Back To My Youth

Chapter 12: Beauties


Guo Jingyu put away the price list and put it in his pocket, "My uncle's cousin is in college, studying game production. Their major is quite demanding on computers, so they have to use this for homework. You said, when school starts How many new students must be equipped with computers?"

Li Tongzhou said: "It depends on the school's enrollment scale."

Guo Jingyu listened to the music, half joking and half serious: "Li Tongzhou, I really like you."

Li Tongzhou was stunned.

Guo Jingyu got up and stretched, and added with a smile, "I like the way you answer questions in such a serious way, let's go, let's go back, I'll get my cousin first and discuss it."

Guo Jingyu took him back to Tanimotoshu's shop.

Guo's father had already sat there drinking a belly of tea, and when he saw him come in, he hurriedly asked, "Jing Yu, are you looking at the computer?"

Guo Jingyu said with a smile: "Dad, don't worry, I've looked at a few stores, and the prices are about two thousand yuan. I can't make up my mind. Didn't my cousin use computers all the time in college? I think Ask him."

Gu Benshu said: "Gu Yu? He also knows how to play a game."

Guo Jingyu said: "Uncle, you don't understand. Computers are divided into home use, office use, and special game use. Only those with high configuration can drive the game. That's the best."

Guo's father said: "Yo, Gu Yu happens to be this major, I remember he was studying computer, right?"

Tanimoto said: "What kind of computer, what kind of game production did you learn, and you know how to play games when you come back all day, saying it's the teacher's homework, I think it's just not good at learning, just read it for two years, and after graduation, you will be able to support a shop for him. It's gone." The Laogu family has always been hard-hearted and soft-hearted. Although they dislike their son, they have already paved the way in their hearts, and they have never been soft-hearted in giving money and things.

"College students must know more than us." Dad Guo smiled and said a few words, coaxing his uncle to feel at ease.

Gu Benshu called Gu Yu, and they agreed very quickly, saying that they would come right away.

Guo Jingyu has some impressions of this cousin. Gu Yu is an honest man, and his grades are not very good. He took a mixed diploma from three universities. Later, I went to be a drifter for two years in the north, and I was so poor that I didn't bother anymore after coming back, and honestly followed Tanimotoshu to open a shop and do business. Later, when Guo Jingyu came back with his family to visit relatives, he met him a few times, and it sounded like he was still envious of him engaged in a career he liked, and he was obsessed with games.

Guo Jingyu had some spare money at that time, and wanted to invest in him, but at that time, Gu Yu had been smoothed out by time, and his ideals were also worn away, and he became an honest middle-aged man. After arriving, he smiled and waved his hand: "Don't say no, I'm just playing two games by myself now, my head is empty, and I can't remember anything."

Guo Jingyu wanted to do something this time, but he couldn't do it himself, so he had to borrow from his cousin.

After all, he is a high school scumbag now, and his personal freedom is pitiful. Gu Yu is different. Although he is also a scumbag, he has already studied at university and is much more convenient than him.

Gu Yu soon came to the store.

He is still in his early twenties. He is tall and thin, with a pair of glasses on the bridge of his nose. His hair looks a little messy. I didn't notice it when I folded it in, and at first glance, I was out of my house for a long time.

Tanimoto tree blamed him for playing on the computer at home again, and asked him if he had eaten.

Gu Yu was soft-tempered, smiled and said hello. When he saw Guo Jingyu, he asked, "Jingyu is on summer vacation?"

Guo Jingyu kissed him as soon as he saw him, grabbed Li Tongzhou with one hand, and hooked his cousin's arm with the other, and went to the corner to speak, "Cousin, you came just in time. I have something to discuss with you."

Guo Jingyu showed him the list of computer accessories in his pocket, and then raised his own thoughts.

He put his idea on college students. There are more people buying computers now. Many freshmen are equipped with a computer. Although Gu Yu’s school is not a famous school, there are 20,000 to 30,000 people. It’s not easy to find business opportunities here. Disaster.

Although Gu Yu used a computer himself, it was the first time he saw such a low price, and he was a little surprised: "Is there such a big profit here?"

There should be some profit here, but it is difficult to squeeze out any more. Guo Jingyu feels that the price is almost acceptable, and it is much better than that of Boss Wang. At least know the reserve price, take it to the store for a walk, and know when you buy it, so that you won't be fooled too much.

Gu Yu was worried about the quality again, "Is this online okay?"

Guo Jingyu said: "It's easy to do, we ask if there is a physical store for distribution or something, just go and have a look. When I just checked the online store, I only searched for the delivery address in the provincial capital. I remembered it all, but it's a little far, so I have to take a taxi to see it."

Gu Yu is also a young man. Hearing his cousin said this, he was a little moved, "You don't need to take a taxi. I just got my driver's license. After a while, you can tell me the address, and I will drive you there." Can't stop looking back at the adults.

Guo Jingyu said: "Hey, don't look at it, I have already arranged it."

Gu Yu: "You know what I want?"

Guo Jingyu was delighted: "Why don't I know, aren't you just afraid that Uncle will come with you, and then you will be judged in three or two sentences. In this way, I will keep Li Tongzhou."

Gu Yu then turned to look at the classmates following his cousin, and asked in confusion, "If he stays, my dad won't go?"

Guo Jingyu said, "You don't understand, he is an honor student."

Ten minutes later, Tanimotoshu re-brewed a good pot of tea, and sat there with his sister and brother-in-law, looking at Li Tongzhou eagerly. He just heard about Li Tongzhou's deeds from his nephew, and his eyes will light up when he sees him again, "Xiaozhou, right, come here, sit down and have a cup of tea, the tea leaves fried at home, and try something fresh." He greeted Li Tongzhou to sit down, and then asked, "I heard that you won an award in that Olympiad?"

Li Tongzhou nodded and said, "Yes."

Tanimoto tree asked again: "Do you usually participate in any competitions?"

"And physics and chemistry competitions."

"Oh, what number did you get?"


"Are these games the first?"


The Gu family brothers and sisters looked envious, and they didn't know the reason. Jingyu never raised his head at a parent-teacher meeting. Not only Guo Jingyu, but the old Guo family, all with thick eyebrows and big eyes, were all academic scumbags.

There is no parent who does not like children who are good at learning, Li Tongzhou is a proper child of someone else's family!

The three adults looked at Li Tongzhou and didn't even notice that their children had run away.

Gu Yu was driving his father's Santana sedan with a look of surprise, "It's exactly as you said, my father and aunt really like your classmates."

Guo Jingyu said proudly, "That's it."

Gu Yu: "This 'beauty plan' works well, if in the future..."

Guo Jingyu immediately said: "There is no future, it's almost enough once."

Gu Yu drove all the way according to the address he wrote down. Guo Jingyu wrote down the addresses of three stores. After they saw one, Gu Yu was relieved and a little excited on the road, "Jingyu, I think this can be done, something I've seen it, and it's all good, just like the ones sold in the computer city."

However, Guo Jingyu marked the store, "This one can't be done, no matter the after-sales service, it's too troublesome."

Gu Yu said in surprise: "This price still depends on after-sales?"

Guo Jingyu said, "Of course, isn't this the most basic one? Otherwise, what if I can't use the computer I bought?"

Gu Yudao: "Generally not, if there is a small problem, just pay for the repair in the repair shop at the gate of the school."

Guo Jingyu just remembered that there is no seven-day return clause, he touched his chin and said with emotion: "The temperament of modern and contemporary college students is really good."

Gu Yu looked at him and said with a smile, "I see that you have changed a lot since you came back. Why did you suddenly start studying the business of making money?"

Guo Jingyu said: "I'm poor, I don't have any money, I'm panicking."

"You are a child, what do you need so much money for?"

"Cousin, you don't understand this. The economic foundation determines the superstructure. I'm planning ahead. In the future, there will be more places to spend money. Dreams can't be achieved just by dreaming, but also by money and time. Ah. For example, if you want to learn something, you can prepare the money for studying abroad in advance. If you talk about another object or something, no matter where you are or what you do, you will need money." Guo Jingyu looked Looking out of the car window, it was a joke at first, but when it comes to the back, it takes a bit of seriousness.

Li Tongzhou had an accident after he went abroad.

He didn't know what Li Tongzhou went through that year. He woke up from a dream several times and recalled that his chest hurt badly.

Li Tongzhou was gone, but he didn't even see the last time, and Li Tongzhou's family didn't mention a word.

All he saw was a cold tombstone.

These days, he was afraid that it was just a beautiful dream. He had to see Li Tongzhou every day before he felt relieved. Slowly, he had more contact with him, and then he felt a little more secure.

At the same time, he also felt a sense of urgency.

Guo Jingyu doesn't plan to study abroad this time, he wants to stay here.

If Li Tongzhou performs well in the college entrance examination, then he will follow which school he gets into; if Li Tongzhou fails the college entrance examination like the previous life and decides to come again, then he will accompany him, but it is just a waste of time, he has already missed it Li Tongzhou has been for too many years, and he will never let go this time.

Guo Jingyu fell silent, looking out the car window without speaking.

Gu Yu didn't know if he was influenced by him. After hearing these words, he frowned slightly, but he didn't say anything. The car was quiet for a while, and both of them thought about their own.

Guo Jingyu and Gu Yu looked around and finally stopped at the third store.

This store is quite large. It looks similar to Boss Wang's before. It is also a combination of two stores, but it is located in a remote location and looks relatively deserted.

There was a young man sitting over the counter, clattering on the keyboard, occasionally making a "ding dong" sound.

Guo Jingyu walked over and knocked on the table. The other party looked up at him and greeted politely, "Hello, what do you need?"

Guo Jingyu smiled and said, "Hello dear, I'm the one who asked the price just now."

Guo Jingyu went offline after asking about the price for a long time, and he didn't reply after that. The little boss thought he was just asking casually, but he didn't expect this person to come here. He came quickly. He quickly stood up and smiled. : "It turned out to be you, come here, please, I have already found out what you want, and I will show you."

When the little boss stood up, Guo Jingyu realized that he was walking up and down and one foot was disabled.

The accessories from this store are the same as what Boss Wang showed them before, but the price is much better. The whole set is only 5,700 yuan.

Guo Jingyu just wanted to chat with the boss, but Gu Yu on the side took the conversation. He had seen Guo Jingyu ask in the previous two stores once before, and he knew about the general matters. It was the first time he talked about business so seriously.

The owner's surname is Lu. Boss Xiao Lu has just tried to start an online store, but he actually wants to expand his business. He is very interested when he talks about it.

Gu Yu divided the computer configuration into three grades: high, medium and low. They looked for customers, and when the other party came to get the goods, they took a proportional cut from Xiao Lu’s boss. In the end, the prices of the three grades of high, medium and low were 7,500 yuan, 6,500 yuan and 4500 yuan for three.

Guo Jingyu wrote a simple contract on the spot, and asked the exclusive agent to come over first, but he also wrote that at least one computer was sold a month, otherwise the contract would be void. Guo Jingyu was not old enough, so he asked Gu Yu and boss Xiao Lu to sign separately, and each one put it away.

Boss Xiao Lu smiled and said, "It's the first time I've signed such a formal contract. College students are different."

Guo Jingyu was in a good mood, he held him and said, "Thanks to you, everyone will make a fortune together. I will take one away in a while, and please pack it."

"Hey, don't worry!"

Boss Xiao Lu happily went to pack the computer, completely unaware that Guo Jingyu wanted to buy this computer for himself.

After discussing the matter, Gu Yu drove back and didn't say a word along the way. He said to Guo Jingyu when he was downstairs of the Computer City: "Jingyu, I think you are right."

Guo Jingyu really said too much today, and for a while he didn't know which sentence he said was right.

"Dream can't depend on dreaming, it has to be piled up with money and time." Gu Yu whispered, "I made money this time, and I plan to go to H China to learn game production."

The author has something to say:

small theater:

Uncle Gu: My son has no other advantages, he is just obedient.

Gu Yu (excited): Dad! I'm quitting school! I want to study game production abroad!