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Chapter 9: Thermal flask


New Years later, Xiaobai Luochuan began to learn to speak.

Starting with simple reduplicated words, he learned quickly and could say many words in a few days. He was very sensitive to the sound of adults calling his name, and basically he would babble and say a little bit of whatever they said to him. Mi Yang had been with Master Xiao Bai and was practicing in secret. He had a much stronger control ability and could speak earlier than Xiao Bai Luochuan, but he didn't dare to show it. Mi Yang waited for Bai Luochuan to call him, and after a while, he also began to try to call "Dad" and "Mom" and learn to speak.

By the time spring came, Mi Yang could already call his parents skillfully.

Mi Yang couldn't remember when the child started to speak short sentences, so he tried hard to learn from Bai Luochuan.

When Xiaobai Luochuan started to call people, he would try to say two words after a few days; when Xiaobai Luochuan started to speak, he would follow him; when Master Xiaobai said only one word, he would never say two.

So much so that a few years later, all the adults praised him, saying that it was Bai Luochuan who taught Mi Yang how to speak.

Mi Yang was so angry that he vomited three liters of blood, but he had to accept this loss.

Cheng Qing took care of the children at home and sometimes made two small clothes. Mi Zehai was a tough man outside, and he was covered in mud. But when he came home, he hugged his wife and son and smiled with his teeth showing.

Mi Yang was used to this kind of contrast, and now he was too lazy to even roll his eyes.

Mi Zehai has been busy with the military district's large-scale military exercises recently, and he even came to see Political Commissar Bai specifically for this purpose. The two of them went to the operations room together to set up a sand table, making everything very mysterious.

Rather than studying and reviewing, Mi Zehai, a veteran who has spent several years in the military camp and earned his position through actual combat in the field troops, obviously prefers to speak with force. Setting up a sand table makes him a hundred times more energetic than when he holds a book in his hands.

Cheng Qing saw it all, and at first he was a little anxious, so he forced him to study at home, which made Deputy Company Commander Mi run out whenever he had time, and go to the war room to play sand table with a few soldiers. He was so addicted that he was just like a retired old man playing chess by the lake. Cheng Qing encountered him twice, and he was so scared that he stood there holding the red and blue pencils in his hand, at a loss, and didn't dare to speak for a long time.

Cheng Qing still gave him face in front of others, and just said that he had something to discuss with him and asked him to go back and eat first.

Deputy Captain Mi immediately understood what he meant, straightened his back, and said, "Well, you go first, I still have work to do."

Cheng Qing agreed, walked out of the door meekly, turned around and hugged Mi Yang and said with gritted teeth: "When you grow up, you must study hard, and don't be like your father, who pretends to obey but actually disobeys!"

Mi Yang was also a little curious. How did his father get into the military academy

Soon Mi Zehai came back. After entering the house, he explained a few words in a low voice in the outer room. Mi Yang pricked up his ears to listen, but the voice was too soft and he could not hear clearly what he said.

Cheng Qing's voice was not loud, and he said casually: "Not busy with work?"

Mi Zehai said in a panic: "I'm not busy anymore, I'm not busy anymore!"

Cheng Qing still said coldly: "Then go in, the old rules."

Mi Yang was lying on his bed, bored and practicing turning over, when he saw his father coming in with a washboard. He first closed the curtains in the room tightly, then knelt down and began to read a book obediently, looking very serious.

Mi Yang laughed out loud, giggling non-stop. He said, "How could you study so hard? No wonder you were able to pass the exam."

Mi Zehai glanced at his son with a sour face, feeling that the brat was making fun of him as a father, but he did not dare to leave the washboard under his knees. He knelt down and recited the book for more than half an hour. Finally, Cheng Qing came in to check on him, as serious as a teacher.

Yonezawa Hai’s answer was pretty good, basically all correct.

"That's good enough, go ahead." Cheng Qing closed the book and let him stand up to end the punishment. Mi Zehai looked relieved. Kneeling for a while was not a problem at all. Instead, he felt that he had finished his task with his wife and that the matter was over. Cheng Qing looked at his smiling face that remembered food but not punishment, and said with a little displeasure: "You are so smart. If you had worked hard, you could have been admitted to university, but you didn't study hard."

Mi Zehai said flatteringly: "I will start working hard now, don't be angry."

Cheng Qing looked up at him.

Mi Zehai expressed his loyalty again, "Really, it's okay for us to suffer a little, Yangyang and the others will have a good time and live a good life in the future!"

No, you have no idea how hard Yangyang will suffer in the future.

Mi Yang thought seriously with a gloomy face.

He saved money for so many years and finally paid off the loan for that house, but he never lived in it for a single day!

The closer it was for Mi Yang and his mother to leave, the more Mi Zehai was reluctant to let them go. He often hugged his son and then his wife. There was not much he could do, so he did as much as he could.

Mi Zehai picked a weekend, took his newly received salary of 182 yuan, and took Cheng Qing on a bus trip to the city to buy things.

It was also the first time for Mi Yang to leave the military camp. He looked left and right, full of curiosity.

The closest to the military camp is an old industrial city with older streets and shorter buildings. Even the department store in the city center is only a few stories high and stands there short and squat. However, compared to some of the surrounding tube-shaped buildings, it is already quite impressive. The large golden characters in front of the store alone are very eye-catching.

Mi Zehai first took Cheng Qing to the women's clothing area, where he looked at several woolen dresses through the glass counter. They were all very expensive, but Cheng Qing repeatedly refused and dragged him to the department store area.

Cheng Qing still remembered the long and thin thermos kettle from Political Commissar Bai's home. After walking around the department store for several times, he happened to find an identical one. When he asked the price, it was 43 yuan. The salesperson said to them, "This is a new product from Shanghai. There are only two of them. If you don't want them, they will be sold out today."

Cheng Qing gritted his teeth and said to her, "Please pack it for us. This is what we need."

Mi Yang's eyes fell on the red thermos kettle, wondering how this antique came into his home.

Bai Luochuan had mentioned this to him once or twice before. It seemed that Mrs. Bai had told him several times about their interesting childhood stories, but he could not remember them. He thought that Young Master Bai was deliberately teasing him and he did not seem to be very interested in these things. After Bai Luochuan told him several times, he became angry and refused to speak again.

It's no wonder that Bai Luochuan, who is so cautious, would be so caring and affectionate to him.

He thought they were from the same hometown, but Bai Luochuan treated him as a childhood friend who grew up wearing the same pants.

Just as I was thinking about it, I heard Cheng Qing's smiling voice saying, "This is the right size, and it has good heat retention. It's perfect for taking on the train."