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Chapter 7: Messy


From Dongfanghong's point of view, the old Zamao was so interested in him, he would eat himself soon! It was strange that he hadn't seen him for six or seven days. But people in the family didn't mention this miscellaneous old way, just like he had never been here. But Dongfanghong knew that the calmer, the more serious the crisis was. Dongfanghong had already felt that something was about to happen to him!

On the eighth day, Dongfanghong's master'Tianji Zhenren' took office. With the smile that made Dongfang Hong's bones at a glance, he walked to Dongfang Hong's side with three shakes. At the same time, Dongfanghong also found that behind him there were two servants holding a lot of boxes and following him, not knowing what was inside

The old Dao turned his head and said to the servants behind him and the maid who was serving Dongfang Hong, "You put your things on the table and go down! You also go out, there is no need for you to wait here for the time being. If there is something poor Dao will call you. Remember. No one is allowed to come in and disturb, your master and madam have already said hello to the poor people."'Tianji Zhenren' solemnly stipulated to the people. "Also go to boil some hot water, it will be useful for a while."

After talking about the servant and the maid, he was sent away by the old way. Dongfanghong looked at all this and thought,'It's over! This old-fashioned idiot is finally going to attack me! People are not allowed to disturb, even parents are not allowed to come in, then who do I count on! Didn't I fall into the mouth of a tiger completely, oh my god! You must not harm me! 'Dongfanghong kept praying in her heart.

He was already walking around the room with excitement when there was only one veteran in the room. I still muttered to myself: "Great! Great! I finally waited until today. This is a once-in-a-lifetime good thing given by God! I can have a good time starting from today! There are already a few. I haven't felt this way in ten years, it's really comfortable!"

Dongfanghong sat on the bed and watched the old-fashioned way of talking to himself. With the expression and tone of speech, Dongfanghong just wanted to cry. When Dongfang Hong was frightened, Lao Dao walked over and looked at Dongfang Hong carefully. I kept nodding my head as if talking to myself or saying to Dongfanghong: "Yes, not bad! Good baby! The little guy will take care of you in a while. Of course! You may feel a little uncomfortable, but Fortunately, your little guy’s thoughts and consciousness are imprisoned! So no matter how uncomfortable or unwilling, you can’t do anything, just take it obediently! Fortunately, you are only three years old, and you probably won’t be big in the future. Maybe you will remember the current things, otherwise, once you wake up one day, remembering the current things will not tear down my old bones!" Speaking squintingly and stroking Dongfanghong's pink and tender pink Little face.

Listening to the old-fashioned words, Dongfanghong, who was frightened, wanted to go to the toilet. 'No! I'm only three years old now! Don't come here, ah! Help! Help! 'The current Dongfanghongjue is anxious about certain plots in the TV series. But when he heard a sentence below the old way, he fainted directly.

While stroking Dongfang Hong's skin, the old Dao said, "How tender, smooth, and beautiful! I am really reluctant to start! Little guy, I'll be rude to you, the master, so don't blame the master! Anyway, you’re only three years old, so you don’t remember anything when you grow up! Okay! Let’s warm up first, and then come to Zhenzhen. It’s the first time for the teacher to know that you are the first time, and you may react more Be stronger. Fortunately, although your mind is now imprisoned, it is also protected at the same time, so you won’t die. Don’t worry if we’re just starting today, we’ll be as light as possible as a teacher. If you can’t stand it, it’s easy to handle. Just fainted and it was all right."

After that, I turned around and went to the place where I put those boxes, took out a small brocade box and opened it. There are hundreds of golden needles neatly placed inside. The old man took them back to Dongfang Hong and said, "From today, the teacher will pass the golden needles for you to open up your meridians. Also. I will give you Zhenqi massage every day to strengthen the meridians. The teacher has also collected enough medicine for you in the past few days, and you will receive medicated baths every day in the future. This way, your little guy's body will be stronger! Prepare for you to better accept the power in your body in the future. As a teacher, I absolutely believe that you can wake up! But doing these things, I’m afraid you will suffer some sins. There is also medicine for this golden acupuncture point-passing Zhenqi massage. Bathing, but nothing is easy to bear. You can bear it!"

It's a pity that Dongfanghong couldn't hear these words of "Tianji Zhenren", because he had already been shocked by the words before the old way! If you really let him listen, I’m afraid that Dongfang Hong will be angry to death. This is obviously a good thing for Dongfang Hong, but it has made this miscellaneous old way to be so obscene, making him worry about how he will be angry for several days. !

'Ouch! My mother! It hurts me to death! 'Dongfanghong woke up in a burst of piercing pain. When he opened his eyes, the good guy himself was full of needles. And the old Dao was sweating the golden needles one by one, and every time the old Dao moved the needles, Dongfang Hong would die in pain.

I don't know how long it has passed, but Dongfanghong has been dizzy nine times anyway. The old way finally got the needle! Dongfanghong thought that it was finally over, but he didn't realize that the pain was no worse than just now when Lao Dao used Zhen Qi massage to needle the meridians, and Dongfang Hong went into a coma directly.

A tingling sensation all over the body woke Dongfang Hong up again! He was now lying in a tub full of potion. The potion invaded Dongfang Hong's body, making him feel a tingling itch all over his body, like countless ants crawling in his body. Dongfanghong couldn't control her body to run out of the tub, so she could only endure it. It feels much more uncomfortable than the pain. When it hurts, the human spirit will make you coma and play a protective role. But this itchy Dongfanghong can only stand firm!

Most of the day passed, Dongfanghong didn't even eat lunch. The old way finally came to an end, and it seems that today's sin is over. During this process, Dongfanghong also understood what the old way was doing, but after understanding Dongfanghong's heart was extremely painful, "Bitterness!" I actually went to this ruined place to suffer, I might as well just die! I don’t know when this sin will be suffered? Oh my god! Just fix me like that! Think about how the guys in the novels are not like me? Why am I so unlucky! 'When Dongfanghong was depressed, what the old Tao said next to him made Dongfanghong roll his eyes with anger.

"Really good! It is good to be imprisoned in your thoughts and consciousness! Otherwise, I am afraid that such a big crime will not be completed smoothly. Look at how good you are now, your own good boy will be honest no matter how you toss. Yes. Hahaha. God arranged it!"

So Dongfanghong's painful years have begun! Every day, he is subjected to the same old-fashioned'ill-treatment' like the previous punishment. Every day Dongfanghong scolds the veteran 18th generation of ancestors, but what's the use of this! Now it's getting harder and harder even if he wants to be in a coma, and the time he spends waking up is longer and longer, which means he suffers more and more!

Eight years have passed in a blink of an eye!

For eight years, Dongfanghong was still the same as when he first arrived here. He was an idiot in the eyes of outsiders, and he still couldn't control his body. However, Dongfanghong has not been white in the past eight years. He already knows a lot of things now, and his body has also undergone amazing changes under the repair of his master'Tianji Zhenren'. Specifically, in the past eight years, Dongfanghong has the following three important things.

The first thing: Dongfanghong's physical changes.

Under the veteran'careful care', Dongfang Hong's body can be as good as it can't be better, and it can't be stronger anymore. 'Tianji Zhenren' has been basically inseparable for eight years, and has been persistently'treating' Dongfanghong. In the first two years, Dongfanghong would die every time Dongfanghong was'abuse', but Dongfanghong became accustomed to it gradually! By the third year, the pain seemed to be no longer serious, and the pain basically disappeared in the subsequent time and the feeling of comfort was obtained in exchange. In the seventh year, Lao Dao stopped continuing acupuncture and medicated bathing. With Lao Dao, Dongfanghong's meridians have all been opened up, so there is no need for acupuncture! Dongfanghong's body has also been cleansed by the medicine inside and out, and there is nothing to say about being strong and healthy. At this time, the medicine can no longer work, so there is no need to use it anymore!

Although the acupuncture and medicated bath is no longer needed, Zhenqi Tuina is performed every two days, but for Dongfanghong, this type of Tuina is simply enjoyable. But Lao Dao is obviously already a little confused about this massage, because every time he is finished, he is tired and sweaty, and there is no time to rest. Dongfanghong now understands what is meant by'bitterness and happiness'. By the way, this Zhenqi Tuina Dongfanghong is extremely useful, but the other type of Tuina that the old Dao prepares for him makes Dongfang Hongtou extremely powerful!

This other type of massage is the real massage for the joints and muscles of the body. Dongfanghong cannot control the body, so it cannot move. In this way, the muscles and joints will become stiff and atrophy for a long time, which requires daily massage activities. This task has been going on since the beginning, but the problem is that something is going on now!

The second thing: Dongfanghong finally learned the real martial arts in the past eight years!

As'Tianji Zhenren' said, he will teach what he has learned to Dongfanghong, and he really hasn't fumbled at this point. Since Dongfanghong was five years old, Lao Dao explained to him the basic knowledge of martial arts. Over the past few years, Lao Dao has instilled all of his own things into Dongfang Hong's thoughts, not only martial arts, but also medical skills.

Today's Dongfanghong is truly aware of martial arts! His previous understanding of martial arts was really pediatric! But the old Dao obviously didn't know that Dongfang Hong had understood his martial arts very well. He judged that Dongfang Hong would really understand and master it for at least ten years with normal thinking. So now he is still impatiently explaining to Dongfang Hong over and over again, but the veteran never expected Dongfang Hong to disdain his proudest Kung Fu, "Ji Gang Zhen Qi".

"Jigang Zhenqi" This is a daunting inner power mentality in the arena! But Dongfanghong didn't even want to learn in the past. Because he has a more powerful mental method, which is the mental method in the "tantra". Dongfanghong didn't know what its name was, but he was very sure that this mental method was several times more powerful than'Jigang Zhenqi', because Dongfanghong now has a deep understanding of martial arts, so he can also judge A martial arts is good or bad. And he is also very grateful that he was confused about the martial arts in Tantric in his previous life, because if you don't fully understand this mentality and practice it, you will easily get confused. Just because he didn't know anything about martial arts in his previous life, he saved his life instead. He only practiced 10% of this mental method, and this power would not make him confused.

Now Dongfanghong is able to understand the mental method in Tantric, so he decided to practice it once he is in good health. He also took a unique method for this mental method, which is absolutely new in this era. The name is'crazy fighting spirit'.

The above two things are good and bad for Dongfanghong, and the other is good. And this third thing made him a little dumbfounded.

The third thing: Dongfanghong finally knows what dynasty and place he is in!

In the'Tianji Zhenren', he told Dongfang Lund that Dongfang Hong could actually perceive everything in the outside world, and proposed that Dongfang Lunde teach him knowledge to Mr. Dongfang Hong. Dongfang Lunde obeyed the old ways and enlightened him when Dongfanghong was five years old.

Over the past few years, Dongfanghong has listened to three or four teachers talking all kinds of knowledge in his ears, and has gradually understood the time and place he is in. But he was a little dumbfounded after knowing it! Because this is totally different from what he saw in the history books of his previous life!

Dongfanghong's current dynasty is the'Qi Kingdom'. When he first knew it, he thought he was in the period of the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms! But when the teacher read him "Records of the Historian", Dongfanghong was completely stupid.

Before the Han Dynasty, everything seemed to be indistinguishable from the history books, but by the time the history of the Han Dynasty went wrong, the generation of holy lord'Han Wu Dadi' was actually overthrown in his later years! And the man who caused the Han family to mess up the whole world is actually Huo Guang, and the current history books say: Huo Guang is revenge for his brother, his uncle, and the abandoned prince, and he rebelled. This directly led to the end of the Han Dynasty in just a hundred years.

Afterwards, the world was in chaos, and it was a bit like a three-nation stand, but this was more than three hundred years ahead of schedule! After more than a hundred years of war, the world finally unified, and the dynasty was the "Shen" that Dongfanghong had never heard of in his previous life. And this'Shen Dynasty' went on for more than four hundred years of history in one go, until the world became chaotic again.

The dynasty that Dongfanghong is now in is the period when the land of China was relatively calm one hundred years after the Shen Dynasty. Today's map of China is divided into two, divided into two countries by the Yangtze River. Jiangbei is the country of Qi where Dongfanghong is located; south of the Yangtze River is a country called Chen. And there are several foreign enemies in the surrounding area, among which the most powerful is'******'!

Dongfanghong calculated silently in his heart, "According to time, it seems that I should be at the end of Sui Dynasty and the beginning of Tang Dynasty! But why has this history all changed? And even if it didn't change much before the Han Dynasty, I also found a problem! That is, many celebrities in history have disappeared, such as Bai Qi, Lu Buwei, Qi Huan Gong, Sun Bin and so on in the Spring and Autumn Period and Warring States Period. Han Xin, Zhang Liang, Li Guang, etc. of the Han Dynasty are also not recorded. Also, although there was not much change before the Han Dynasty, there are still some different places in the history books of their own past lives. The king of Chu Wujiang cried himself and was killed by Liu Bang in Qi. It seems that there have been many places since the Xia, Shang and Zhou Dynasties.

It's just that history will be completely derailed by the time of the'Han Wudi'! 'Dongfanghong thought about this for more than two months.

In the end, Dongfanghong's conclusion was the theory of'time and space warped and parallel'. Not only did he go to ancient times, but he also went to a different historical time and space parallel to his past history.

When I think that I will return to a historical space where I am confused now, Dongfanghong is depressed! 'God! You are really fixing me! You let me return to the historical space of my past, so that I can count a bit in my heart! But it's alright now, his pure eyes are blacked out. Oh my god! You can make me miserable! 'Dongfanghong complained.

But there was something that made him feel more at ease, and that was his current family. Although the family didn't tell him much about the family situation, Dongfanghong also knew what the current father was. Dongfang Lunde was currently a second-rank senior official of the'Yongzhou Governor'! And his home is called'Chang'an' in Yongzhou City. At this time, the capital of Qi State was in'Luoyang'.

'Chang'an! I am actually the son of the highest official of Chang'an City! This is a famous ancient capital! In the history books of previous lives, it is said that Chang'an in this era has already begun to prosper! Haha··I can walk sideways here in the future, great! 'Thinking about these Dongfanghong was very excited, but after looking at her body that was still unable to command, Dongfanghong's heart was refreshing, and she really didn't know when she would be free!