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Chapter 123: 'Young Master Haoyue' (2)


"Wow..." "Oh..." The crowd vomited wildly. Dongfanghong was completely convinced, but he did not expect to be a pervert with only culture. And the aunt who had been dragged by'Young Master Haoyue' was obviously bewildered by this sudden scene, standing there as if her brain was shutting down.

'Master Haoyue' obviously didn't give up, and continued to say: "Wow! Look at your beautiful little hand, you must have artistic talent. I like the'girl' who understands art the most."

Someone fainted directly. Ugh! I have seen shameless people, I have never seen such a "superior". It's so cheap and invincible to call your aunt a girl!

"Beauty! I want to get your girly body. Only your body can soothe my soul, beauties, let me go!"

"Love you beyond my limits."

"I would like to cut a piece of meat on your body and feed it to you. Then we will be connected to the flesh!"

"Beauty, I would like to masturbate for you while standing on the'Tai Chi Hall' in the palace, and I will look back and smile for you."

"I'm willing to..."'Young Master Haoyue' continued the trick of the best satyr.

However, the surrounding crowd has lost a lot of people. Most of them are looking for a place to vomit, and a few who are more able to bear it in their hearts are still insisting. Think about the'master' who can even molested to such a degree as a man. Learn to learn.

Dongfanghong just couldn't hold on anymore, and the follower who helped him withdrew from the crowd and said, "I'll find a place to vomit first. You let the brethren gather. Surround this guy and never let him run. Grass. It’s utterly embarrassing to the man!"

But the subordinate didn't seem to hear him, and he still held Dongfanghong. Dongfanghong thought that this kid was stupid by'Master Haoyue'! After a closer look, it turned out that this guy didn't know where he found two balls of cotton to plug his ears! 'You are really good, you have been prepared! 'Dongfanghong had to take out the cotton from the other's ears and ordered again.

Dongfanghong vomited in the corner after he finished speaking, and when he finished vomiting,'Shen Wuwei' was already in place. Dongfanghong directly issued an order: "Squeeze that'Young Master Haoyue' to Lao Tzu to death. I am mad at me! I made this guy lose his appetite all day."

At this time, someone said to Dongfanghong: "Let's go up and beat him up like this. If Taishi Wei investigates it, we won't be able to handle it!"

"You guys are stupid! The investigation is also to show evidence. You will not surround this little boy to prevent anyone from seeing the situation inside. Find three or four people to do it. After the fight, let's leave. Who sees this?' Young Master Haoyue' We fought it? Remember not to kill or be disabled."

Dongfanghong's gang of ruffians had to be convinced. Dongfanghong is still despicable! So immediately acted according to Dongfanghong's instructions, and the crowd of onlookers ran away long ago when they saw the'Shen Wuwei'. At this time,'Young Master Haoyue' was still talking there! It's totally involved. It wasn't until the dumbfounded yellow-faced aunt was forcibly pulled away by the'Shenwuwei' person,'Young Master Haoyue' didn't realize that something was wrong, but it was too late to run, and he was already surrounded by the'Shenwuwei'.

There is no need to go into details about the next thing! Anyway, after Dongfanghong left with his men, only a human-like object remained on the ground. As for what kind of stuff is that? Residents nearby did not figure it out after studying for a day.

Dongfang Hong had carried the'Shen Wuwei' ruffian all day long on the road for the past two days, but only met a hapless'Young Master Haoyue' on the first day, and hadn't even seen a little thief in these two days. Dongfanghong obviously underestimated the lethality of the'Shen Wuwei', and these guys definitely caught up with the'scavengers'.

What Dongfanghong didn't expect was that Taishi Wei was really tolerant. Three days have passed, and the Wei family hasn't even moved. Even if the'Young Master Haoyue' was flattened into a pig's head, Taishi Wei didn't say anything, he was indeed a general demeanor! The past few days have been calm and calm, as if nothing has happened, but everyone knows that this is the tranquility before the storm. I don't know when a small spark will cause a disaster.

On this day, Dongfang Hong brought about a hundred ruffian soldiers around in the street aimlessly. From Dongfang Hong's point of view, it was a white turn. Looking at the situation around her, Jane had closed her homes and had no way to find things. . But Dongfanghong didn't give up, and always hoped that God would give him a little miracle, but today it looks like it's going to be out of action again!

Towards noon, Dongfanghong took his men to a nice looking restaurant for dinner. Of course, Dongfanghong's meal was paid for by Dongfanghong. This little money could not be seen in Dongfanghong's eyes. By inviting guests to dinner, you can contact the feelings with the brothers, and if there is nothing to do, you can give the gangsters some benefits, such as the compulsory courses of prostitution, money play, and fights. As a result, all members of the current'Shen Wuwei' simply regarded Dongfanghong as a god, and had a posture of being broken into pieces to repay great favor.

After drinking with these brothers for a while, Dongfanghong felt a little depressed. After all, he couldn't find a punching bag to make him happy, so Dongfanghong was very depressed these two days. Seeing that everyone was still eating and drinking happily, Dongfanghong didn't want to disturb everyone's interest, so he slipped out of the restaurant to get some breath.

"Grass! You sex horse, I've been going crazy these past two days, you guy is still in the mood to hook up a mare here." Dongfang Hong angrily hit the'Red Rabbit' on the ass. hand. It turned out that Dongfanghong saw the'Red Rabbit' grind the ears of a gray-brown mare when he left the restaurant! 'Chitu' seems to also know that the owner is upset, so there is no resistance and honestly separated from'Xiaomi'.

Just as Dongfanghong was teaching the'Red Rabbit', a guy pulled Dongfanghong's sleeves, and Dongfanghong looked back, and it turned out that it was the guy who had inquired Dongfanghong about the situation of'Young Master Haoyue' on the first day. This kid was called Zhao Rong, the third son of the left servant of the Ministry of Households in Beijing. Dongfanghong saw that this kid was clever and excited, and knew all about the big and small in the capital, so he had been with him for the past two days. At this time, seeing Zhao Rong pulling him mysteriously, Dongfanghong was a little puzzled.

"Go, let the brethren prepare for action. After eating, you should also move around, digest and digest food!" Zhao Rong took the order and immediately called for people.

It didn't take too long to have more than a hundred numbers, and Dongfanghong made a scattered movement with both hands. Everyone immediately understood it, scattered and quietly surrounded'Young Master Haoyue'. This time,'Young Master Haoyue' also learned the lesson from last time, and brought two entourages with him. The task of these two people was to watch the wind. It's just a pity that the people who have been trained by Shan Xiongxin and Xiong Kuohai are really not comparable to these two cohorts. Just when they discovered that the situation was not right, it was too late, and the'Shen Wuwei' had surrounded them and the'Prince Haoyue'.

Dongfang Hong gave the team leader a wink, and the team leader immediately understood, and saw that he and his brothers quickly surrounded the'Young Master Haoyue' and blocked the two followers outside. The bewildered woman who had been molested by the'Master Haoyue' was pulled out of the encirclement by the'Shen Wuwei'.

When'Young Master Haoyue' saw the people in front of him, he immediately realized that he was going to be unlucky, and immediately shouted, "Why are do you want to do? No!"

Dongfanghong felt chills all over her body when she heard this. 'It's detrimental to your image! Wouldn’t people think that these guys are so male? I'm ashamed to be like that! It seems that these guys need to be gentler in the future. The scream of ``Prince Haoyue'' was as helpless as a little girl who had been XX.

"Don't... Don't... Don't slap your face... Oops! My... Life... Root... Son! I want... Eat on the face... Wind (rice)... Even (me)... Who (is) monkey (number)... Weigh... People are (middle)... Lvpu (cloth), occasionally (also)... After (no) (good)... Hot (proximity)..."'Young Master Haoyue' was beaten crying and shouting at his mother, and yelling at the same time Confusing words. But under the ravages of the storm, there was no movement soon!

Dongfanghong has never done anything about such things, he just likes to watch. Listening to the howl like a pig, Dongfanghong feels so happy in his heart! I haven't been so comfortable for two days!

"Yeah! Hahaha, no one will save you if you yell in a mockery. What are you talking about? What do you want to return to Lupu, grass! You can't tell you what you can say. I really owe... Bian..." Dongfang Hong smiled vigorously on the side, but suddenly seemed to think of something, his head swelled.

Zhao Rong, who had been following, saw that Dongfanghong's expression had some problems, and quickly asked, "San Gongzi, are you okay?"

Dongfanghong waved his hand for a moment and asked, "What did the kid shout just now? Did you hear me clearly?"

After Zhao Rong thought about it carefully, he shook his head and said, "I didn't pay attention. Is there anything wrong?"

"He seemed to be saying'Renzheng Lupu' just now, what does he mean?"

Zhao Rong scratched his head and thought carefully, Dongfang Hong now regretted beating'Young Master Haoyue' so badly, at least he should keep his mouth. After contemplating hard, Zhao Rong suddenly thought of what this sentence meant, so he quickly said to Dongfang Hong: "San Gongzi, my subordinates have thought about it!"

Dongfanghong immediately grabbed Zhao Rong nervously and said, "What do you mean?"

Zhao Rong didn't expect the Oriental Red Society to be so nervous, so naturally he didn't dare to neglect, and immediately announced the answer: "The original text of this sentence should be'Lv Bu in Renzhong, Chitu in Horse', but it is the same name as San Gongzi's mount. "

"Close the team, close the team! Run quickly!" Dongfanghong shouted and called all the guys who were enjoying themselves back, and ran towards the mount. If you don't run, you won't be able to run! Dongfanghong is really afraid of being struck by lightning!

Dongfang Hong disappeared in the blink of an eye with the'Shen Wuwei', leaving a humanoid object on the ground like the previous time. The two followers of'Haoyue Gongzi' came closer to observe carefully. In the end, I came to the conclusion that the flesh in front of me should, seem, almost his son.

And at this time, the'Young Master Haoyue' kept murmuring: "Ohhhhh... I will never go to the streets again! Hhhhhhh... Why just hit me!..."