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Chapter 66: Pre-war analysis (1)


Just four months after "Qi Guo" and "Chen Guo" had just finished a match, "Qi Guo" raised the butcher knife of war to "Chen Guo" one month before the new year. And this time the'Qi State' has used all the troops and national power that can be dispatched, and wants to take advantage of the natural disaster in the'Turkic' country, and the perfect opportunity to use the'Qi' troops to defeat the'Chen State' in one fell swoop. Nian could not stand up, so as to prepare for the future pacification of the south to dominate the world.

But who would have thought that all of the current situation was actually facilitated by the 18-year-old Dongfanghong, and Dongfanghong had never thought of making the wish of Qi Guo come true! But he prepared a surprise soldier, ready to strike'Qi Guo' head on. This was not as soon as he heard the news that the Qi State had begun its offensive, Dongfanghong rushed to the front line non-stop, and he wanted to personally supervise the battle to defeat the Qi State's troops.

The'Thunder God Mercenary Corps', except for the female troops, have already assembled in the territory of the'Chen State'. Although they were hired by the'Chen State', Xu Maogong did not let the more than two thousand troops be in the'Chen State' for them The designated camp is stationed. One is; because Xu Maogong understands that although the other party has hired them, they don’t take the mercenary group seriously, because no one believes that a force of two thousand people can play a role in a battle of one million people. I am afraid that the reason why'Chen Guo' hired them was because they were afraid that the mercenary group would be hired by the enemy and destroy them in the rear and inside of'Chen Guo', so they booked the mercenary group in advance. The second is; since the other party’s original idea is like this, it naturally does not trust the mercenary group. Once there is an internal problem in the'Chen Guo', the'Chen Guo' will definitely take the thunderthen's mercenary group as an unstable factor first. wipe out.

For these reasons, Xu Maogong would naturally not allow his troops to be stationed in the place designated by the opponent, so all the members of the mercenary group were scattered not far from the battlefield, and these hiding places were the'Adverse Heaven Sect' in the'Chen Guo' Secret strongholds and underground organizations. Although they are not on standby in the camp, once the task is issued, they will be assembled in a very short time, so there will be no such thing as a missed fighter.

After such a long period of development, the organization that has fought against Tianzong with the Yingtian Pavilion for thousands of years, naturally there are secret strongholds and hidden strengths throughout the country, otherwise it would have been completely wiped out by its opponents! Now that the suzerain of these forces of the "Nigerian Sect" has all been handed over to Dongfang Hong and Xu Maogong to take over, Xu Maogong will naturally use these forces to serve this super force of Dongfang Hong.

For this reason, the commander of the'Chen Guo' has repeatedly expressed dissatisfaction with Xu Maogong, but the mercenary group is not a regular army of the'Chen Guo' after all, and the'Chen Guo' has never given them tasks, so is the mercenary group now? Not in the designated place, it is also helpless to'Chen Guo'. However, such a force is not within his sight, I am afraid that any frontline commander will not be relieved! However, what is more reassuring is that Xu Maogong, the leader of the mercenary group, is still in the camp designated by the'Chen Guo'. Xu Maogong only brought a company of troops to live in the camp. To put it bluntly, it was to give the'Chen Guo' commander peace of mind, and also to be able to quickly and easily understand the battle ahead and contact'Chen Guo' at any time.

Dongfanghong did not ride the "Red Rabbit" when he came to the front line of the two countries' warfare this time. Instead, he placed the "Red Rabbit" in a secret stronghold of the "Tiantian Sect" in Jiangbei, because the BMWs like the "Red Rabbit" Too conspicuous, and now the two countries are mainly engaged in water warfare, so war horses are not very useful. And Dongfanghong did not use the identity of the boss of the mercenary group, but appeared as Yu Chigong's personal guard. To put it bluntly, I don't want to be noticed by the senior officials of the'Chen Guo', because who knows if these people will meet again in the'Qi Guo' in the future, it would be bad if they are recognized, so all be careful.

Dongfanghong is now sitting in the study of a secret manor in the "Nigian Sect", looking at a map on the desk and the battle report in front of him. Yu Chigong was sitting next to him, drinking tea, and said, "San Gongzi, in your opinion, who can win the victory of the two naval forces Chen Bing Jiujiangkou this time?"

Dongfanghong looked at the map without even thinking about it and said, "Do you still have to ask! "Qi Guo" will win soon!"

Yu Chigong looked at Dongfanghong curiously at this time and said: "The third son, why did you put so much effort into it? Before, all your arrangement and arrangements were for the'Qi', but now the'Qi' would really be defeated.' Chen Guo', then it is possible to sway the army south to pacify the'Chen Guo' to dominate the world. Isn't this going against your previous arrangement?" Although Yu Chigong does not know the true background of Dongfanghong and Xu Maogong, Dongfang Hong's idea of preparing a certain dynasty to usurp the throne was never hidden from him. People like Yu Chi Gong who have a deep sense of loyalty but don't have much thoughts about the concept of the country will naturally not think that Dongfang Hong's doing this is wrong. The so-called stab at being a friend refers to people like Yu Chi Gong.

Dongfanghong smiled and said to Yu Chigong: "Big Brother! Isn't this also our amazing soldier? A mercenary group in the'Qi State' will definitely be defeated this time."

Yu Chigong looked at Dongfang Hong who was full of confidence, and shook his head and said, "The third child, are you crazy? This time is a battle of millions of troops. Our troops won't play a big role at all. It's like "Turkic." Even though we defeated our opponents in the raid of Yazhang, after all, they were few people! Now it is different. The more than 400,000 troops of the'Qi Kingdom' are simply not something we can deal with. And with our weapons, If you are in a water battle with the opponent, you are still somewhat sure. The troops above the river cannot be fully deployed, and the warships are all wooden structures. These two points are very beneficial to us. Just use the'Tian Lei Arrow' and the'Burning Arrow'. You must be able to give'Qi Guo' a head-on blow, and the hope of winning is very high. But why did you refuse to let the Chief of Staff go to Marshal Chen Guo for a fight, and let us stand still? Missed this great opportunity for nothing."

Dongfanghong smiled when he heard Yu Chigong's complaint. Dongfanghong knew that the tactics Yu Chigong said was indeed the best strategy. The warships on the river cannot be fully deployed, they will only move forward in batches, so as long as Dongfanghong's two thousand troops have sufficient gunpowder, as many people as the opponent can pack. But Dongfanghong is not only considering tactics, he also has to plan for longer-term things, so he will not only consider how to win in front of him like Yu Chigong is only as a combat general.

Just when Yu Chigong was a little depressed about Dongfanghong's decision, Xu Maogong walked in. He came from the barracks after receiving news of Dongfanghong's arrival. He heard what Yuchi Gong said just now at the door, so as soon as he walked in, he said, "Why Master Yuchi hasn't fought, isn't it a bit embarrassing?"

"Old Xu, don't make me happy! When it is clear that the'Qi' army descends from Hanyang all the way down the river, we should hit them head-on, but now the'Qi' naval forces have already competed with the'Chen' naval forces. Set up the battle in the upper reaches of Jiujiang and prepare for a showdown. Now even if we attack, it is of little use!"

Xu Maogong smiled and said: "What the commander said is reasonable. According to this kind of tactics, it is indeed possible to give'Qi Guo' a vicious blow, but what about in the future? Dongfang Lunming is not an idiot. He will never let the troops come in batches. If we die, we will immediately postpone our advance. In this way, the opponent’s loss will not be too great, but our strength has been exposed. Although the first battle was won, some of the gains were not worth the loss. The third son wanted to fight Qi Guo. The troops of'Qi' were completely defeated. Not only did the war of Qi Guo's end in complete failure, but also their morale was slackened. In this way, the pace of Qi's dominance of the world would slow down, and we would have it. It's a good opportunity."

Dongfanghong smiled and said, "The chief of staff who knows me too!"

Yu Chigong said with some doubts: "Although you think the third son is good, how should this be implemented? Now it is obvious that'Chen Guo' suffered a defeat just a few months ago and the morale was low, and that battle was even worse.' Chen Guo's hundreds of thousands of elite navy were lost, and the current navy can be said to be miscellaneous.'Qi Guo' is the victorious division mixed with the anger of burning the'Tai Chi Temple', and the navy was in the last war. Although there are losses, it is always stronger than the'Chen Guo'. With such a comparison of forces, the'Chen Guo' in Jiujiang will definitely be defeated. Once this is the case, how can we have a chance to severely damage the enemy? Hundreds of thousands of troops are coming out, but It's not something that these two thousand people can resist, and it doesn't conform to our basic combat principles!"

"Hahahaha..." Dongfanghong laughed, and said to Yu Chigong, "The reason why I am not moving is not just preparing to do a big fight. This is also deliberately to let the army of Qi State take Chen Guo. To defeat, it is best to wipe out the troops of the'Chen Guo'."

Yuchi Gong became more and more confused when he heard it! However, Xu Maogong laughed and explained to Wei Chigong: "San Gongzi is killing two birds with one stone, using the army of Qi State to defeat Chen Guo, and then we are suddenly destroying the Qi State army. In this way, the'Qi State' did not want to have the power to dominate the world again in a few years, and the'Chen State' would not benefit from the defeat of the'Qi State', let alone take this opportunity to take the opportunity to go north to annihilate.' "Qi Country", I am afraid that they will take longer to recuperate than "Qi Country". As a result, the two countries are back in a stalemate state. If they face each other across the river, no one can help each other, and the current advantage of "Qi Country" will be wiped out. No existence, this is the situation we most hope to see, and now we must not let any party dominate."

Dongfanghong went on to say: "What the brother said is pretty good. We just want to keep all the forces in chaos. As the saying goes,'It's easy to fish in mixed waters.' Only in this chaos can we benefit. Once the world is peaceful, haha , These people of us are very conspicuous!"

"What you are talking about is indeed a long-term plan, but once the'Chen Kingdom' navy is eliminated, they are equivalent to being over. The southern army has always been good at water warfare, and the absence of navy means that it has no resistance. What do we do? Is it possible to turn defeat into victory or even defeat Qi Jun? It's probably impossible to rely on our two thousand people!" Yu Chigong still asked worriedly.

A wicked smile appeared at the corner of Dongfang Hong's mouth, and said to Yu Chigong, "The reason why I dare to arrange this is because of two people. These two people are the key to the victory of this battle, and we are just fanning the flames by the side and let's Qi The country’s army loses more miserably, and loses faster!"

Yu Chigong looked at Dongfang Hong in wonder, "Who are these two people?"

Dongfang Hongxie said with a smile, "Chen State's Dingnan King and Qi State's Emperor Zheng Yuan!"

Why does the Oriental Red Society say that these two people will decide the outcome of this battle? What kind of person is Chen Guo's'Dingnan King'? Can he really turn defeat into victory? Don’t forget that Zheng Yuan’s counsellors from Yingtian Pavilion are making suggestions. Is Dongfang Hong so sure that Qi Guo is defeated by King Dingnan