really... not obedient at all!"

He threw the towel aside, stood there and said condescendingly: "I told you to blow the whistle on the shore and wait for me. Who told you to go into the water? Now you are scared, right? You have been talking nonsense all night and crying out of fear."

Mi Yang looked at him with eyes wide open. Bai Luochuan was shocked by this reaction. He subconsciously pressed the bell: "Xiaoguai, what's wrong with you? I'll call the doctor right away. It's okay. If you feel uncomfortable, tell the doctor. Any disease can be cured. Don't be afraid."

Mi Yang raised his wrist and said in a hoarse voice: "Bai Luochuan."

Bai Luochuan immediately sat down beside the bed, lifted his hand a little, wrapped it up and said, "Don't move. You moved too much at night and the needle got stuck. Does it hurt?"

Mi Yang looked at him and said, "I've been looking for you for a long time."

Bai Luochuan stretched out his fingers to wipe the corners of his eyes, and said in a slow voice: "Why are you crying again? It's okay, I was late yesterday, it's my fault, next time I will keep you by my side, and we will go anywhere together, okay?"

Mi Yang nodded, but couldn't stop crying.

Bai Luochuan was a little flustered, and he wiped him clumsily. Seeing his red eyes, he felt very distressed and asked repeatedly: "What's wrong? Where does it hurt?"

Mi Yang shook his head, still looking at him, unwilling to move his eyes away, and choked up and said, "I had a dream."

Bai Luochuan was stunned for a moment and asked, "What?"

Mi Yang said: "I dreamed that I liked you very much."

Bai Luochuan's face flushed, but he refused to back off. He looked at Mi Yang who was still showing off: "What do you mean, you only like me in your dreams? I thought you like me now, too!"

It was just a casual remark, but unexpectedly the pale-faced, red-eyed child lying on the hospital bed answered it seriously.


"really like."

"I like you the most, Bai Luochuan."

Bai Luochuan raised the corner of his mouth a little, then tried to suppress the arc, put his hand back into the quilt, coughed and said: "Wait for me here for a while, I'll go call the doctor. Be obedient this time, okay?"

Mi Yang nodded, very obediently, and said softly, "Okay."