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Chapter 109: Ask (1)


"Fang Xiao, you said why this group of people have so many things to talk about. That girl has been in for an hour, why can't she come out? Isn't this a good thing to delay my young master!" Dongfanghong stood beside him facing him. Fang Xiao said. Fang Xiao came here a while after the'True Heavenly Person' left. He mainly asked Dongfang Hong for instructions on how to do it for a while.

Fang Xiao looked at Dongfang Hong, still expressionless and cold. This can be said to be Fang Xiao's signature. The head of the'secret agent' still replied in his usual cold tone: "You don't need to worry, the other party is about to leave according to time."

Dongfanghong looked at Fang Xiao with a grim face, shook his head and said, "Why do you always have this expression all year round? Aren't you tired?"

"Not tired! So everyone will be afraid of subordinates."

Dongfanghong heard Fang Xiao say this, and leaned her head on her head and said incomparably: "I have served you, so that I can make people scared? People are scared by strength, do you understand?"

"You do have this strength, son, but the subordinates saw that the son was crying and crying for being repaired by several ladies all day, so the subordinate thinks that if you want people to fear yourself, you must not only have strength, but also have a fierce appearance. "Fang Xiao obviously brought the Dongfanghong army well.

When Dongfanghong heard this, he immediately felt like a frosted eggplant ~ completely wilted. 'Why am I so unlucky! Even his capable subordinates classify themselves as'bronchitis'. Ooo... No, I must go back and revive my husband just now, or else I won’t get mixed up in the future! 'Dongfanghong almost didn't get pissed off by Fang Xiao.

"The son's subordinates are unclear about another thing, and want to ask him for advice."

Dongfanghong waved his hand and said, "Ask! You are my strongest right-hand man, Young Master, just ask if you don't understand."

Fang Xiao regards Dongfanghong so much about himself, and he feels very helpful, so he asked quickly: "You can clear all obstacles with your current strength. Why Zheng Yuan and Li Yuan are not opponents at all. Why is the son holding on to his troops and having to work so hard? "After all, Fang Xiao is one of the few people who really understand Dongfang Hong's strength, so it's really hard to understand Dongfang Hong's small moves all day long.

Dongfanghong smiled and looked at Fang Xiao and said, "Yes, if I rely on my current strength and the power of the Turkic, unifying the world may not be a problem. But the world is unpredictable. I am not 100% sure about this. It’s more than 60% to 70%. So I don’t want to take this risk and don’t make someone else’s wedding gown. Besides, if you really want to fight for the world, ha, I’m afraid this country will be messed up! This destruction will always be better than construction. Easy, I don’t want to put all my energy on reconstruction at that time. This is simply too tiring! So Master must strive for the smallest price in exchange for the greatest benefit. Also, don’t you feel that you have been with these guys all day long. Mind eyes, is it a very interesting thing? Haha, we are all civilized people, and we should try to do as little as possible to fight and kill. Take your "blood shadow" as an example. This is to master intelligence and analyze intelligence. It’s more important than going to kill someone with a knife. We are not reckless, and we must always remember that “the one who works hard will rule others, and the one who works will rule others’.”

Fang Xiao heard Dongfanghong's words, and he was also very moved. Fang Xiao thought for a while and said, "The subordinates understand what the son is thinking, but you still have a long-term vision. If this is the case, please don't ask the son to take action personally for today's affairs. These matters of fighting and killing will be handled by the subordinates. That's fine." Fang Xiao had been worried about Dongfanghong's safety, of course he hoped that dangerous things would be handled by him.

'Waiting for me here! "Dongfang Hong did not expect Fang Xiao to say this. Of course Dongfang Hong would not agree to it, so he said, "It's not possible today. This matter must be handled by the young master himself. You need to know that little girl in a while, it may be in the near future. It's my wife! What's the matter with your bunch of guys in case they hurt each other?"

Fang Xiao was completely speechless now, and only rolled his eyes at Dongfanghong. I thought, "My wife who is still in the future. OMG! Why doesn't this third son take the lesson! Of those in the family, which one did not leave you a deep memory of the son! It seems that Miss Yao almost didn't let the old lady beat you to death last time. Now come here again, God bless you son, don't have any trouble again! How about our life is not easy! 'Fang Xiao prayed in his heart.

Seeing Fang Xiao's expression, Dongfanghong naturally thought of what this guy was thinking, Dongfanghong was depressed! 'Is he Dongfanghong so unbearable in everyone's eyes? Ugh! It's all women who are in trouble! "Dongfanghong thinks that as long as she sees beautiful women, there is never a good thing, this time will not be bad luck? Dongfanghong shuddered involuntarily, and suddenly felt a bad feeling.

But before Dongfanghong was able to figure out if he should go out in person, a red figure leaped out of Li's mansion. Dongfanghong didn't hesitate anymore, the other owl said: "You stay and continue to monitor, that little girl will be handed over to the young master!" After that, he chased the red figure.

Although Fang Xiao wanted to help, he still didn't dare not listen to Dongfanghong. He had no choice but to wish Dongfanghong good luck here! It's just a pity that once Dongfanghong meets a beautiful woman, this good luck will turn into bad luck.

Dongfanghong closely followed the red figure not far in front, but the other party obviously did not find Dongfanghong following. Dongfanghong can be determined based on the opponent's route. She is going to return to the palace, but maybe the other party deliberately made a detour in order to be careful. Dongfanghong thought about the topography of the capital, so he decided to wait in the place that he must pass in front.

Dongfanghong came to a secluded alley, not far from the palace. And this alley is the most secluded alley leading to the palace. Dongfanghong absolutely believes that the people of'Yingtian Pavilion' dare not enter and leave the palace blatantly, so this is the most suitable place to enter and exit, and it is also a good place to ambush. Even if it is dark and dark here, it is estimated that no one will come for a while.

Dongfanghong's calculation was correct, and shortly after he had just arrived in the alley, the woman in red appeared not far away. A wicked smile appeared at the corner of Dongfang Hong's mouth, and she hid in a dark corner: "Little girl, let's see where you go this time. Haha, the young master will take care of you later." At this time, if someone sees Dongfang Hong's expression. , I absolutely believe that he is a wolf in color.

When the red-clothed woman came to Dongfanghong's hiding place, Dongfanghong suddenly appeared and surprised the red-clothed woman. The other party immediately opened her posture vigilantly. She didn't believe that someone would accidentally come to such a remote alley at four clocks. Obviously, the tall and muscular man in front of him was waiting for her here.

The woman asked vigilantly: "Is there anything you want? Why is it blocking the way down?"

Dongfanghong said with a smile: "Oh? Is this young man blocking the girl's way? This is really reckless! I hope the girl will forgive me. Then I will make way for the girl." body.

Dongfanghong's hand made the woman full of suspicion, really wondering what the opposite man wanted to do? The woman in red did not dare to act lightly.

Dongfanghong still looked at the other party with a smile and saw that the other party did not act, so she continued: "Huh? Why didn't the girl leave? I have already given way to you! Hmm! There is a problem, a big problem."

The woman in red snorted and retorted: "Humph! I think you have a problem!"

Dongfanghong rubbed her chin with her hand, and said seriously: "A masked woman walked alone in a remote part of the capital in the middle of the night, and she was also pregnant with strong martial arts. It is indeed a big problem. Girl, please show your ID. take inspection."

The woman in red has already seen that Dongfanghong is looking for trouble, obviously it is impossible to be kind tonight! The other party is here to make trouble for himself. Then there was a fierce light in his eyes, and his nose hummed softly, "What the hell do you want to do? Humph! Mingren don't talk secretly, speak straightforwardly."

Dongfang Hong got his spirits down. He jumped back and put on a POSS who thought he was very handsome. He pointed to the woman in red and said, "Oh! You are a masked woman with martial arts. On this dark and windy night, I don’t have any ID, and I walk on a dark and remote path. I’m definitely doing bad things that are not visible. In such an important place in Gyeonggi, you and others like you will definitely destroy the stability of the capital. Even if you are a thief, it is enough. Seriously affect the stability and unity of society. I..."

"Shut up! You... You... this rascal." When Dongfanghong wanted to talk more and more accusations against the woman in red, the other party was already trembling with anger when Dongfanghong said.

"Ha, you, an unidentified gangster, dare to yell at this young man. I think it must be right! What did the young man say and write just now? Ah! Is it right? Hmm! It seems that there is this..."

"You rascal, shut up."

"Haha, such an elegant adjective, it seems that some pretty girls have used it! It just seems that that pretty girl is now my son's wife! I wonder if the girl also wants to..."

"Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! I'm going to tear up your stinky mouth." Before Dongfanghong could finish speaking, the woman in red could not bear it. She actually encountered such a shameless and rascal guy. If she really did it directly, she wouldn't be stunned at all, but the other party repeatedly humiliated and molested her. This is something that a woman in red has never experienced when she grows up. It would be strange if she didn't go crazy!

When Dongfang Hong heard the woman say this, her body turned backwards, and she yelled in a fuss: "Oh! You are really cruel, like this young man, who is so graceful and suave, like Pan An, an idol worshipped by thousands of beautiful women. You are actually going to tear up my son's mouth. For such a shrew like you, my son really doesn't dare to marry home, but if it's all right, it's okay to adjust the taste."