Back to My Dad’s High School Days

Chapter 27: rob people


There was not much space under Lao Li's desk.

It was enough for Qin Shifu to hide alone, but now there is another Qin Chu, and both of them have long hands and feet, and they don't even know where to put their hands and feet.

Qin Shiwu gave Qin Chu a little push and mouthed, "Come on, I'll be crushed to death by you.

Although Qin Chu came later, he didn't know what it means to come first. The eight characters of "come from behind" and "shameless" are absolutely perfect.

Not only did Qin Shiwu fail to occupy a place under the table, but Qin Chu also occupied the magpie's nest and kept pushing Qin Shiwu to the side. One of Qin Shiwu's legs was squeezed out.

Suddenly, in front of Lu Tong's eyes.

Lu Tong's hand froze when he turned over the table, and he calmly moved his eyes to the foot of the table.

… What happened to this leg, the crime scene

Moreover, he was still wearing the legs of provincial school pants. In order to be fashionable, this person also changed the wide school pants into a pair of slacks, and rolled them around the ankles several times, saying that he came to study, it is better to say that he came School planting.

Lu Tong squatted down, and his leg "swish" into the hole in the table.


Soon, the sound of body collision came from the table hole. There was also the sound of the body hitting the wood, the sound of the stool rubbing against the ground.

After a while, Qin Shiwu lost to Qin Chu, formed a ball, and was kicked out by Qin Chu from under the table hole with messy hair.

"It hurts to death!"

Qin Shifu screamed in agony.

Immediately afterwards, his cry stopped abruptly.

Qin Shiwu raised his head, and the eyes of the two of them were perfectly aligned with Lu Tong.

"Hello, beauty. Have you eaten lunch?"

"… "

"Uh, I came to the political and religious office to clean up..."

Qin Chu slowly got out from under the table.

His arrogant attitude, as if he did not get out from under the table, but walked down from the concert.

Qin Shiwu glanced at Qin Chu and slowly added: "... Let's come to the political and educational office to clean up."

Lu Tong raised his eyebrows: "Will someone wipe the table hole?"

Qin Shiwu held up the registration form in his hand: "Clean the windows!"

Lu Tong: "Jin Gui. People use newspapers to clean their windows. You are very rich. Use the registration form in their class to clean the windows."

Qin Shiwu touched his nose embarrassedly: "There is no way for a big family, and the related family is richer."

The form in Qin Chu's hand was placed on the table: "Then why did you come to the Political and Religious Office?"

Lu Tong: "Come and find the registration form for the sports meeting."

Qin Shifu's ears moved: "The registration form? Have you already applied for the project? I asked casually, what project did you apply for?"

Lu Tong: "The 1,500-meter long run."

Qin Shifu paused: "You reported this?"

Lu Tong nodded.

Qin Chu glanced at him: "Do you report for long-distance running with low blood sugar?"

Lu Tong looked at him hesitantly: "How do you know I have low blood sugar?"

Qin Chu: … It turned out to be true.

Last time, when he climbed the wall with Qin Shiwu, he only heard Qin Shiwu say it once.

Qin Shiwu looks nervous and out of control, and he speaks in a flippant manner, making it difficult to tell when the truth is from when it is false.

Only this time about Lu Tong's low blood sugar, what he said turned out to be true.

Qin Chu: "I guess."

Lu Tong: " you think what you said doesn't seem perfunctory?"

Qin Chu changed the subject: "Why do you need to take the registration form after you have signed up for the project?"

Lu Tong retorted and said directly: "You ask me? Why don't you ask yourself? What are you two doing? Will you come to steal the registration form after the project is registered?"

Lu Tong's eyes fell on Qin Chu and Qin Shiwu's hands.

The two of them each held several registration forms, and neither of them belonged to their own class.

Qin Chu: …

Qin Shifu: …

That must not be to modify your registration project.

The eyes of the father and son drifted silently to the left and right sides, just not looking at Lu Tong.

Lu Tong: ... I feel a chill in my back for no reason. What's the matter

Qin Shiwu scolded Qin Chu fiercely in his heart.

How honest was his father when he was young? !

The person who said not to come to the Political and Religious Office just now was Qin Chu, right? Is this young man standing in the political and religious office a ghost now

It's because Qin Chu didn't come with him just now.

If we come together, can he meet Lu Tong

It's not that you can't meet Lu Tong - how can you meet Lu Tong at such an embarrassing time

Qin Shifu: "I didn't steal it. I just help the teacher sort it out. Do you want to change the project list?"

Lu Tong didn't embarrass Qin Shiwu, and said casually, "Help your classmates change a project."

"Classmates?" Qin Shishi asked alertly, "Male or female? A's O's? Where do you live? How many people are there? How many suites?"

Lu Tong was stunned by his question, and couldn't help but laugh: "You are a very interesting person."

Qin Chu rarely saw Lu Tongxiao, the latter always had an iceberg poker face, and saw everyone with the attitude that they owed him 1,800,000. Such a sudden smile, to have a sense of novelty.

Weirdly beautiful.

Director He came back after eating at this time.

Qin Shiwu hurriedly cleaned up the battlefield, trying to restore the desk to the original one.

Director He glanced at Qin Chu and Qin Shiwu with no good expressions on his face: "What are you doing here?"

He just asked this question, not intending to listen to the answers of the two, but went straight to the subject and looked at Lu Tong: "You came here for the matter of living on campus."

Qin Shifu thought to himself: Living on campus

Lu Tong nodded, Director He took the lock to open the drawer, and took out a school residence form: "After filling out the form, I will give it to you, Teacher Zhou. Then go to the students and say hello, tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. move in."

Director He glanced at Lu Tong - he was deeply impressed by Lu Tong, after all, this person is the top student in the exam every year, and he has raised the average level of the entire class by himself. Various Olympiad physics competitions have also won a lot of large and small trophies.

In the eyes of teachers, taking care of good students seems to be taken for granted.

"Why are you planning to live on campus all of a sudden? I heard from Teacher Zhou before that I contacted your parents, and your parents didn't quite agree with you living on campus."

Lu Tong is good at it: "Prepare for the sprint in the third year of high school. It's convenient to live in the school."

Director He was gratified that Lu Tong had such a high level of ideological awareness.

Qin Shiwu suddenly jumped up: "Mr. He, I also want to live on campus!"

When Director He saw Qin Shiwu, he was very angry.

In his eyes, there is nothing good about hanging out with Qin Chu—Qin Shiwu is the most frequent hang out with Qin Chu so far, and naturally he has become a thorn in Teacher He's eyes, a thorn in the flesh.

Don't care what Qin Shiwu said, whatever he said was wrong!

"Why do you live on campus? Are you also preparing for the third year of high school?"

Qin Shifu nodded righteously: "Mr. He is right, the college entrance examination should be taken from a child. For example, I, look at me, I am now changing my face and trying to be a new person, by living in the school so tough It made me understand the usefulness of learning. Besides, I couldn't get out even if the guards in the security room were watching at night! Wouldn't it be better to discipline me!"

Director He listened to his crooked reasoning, which was quite reasonable.

There are still many vacant beds in the school's international department, and Director He did not embarrass Qin Shiwu.

The main reason is that Qin Shiwu's words are pleasing, and his smile is pleasing. Rao is a hard-hearted person like Director He, and he can't help but feel a little loving heart.

"Just change it if you have the heart." He took out another accommodation table from the drawer.

Qin Shifu quickly glanced at the house number of Lutong's dormitory: 1201.

Then he quickly filled in: 1202.

Wouldn't it be more convenient to live next door to Lutong, close to the water tower and get the moon first

After filling out the form, Qin Shiwu was satisfied with the accommodation form and rushed out to find Lao Zhao to sign it.

Director He was called away by the vice-principal of the principal's office next door, and Qin Chu and Lu Tong were left in the Political and Educational Office.

After Lu Tong wrote the list, he stood up and said, "I won't go to Lao Zhao's house this Sunday."

Qin Chu asked subconsciously, "Why?"

For his huge sum of 3,000 yuan to buy a Tyrannosaurus Rex, Lu Tong dutifully gave Qin Chu extra lessons every week, and he never failed. Although Qin Chu didn't listen much to the class, and every time he confronted Lu Tong, he was naive to death.

"I'm going to the hospital on Sunday."

"Hospital?" Qin Chu said, "Are you sick?"

Lu Tong shook his head: "It has nothing to do with you."

Having said that, it seems that it has nothing to do with Qin Chu.

But when Lu Tong said this, Qin Chu thought of his attitude when he rejected Lao Cheng last night.

Exactly the same as now.

... It turns out he's nothing special either.

In Lu Tong's eyes, he might be the same as Lao Cheng.

Even if he left a temporary mark on Lu Tong.

Thinking of this, Qin Chu's chest felt tight, and he felt that the air in the office had never been so smooth.

… annoying.

Qin Chu turned his head and walked out of the office.

Lu Tong was very speechless by his inexplicable temper: "What did he do? I didn't say a word, and he started to play the lady's temper?"

After leaving, Qin Chu didn't see Lu Tong for several days.

Qin Shiwu has been busy with "moving" for the past two days. He pulled Lin Xiaomian and whispered at the front table, and planned all the things to be moved in detail, but he didn't pay much attention to Qin Chu.

Qin Heng sent several text messages, urging him to go home. Qin Chu didn't want to talk to his father at first, but Qin Heng's driver stopped him directly at the school gate when school was dismissed on Friday afternoon.

The driver, Lao Yang, got out of the car and opened the door: "little master, Mr. Qin asked me to pick you up."

Qin Chu was stopped by him and took him directly back to the Qin family.

Qin Heng owns three properties under the name of City H.

Two of them are commercial plazas in the city center, and the other is the Gulf Port in the Qiantang New Area, which is close to the Qiantang River and is a high-end residential area. Qin Heng, as the big boss, reserved a small villa with the best view for him in the residential area.

Since Qu Shaoning married his father, he brought Qu Muyao back from abroad, and their family of three lived here.

Qin Chu thought in the car: Then why am I going to join in the fun

Qin Chu's mother was an Englishman, the youngest daughter of the Duke, who had a bit of royal blood. His mother was a world-renowned violinist, a daughter of aristocratic-born daughter, raised in a greenhouse garden since childhood, and had never met a man, so Qin Chu judged that his mother was spoiled by Qin Heng because of her short knowledge.

The encounter between Qin Heng and the duke's young daughter was passed down as a good story in the media. For a long time, the labels on his parents were a match made in heaven, an immortal couple, elegant and noble. Until his mother died, Qin Heng remarried Qu Shaoning, the daughter of the head of the Aisen Group, and the media changed and began to criticize his father for being ruthless.

How can one person always love another person

When Qin Heng married his mother, he told his mother affectionately in the church that he would love her forever. As a result, less than seven years after his mother died, Qin Heng took a new wife.

It can be seen that his father's "forever" is measured in seconds, and Qin Heng's "forever" is only seven years.

Qin Chu thought about it, but found it funny.

The car door opened, and Lao Yang sent Qin Chu directly to the door.

As soon as Qin Chu arrived home, the nanny, Auntie Lin, won: "little master is back."

Qin Heng paused while reading the newspaper, and put the newspaper in the housekeeper's hand: "Youyu, how are you living at Teacher Zhao's house?"

Qin Chu's family is very traditional. His grandfather is an educated youth of the older generation and a writer. In addition to his own name, Qin Chu also had a word his grandfather gave him, called "Youyu", which means there is a piece of beautiful jade.

It's a pity that Qin Chumei is beautiful, but only on one face, and her behavior and character are very uncomplimentable.

Qin Shifu is the same as his father, although people around him call him Qin Shiwu, in fact he has a big name on his ID card as Qin Shu.

When his stepmother Qu Shaoning saw Qin Chu, she bent her eyes and smiled and said, "Evan has grown taller. The last time I saw him, he only reached my shoulders. Now he is taller than me."

Evan is the English name his mother gave him. To be honest, Qin Chu didn't like it very much. His mother stubbornly thought that she would have a daughter, and the name was very sweet. The translation of this word is Yiwan.

... It's too detrimental to Qin Chu's identity as a schoolmaster.

Qu Muyao was playing with her mobile phone with her chin propped up. When she saw Qin Chu entering the door, she didn't lift her head and gave a perfunctory look: "Brother."

Qu Shaoning was very concerned about Qin Chu and asked, "Did you receive the flowers that Yaoyao brought you last time? I chose them with your father. Do you still like them?"

Qin Chu remembered the bouquet of flowers that fell on the ground and returned to the earth.

Qu Muyao's movements also froze.

"Thank you auntie. I got it."

Didn't say I liked it.

Qin Heng asked him, "I heard from Teacher Zhao that your grades are not very good. She found a tutor for you. Are you still getting along well? Didn't you bully others?"

Qin Chu: "I'm too lazy to bully him."

Thinking of Lu Tong's cold face, Qin Chu pouted.

- The temper is stinky and tough, there is nothing to bully.

Auntie Lin said: "Everyone is waiting for you to eat, sir and madam, hurry up and eat, the dishes will be cold in a while."

Qin Heng originally planned to chat with Qin Chu again, but thinking that he hadn't eaten, he immediately let go and let the nanny serve the meal first.

A meal can be considered enjoyable.

Although Qu Shaoning is a stepmother, the reality is different from the novel, and there is no plot of a vicious stepmother. She was born into a wealthy family and is a veritable celebrity and aristocrat in Hong Kong City. She was raised as a lady since she was a child. After marrying Qin Heng, she was more obedient to her husband, and she also fulfilled the obligations of a stepmother to Qin Chu, a cheap son.

There was no robbing of the family property, no abuse of the stepson, and the reunited family treated each other like four strangers.

Although Qin Chu was disgusted with Qin Heng's marriage, he did not dislike Qu Shaoning.

I don't hate it, and it doesn't mean I have to spend a long time with her.

After Qin Chu finished eating, he made an excuse to run into his room. After he left, Qu Muyao immediately put down his chopsticks: "I'm done eating."

Qu Shaoning said in surprise, "Just eat that much?"

Qu Muyao: "I'm losing weight. Leave me alone. Mom, have I completed the transfer procedures?"

Qu Shaoning nodded: "I said hello to the principal, and I can report to the school on Monday."

Qin Heng said: "After you go to school with your brother, remember to keep an eye on his studies. If his grades are half as high as yours, I don't need to worry so much."

Qu Muyao nodded perfunctorily, not caring about his cheap brother at all.

Qu Shaoning said: "That's right. Evan still doesn't know about you going to be in the same class as him, remember to tell him."

Qu Muyao had this intention, and after agreeing quickly, she went upstairs to trouble Qin Chu.

As soon as Qin Chu arrived in the bedroom, Qu Muyao was leaning against his door.

Qin Chu treated her as an air person and ignored her.

Qu Muyao rolled her eyes, and suddenly said with a smile: "Hey, Qin Chu. The pheromone of the Omega on your body has faded a lot. Didn't you get dumped?"

Qin Chu said coldly, "If you have nothing to do, get out."

Qu Muyao said: "Of course there is something. I'm just here to inform you that we will soon become classmates."

Qin Chu looked at her: "what the hell are you doing?"

Qu Muyao smiled and said, "Nothing wrong. The Omega you're looking at is Lutong, the first class of the second year of high school?"

Qin Chu stood still: "Are you investigating me?"

Qu Muyao: "He has your pheromone on him. Is it worth asking? It's not like I don't have a nose. However, you don't seem to like him."

Qin Chu said, "It's none of your business."

Qu Muyao licked her back molars and said with a grin, "If you don't like him, then it's mine?"