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Chapter 125: Rushing to the crown


Dongfanghong spent the next two days honestly at home, and didn't take the gang of "Shen Wuwei" ruffians on the road. This is mainly because Dongfang Hong is now admiring the lethality of the'Shen Wuwei'. Even if it is patrolling with this group of guys, it is meaningless. What they expect in Dongfanghong will not happen.

There is another reason why Dongfanghong has not gone out in the past two days because of'fear'. Since knowing that several big beauties have unscrupulously plagiarized the classic works of Chinese and foreign writers, Dongfanghong's heart is always hairy. Thunder and lightning are chasing the scene, so Dongfanghong is really a little scared. It would be too wrong to worry about accidents as soon as you go out. Therefore, Dongfanghong has been a good baby at home in the past two days.

But being honest does not mean that a few beauties will give up. These beauties are working overtime day and night in order to make Dongfanghong's bad character of'deception'. Dongfanghong was really wronged by them. But now Dongfanghong wanted to open it too, no longer to stop it, but to let go of her embrace and prepare to'enjoy'.

Looking at the information from Taishi Wei sent by Fang Xiao in the past few days, Dongfanghong really admired this old guy, and was so calm, but only mobilized manpower to protect the Taishi's house secretly, and there was no change in other aspects.

Dongfanghong couldn't help showing a wicked smile when he looked at these,'Does this old guy think that once he does something, Lao Tzu will only take action against his Taishi Palace? Humph! I'm too underestimated! Lao Tzu wants to destroy your whole family and punish your nine races! Hehe, the emperor must have promised this old boy something, that's why he was so relieved, he might think that Zheng Yuan would come forward and fix it whenever something happens! Haha, what a poor guy! If you are sold, you can still pay for it! 'Dongfanghong felt unprecedented sadness for Taishi Wei.

The squally wind has blown, the thunder has already sounded, and the rainstorm will inevitably fall. Five days after Dongfanghong beat Wei Jihou at the Li Yuanshou banquet, the heavy rain finally came, and the fuse that triggered the bloodiest and largest family vendetta in the history of the'Qi Kingdom' turned out to have nothing to do with the two families. People.

On the third day when Dongfanghong closed his door at home and "thinking about it", Taishi Wei finally came back. When Dongfanghong was thinking about future action strategies in the study that day, a guard at home ran in in a panic without even calling a report: "San Gongzi, it’s okay! Miss... Little... Sister was injured. !"

Dongfanghong quickly asked, "That lady?"

"Yes... Yes... It's Miss Su!" The guard replied, panting. It seems that he must have ran back all the way from outside to report the letter.

Dongfanghong was taken aback when she heard it. How could it be Su Youlan? Even Taishi Wei should start with Ouyang Yuying and the others! Isn't it all right to deal with Su Youlan? Su Youlan's father, "Xing Bu Shang Shu", is a major figure in the royalist party. He took Su's family to perform an operation. Isn't this smashing the emperor in the face! How can Zheng Yuan help him

Thinking of Dongfanghong, he still asked, "How was it hurt? How was it hurt? Where is the person now?"

The guard calmed down and replied: "The injury does not seem to be minor. As for the extent of the injury, the subordinates are not quite sure. Whenever the incident occurs, the subordinates quickly return to report to the third son. The man is on his way back to the mansion and should be done immediately Here we are. The person who hurt Miss Su was brought by Wei Chenghu."

"Huh! It's finally here." Dongfanghong immediately walked out of the door, and said to the guard after just two steps: "Go and invite the'Tianji True Man' immediately, the sooner the better!" After all, Dongfanghong's master'Tianji' Real people's medical skills are much better than those of doctors.

"Yes, the subordinates will go right away." After speaking, the guard ran out quickly.

When Dongfanghong came outside the gate, he saw a group of horses and horses guarding a carriage coming here. At a glance, Dongfanghong could tell that these people were guards sent by Dongfanghong to protect several wives and masters of the'Tiantianzong'. When the horse and carriage came to Dongfanghong, the leader of the group immediately reported: "San Gongzi, Miss Su was seriously injured and her life is at stake. Miss Ouyang also suffered a little injury, but it was not a major problem. The other party..."

When the person continued to report, Dongfanghong waved and interrupted, "I'll talk about it later, it's important to save people. Send someone to notify Su Shangshu."

Just as Dongfanghong gave the order, several beauties stepped down from the carriage. Yao Xuezi saw Dongfanghong was standing at the gate and burst into Dongfanghong's arms crying bitterly: "My husband, please help Sister Su, ooh Um... she... she's going to die soon!"

Dongfanghong comfortably patted Xue Zi on the shoulder and said, "It's okay, it's okay! There will be no accidents with a husband in Youlan."

At this time, Feng Yuan supported Ouyang Yuying and came to Dongfanghong. Ouyang Yuying's left shoulder was obviously stabbed by a sharp weapon. After a simple treatment, the entire left sleeve was stained red with blood. Dongfanghong immediately released Yao Xuezi as soon as he saw it, and stepped forward to support Ouyang Yuying and asked concerned: "Yuying, are you okay?"

Seeing Dongfanghong's anxious and caring expression, Ouyang Yuying felt a tingle of sweetness in her heart. "It's nothing serious, it's just a skin trauma. But Sister Youlan I'm afraid..." Ouyang Yuying couldn't help but tears in her eyes, and she couldn't continue.

"Msang Gong, You Lan was injured to save me. You must heal her! Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu...

"Let's go home and talk about it, I will never let Youlan have something to do." Dongfang Hong replied firmly.

At this time, the two guards lifted a stretcher from the carriage, and Su Youlan was lying on it. Dongfanghong walked in and took a look, Su Youlan's face was now like golden paper, her breath was like gossamer, blood was still flowing at the corner of her mouth, and she had already been unconscious. Dongfanghong felt a tingling pain in her heart. It seemed that after several months of getting along, Dongfanghong could not do without this beautiful and somewhat unreasonable talented woman. According to Dongfanghong's analysis, Su Youlan was indeed injured very seriously, and it was still a very serious internal injury, which must have been beaten by a martial artist. This time Dongfanghong was really angry. It was shameless that a martial arts master would attack a weak woman who had no power to restrain the chicken.

Without waiting for Dongfanghong's instructions, the guards immediately carried Su Youlan into the mansion. At the same time, the "Bingbu Shangshu" mansion also immediately entered the first-level combat readiness state, and everyone entered the post as quickly as possible. They all knew that the war was about to break out!

"How's it? Youlan is okay?" Dongfang Hong asked anxiously, looking at walking out of the room, with a gloomy expression on his face.

"Yeah! How is my daughter?" At this time, a middle-aged man in his 40s, with a majestic atmosphere, asked anxiously. This person is Su Youlan's father, Su Keming, Shangshu of the Criminal Ministry.

The old Dao shook his head and said, "Fortunately, Miss Su used her back to take the palm of her back. Otherwise, if she takes the palm head-on, it is estimated that even the gods will not be able to save it!"

"That means my daughter is saved?"

The old Dao sighed and said, "Oh! It's hard to say now. Although the poor Dao cleared the blood from Miss Su's body, and healed the damaged meridians. But the martial arts used by the person who shoots is the'heart-destructing palm', this kind of palm. The force to hit people must be resolved by themselves, outsiders can’t help at all, but Miss Su has no martial arts, so she can’t use her power to force her palms. Miss Su is injured in the Taiyin meridian, which is responsible for the movement of blood So, if Miss Su can hold on for two days, the palm power of the'heart-destructing palm' will naturally disappear, otherwise Miss Su will die because of exhaustion of vitality and blood. So if there is anything wrong with Miss Su now, it depends on the next two. God, can she survive it!"

After listening to the words of'True Heavenly Person', everyone present was stunned. Obviously, she didn't expect Su Youlan's injuries to be so severe.

Su Keming took a deep breath, and after a long period of thought, he said to Dongfang Hong fiercely: "This is all your fault. If my daughter is fine, it will be fine. If there is a long and two shortcomings, huh! The old man will never be with you. Just let it go. Of course, there is Wei Chenghu, and I can't think about it. You kid listen carefully, take good care of my daughter, and if there is any mistake, I will fight this old life and let you not let it go."

Before Dongfanghong could express his position, Su Keming groaned away, and Dongfang Lund, who had been beside him, hurriedly followed out. Su Keming is just such a daughter, who has always been regarded as the jewel in the palm, now that he is so angry, can he not be angry! But he was also a little helpless about this. He knew his daughter's mind for a long time as a father, and I am afraid that Su Youlan would not hesitate even if it was to die for Dongfanghong. If Su Keming went to Dongfanghong to settle the account now, it would only make her daughter more painful, so Su Keming had to stay silent for the time being and hand Su Youlan to Dongfanghong. One is that Su Youlan cannot move at will, and the other is that there are experts like "Tianji Zhenren" who can observe and treat at any time, and Su Keming thinks that her daughter might die, she must most want to die in Dongfanghong's embrace. Here, can't you as a father still meet this last requirement

Although Su Keming won't be embarrassed by Dongfanghong for the time being, it doesn't mean that he will let Wei Chenghu go. This guy did all this, so Su Keming is now going to see the emperor to seek justice. With his status as the "Xingbu Shangshu" and the position of close ministers around the emperor, Su Keming would never stop here.

'Tianji Zhenren' walked to Dongfanghong and said, "The rest is up to God's will! Keep her guard so that it can give her encouragement and confidence. The palm of the heart is very painful in the body. Miss Su does not have internal strength to protect her body, so she can only rely on willpower to fight. If her will relax slightly, the consequences will be unimaginable. As long as she persists for two days, everything will be fine! The teacher just used a golden needle to control her acupuncture points, an hour later. It will be unlocked and she will be able to wake up at that time, but the next thing. Alas! You should know how to do it, right?"

Dongfanghong realized that the old way was not optimistic now, so she asked, "How sure is Youlan?"

The old man didn't look at Dongfanghong, but said, "I'm not even sure." After speaking, he left the room.

As soon as the old Dao left, the three Yao Xuezi who were waiting for news outside immediately ran in. Just now Dongfanghong saw that the three women were emotionally agitated, so he asked them to take a rest first, but how could they rest at ease! Seeing that the old way had left, he hurried to inquire about the situation.

Dongfanghong shook his head painfully, and gave aside the diagnosis and treatment of the'Tianji Zhenren'. When I heard the old saying that I was not even sure about it, the three beauties all cried bitterly. Yao Xuezi lay in Dongfanghong's arms and cried and said, "It's all my fault. I shouldn't have taken Sister Su to the Jicuixuan. If you don't go, there will be no trouble! Uuuuu..."

"Woo... It's not Xue'er's fault, it's my fault! If it wasn't for saving me, Youlan wouldn't be injured. It's all my fault. Woo..." Feng Yuan was also lying on Dongfanghong's I cried bitterly in his arms.

"It's because I didn't protect Sister Su well, oh oh, I blame my bad martial arts." Ouyang Yuying also cried and blocked the responsibility on herself.

"Okay! Now is not the time to cry, you can tell me the whole thing first." Dongfang Hong hasn't fully understood the whole story until now. So the three women cried and told the story again.

It turns out that the four beauties went to'Jicuixuan' to submit their papers today, but it is clear that their every move has been watched by the Wei family. Just as they were about to leave the'Jicuixuan', the people who were looking for things from the Wei family also arrived. . At that time, the'Young Master Haoyue' who had been beaten by Dongfang Hong twice led a group of thugs, and stopped Su Youlan and his sisters outside the door of'Jicuixuan', and the'Master Haoyue' once again used his strengths of molesting against Su Youlan four. The beauty speaks badly.

Think about which one of their sisters is annoying, so before'Master Haoyue' could say a few more words, Ouyang Yuying started, and the guards who had been protecting the women next to him also acted immediately, putting'Master Haoyue' with His thugs were fattened. But at this time, Wei Chenghu didn't know where he came out, and he also brought about twenty men who looked like the guards. When he saw'Young Master Haoyue' was beaten, he naturally ordered his men to take someone without saying a word.

The guards who protected the girls naturally had to fight with them. As a result, they did not agree with each other. After doing this, everyone discovered that the group of people wearing imperial guard costumes were simply fakes. All of these people are martial arts masters, and when they find that the situation is not right, the guards will send out a rescue signal, but because the other party is well prepared, the attack is particularly vicious. In addition, the'Jicuixuan' was overcrowded, so some of the guards and bodyguards couldn't take care of them all, which gave the opponent a chance to attack Feng Yuan. Just as she was about to hit Feng Yuan with a palm of her opponent, Su Youlan suddenly shielded Feng Yuan and blocked her palm with her back. Ouyang Yuying lost consciousness behind Su Youlan's palm, and was hit by the opponent. Stabbed in the left shoulder.

Just when everyone was about to lose support, the rescuers arrived. Seeing the bad situation, Wei Chenghu immediately took everyone away. If the rescuers come a little later, the consequences may be unimaginable.

After Dongfanghong listened to it, she couldn't help but sweat in a cold sweat. Unexpectedly, in order to deal with him, the Wei family would have exhausted all the agencies this time! First let'Young Master Haoyue' deliberately molested, lead Ouyang Yuying and the others to do it, and then Wei Chenghu used the excuses of disturbing public order, attacking officials and so on. Moreover, the Wei family already knew that the people who protected the women were masters, so they pretended to be the imperial guards, and came by surprise. It can be said that this hand did deceive the guards and bodyguards who protected the girls.

Moreover, they chose the location of the attack very appropriately, outside the'Jicuixuan' rather than some remote streets and roads. 'Jicuixuan' has been crowded recently, and because there are too many people and too messy, the guards cannot completely protect the girls. Unlike on the street, everyone just surrounds the girls and insists on it. Just when reinforcements arrive.

It can be said that the Wei family did a good job this time, at least on the surface they got a legitimate reason to take action, not afraid of Dongfanghong or others taking a bite. Although he didn't catch the confidantes beside Dongfanghong, he also severely injured Su Youlan, Ouyang Yuying was also injured, and the bodyguards who protected them also suffered a lot of casualties. In this way, in Wei Taishi's view, Dongfanghong would definitely not give up. As long as Dongfanghong makes trouble again, Wei Taishi can openly ask the emperor to take care of the Dongfang family.

Dongfanghong clenched his teeth and clenched his fists, he knew that Su Youlan was all injured because of him. Dongfanghong regrets a bit now, she should really let a few beauties stay at home, and wait for the Wei Taishi family to be cleaned up before letting them go out. It was because of Dongfanghong's carelessness that led to the current situation, which is also a lesson.

Looking at the three women who have been crying and blaming themselves, Dongfanghong comforted: "This is not your fault. If there is a fault, it should be me. It's all because of my inconsideration."

The three women looked at Dongfang Hong strangely, wondering why Dongfang Hong said that. Dongfanghong told her woman about the fight against Wei Jihou at Li Yuan's birthday banquet and she was ready to go to war with the Wei family.

"Husband, why are you? Why do you want to move the Wei family? The strength of the Wei family is very powerful!" Yao Xuezi asked, while Ouyang Yuying and Feng Yuan also looked at Dongfanghong curiously.

"Huh! He killed Xue'er your father and wanted to rape Sister Feng. I will kill him. I don’t want to be humiliated by her, Dongfanghong. Who dares? To deal with my woman, I will make his family ruined. This time his Wei family injured Youlan and Yuying again. Humph! My Dongfanghong vowed to destroy the Nine Clan and I just hate it!" Dongfang Hong said, an angry flame erupted in his eyes.

Listening to Dongfang Hong's words, Yao Xuezi's daughters hugged Dongfang Hong happily. How touching is that your own man can go up and down the pan for you! As long as it is a woman, I am afraid that it will not be impressed.

However, Yao Xuezi's three daughters were still worried and said to Dongfanghong: "Wei Tai is a high-ranking teacher, and their family is even more deeply rooted. It would be very dangerous to deal with them. Husband, we don't want to see you do this. Our sisters are enough to have you! Would you like to take risks?"

Dongfanghong pitifully kissed the cheeks of the three beauties, and said firmly: "Don't worry, your husband never does anything unsure. This time the old thief Wei is dead, not only him, but his whole family There will be no good end. Old thief Wei has to pay for what he did."

Taishi Wei was so self-righteous that he did something that he regretted to death. If he moved Dongfanghong's woman, it was tantamount to uncovering Dongfanghong's inverse scales. Since ancient times, how many heroes have been mad at the crown. Dongfanghong is obviously one of them.