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Chapter 13: Find the target


Yu Chigong didn't let Dongfanghong go to the big restaurant, but found a small shop near'Wanjifang', mainly because he was afraid that he would be attacked by his opponent if he was too far away. Before going to the restaurant, Dongfanghong asked Zhang Chi to send someone home to tell her mother, lest she be anxious.

Thirty or forty people walked into a not-so-large tavern. After everyone took their seats, Shihu shouted, "Boss, you have the best wine here, haha, today we have a distinguished guest to invite us brothers."

"Yes! Don't hesitate if the boss has anything delicious, everyone is not drunk or going home today." Dongfanghong also shouted.

"Haha, San Gongzi, can you drink? Be careful when you get down on the ground, Master Dongfang wants to make us look good!" Yu Chi Gong didn't dare to let Dongfanghong get drunk.

"Don't say I have never drunk wine before! I must try it today." Dongfanghongxin wants to hear that this ancient wine is similar to white water. It is rare to see that it is really high. This time I just tasted it. thing.

In a short while, all the good wine and food came up, but there was nothing too good in a place like this, but for people like Yu Chigong who worked for a living all day, these wines and dishes were already very good.

"Come to the third son, we can meet today, and you and I, Yu Chigong, are in such an affinity, I will first respect the third son." After Yu Chigong finished speaking, he drank the wine in his hand. After drinking, he looked at Dongfanghong with a smile, thinking that this wine is pretty good, but I have to see how Dongfanghong drinks it.

Dongfanghong also picked up the wine glass, but said something that made everyone dumbfounded, "Brother Yuchi, we are all big lords. How can we drink with such a small glass! The boss changes the big bowl." Dongfanghong is not stubborn, he As soon as the wine is on the table, I know from the taste of the wine that this wine is about the same as the beer of the previous life. In the previous life, he was also an outstanding national civil servant who was "tested by alcohol"! There is nothing wrong with both bottles of High Liquor.

When Zhang Chi heard Dongfanghong's words, he immediately whispered in Dongfanghong's ear: "Three young masters, you have never drunk, it is best to take your time. If you are really drunk, Mrs. You are out!"

"It's okay! Today, everyone is happy to be drunk or not. What a little bit of wine, Brother Yuchi, don't get down first when you come!"

"Okay! Proud! Shihu likes to make friends with people like San Gongzi. The boss listens to San Gongzi's exchange of big bowls."

Zhang Chi and Yu Chigong looked at them, and couldn't help but shook their heads and could only let them go, thinking that this young master should never drink and get down! Soon the big bowl came up, and Dongfanghong picked up the bowl and said to Yu Chigong, "Brother Yuchi, brother first." After talking about the bowl of wine, it was all dry without breathing.

Now everyone is silly, and Yu Chigong asked quickly: "San Gongzi, are you okay!"

"Haha! What can I do! This wine is average!" To Dongfanghong, this wine is really average, which is equivalent to beer. Dongfanghong thought, no wonder Wu Song can drink eighteen bowls at once without getting drunk! It's okay for me to have a forty or fifty bowl at this degree!

Yu Chigong and the others couldn't help but love the third son even more, and the master who can drink and eat big pieces of meat is definitely not the kind of villain who is secretly tricking him. Think about it, the more you frame this person and murder that person all day, how can you open your heart and eat and drink

So this fight for wine is a matter of course! The wine in the small shop was drunk by these people for a long time. In the end, even Yu Chigong was already uncomfortable talking, and Shi Hu had already crawled under the table! Zhang Chi didn't dare to drink more because he wanted to protect Dongfanghong, but Dongfanghong did nothing. At first, the alcohol content was limited, and when it was critical, Dongfang Hong discovered that the internal strength he had cultivated could help him relieve his spirit of drinking, so Dongfang Hong was the most sober until the end. This time, Yu Chigong and the others can be completely suppressed!

After eating and drinking, Dongfanghong did not rush home, but went back to the small courtyard with Yu Chigong, because he still had things to do! This recovery of Yuchigong is a top priority!

Dongfanghong asked Zhang Chi to guard outside the house, and he and Yu Chigong entered the house to discuss. After entering this hut, which was a bit broken but still clean, Yu Chigong and Dongfanghong sat down and drank water and started talking.

"San Gongzi, do you have something to tell me!" Yu Chigong had already seen that something was wrong with the Dongfang Red Elephant.

"Haha! I can't hide anything from my big brother! I'm just a little curious, how can an organization like our "Red Blood Hall" be annexed! This is a slum! Even if they annex you, I'm afraid they won't. What a benefit?"

"Oh! The third son only knows one thing and doesn't know the other two! If our'Red Blood Hall' also does things that harm the people, it will grow stronger. So don't think it's a little poorer here, it's really cruel. It’s still a lot of benefits.” Yu Chigong drank his saliva and said: “But those guys who want to annex us, they really didn’t do it for this. They came for us. This is a slum, so here. People worry about eating all day long. If they can control this place and give out some money, San Gongzi, you think the people here are not obedient and obedient! In this way, you can have a large number of subordinates who will sell their lives for them!"

"Don't you come here to find cheap labor and cannon fodder?"

"Cannon fodder? What is cannon fodder?" Yu Chigong was confused by this new term.

"Ah! It means being taken to death by others as a meat shield." Dongfanghong is sweating! Such a super-epochal term popped out of his mouth, but Dongfanghong had long thought about this gun! Hehe... he is really ready to make it in this age!

"The third son is pretty good! These people just want to find the poor here to die for them. No one cares about the life and death of the people here, alas! This is the life of the poor!" Yu Chigong sighed.

"Then who did it on the'Red Blood Hall'?"

"The'Black Dragon Gang' in the east of the city, this'Black Dragon Gang' used to look down on us poor people, but now their new gang leader'Cyclops' Chen Biao is an ambitious guy. He wants to expand his territory, so he looks Concentrated here. The annexation of us can not only control the two sites in the southeast of Chang'an, but also get a lot of manpower to fight him to death and grab the site. It's a great deal!"

"Don't you just wait for them to fight like this, big brother? This is too passive."

"Oh! What's the solution! Although we are a bit human, you can see the third son. I'm afraid that they will go and fight with others one by one! Even escape is a problem!"

Dongfanghong thought about the dozens of people he saw. It was really just a make-up, so Dongfanghong asked again: "Brother Yuchi, I don't believe you don't have decent staff?"

Dongfanghong knew Yu Chigong's abilities, and Shihu told him when he was drinking that Yu Chigong was left out because he offended a powerful person in his hometown. That day, I saw Shihu being beaten severely in the suburbs of Chang'an. He was rescued by a moment of injustice, but Shihu asked Yu Chigong to stay alive. Only then did Yu Chigong settle down in Chang'an and set up the "Red Blood Hall". I hope to help the poor here not to be bullied, and to train some people with better health. This is what made Dongfanghong unable to understand. Where did the people trained by Yu Chigong go

"Oh! I was even more angry when I talked about this. No matter how bad my'Red Blood Hall' is, it's impossible to be like this! The third son doesn't know, but I personally trained my brothers so that they will not be bullied in the future. Thirty people in the past are still talking about! But those guys from the Black Dragon Gang have a lot to do with the government. They bribed government officials and used various excuses to get all of us into jail! But we all They are poor, haha, everyone usually does hard work to earn some money to support their families. Even if the brothers in the church get some money from those who are not kind to the rich, most of them are distributed to the people in difficult lives! Besides, those people are not. It’s easy to start, isn’t Yu Er planted in the hands of the third son today! Where can we have the money to bribe the government to release people! If I were not there, I’m afraid it would have been wiped out by the Black Dragon Gang. La!"

"These corrupt officials are really hateful! When I get home, I asked my dad to arrest them all. As far as the government is concerned, as far as I know, gangs like us will rely on it a little!" Dongfanghong said angrily.

"Haha... Three sons, we don’t have the money to honor those officials, and secondly, in our poor place, there will be no officials who will look at them. How do you say we can rely on? Besides, I only need to think of these bastards who eat people's fats. I can’t wait to drink their blood and eat their flesh, how can they still be embarrassed with them!"

"Big Brother Yuchi is really a true and upright hero, a true hero!" Dongfanghong said admiringly.

"Oh! What a hero! I am now at the end of my hero! I heard that Chen Biao has hired a master to deal with me! Otherwise, I will not have a misunderstanding with San Gongzi today."

"What master? I think in this Chang'an city, the person who can defeat Big Brother Yuchi may not have been born yet!"

"There are people outside, there are people outside the world, I have not been so arrogant. I heard that Chen Biao invited Chang'an'King of Golden Swords'."

"Who is'Golden Sword King'?"

"There are two martial arts families in the city of Chang'an. One family has the surname Ouyang, and the rivers and lakes have the saying of'Nan Situ, Nordic Yang', and this Nordic Yang refers to them. And the other is the king's family, because of its ancestral tradition. Swordsmanship rarely has opponents in the arena, so people give their family the nickname "King of Golden Swords". This Chen Biao is the Wang family who asked for help."

Dongfanghong heard that there are still such two families in Chang'an! I thought that if I had a chance in the future, I had to know it, otherwise, wouldn't my martial arts be learned for nothing! So he said to Yu Chigong: "Listening to Big Brother, these two martial arts families should be well-known and upright! Then how can they help the'Black Dragon Gang'?"

"What a decent family! The Golden Sword King's family is purely a jackal in human skin. On the surface, it looks like an upright gentleman. In fact, he has never done anything bad in his back! Just take a look at the businesses they open and you can imagine it What kind of people are they. The brothels and gambling houses in Chang'an are among the best!"

"Really!" Dongfanghong immediately became energetic when he heard this. He is ready to act on these two businesses right away! Now that he actually knows who the bosses of these two businesses are in Chang'an City, can he not be excited!

"This is still false. The reason why Chen Biao was able to affect the Wang family is because the Black Dragon Gang in the East City has a certain influence. Chen Biao used some of the benefits there in exchange for the Wang family to help. I'm afraid of these villains. Even if the current Patriarch Wang Danyang personally takes the shot, I can compete with him equally, but the brothers in the hall will not escape!"

When Dongfanghong heard that the Black Dragon Gang actually had a site in'Haihuaxiang', and it was not too young, her heart blossomed. Zheng Chou doesn't know where to start! As a result, these two guys delivered the goods by themselves! Dongfanghong not only wondered if Ouyang's family also has oil and water to fish? So he asked: "Brother Yuchi, they are looking for the King of Golden Swords, won't you go to the Ouyang Family for help! They won't be the same as the Wang Family!"

"This family of Ouyang can be called decent and decent, and they never get involved in those nasty things. But who are they! No one knows, no one knows, and their status is much higher than that of the Wang family. So, everyone in Ouyang’s family is above the top, and they don’t see people like us in their eyes. It’s blunt to say that they never treat us as human beings, and asking them for help will only be humiliated. "

"Oh! I didn't expect this decent sect to have such things. But don't worry, Big Brother Yuchi, since I encountered this, my little brother, I will help you!"

"This can't be done! You are the third son of Master Cishi! How can I let you take this risk! Besides, using Master Cishi's men to help people like us will also damage the reputation of adults! So this matter is absolutely nothing. No. The third son's love is very appreciated by Yuchi Gong!" When Yuchi Gong heard that Dongfanghong wanted to help himself, he didn't want to hang the governor in, but that was the chief official in Xinjiang! He Wei Chigong can't afford to be careless.

"Big brother, why are you doing this! Do you think that my old man is just like those corrupt officials, so I don't want to be with him?"

"No, no, no! Don’t get me wrong, Master Dongfang is an official person. Who in Chang'an doesn’t admire him! Because of this, I can’t let Master Dongfang talk about this matter. This is something that will damage your reputation. !"

"If the eldest brother is because of this, that would be easy. Actually, I didn’t want my dad to intervene! This kind of trivial matter can be solved as long as the younger brother comes forward, and dad doesn’t need to. You don’t need to reject Yuchi anymore. I’m in the mood. It’s decided that even if you don’t let me intervene, I will intervene secretly by myself, so let’s work together! And, brother, do you want the poor people here to live better?” Dongfang Hong seized Yuchi and cared about the people. Thought, so he raised a question that interests him.

Seeing that Yuchi couldn't persuade Dongfanghong, he acquiesced in his heart! When I heard that Dongfanghong had a better way for the people here, he quickly asked, "Is there any way for the third son? If it can really benefit the people of this side, I vowed that in the future, the third son will be the leader, as long as the third son is useful. I won’t wrinkle my eyebrows at the place where I’m in Wei Chi Gong.”

'Haha... Yu Chigong can't run now! 'Dongfanghong thought excitedly, so she told Yu Chigong about her plan in detail. Of course, Dongfanghong said that she decided after listening to Yu Chigong's words. Otherwise, let Yu Chigong know that Dongfanghong was going to calculate their words from the beginning, that would not be all over! However, Dongfanghong's plan was only good for Yu Chigong's'Red Blood Hall'. And the final summary with Dongfanghong is "Brother Yuchi, your people, plus my status as Dongfanghong, and I will call my master a master of masters! Big brother, what else do you think we have when we are together? What we can't do or dare not do in this Chang'an city?"

After listening to Dongfanghong's words, Yu Chigong finally made a decision after a long period of thought, "Okay! Let's do it! Now we are already forced to do nothing, it is better to listen to the three sons to fight together, maybe it is really like the son. Saying that everyone can live with peace of mind from now on! If the poor people here can really live a comfortable life, I, Wei Chigong, will never break my promise just now."

"Brother Yuchi is a hero like you, how can I be sent by Dongfanghong! Big Brother still don't say this." Dongfanghong said pretendingly, but she was already happy in her heart!

"You're welcome! The third son will definitely not be in the pool in the future. Maybe I, Yu Chigong, may be named in history because of your third son! So the son doesn't have to think too much. The manly man should have peerless pride. I, Yu Chigong, believe you. "Said Dongfang Hong's hands tightly.

"Okay! Brother Yuchi, let us create a great cause together!" Dongfanghong and Yuchigong clasped their hands and laughed as they watched each other, and this laughter also indicates that there will be countless people in Chang'an City!