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Chapter 74: Enter Beijing


'Tianji Zhenren' sat in Dongfanghong's study, drinking tea while thinking, as if something was on his mind. Dongfanghong also noticed it from the side, so he asked, "Master, you always seem to have some problems that you can't solve!"

The old man looked at Dongfanghong and said, "Yes, you are confused by some things as a teacher."

"Oh! What is it that even an expert like the master is confused? Tell it and let the disciple explain it to the master."

The old Tao thought for a while and said, "I really don’t understand being a teacher. Are you kidding helping the emperor of Qi Kingdom? Or are you harming him? The trick you made to weaken the power of the various families is indeed good. And indeed it can Let Lund’s brother enter Beijing in an open manner. But the more I think about it as a teacher, the more I feel that your method is definitely a good thing for the emperor, and even more good for the future development of the'Qi Kingdom.' When the emperor has more power, ours Isn’t it more difficult to handle things, aren’t you shooting yourself in the foot!"

Dongfanghong smiled and said: "Master, my apprentice would like to ask, in the past few hundred years, which emperor has been able to eliminate the family's clan?"

The old Dao said without even thinking, "No!"

"It's not over! In fact, which emperor is willing to watch his power be divided by others! But none of them have the power to uproot the already entrenched system of'door cock' in one fell swoop. But now is different. After the recent century of war, Every country that ever appeared has cut off some sects, and the power of sects is actually far worse than in the past. This also indicates that the good prospects for sects to carve up national power are not long.” Dongfanghong explained.

The old Tao thought for a while, and Dongfanghong said that this is indeed the case, which made him even more incomprehensible, so he asked: "If this is the case, how can you help the emperor to come up with this kind of idea? Isn't this speeding up the concentration of imperial power! Do it now? It’s not good for us at all!"

Dongfanghong smiled and said, "Wrong! The disciple did not do this to help the emperor, but to harm him. Although today's celebrities are not as good as before, they are still very powerful. At the beginning, the disciples' methods may not be good for those celebrities. I care too much, but after they understand, Master, please think they can give up? It is estimated that by then this'Qi Kingdom' will be up and down. The disciple did this purely for the'Qi Kingdom' emperor to be the first Crab eaters.

Does the master think it is so easy to reform, remove the old and establish the new? Anyone who dares to innovate is a heroic warrior, but how many of this heroic warrior can retreat? As the saying goes, the back waves of the Yangtze River push the front waves, and the front waves die on the beach. The disciple wanted to push the emperor of Qi country forward, and then let the vicious family clan smash him to death on the beach.

Of course, at the same time that the sects knocked down this enterprising emperor, it is estimated that they will also die! When the time comes, if the disciples become emperors, wouldn't it be easy to deal with them again? So what the disciple did was to let the emperor go down to be a tough engineer, paving the road and building bridges and thunder, waiting for the emperor to deal with the nobles! Haha, it is estimated that he is also dying. When we reach out a finger, we can gently knock down the'Qiguo' mansion.

For this reason, the disciples have prepared a lot of good plans for the emperor to benefit the country and the people! Of course, it is against the noble clans. From now on, I will let the emperor do the same until all the noble families rise up to resist. "

Listening to Dongfanghong talking and talking, the old way was a little dumbfounded, thinking about what was in the head of his apprentice! This insight and plan is simply a long-term plan, and even if anyone knows it, he thinks that his method is for the benefit of the emperor and the country, and it is simply a model of loyalty to the emperor and patriotism. But the consequences are not flattering. This is clearly knowing that although the front is bright, it is full of traps, and if I don’t go, I find a hapless guy to stand in front of the arrow. When the road is flat, the hapless guy is probably already. He died of ill-fated death. And this hapless guy is obviously the emperor of Qi State.

Dongfanghong said leisurely: "Oh! If my disciple can truly become the emperor one day to dominate the world, I will definitely carry forward the emperor's last aspirations, stick to his unfinished business, and serve this'great' The emperor erected a monument and said, let the people miss him forever."

Hearing this, the old Dao said angrily: "Everyone has been killed by you. I wrote a book and said that there is something for him."

"Wrong! Master! The disciple is a great and good person, of course, I must let everyone in the world know that I am a good person! This superficial work is indispensable. Master, you must know the highest realm of harm, then The more you help him, the more you harm him. To hurt others to save yourself is the bottom line, and the best policy is to help others to help yourself."

The old Dao shook his head helplessly and said, "I am so lucky to have accepted you as a disciple as a teacher! Otherwise, you have to play with my old bones."

"Haha, the master laughed!"

Half a month later, the court of the'Qi State' had something that said that it was not big, but that it was not a small thing. That was when a first-grade member of the dynasty, a scholar of Wenhua Pavilion, a scholar of Qi State, and a ministry of rites. Wei Guozhong, who was in important positions such as Shangshu, suddenly pointed out that he was too old and that it was a little incapable of holding multiple positions, and so on, he gave up the position of Shangshu in the Ministry of Etiquette. This shocked both the ruling and the opposition, and the emperor gave the post of Shangshu of the Ministry of Rites to the eldest son of Taishi Wei. This made even the aristocratic families in the middle of the kingdom puzzled, and the power that was finally regained was equal to returning. , And the emperor said at the time that these should be returned to whoever they should be.

So the patriarchs of each family thought hard at home for two or three days, and finally felt that even if they gave up a job, they would still belong to their family anyway. Even if the emperor has the idea of dividing power, only the family has always firmly grasped these powers, and the emperor can't help them. And in this way, you can also have a few more people from your own family in the court to fight for the best interests, and it can also be used as a springboard and trial training for the next patriarch of the family. In general, the advantages should outweigh the disadvantages.

After careful consideration, everyone submitted letters requesting the surrender of a certain position. However, the emperor was very generous and did not fully agree, saying that it was not good for so many positions to be filled by newcomers, and confusion caused by unfamiliarity, so in addition to the four veteran officials in the DPRK who allowed them to surrender because of their old age, No one else was allowed to play.

And these four first-tier members are the patriarchs of the four major families in the'Qi Kingdom' court. The first was Taishi Wei Guozhong. The Wei family was not only a prominent family but also the emperor’s relatives. Wei Guozhong’s daughter was Zheng Yuan’s empress and had given birth to the emperor’s dragon son. Zheng Yuan even handed over the guards and Yulin Army of the imperial city to his Yue Zhang.

The second one is Dongfang Angyu, the Patriarch of the Dongfang Family, who currently holds the post of the lieutenant to command the troops and horses of the'Qi State'. This time he gave out the Shangshu of the Ministry of War, after all, Taiwei could always control the Shangshu of the Ministry of War, so Dongfang Angyu was not worried about any accidents. Also because Dongfang Angyu was a veteran who fought hard on the battlefield, he has a very high position in the military world. He directly holds a quarter of the military power of the'Qi State' in his hand. He is also the most feared figure of the emperor. Because Dongfang Angyu not only personally commanded the "Qian" among the most elite four battalions in the front and rear of the "Qian", but he also pulled out many generals in the army in various places. In addition, the'Nanying' is about to become the world of Dongfang Lunming, and the'Beiying' was handed over to Dongfang Lunde to form when the court was really unqualified. The two camps of the South and the North were in the hands of the Dongfang family. Worry the emperor!

The third is the Great Situ Lu Yuan. The Lu family controls the economic lifeline of the Qi State. All finances are controlled by this Great Situ. This time he surrendered the position of Shangshu from the Ministry of Households. The guy is naturally so generous if he knows how to do it. Although the Lu family does not have military power in his hand, he has financial power. If you think about it, even if you have thousands of troops and horses without money, it is useless. Therefore, the status of the Lu family can be imagined. At the same time, the Lu family is also the most recognized by the Qi State. Rich family.

The fourth person is Tai Fu Li Hong. The emperor’s teacher is naturally used by the emperor. Although it is not as good as the relationship between Wei Taishi and the emperor, the Li family is a talented person in politics. This time Li Hong gave the position of the official secretary. Came out. Because of the position of the Li family in the political arena, the family’s children were scattered throughout the court and the opposition. The Qi state’s government affairs were basically taken over by the Li family. Although they had no money, no soldiers, and no royal family status, the Li family had the power to control political interests. No matter how much money it has, no matter how extensive it is, it serves politics, so invisibly, the Li family is equivalent to commanding all the manpower and material resources.

From these points of view, the military and administrative money of the'Qi State' is almost divided by the four great families. As the emperor, can Zheng Yuan be in a hurry! So when the Dongfanghong sent him this coup, Zheng Yuan couldn't wait to implement it. As a result, Dongfanghong's father, Dongfang Lunde, was promoted to the "Bingbu Shangshu" and immediately entered Beijing to take up his post.

Dongfang Lund looked at the imperial decree in his hand with mixed feelings in his heart. His lifelong wish was finally realized this time. Dongfang Lunming was convicted by the court this time and had lost his hope of competing for the Patriarch. Now that he can enter Beijing to serve as the Minister of War, he has undoubtedly taken one step closer to the position of Patriarch. However, he also knew that the capital city was no better than'Yongzhou', where was the real Dragon Lake Tiger xue, who was accidentally crushed to pieces.

So Dongfang Lund called Dongfang Hong, the most worried son, and wanted to tell him a few words. Of course, with Dongfang Lund's mind, he naturally thought that this visit to Beijing might be the credit of his son. However, Dongfang Lund said that he would not chase or ask what Dongfanghong did, so he just reminded Dongfanghong to be cautious in everything after arriving in the capital. Dongfanghong naturally knew the pros and cons, so he nodded solemnly to accept his father's warning.

Dongfang Lunde settled all the affairs of'Yongzhou' according to his own will. Dongfanghong will also handle the various departments in its hands. Chang'an is still its headquarters. Here is the foundation of Dongfanghong. Dongfanghong has long decided to build the capital in Chang'an after overthrowing the'Qi State' in the future. Those who entered the BOE Red Belt this time are all masters of "Blood Shadow", and there are also many Dongfanghong industries in Beijing. Chen Ping has already sent the manpower needed by Dongfanghong to those transactions of Dongfanghong in Beijing. .

When everything was arranged, Dongfang Lunde brought his family and guards to the capital in a glorious manner. Dongfanghong, a soul traverser with modern thoughts, will also face new challenges. The colorful world of Beijing is waiting for Dongfanghong to enjoy it. At the same time, the court battle of Longtanhu xue is also waiting for Dongfanghong. It depends on how Dongfanghong responds to death or alive!