Back to 1988

Chapter 90: White squad leader


Bai Luochuan couldn't find the pair of sneakers, so he went to buy a new pair with Mi Yang in the afternoon. He picked out two identical pairs and excitedly asked Mi Yang to try them on with him. "I think this is good. Let's wear this when we go out to play basketball on Saturday."

Mi Yang said: "I don't need it, I bought it when school started..."

Bai Luochuan said: "I think you look good in this pair." He squatted down to tie Mi Yang's shoelaces. Mi Yang subconsciously dodged, but couldn't avoid it, so he could only let him change his shoes for him.

Mi Yang said helplessly: "Aunt Luo has bought me a lot of things. This is too expensive. Don't buy it for me in the future."

Bai Luochuan said: "It's okay, you take it first, and I will return it to her in a lump sum when I make money later."

Mi Yang wanted to refute, but when he thought about how fast Master Bai would make money in the future, he shut up again.

Perhaps seeing how well Mi Yang wore them, Bai Luochuan also began to like the new shoes, so he changed into them and walked out with him. There was nothing good to buy outside, and Mi Yang had been to the bookstore in the morning. Bai Luochuan thought about it and went to the newly opened mall with him.

Mi Yang doesn't have high requirements for clothing. Usually, he will make do with just two sets of clothes besides the school uniform. Bai Luochuan is different. He has already learned to be vain at this age. Luo Jiangjing dotes on him very much and gives him whatever he wants, not to mention a few sets of clothes, he is willing to give him several houses.

Bai Luochuan is half a head taller than Mi Yang, and his clothes are one size larger than his. If he thinks something is good, he will buy two sets. Mi Yang only picked out a loose-fitting set and shook his head, saying he didn't like the rest.

The salesperson smiled and said, "This one is great. You can wear it when you go out or at home. The fabric is very comfortable. Your brother has fair skin and looks very healthy..."

Mi Yang sat there without any intention of refutation. He had heard many people say that he was Bai Luochuan's younger brother and had gotten used to it.

Bai Luochuan was quite happy. Mi Yang didn't want any other clothes and only liked that one, so he simply bought two more sets of different colors for him, "Let's take this one, white, beige, khaki... take one set of all, and an extra set of beige in a larger size."

Mi Yang: “…”

The shopping guide happily went to get the clothes.

Bai Luochuan brought the coat over and coaxed him to stretch out his hands and try it on. Mi Yang raised his hand and put on a sleeve, then looked at him and said, "Why did you buy so much?"

Bai Luochuan helped him put on his clothes, "It's rare to hear you say you like it, so let's buy two more sets of replacements."

Mi Yang thought for a while and couldn't help whispering, "Then I will grow taller too, and soon I won't be able to wear it anymore, what a pity."

Bai Luochuan moved closer to hear what he said and laughed so hard.

Mi Yang was not convinced: "Really? I measured it this morning and it was one centimeter higher."

Bai Luochuan coaxed him: "Then let's measure him again tomorrow morning. Maybe he has grown taller. Raise your hand. There is a button on your sleeve that has not been fixed yet."

The two were trying on clothes in the store when they heard someone passing by shouting, "Mi Yang?"

Mi Yang was just raising his arm to let Bai Luochuan fix the decorative button for him. He looked up when he heard it and asked, "Ah?"

Standing opposite was a girl in a dress, with her hair down on her shoulders and bangs that made her look cute and well-behaved. She was blinking at him, and when she heard Mi Yang's response, she smiled and walked over and said, "I thought you looked familiar, but I didn't dare to recognize you. It's really you!"

As she approached, Mi Yang recognized that this was a girl from their class and said, "Ningning?"

The girl immediately smiled and said, "Hey, it's me! You still remember my name!"

Bai Luochuan was sitting beside her and also looking at her, but he was not as friendly as Mi Yang. He put his hands in his pockets and squinted his eyes as he looked at her.

The girl was a little surprised to see him and Bai Luochuan together, but she quickly smiled and said, "Are you guys shopping too? How about I treat you guys to some milk tea? There's a shop up ahead, it's really delicious!"

Mi Yang quickly said: "No, no!"

The girl insisted: "Let me treat you, just a cup of milk tea, I haven't thanked you during the military training yet!"

Mi Yang said: "Really, there's no need to be so polite since we're all classmates."

The girl refused to leave and kept begging Mi Yang in a low voice. Her voice was soft and she looked very gentle. She had a sweet appearance and was easy to be liked by people.

But except for Bai Luochuan who had a sullen face next to him.

Master Bai's good mood was ruined. He stood up and looked at Mi Yang, saying coldly, "Are you leaving or not?"

The girl asked, "Where are you going?"

Bai Luochuan said lazily: "Restaurant, do you want to go?"

The girl blushed at his words and hesitated to answer. Mi Yang stood up and acted as a peacemaker, saying to her, "It's really not necessary. We will go home soon. Thank you."

The shopping guide also came back with the clothes, already packed in bags. Mi Yang took them and carried them away with Bai Luochuan. Bai Luochuan walked a few steps and couldn't help but said with an unhappy look on his face: "Who is that? Ningning? You called her so affectionately."

Mi Yang said: "That's her name. I didn't mean to call her that. Both her parents have the surname Ning, so they gave her this name. I also think it's very special, so I remembered it."

Bai Luochuan asked again: "What happened to her during your military training?"

Mi Yang said: "It's nothing, she just had a slight heat stroke during military training, and I happened to bring some medicine with me, so I gave it to her."

Bai Luochuan said, "I see you are really like that. You have liked pretty girls since you were little. There have always been class beauties and school beauties. When you were little, Wang Yiyi, the class monitor, you sat in front of and behind her and often did homework together. During the summer vacation in Shanhai Town, you followed her out to play. Who did you know? That person was called Yang something, the one with a ponytail, and you talked to her... Oh, I see. Do you like girls with long hair?" At the end, he already had a doubtful tone in his voice.

Mi Yang said: "Really not, you are wrongly accusing me and making a big accusation out of nothing."

Bai Luochuan narrowed his eyes at him and snorted, "You have a bad record. How old are you? You're already thinking about falling in love early? I tell you, it's impossible. Study hard and make progress every day, okay?" At this point, he couldn't help but threaten again, "If you dare to fall in love early, I'll tell Aunt Cheng and let her deal with you!"

Mi Yang tried to resist: "Why are you only talking about me? What if you are in a premature love relationship?"

Bai Luochuan was still looking at him and said, "Who should I fall in love with? You?"

Mi Yang: “…”

Mi Yang's face turned red, he looked away and said nothing.

He just said yes in his heart.

It's like taking a bite of a frozen candied haws in winter. After removing the seeds, you can bite it with confidence. You first taste the soft sourness of the hawthorn, and then you can taste the sweetness of the sugar coating. It's so sticky that you can't say what's in your heart.

Bai Luochuan didn't say anything. After a while, he said dryly, "Give me the bag. I have to do some handicrafts when I get home. I'm complaining about my wrist pain again."

Mi Yang gave him the things, and Bai Luochuan picked them up and walked away quickly. Before going home, Master Bai took a detour to a famous milk tea shop and bought him a cup of pearl milk tea. Although he didn't say it, he still remembered it.

After the first year of high school started, the class leaders had to be elected first. The class leader of Class 1 was particularly easy to choose. Bai Luochuan won the majority of votes and was elected as the monitor. The league secretary was a girl with very good academic performance. When Class 2 was selecting the class leader, everyone gave a brief speech. Only a boy with glasses took the manuscript and read out the plan he had written in advance. He was also very responsible for the class affairs. Mi Yang and other people in the class thought that this person was very good. At the same time, with the idea of being lazy, everyone voted for this person to be the monitor.

What Mi Yang didn't expect was that he got a lot of votes and was inexplicably appointed as the secretary of the Youth League branch, and was responsible for class discipline together with the class monitor.

But soon, students from both classes discovered that something was wrong.

Bai Luochuan had mentioned to Luo Jiangjing about changing classes, but this time it was unsuccessful. At that time, the classes were divided according to the results of the high school entrance examination. Among the students who applied to this high school, Bai Luochuan had the best results, followed by Mi Yang, so the two of them were divided into Class One and Class Two. In order to maintain balance, it was impossible for them to be in the same class.

In other words, Mi Yang is now the best student in Class 2 and the sweetheart of their teacher. Changing classes is out of the question. As for Master Bai, if he wants to change classes even though he is the top student, their head teacher will probably beat his chest and stamp his feet and follow him - this is more than just heartbreaking, it's like asking for his life!

Although Bai Luochuan was in Class 1, his heart was towards the next class and he wished he could join it as a non-staff member. He would discuss everything with Mi Yang, the League Secretary of Class 2, let alone get things. Whenever Class 1 had something, he would send a copy to Class 2. If there were any materials that needed to be picked up by the League Secretary, they would be delivered to Class 2 early and placed on the podium. No matter how big or small the matter was, he handled it in a proper and thoughtful manner.

The relationship between the two classes was in deep trouble, and each of them imagined a big drama.

A group of students thought to themselves, our class monitor has fallen in love with the league secretary of the next class, but he can’t get her, it’s such a tragic love story!

The students in Class 2 are quite optimistic. They think that it is amazing that the League Secretary Mi Yang scored 51 rings during the military training. They didn't expect that their class of 50 people has been expanded to 51 people - non-staff members are also members!

The class leaders of the two classes also fell into deep thought when they saw Bai Luochuan standing at the door and calling Mi Yang to go to the Academic Affairs Office to get the information.

The League Secretary of Class 1: … Every time I feel like I’m going to be replaced by the League Secretary of the next class. This is more than just a competition within my own class, it’s too damn cruel!

Class 2 monitor: … I feel like I’m not the monitor of our class. Everyone obviously listens to Bai Luochuan more! Who am I? Where am I? I might be a fake monitor.

There was a debate competition at the end of the month. Students from both classes participated. Bai Luochuan was too lazy to talk and did not participate. However, the League Secretary of Class 2 went there in person. Bai Luochuan took his class's topic and carefully analyzed with Mi Yang which part was easier to solve. Mi Yang was amused by his serious tone and could not stop laughing.

Mi Yang tapped the paper in his hand with a pen and asked him, "Squad leader, don't you feel guilty?"

Bai Luochuan turned the ballpoint pen in his hand twice neatly on his slender fingers, raised his eyebrows and smiled: "It doesn't hurt. It will hurt if I don't help you."

Mi Yang was convinced by his confident argument and studied the debate topic carefully together.

On the day of the debate, Bai Luochuan sat in his class's seat and watched the game attentively, but the timing of his applause was obviously different from that of his own class.

The classmate next to him whispered, "Monitor, you applauded at the wrong time. Our class didn't get any extra points just now. It was Mi Yang from the next class who got the extra points..."

Squad Leader Bai looked at it carefully for a while and said, "Don't you think what he said is quite right?"

classmate:"… "

I don’t think so! We are the opposing side, okay? !

The author has something to say: My computer broke down and I lost the manuscript, so I wrote a new one. I’m sorry for the late update.