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Chapter 135: Prepare for the final craziness (1)


For seven days, the Wei family and the Dongfang family fought a life and death battle. Both sides sent dead men and masters raised by the family to launch assassinations and sneak attacks on the other side one after another. Even some of the confidant courtiers of the two families were not spared, but Dongfang Angyu and Wei Taishi still kept a little calm and did not mobilize the army. And the two in the capital did not fight, just beware of each other (starting on Zhulang Literature Net).

Although they did not do anything in the capital, the officials in the capital are at risk. As long as they are close to the two families, they are too scared to go out easily, let alone those from the Wei family and the Dongfang family. . The direct result of this is that in each early court, the ministers of the upper court are only two-thirds of the original number. The confidant courtiers of the two families all use various excuses not to come to the early court to ensure their personal safety.

Also because there were no such people as Wei Taishi and Dongfang Taiwei in the court, many of Zheng Yuan's instructions were easier to implement. Zheng Yuan listened to Dongfanghong's opinion, and in the past few days and other family forces in the imperial court, he quietly divided up the interests vacated by the two families due to the vendetta.

In order to stabilize the ministers of the DPRK and China, Zheng Yuan naturally gave them what seemed to be the greatest benefit, and even the Li family got a lot of benefits. The other small and medium-sized families in North Korea are all happy, and even hope that the Wei family and the Dongfang family can fight harder. Of course, Zheng Yuan also won the support of many people. Therefore, the preliminary matters prepared for the "scientific expedition" were not opposed by anyone, and they were implemented smoothly.

Things have already reached this point. If Taishi Wei still couldn't see that he was being tricked by the emperor, he would really be damned and blameless. When Emperor Zheng Yuan abolished Empress Wei on an unnecessarily charge and entered the cold palace, Taishi Wei was completely dumbfounded when he received the news. He didn't expect that Zheng Yuan would be so ruthless this time. It was no longer as simple as trying to weaken the power of their Wei family. Taishi Wei had already seen the signal of destroying the door.

At the same time, Li Jing was completely disappointed with the Wei Taishi's family. Last time, without his consent, the Wei Taishi ordered the decent guards who protected the Wei family to kill the people of the Dongfang family. This incident directly led to a good relationship with the'Yingtian Pavilion' afterwards. The martial arts hero left in a rage.

Even if it was the other people who stayed behind, after hearing that it was Taishi Wei's secretive tricks, it was not the order of Yingtian Pavilion. The prestige of'Yingtian Pavilion' was also greatly shaken. Even a Wei Taishi dare to use the name of'Yingtian Pavilion' unscrupulously. Can the authority of'Yingtian Pavilion' be questioned? And afterwards, I didn't even see how Yingtian Pavilion handled the Wei Taishi's family. Instead, they wanted everyone to continue to protect them. This time, all the schools and masters had their faces turned green.

In order to complete the task of attacking the Dongfang family, the big sects suffered heavy losses. Now the attack that these decent sects will endure is no longer the people of the Dongfang Red Sect. This is Dongfang Angyu's crazy revenge. So the various sects didn't have the treatment that Dongfanghong gave, and they just cursed and humiliated the whole thing. This time, it's a fate of real swords and guns!

Therefore, various sects are complaining, and even some people are saying that "Yingtian Pavilion" wants to kill people with the knife, and want to get rid of these sects? Because they also thought of the things that would follow in the future, the emperor could not have ignored such a big slaughter! Not saying it now doesn't mean that you won't be able to settle accounts after Autumn. It is obvious that the emperor is a bit biased towards the Eastern clan. Then they will probably be unlucky again when they are'accomplices', but there is a real possibility of being wiped out!

For various reasons, the martial arts heroes strongly demanded that Li Jing take back the'orders of the world', otherwise everyone would not be able to take care of so much. They would just leave the group and leave. If the face of the'Yingtian Pavilion' was like that, it would really be taken home! At this time, Zheng Yuan had just issued an edict to abolish Empress Wei, and Li Jing finally had no choice but to admit his failure and withdrew the'Order of the World' and let the martial heroes who protected the Wei family withdraw.

So a vigorous family vendetta, with the complete failure of'Yingtian Pavilion' and Dongfanghong's complete victory, Zheng Yuan's fisherman came to an end. Although the whole process only lasted half a month, "Yingtian Pavilion" lost and lost the battle. It can be described as "losing his wife and breaking down". Although Li Yuan expanded his influence in this incident, he won There are few benefits, but compared to the Wei family that the "Yingtian Pavilion" lost, and the martial arts people who have offended so many people, it can be said that it is not worth the loss.

Just like the vigor at the beginning of this incident, it will naturally not be silent when it ends. The dead-hearted Wei Taishi once again came to Li Jing, he is going to prepare for the final madness!

"Young Master, this is the last time the old slave has asked you! You can fulfill this last wish of the old slave!" Taishi Wei knelt in front of Li Jing, crying in tears.

Li Jing closed his eyes and thought and did not answer Wei Taishi, but Hong Fu beside him couldn't bear to say: "You are embarrassed to come and ask the young master again, and the young master is kind to help you, but what about you? You actually gave a false order to give'Yingtian Pavilion 'And the young master's face is sweeping. Now that you have reached this point, you still have the face to ask for this kind of thing. Believe it or not, I killed you with a sword!" Said Hong Fu and pulled out his portable sword.

Seeing Hong Fu's face full of anger, Li Jing hurriedly stopped: "I have the final say here, put the sword away!"

Hong Fu glanced at Li Jing angrily, put away the sword and turned and stood aside. The reason why she was so annoyed was completely because Li Jing did not listen to her advice in the first place. Now Hong Fu clearly sees that Li Jing has been tempted by Taishi Wei again. She really doesn’t want to see any losses from'Yingtian Pavilion', especially if there is a possibility of losing a'Heavenly Master', once such a character is gone. What can't be added is much more precious than the decent ones.

It turned out that Taishi Wei came here to ask Li Jing to help him ask a master of heaven to kill Dongfanghong. Who made Dongfanghong the chief culprit in the destruction of the Wei family? Taishi Wei decided that even if his family was finished, he would put Dongfanghong on the culprit as a backstop. However, through Wei Taishi's investigation, he found that Dongfanghong's martial arts was surprisingly high. I am afraid that only a master of the heavens might be able to take Dongfanghong's life, so he brazenly asked for Li Jing's final assistance.

After Li Jing listened to Wei Taishi's request, to be honest, he was really tempted. Li Jing's defeat this time was a disastrous defeat, which made him lose face, and all of this was bestowed by Dongfanghong. It would be a strange thing to say that he didn't hate Dongfanghong! Besides, at the beginning, Li Jing thought that Dongfang Angyu was behind the revenge on the Wei family, but as the situation developed, Li Jing couldn't believe it and understood that all of this was planned by Dongfanghong. It really made Hongfu right. This Dongfanghong is simply too powerful, and often does some unexpected things. For such a terrible person, Li Jing couldn't help but get the idea of getting rid of it first.

One more thing, Li Jing now regards Dongfanghong as his love rival. Who makes Dongfanghong always happy when Hongfu mentions Dongfanghong, and will do his best to say good things for Dongfanghong. This made Li Jing, a young talent with high self-esteem, greatly dissatisfied and annoyed. It was natural to get rid of Dongfanghong.

"What Taishi Wei said is not unreasonable. We carried such a big somersault, and it was given by this Dongfanghong. Such a scheming and ruthless character like this will definitely be detrimental to my'Yingtian Pavilion' in the future. Since Dongfanghong is not ours, we must get rid of him." Li Jing said coldly.

When Taishi Wei saw that Li Jing had agreed, he was very happy. However, Hong Fu on the side quickly persuaded: "Young master think twice! This Dongfanghong will never be easy to deal with. Last time he was able to connect Ye Auntie's three palms and nothing happened, which shows that his skill is high. In addition, he is also a master. Ruyun, I am afraid that even a master of the heavens may not be able to help him. If there is a loss, wouldn't it make the situation worse!"

As soon as Li Jing heard Hongfu speaking for Dongfanghong, he felt very awkward, and said with a cold snort, "Humph! This time I will send a master who is even more powerful than Aunt Ye, hum! There are thousands of pieces of Dongfanghong corpses.

Taishi Wei was also helping him: "Yes, yes! Miss Hongfu can rest assured that the old man will ensure that the masters around Dongfanghong, the little brat, will not interfere. This time the old man will let Dongfanghong challenge alone."

"Hear it! I still believe in Taishi Wei on this point. Humph! No matter how powerful he is, Dongfanghong, I don't believe that he can beat the master of heaven. This time the loss of'Yingtian Pavilion' must be recovered from him. "Li Jing said coldly.

Seeing that Li Jing could no longer listen to the advice, Hongfu shook his head and said, "Since the young master has decided, the slave and maid will retreat." He turned and prepared to leave.

Li Jing said at this time: "Hongfu, you don't want to go out these days, you still need your protection here."

After Hong Fu listened to it, he was taken aback. Li Jing's remarks were obviously intended to restrict her actions. This meant that Li Jing was afraid of her going to tell Dongfanghong and had doubts about her. Hong Fu was full of mixed flavors, bit his lip and nodded, and quickly left the study. ? After Hong Fu left, Li Jing discussed the details of the action with Taishi Wei, and then Taishi Wei happily left to prepare. But Taishi Wei didn't just want Dongfanghong's life as simple as that. He had bigger plans. This time he was going to break the boat.

"Hmph! This old thief seems to be really crazy." In Dongfanghong's study, the'True Heavenly Man' said with a cold snort, looking at a letter in his hand.

The old Dao held a challenge letter in his hand, which was just sent by the people from the Wei Taishi's residence. The general meaning of the above is that two days later, the Dongfanghong will fight Dongfanghong at the'Wanzhulin' in the southern suburbs of the capital to resolve the grievances between Dongfanghong and the Wei family. This time the two parties are only allowed to bring one person to the appointment. If Dongfanghong dare not fight, then the Wei family will attack the'Shangshu' mansion at any cost and die with the Dongfanghong family.

"Oh! The so-called dog jumps over the wall in a hurry, and the rabbit bites people in a hurry! So the apprentice I really dare not go, if the old thief Wei comes to death, I don't want to see it. Now Zheng Yuan has completely targeted the Wei family,' Yingtian Pavilion' seems to have drawn a clear line from the Wei family. Yesterday, the martial arts guards who protected the Wei family were removed. Now the old thief Wei is a desperate bachelor, and he is really not afraid of anything!" Dongfang Hong Analyze the Tao while drinking tea.

Old Dao quickly said: "Because of this, your kid can't go. Who knows what trap this old thief Wei has prepared for you? He wants to die with us, hum! He also has this strength, let's Shangshufu's defense is very strict, even if you are a master of the heavens, don't try to get it right. Let's not go out, but for the teacher, we have to see how his old thief Wei died together." The old Dao dismissed Wei Taishi's provocation.

Dongfanghong looked at the old Dao and said, "Does the master really think that his surname Wei is going to die with us? Does he really only want his disciple's life?"

"Is there any other purpose?"

Dongfanghong smiled and said, "Haha, even if his old thief Wei can kill his disciple, what can he do? His Wei family still can't escape the danger of extermination. People like Wei thief, who are scheming, will do this. Doesn't it make much sense?"

Lao Dao thought for a while and said, "You mean that Lao Tzu Wei is not trying to kill you, but there is a bigger conspiracy?"

"Huh! He wants to kill the disciple is certain, but killing the disciple is not the point. If the disciple's expectation is not bad, the old thief Wei will use the time for a duel with me to launch a court coup. Hey, he will definitely make a desperate move. If the coup is successful, he will be able to completely resolve the crisis and win the world in one fell swoop. Even if it fails, there will be no loss to the Wei family, because they are already bound to die."

The old Dao asked in disbelief: "Old thief Wei dare to do this? Don't forget that the court is always on guard! It is almost impossible for him to succeed."

"Yes, the imperial court is prepared, but as the situation is gradually assessed recently, the imperial court's defenses have begun to loosen somewhat. And the disciples promised that the news of the old thief Wei's appointment with his disciples is now known to passers-by. If everyone thinks that Wei The old thief vented his anger on his disciple, and the battle two days later was a sign of a dog jumped over the wall. Does the master think that the defense of the palace will be tight that day? I am afraid everyone will think that the old thief Wei is fighting with his disciple with all his strength! And this At that time, the old thief Wei led his troops to attack the palace suddenly, what is the chance of success?" Dongfanghong explained.

The old way smiled and said, "It is really possible to let you say this! But doesn't this mean that no one will compete with you by then?"

"Haha, Master! He doesn't know how old thief Wei is, but don't forget that there is'Yingtian Pavilion'! The Li Jing of'Yingtian Pavilion' probably has the thought of eating me now!"

After listening to the old Dao, he immediately became nervous, and said quickly: "If the'Yingtian Pavilion' sends someone to take action this time, then the other party will definitely be a master of heaven, because Li Jing knows that you have escaped under the hand of Aunt Ye, this time. I will definitely send a master of Heaven who is no less than Ye Auntie."

Dongfanghong replied: "Yes, it should be so! It seems that it is really difficult to handle!"

"For the teacher, it's better not to accept the appointment."

Dongfanghong said firmly: "Absolutely not. The disciple must not only agree, but also let everyone know that only in this way will the old thief Wei act with peace of mind. If he doesn't do something big, how can he let the emperor destroy his nine clans? What?"

"But if you are a master of heaven, you kid is dangerous!"

"Hey! You won't get into the tiger's lair! This time I will not only let the Wei family dig his own grave, but also make Li Jing vomit blood. Hehe, killing a master of heaven should be very cool!" Dongfang Hongxie smiled He said (starting

Looking at Dongfang Hong's expression,'Tianji Real Man' suddenly felt relieved from worrying. The old Dao understands that Dongfang Hong's expression means that he is confident, and Dongfang Hong has never had an accident before he can be confident! Next, Dongfanghong and'Tianji Zhenren' discussed how to deal with it. After everything was settled, a vigorous finishing work also began.

Two days have passed in the blink of an eye. In these two days, another exciting news spread all over the sky. This is when Taishi Wei is going to fight Dongfanghong.

As Dongfanghong had expected, after Taishi Wei gave Dongfanghong a challenge letter, everyone in the capital knew about it. And Dongfanghong will do the trick too, not only is it very compatible with Wei Taishi's actions, but it also adds fuel to the publicity.

Dongfanghong not only announced that he had accepted the challenge, but also announced the details of the duel. Dongfanghong made people say that this time Taishi Wei invited a master of Heaven to deal with Dongfanghong, and that the master of Heaven was moved by Taishi Wei through'Yingtian Pavilion'.

So the'Yingtian Pavilion', an organization that was only famous among the martial arts and court dignitaries, suddenly became known to passers-by. This inevitably arouses people's curiosity. Why is this'Yingtian Pavilion' so familiar with the court minister? Why would you help the already infamous Wei family? And so on, a series of questions appeared in the minds of uninformed people. Dongfanghong certainly wouldn't make everyone feel suspicious, so the message of'Yingtian Pavilion' was immediately released.

The information that the public knows is naturally modified. For example, "Yingtian Pavilion" deceives others by deception; uses many martial arts masters in his hands to help him abuse; serves as a watchdog for Wei Taishi's nursing home; wants to'trace the emperor to make the princes. 'Master the'Qi' country; killing fellow martial arts, arguing the righteous people, etc. are numerous. Anyway, in just two days,'Yingtian Pavilion' has become another name after Wei Taishi's family, with a stink of three hundred miles against the wind.

For ordinary people, the power of gossip news is enormous. As the so-called three people become tigers and many people speak gold,'Yingtian Pavilion', under the intentional planting of Dongfanghong and Emperor Zheng Yuan, immediately became a well-known stinky ****. And Li Jing didn't even have a chance to react. By the time he knew it was already full of storms, it was too late to defend'Yingtian Pavilion'.