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Chapter 134: Harmful'good idea'


Although the wind was clear in the middle of the night, Zheng Yuan and Dongfanghong had a very happy conversation in the "Lan Yueting Pavilion" in the Imperial Garden. Since the two confirmed the cooperative relationship, Zheng Yuan has regarded Dongfanghong as a confidant think tank, just like Li Jing in the past. In any case, at least before the'Yingtian Pavilion' is completely wiped out by the'Adverse Heaven Sect', Zheng Yuan firmly believes that Dongfanghong will definitely stand on his side, because without the support of the emperor, the'Adverse Heaven Sect' will have something to do. A lot of trouble, as to what will happen to the two parties after the "Yingtian Pavilion" is destroyed, this is no longer the scope of consideration. Besides,'Yingtian Pavilion' is not so easy to be eliminated.

"Does Aiqing know, who is the new helper Li Jing is looking for now? The idiots under my team have not been able to find out, and they seem to have been noticed by the other party. It is really not enough to succeed." Zheng Yuan has been up to now. I haven't figured out the new partner of'Yingtian Pavilion'. You must know that'Yingtian Pavilion' is committed to dominating the world. This means that the person Li Jing is looking for will replace Zheng Yuan as the emperor in the future. This is definitely not tolerated by Zheng Yuan. Things.

Dongfanghong smiled and asked, "Your Majesty, if the Wei Taishi clan is annihilated, who in the court can compete with your Majesty?"

Zheng Yuan pondered for a moment and said: "Originally, the four families were the strongest among the imperial courts. Now the Lu family has been in constant civil strife, and its strength is getting worse and worse, and there is no time to deal with other things. The Wei family is dead in name in the hands of our monarchs. The extinction of the clan is only a matter of time. And in the Dongfang family, in the past, I also thought that Li Jing might join hands with them, but after listening to Aiqing’s words, I knew that there was no such thing. In addition to the fight with the Wei family this time, it was bound to be Greatly weakened the strength of the Eastern family. Once the Wei family is destroyed, only the Li family can contend with my strength. Does Aiqing mean that the'Yingtian Pavilion' has found the Li family?"

Dongfanghong replied: "Yes, it is Li Yuan and his son." To be honest, if Dongfanghong had no memory of his previous life, he would not pay attention to Li Shimin, and he would not know that Yingtian Pavilion had colluded with Li Yuan. This can only say that Li Yuan and his son are unlucky.

"Huh! I didn't expect it to be Li Yuan. It seems that this time I have lifted a rock and hit myself in the foot. If you know that, I won't let Li Yuan be the official secretary. No wonder the Li family jumped up and down in recent days and contacted everywhere. Expanding strength! I thought it was just their family wanting to take advantage of this opportunity to make a profit! It turns out that there are other attempts here."

Dongfanghong persuaded him: "Your Majesty does not need to worry too much, as long as you know who the enemy is, it is easy to handle. The most feared thing is to keep in the dark.

Zheng Yuan nodded and said in agreement: "Yes, as long as you know who your opponent is, the rest depends on everyone's ability. Now I have Aiqing's help, hum! I am confident that the Li family is in collusion." Ge' can't get over any big waves."

"Your Majesty, rest assured, the minister will do everything possible to help your Majesty rule the world."

Zheng Yuan laughed and said: "Haha good! I am very relieved to have Aiqing's words. In the future, Aiqing will help me rule the world, and I will never treat Aiqing badly. I want to be a pair of eternal kings and ministers with Aiqing."

Zheng Yuan took a sip of tea and asked thoughtfully: "Ai Qing! Now because of the Wei family and the Dongfang family, everyone in the ruling and the opposition is in danger and panic. This is not the most important thing, the important thing is The imperial court suddenly vacated so many official vacancies, and everyone looked forward to sharing the benefits. Then Li Yuan even contacted the ministers in the court to take the opportunity to draw up the relationship. Aiqing also knew that there are really not many people available in my hands, I am afraid that the Wei family’s affairs After it's over, the biggest beneficiary is not me! If the Li family takes advantage of it, it will be more difficult to deal with it in the future. I don't know what Aiqing can do?"

Dongfanghong meditated for a while and said, "Your Majesty, this matter is not difficult to solve. If you handle it well, it will greatly enhance your majesty's strength and prestige. It will only offend some of the aristocratic families in the court. Of course, your Majesty must give in a little bit.

When Zheng Yuan heard Dongfanghong's words, he immediately came to his mind and asked quickly: "How to solve it? Don't worry about those aristocratic families, I've seen them not pleasing to my eyes a long time ago."

Dongfanghong smiled and said: "Since that's the case, the minister said, this method is'exploration of the world'."

Zheng Yuan has some doubts about this new term: "What is'experts for the world'?"

"This'imperial examination' is the use of examinations to elect talents. The current selection of officials is recommended by family members, and the people they recommend will naturally speak to them. This will inevitably make these aristocratic families stronger and stronger, and the imperial power will fall behind. 'The system is that the country directly selects talents from the locality and passes the examinations. In the end, those who can really win must be the best talents. And these talents are selected by His Majesty, and they are naturally His Majesty’s disciples. Think about it. Will these people still obey other people's orders? They will only assist Your Majesty with all their heart. And the talents selected in this way are also the most talented people, so why not worry about your majesty's great cause!" Dongfanghong briefly explained what it is.' Imperial Examination'.

Zheng Yuan's eyes became brighter and brighter when he listened to Dongfanghong's words. The system of "imperial examination" has never appeared before, and Zheng Yuan has seen a bright future. Once implemented, all talents in the world will be the students of the emperor, and the aristocratic family will slowly go to extinction without deliberately destroying it. This is just one thing. Good thing.

So Zheng Yuan asked urgently: "Aiqing quickly talk about how to implement it?"

Dongfanghong then told Zheng Yuan about the official selection procedures he knew about in his previous life, as well as how to conduct examinations. However, Dongfanghong did not say that the "imperial examination" must be tested in eight-legged essays. Dongfanghong believes that the reason why the later generations of China are so feudal and backward is because people too much pursue the pedantic thinking of Confucius, which makes everyone not think. Enterprising.

So Dongfanghong transformed this'imperial examination' into a modern talent selection, no matter what kind of industry as long as the talent can participate. In addition, the "imperial examination", which was originally only an "article", has been turned into several, including clerk, military, water conservancy, manufacturing, medicine, commerce, and so on. Realizing the best use of things and taking their own responsibilities also allows many people who do not have much culture but are very capable in different fields to have a chance to show their talents.

Listening to Dongfanghong talking, Zheng Yuan's eyes were getting brighter and brighter, what Dongfanghong said were exactly what he had dreamed of. Not only can you consolidate your imperial power, you can also make the most of talents to contribute to the country. Zheng Yuan didn't expect such a good'imperial examination' system to be Dongfanghong's single-handed kill.

Do you think the Oriental Red Society is so kind? That was a big mistake. Dongfanghong is very clear that any huge changes will attract strong resistance, not to mention this system that seriously affects the interests of major families. At first, everyone may not be too concerned, but once the crisis is discovered, it is estimated that all the families in the DPRK will unite to resist. As the saying goes, the first person to eat crabs is a warrior, and it may also be unlucky.

If Dongfanghong is really dedicated to helping Zheng Yuan, it will naturally guarantee Zheng Yuan through this turbulent period, but Dongfanghong is also a person who has another plan, and his ambition is bigger than'Yingtian Pavilion'. At that time, think about it, what will happen to the major families that are excited by the "imperial examination" system under the leadership of this super family, Li Yuan? When Dongfanghong doesn't have to make a move, Li Yuan and his sons will help Dongfanghong get the Zheng family dynasty. This trick will leave no trace of the killing. At that time, Dongfanghong was very worthy of Zheng Yuan if he didn't fall into trouble.

There is also a little Dongfanghong that wants Zheng Yuan to be the first pioneer to cross the river by feeling the stones. When the big families will push Zheng Yuan to the palace, it is also the time when Zheng Yuan has perfected this brand-new'imperial examination' system. When Dongfanghong takes power, he will naturally use the Kangzhuang Road paved by Zheng Yuan to move forward, but poor Zheng Yuan will become a stepping stone on the road. Dongfanghong's move can be described as a multitude of things.

Zheng Yuan didn't expect the insidiousness in it now. Instead, he thought in his heart that Dongfanghong was simply his lucky star, and even a think tank who was a hundred times stronger than Li Jing. He also urged Dongfanghong to use the fastest possible time to sort out this'imperial examination' system. He can't wait to implement this system.

Dongfanghong also reminded: "Your Majesty, this'imperial examination' system should not be fully implemented now. Once the major families in the DPRK find that their rights have been deprived, they will inevitably oppose it. This will only be counterproductive."

Zheng Yuan nodded and said, "Aiqing is very considerate, then what should I do to avoid their resistance?"

"Your Majesty can first allocate some of the official positions that are now vacant to these aristocratic families for peace of mind."

"This way, wouldn't it help these popular flames even more, and besides giving so many official positions to these noble families, the strength in my hands will be even less." Zheng Yuan couldn't help but worry.

Dongfanghong explained: "Otherwise, once these aristocratic families get the rights, they will naturally shift their goals and start to guard against each other's constraints, which will limit their strength. At that time, Your Majesty will selectively implement some items of the'imperial examination', and they will also It doesn’t care. For example, the “imperial examination” system is used to select specialized talents such as water conservancy and manufacturing, and then these talents are arranged as low-level officials in various departments. These major families will not go against your majesty."

Zheng Yuan thought for a while and said: "Aiqing said that it is feasible, as the saying goes,'if you want to get it, you must give it first.' However, Aiqing puts the selected talents at the bottom of the ministries as officials, and these selected talents What use is there!"

"Haha, Your Majesty, these talents in various fields are inherently hard-working. It is a waste if you let them be in high positions! People in high positions are suitable for management, and these talents are obviously not suitable for management, so they can be at the bottom instead. Give full play to their power. One more thing, your Majesty, please think about it. After the above orders are issued, the people below are required to implement them. If most of these low-level officials are your Majesty’s people, those in power in the DPRK can still make changes if they want to change. Is it easy to command?"

After hearing Dongfanghong's words, Zheng Yuan couldn't help but admired Dongfanghong. He smiled and said, "Haha, I think Aiqing is still thinking about it!"

Dongfanghong replied modestly: "In fact, your Majesty can also take it into consideration, but he suddenly comes into contact with too many things, and he can't think of it for a while.

"Haha, Aiqing doesn't have to be humble. Aiqing's plan is indeed very thoughtful, but when can I start the civil and military officials' "imperial examination"?"

Dongfanghong thought for a while and said, "This will take place after things have been relatively stable and your Majesty’s strength has become stronger. The most important thing is that the initial'imperial examination' of specialized talents must be carried out smoothly. Whatever comes down will be a matter of course."

"Well! Yes, you must not make mistakes at the beginning. First stabilize the major families in North Korea, and then implement the'imperial examination' system step by step. When it is fully rolled out, it is estimated that it will be too late for those families to oppose."

Dongfanghong looked at Zheng Yuan’s expression with excitement and self-confidence, and couldn’t help showing a dark smile, but Dongfanghong still wanted to remind Zheng Yuan: "Your Majesty, don’t forget Li Jing. The people of Yingtian Pavilion are all cunning. Treacherous, they will definitely see your Majesty's use. If the Li family comes forward to contact other families, and Li Jing can make suggestions from it, I am afraid that things will be very difficult."

"Yes, Li Jing has always been resourceful and resourceful. Now that he is in collusion with Li Yuan, he will never see my strength getting bigger and stronger, and will inevitably get in the way. Aiqing, have you already thought of a solution?"

"Your Majesty Shengming, the ministers want to get Li Jing and Li Yuan and his son away. When they are in the field, they will not be able to use the water without quenching their thirst. When they come back, everything is a foregone conclusion and nothing is too late. Up."

Zheng Yuan said with a smile: "Okay! It's just that Chen Guo has been urging me to send people to solve some of the aftermaths of the last war, and I also want to take this opportunity to temporarily fix up with Chen Guo, then I will take Li Jing and Li Yuan father and son. How about sending an envoy?"

"Your Majesty Shengming! Taking this opportunity to use the power of Li Jing and others to fix the'Chen Guo', so that your majesty has no worries for the time being, and he has done his best to rectify the court line, and can also send Li Jing and others to other countries, even if your majesty has done something They are beyond the reach." Dongfanghong complimented.

"Haha, it's still Aiqing's idea! It's not a big deal to have Aiqing help! But I just sent Li Jing and others to the country of Chen, I still don't worry about Li Jing and others, so I want Ai Qing to let Ai Qing I don’t know what Ai Qing wants to do with me?” The reason Zheng Yuan wanted to do this was that he was really worried that Li Jing and Li Yuan would do something unfavorable to him in the'Chen Guo', and also that Zheng Yuan also deliberately left Dongfanghong with him. Because he was also worried that Dongfanghong would make some small moves during the'imperial examination' to establish Dongfanghong's own power.

Of course Dongfanghong understands Zheng Yuan's thoughts, but he doesn't care about this little thing, so he immediately replied: "Your majesty, rest assured, the minister will pay close attention to the actions of Li Jing and others."

Zheng Yuan patted Dongfanghong on the shoulder very happily and said, "Okay! Very good! With Aiqing watching Li Jing and others, I can feel relieved."

Zheng Yuan looked up at the pale sky in the east, and said with a smile, "Haha, let’s see how our monarchs and ministers had a conversation all night, Aiqing should go home and rest! Or Aiqing’s beautiful wife can complain. I’m here! Hahaha, remember that Aiqing will sort out the'imperial examination' matter quickly for me, and wait until I have taken care of the Wei Taishi family. This matter will be implemented immediately."

Dongfanghong got up and saluted: "Weichen respects the holy life!"

Seeing Dongfanghong's distant figure, Zheng Yuan closed his eyes and thought. After thinking for a while, he said, "What do you think of this kid?"

At this time, a person appeared next to Zheng Yuan, and he was Zhou Tai, the commander of the inner guard that Zheng Yuan trusted most. Zhou Tai has always been hiding on the'Lan Yueting Pavilion' in order to protect Zheng Yuan's safety at any time. At the same time, as a close friend of Zheng Yuan, he can also help Zheng Yuan make suggestions. Of course Dongfanghong had already noticed Zhou Tai's existence, but there was no need to make it clear.

"Peerless master!" Zhou Tai only answered four words.

"Yeah! Yes, indeed. If this person is really used by me, it is more than a hundred times better than'Yingtian Pavilion'. Alas! It's just that people like this are always hard to grasp!"

"Your Majesty said quite true, but his main purpose is to destroy the'Yingtian Pavilion'. As long as the'Yingtian Pavilion' is not eliminated for one day, Dongfanghong and the'Adverse Heaven Sect' will always support your Majesty." Zhou Tai respectfully Said.

"Haha, you are right. Humph! It seems that for'Yingtian Pavilion', sometimes you have to open the net!" Zheng Yuan looked at the direction where Li Jing was living, with a wicked smile in his eyes (Zhulang Literature Network, first published) .

Dongfang Hong, who returned to the'Shangshu' Mansion, told Dongfang Lunde and'Tianji Zhenren' about the content of their conversation with the emperor. They both smiled wisely. They had already expected the result of this time. .

"What are you going to do next?" Dongfang Lund asked.

Dongfanghong smiled and said: "Since the emperor has decided to take action, and our Dongfang family has now been fighting with the Wei family, then our people should rest and rest! The child will let all his men and horses withdraw, leaving only Some people with high martial arts can do some assassinations from time to time. For the rest, we just need to sit and watch the show. Of course, at the end, my father can show evidence of the crimes of Wei Taishi’s family over the years to help. The emperor wiped out the nine families of Old Thief Wei in one fell swoop. Haha..."

"Huh! You stinky boy, really sinister and cunning! Fortunately, I am your father, or I really have to worry about whether I will even know how to die!" Dongfang Lund said with emotion.

The'Tianji Zhenren' next to him felt the same way, and shook his head helplessly. The matter has been made clear, and the two of them stopped disturbing Dongfang Hong to rest, so they got up and left.

When the old Dao just walked to the door of the room, he suddenly thought of something, so he turned around and said to Dongfang Hong: "By the way, there was news from Fang Xiao just now that there were two people, one named Du Ruhui and the other named Fang Xuanling. They Yesterday I went to the "Tiexianguan" on the outskirts of the city and bought a lot of pills from the watcher there."

The old Dao didn't ask what was going on, so he turned around and left after speaking, because Dongfanghong had so many incredible methods that the old Dao didn't bother to ask.

After Dongfanghong heard the words of'Tianji Real Person', a devil smile appeared on her face,'Hahahaha, Du Ruhui and Fang Xuanling, you should go buy'******'! Haha, you are dead now! I hope to introduce a few more customers! It would be better for Li Jing to use it too, it would be even easier! Haha... "Dongfanghong thought evil in his heart.

Ever since Dongfanghong made an excuse to give Du Ruhui the "drugs" at Li Yuan's banquet, Dongfanghong expected that they would go to seek medicine sooner or later, and the old way in the'Tiexianguan' was the fisherman that Dongfanghong had arranged long ago ', even the place'Tiexianguan' was inadvertently leaked to Du Ruhui by Dongfanghong, so as not to arouse the suspicion of the Li family.