Back To My Youth

Chapter 1: reunion


Guo Jingyu helped his mother clean up the basement. In the past two years, he opened a studio and ran a gallery to make some money. He bought a big house for the second old family. Reluctant to throw it away.

In the basement, there are all kinds of things, bits and pieces, even the textbooks he had when he was studying. Mother Guo couldn't stop talking: "These are all used by you in high school. Time flies so fast, you It's grown so big, it's better to keep it for later."

Guo Jingyu sorted it out according to what the old lady said, and said, "Who are you keeping it for?"

"I see, I see it is quite memorable..."

"If you have to keep these books, it's fine, but what are these old cardboard boxes for? What people know are the souvenirs you brought from your hometown, and those who don't know I don't think I'm old, you and my dad go out to pick up the cardboard boxes That's it!" Guo Jingyu moved the old cardboard box next to him, trying to move it, but he didn't know if the cardboard box was getting brittle with age or the things in it were too heavy, and they splattered. one place.

Guo's mother said "ouch" and hurriedly went to clean it up. Guo Jingyu also squatted down to pick it up, and just picked up one or two pieces and squatted there without saying a word.

What he was holding in his hand was a collection of Song Poetry, which he knew without opening it. There was a sticker on the title page.

On his 17th birthday, he dragged Li Tongzhou to the small commercial street next to the school to take a photo.

Li Tongzhou didn't like to take pictures, so he couldn't help but froze when he faced the camera.

Guo Jingyu was different. He loved to laugh since he was a child. He had a particularly handsome face in his youth. It was different from Li Tongzhou's indifference that excluded people from thousands of miles away. He was familiar with everyone and had friends all over the teaching building. But Guo Jingyu likes to play with Li Tongzhou, and it is also when he takes a photo. He dragged Li Tongzhou over and took a lot of pictures before picking out such a picture of Li Tongzhou smiling.

Saying it was laughing, it was just an effort to hook the corners of his lips and express his emotions.

Li Tongzhou indulges him, has an excellent temper, and always follows him.

The words I said were always the same, "I can do it all", "You can do it", "Do as you say"...

Guo Jingyu silently wiped the box and put it away one by one. Here are all the things he gave to Li Tongzhou, from a badge he gave him when he was in elementary school, to the gold embroidery he bought for him when he went abroad in college. The tapestry of the thread, no matter how high or low, was well received by Li Tongzhou, put it in this box, and returned the original to his home within a day.

He was studying abroad at that time, and it had been half a year since he opened the box with his own hands.

He planned all their futures, thought about all possibilities, but never thought that Li Tongzhou would leave him.

He went to see Li Tongzhou for the last time. It was in a corner of a desolate cemetery. There was a white stone tablet with a photo of him at the age of nineteen.

Guo Jingyu lowered his head to clean up the things, he didn't speak, but Guo's mother on the side sighed, she took a clean handkerchief and came over to help him clean the items together, and softly persuaded: "Jingyu, mother knows You can't let it go, but after all, you have been gone for so many years, you are not the solution, no matter whether you are a man or a woman, you should know a few more people..."

"Mom, stop talking."

The old lady glanced at him, sighed, got up and whispered: "I knew earlier, it would be better to let you two get together early, anyway, there are still people who can help him. Alas, Xiaozhou and his mother are also suffering. Such a bastard man."

Guo Jingyu didn't say a word, and after wiping things carefully there, after wiping everything, finally picked up the printed album the size of a palm.

This photo album was won by him when he was rushing to a temple fair, and he gave it to Li Tongzhou. Li Tongzhou cherishes things, and everything is well preserved. Except for some discolored shells, the corners of the album are not worn at all. It is well protected by the owner.

Guo Jingyu opened it and glanced at it. Most of the photos were of him alone, and there were also group photos of him and Li Tongzhou.

His fingers landed on the photo. The seventeen- or eighteen-year-old boy looked handsome, his pupils were extremely pale, and his thin lips were slightly raised, which happened to capture a little smile.

Guo Jingyu looked at it for a long time, then took out the photo and put it in his pocket.

I don't know if I suddenly saw those old objects from the past, and in my sleep at night, memories of my youth came one after another.

Guo Jingyu had a long dream, like returning to that sultry summer.

The fan in the classroom was hanging overhead, squeaking and spinning uncontrollably. Occasionally, there was a tinge of hot wind passing through the window, and more of it was the cries of Zhi Zhi, one after another, making people drowsy.

The teacher patted the blackboard with a blackboard eraser at the front, trying to make the students wake up a little more, "Have you figured out this knowledge point? Focus on the key point, there will be an exam at the end of the term, based on the positional relationship between the center line of the sun and the earth and the equator— The connecting line is north of the equator, indicating that the sun is directly shining at 23°26′N, and the earth is in the summer solstice point of the orbital orbit... He Xiangyang!"

A tall boy in the back row was suddenly called and stood up abruptly, with a little sleepiness: "Here!"

Causing laughter in the class.

The geography teacher scolded the class a few times before making the class quiet, and said with dissatisfaction on his face: "Did you hear what you just said?"

"Listen clearly!"

"Then let me ask you, as the angle between yellow and red increases, what will be the height of the sun at noon in Shanghai on the summer solstice?"


"Ah what, answer the question!"

"I've never been to Shanghai before, teacher..."

The class started laughing again. Guo Jingyu was awakened by the laughter. He blinked, as if he was slowly blending into it from the perspective of a bystander.

Guo Jingyu was sweating, and when he looked up, he saw the figure sitting in front of him, Li Tongzhou. The man's back is always straight and straight, the white shirt in the school uniform has a light soap smell, the hair is long and fine, and there is a steady rustling sound of writing.

Guo Jingyu was relieved, and lightly poked the person in front of him twice with a ballpoint pen, and whispered to him: "Li Tongzhou?"

Guo Jingyu was lying on the table, poked his palm with his fingers, and was gently held by the other party.

Guo Jingyu's heart slowly settled down, the corners of his lips raised a little, he had waited for this person for so many years, and he had never had such a real dream of touching each other - if this is a dream, it must be the most beautiful dream, He was willing not to wake up.

The geography teacher was still taking the roll call, and took the opportunity to get a few dozing and lazy students in the back row to stand up and punish the class, and rectified the class atmosphere. The seats in the class were arranged in order of height, and after a row of boys stood up, it looked like a row. They look like tall sunflowers, but each one of them is sloppy, and they don't seem to listen when they stand.

The geography teacher asked the previous question again, this time calling on Li Tongzhou's name.

Li Tongzhou got up and said, "Increase."

The geography teacher looked at the top student in the class and then slightly improved, waved his hand to let him sit down, and resumed the lecture.

Guo Jingyu held his chin with one hand and waited until the bell rang for the end of get out of class, and then he felt a little real.

As soon as the get out of class was over, the people who were punished for standing came to their senses, and He Xiangyang said with a sullen face: "Brother Yu, why didn't the old class call you just now, you obviously slept better than me!"

Guo Jingyu tilted his head to look at him, and the few people next to him answered for him before he spoke: "Nonsense, Brother Yu has someone to help, and the answer is correct wherever you call it. You must not call him."

Guo Jingyu glanced at Li Tongzhou sitting in front of him again, smiled and said nothing. With the help of Li Tongzhou, the top student in his grade, he just stood up and wrote the answer on the front row of paper, just read it.

He Xiangyang was still muttering: "I saw you sleep so soundly that I followed you and slept at ease..."

Guo Jingyu lightly kicked him and scolded with a smile, "Fuck off!"

Li Tongzhou got up and went out, Guo Jingyu quickly followed him when he saw it, "Where are you going?"

Li Tongzhou glanced at him and said, "Teacher Chinese, do the homework."

Guo Jingyu immediately put his hand on his shoulder and walked with him: "That's right, I'll help you, let's go together."

Li Tongzhou was a little surprised, and when he was in the corridor, he couldn't help but glance at him again, hesitating to say anything.

Guo Jingyu was also looking at him, with a completely different mind. Now that he saw Li Tongzhou standing in front of him, he couldn't help but his heart trembled slightly, as if there was a small electric current that stimulated it all the way up to the lacrimal gland. The mist that kept condensing in his eyes.

Li Tongzhou took a few steps, but still couldn't help but whisper: "Didn't you say you want to hide from the language teacher these two days?"

Guo Jingyu asked curiously, "Why?"

Li Tongzhou looked at him even more strangely: "You scored 72 points in the last test." He thought for a while, and then added, "Failed."

Guo Jingyu: "..."

Bad, he forgot that he was a scumbag in high school.

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