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Chapter 48: Thunder first strike (1)


Dongfanghong set out lightly with a force of more than two thousand people, and only took three or four days of rations. Dongfanghong was prepared to fight wherever he went, just like Jie Li Khan. The Turkic people on the Mobei grassland are going to be unlucky, because Dongfang Hongfa issued a military order: All the Turkic people encountered will be eliminated, and all the materials and grass needed for the road will be taken from the Turkic people.

So Dongfanghong's army, without any fetters, rushed at full speed towards the heart of the Turkic, the tooth tent located in the capital of Jinshan for a long distance. The daily marching speed has reached more than two hundred miles. Anyone who encounters a "Turkic" along the way has implemented the Dongfanghong's will and fully implemented the three-light policy of "burning, grabbing, and killing all." Because all the main forces of the'Turkic' are now at war with the'Qi', the more than 2,000 troops of the Dongfang Hongyin have never encountered an armed force with more than a hundred people. However, in order not to be noticed by the opponent, the Dongfanghong march is more cautious. , Most of the time is day and night, so the two thousand people have been driving straight into the Turkic for four days, but no one noticed it.

"No matter whether your trick is successful or not, San Gongzi, it will lay a hidden danger between the Qi State and the Turks! The Turks cannot tolerate the attack on their teeth, even though our troops There is no sign of'Qi', and it is different from all armies, but Jieli Khan will definitely blame this incident on the'Qi' court. If there is a chance in the future, Jieli will retaliate. This is the court. Wanting to fix the basic strategy of the Turkic attacking the Chen Kingdom is equivalent to being ruined by you, son!" Xu Maogong said to Dongfanghong on the horse.

"Haha! This little trick of the court can be seen by everyone, but it is a pity that Jie Li Khan always likes to take advantage of small gains. The court gives him sweetness and it is beautiful. It is really greedy for small gains and forget righteousness! So this young master stimulates and excites him. Jie Li Khan, let him take a good taste of what is the pain of the skin, so it’s weird that Jie Li doesn’t fight with Qi Guo. Then I will have to see how Ying Tian Pavilion can deal with it. Anyway, as long as it is Ying Tian Let's sabotage what Ge's wants to do. As long as I see'Yingtian Pavilion' a few more times, there will be no drama at all!"

"Haha! What the third son said is reasonable. Then I hope we can really level the tent of the Turks this time, so that the Turks will inevitably be at odds with the Qi State. I am afraid how Qi State can please the other side, Jie Li Khan will definitely get revenge." Xu Maogong is now really more and more convinced of this junior. It seems that Dongfanghong is doing things arbitrarily, and who would have thought that there is such an insidious purpose hidden in it!

In this way, five days after entering the territory of the'Turkic', the troops had arrived less than twenty miles away from the tooth tent of the'Turkic'. Dongfanghong concealed the team here and sent out scouts and special forces to conduct a comprehensive investigation of the'Turkic' tooth tent.

In the evening, the scouts sent back to report: Now the'Turkic' tooth tent is guarded by more than 20,000 soldiers and horses, and it is the'eagle division' specially dispatched by Jie Li Khan. No large-scale military deployments were found in the surrounding areas of Yazhang, only a few scattered small camps, mostly the residences of'Turkic' herdsmen. So it is certain that the opponent's force is 20,000 horses.

Listening to the scout's report, Dongfanghong began to calculate in his heart, and after a long period of thought, he began to issue combat orders. "One Lian, Two Lian Hearing Orders."

"One connection!" "Two connection!"

"Order you to carry all the landmines of your troops during the fourth shift and go to the'Turkic' tent to mine. Remember to mine one mile away from the tent. The mine is divided into three minefields. The first one must be facing the teeth. The tent gate is a minefield with a width of 50 feet and a depth of 40 feet. The other two minefields are arranged on both sides of the central minefield, which are 40 feet behind the central minefield, 40 feet wide and 30 feet deep. Already!" Dongfang Hong said as he drew the area of the mine on the ground.

The two company commanders looked at the minefield map drawn by Dongfanghong, and after hearing Dongfanghong's order, they quickly replied, "I fully understand!"

At this time, Xu Maogong next to him said: “This central minefield should not be too large. I think it’s 30 feet wide and 30 feet deep, but it should be denser. The depth of the minefields on the two wings should be longer. "Dongfanghong looked at Xu Maogong inquiringly, somewhat unclear.

Xu Maogong went on to say: "The subordinates understand the general's meaning of laying mines in this way. Once the opponent finds that we are in front of them, they will inevitably send troops to attack our army from the front, so that the central minefield will give the opponent a surprise lesson. Once the opponent finds out. This kind of weapon that has never been seen before will inevitably not know what to do, so that they will not dare to go to the middle again when attacking us, but will send troops from the two wings, so the generals are also laying mines in the back positions on both sides of the central minefield. how about this!"

Dongfanghong nodded and said, "That's right."

Xu Maogong went on to say: "The general only noticed the possible route of the'Turkic' army, but forgot the number of troops sent by the other party. With the bravery of the'Turkic' cavalry, if they saw that we had only two thousand people, they would definitely not attack with all their strength. I am afraid that they will only send corresponding troops, so that the size of the central minefield does not need to be too large, as long as it is denser. Once the opponent encounters a minefield and causes serious losses of soldiers and horses, then the'Turkic' will inevitably send a large army. In this way, we should plant more landmines on the two wings so that we can more effectively kill its vital forces."

Dongfanghong felt that Xu Maogong's analysis was good, so he ordered the two companies to deploy more on both sides and densely in the middle according to the instructions of the chief of staff. He also told them to be careful not to be noticed by the other party, and to be cautious during the second mine to avoid fire. Yi Company and Second Company led the order to collect the mines carried by the soldiers, preparing for the fourth shift to start operations. Dongfanghong then ordered the entire army to take a break and march in the fifth shift and check all his equipment.

The long night passed, and the two companies sent by Dongfanghong successfully completed their tasks and returned when they were approaching the fifth clock. So Dongfanghong led the troops to the'Turkic' tent at full speed, and at a distance of kilometers away from the tent, Dongfanghong ordered the troops to spread out with great fanfare. In this way, Dongfanghong's troops lined up on the high ground a kilometer away from the front of the tooth, and the posture seemed to use two thousand men to attack the other side.

Because Dongfanghong had been hiding its traces, and the final action was extremely fast, so when the'Turkic' troops stationed in the tooth tent spotted Dongfanghong's men and horses, Dongfanghong had already come kilometers away from them.

The'Turkic' army was urgently mobilized, and the'Eagle Division' 20,000 soldiers and horses lined up before the tent. The commander of the'Turkic' looked at Dongfanghong's men, and he was taken aback. I couldn't help but mutter to himself: "Are these guys crazy? Even with a little bit of soldiers and horses, they dare to go wild here."

"How come the costumes of the generals have never been seen before! It is so weird. They also wear masks on their heads. They will not be some grass bandits. They came to us in a confused way?" Because all Dongfanghong's troops are here. When fighting, he wears a headgear that only shows his eyes and mouth, so it is reasonable to be regarded as a bandit by others.

"It doesn't matter who he is, it is unforgivable to run here to run wild. The last will ask the team to destroy all these bastards." At this moment, a five-and-three rough guy next to him said.

"Zamuhe must not be too light on the enemy, we don't know if there are reinforcements behind this unit, so all caution is the first." said the commander of the'eagle division'.

"There is no need to worry about it. If the other party had tens of thousands of troops marching in my'Turkic' territory, it would have been discovered long ago. The reason why this army has not been discovered by us is because they are few in number, so the subordinates look at it. This group of guys must be the wrongdoers, who strayed into the scope of my teeth." Another general said.

The'Falconer' coach also felt that only this explanation was more reasonable, otherwise he would not believe it if he was killed. Someone would dare to bring only two thousand people to raid the fangs. If someone really wants to do this, I'm afraid this person is either a lunatic or a fool.

So his opponent issued a general order "Zamuhe Hearing Order! I was going to give you three thousand men and horses to get rid of these idiots who don't know good or bad."

Zamuhe replied excitedly: "The general, don't worry, I will never run away." Turning around and shouting to the troops behind him: "Brothers rushed to me and wiped out the gang of grass bandits who dared to despise my'Turkic'. "After speaking, the hand dance mace rushed out first, followed by three thousand soldiers and horses.

Dongfanghong stood on the high ground and saw that the Turkic army had begun to move. As expected, only a few thousand cavalrymen had been sent out without full attack, and he couldn't help but sneer.

Yu Chigong said nervously: "Shall we make some preparations, the opposing cavalry will arrive in such a short distance."

"Haha! Brother Yuchi, don't worry! Just such a small number of people are not enough for mines! They can't run in front of us." Hearing Dongfanghong said so confidently, everyone was a little worried. Is this firearm really that powerful

Facts speak louder than words, and the next scene surprised everyone, but for the Turkic people, it was frightening. Because the three thousand cavalrymen of Zamuhe had just run five hundred meters away, they suddenly blasted the ground with thunder, and there was a series of deafening loud noises. Look at Zamuhe's three thousand cavalry, they are leaning on their backs and flying in flesh and blood. Not only did the force generated by the gunpowder explosion spread the corpses of the horses and horses across the field, all the cavalrymen were also directly sieved by the iron nails, iron sand, iron briers and iron skins after the mines were exploded in the mines. Even if they were not dead, they were all flesh and blood. blurry.

Zamuhe was killed on the spot. Only a hundred of the three thousand cavalrymen rushed out of the minefield without seeing people, but they were already severely wounded and unable to fight. But if they were to go back, the remaining hundred or so people were killed and did not dare to move again, for fear that they would encounter such a terrible thing again, so they actually stood there waiting for someone to rescue.