Back To My Youth

Chapter 13: Mandarin Duck Hot Pot


Guo Jingyu was a little surprised for a while: "Cousin, are you going abroad?" He didn't remember that Gu Yu had gone abroad to study before.

Gu Yu seems to have made up his mind, "I don't have any other dreams, I just want to play games. I've wasted more than two years. If I graduate, I won't have a chance." It only involves fur, and it may develop slowly after more than ten years, but Gu Yu can't wait any longer.

Guo Jingyu thought for a moment, then patted him on the shoulder and said, "I support you, while you are young, while you still have dreams, go out and venture!"

Gu Yu was amused by him, "You said this to someone my father's age."

"Hey, it's probably because of his mental age."

Guo Jingyu also laughed.

Among his relatives, Uncle Gu treats them very well, and his cousin, Gu Yu, is not bad either. He sincerely hoped that Gu Yu could fulfill his dream this time and become better.

Gu Yu was given a shot of chicken blood, and he was in high spirits at the moment. While walking, he discussed with Guo Jingyu how to expand sales, "Jing Yu, there is more than one university near our school, and three or four new ones will be built to build a university district. , it's the kind of university town, I borrowed the car from my dad these two days, let's run around... "

Guo Jingyu said: "Yes, but let's start tomorrow."

Gu Yu was still excited, "Why, I feel full of energy now, I can't wait to start now!"

"No, I'm going to take Li Tongzhou to the tea garden."

"Why are you going to the tea garden?"

"It's summer vacation. Let's play for a day. I happened to go to see my grandma. It was the first time that Li Tongzhou came to bring him some tea and play."

Gu Yu was heartbroken, "Making money is more important than your classmates!"

Guo Jingyu never compromised on principles, "Of course he is important."

Gu Yu looked at him very puzzled.

"You don't know, a good student like Li Tongzhou has a very tight schedule. He doesn't tell me, but his family must have arranged other tutoring lessons. It's not easy to take some time to come out with me. Think about it. Ah," Guo Jingyu hooked Gu Yu's shoulders, the two brothers were both school scumbags and had never experienced the life of a school master, all relying on bold imagination. "High school is so critical, Li Tongzhou must prepare for this sprint and that simulation every day, and after that, he has to sign up for a class to learn what kind of knowledge contest..."

Gu Yu imagined it for a while and was in awe.

"Then let's go to the tea garden tonight, I'll drive the two of you there, pick new tea tomorrow morning, and climb the mountain by the way, the scenery is good." Gu Yu listened to him with soft ears.

"Hey, thank you brother!"

As soon as Guo Jingyu entered the store, he saw Li Tongzhou surrounded by two adults. Li Tongzhou noticed it almost as soon as he came in, and looked up at him.

Like children in kindergarten waiting for their parents to pick them up.

Guo Jingyu was delighted, walked over and asked, "Why are you chatting so well?"

Gu Benshu slapped his thigh and said with emotion: "It's too good fortune, Jingyu, your classmate is really good, his score is enough to save the experiment and study in the key class."

Guo Jingyu said: "Where is his home, uncle, don't push him to transfer schools, I can't explain it to his family later."

Li Tongzhou's answer was much more serious. "The teachers in Nancheng are also very serious about teaching. I have already adapted there."

Tanimoto tree is still sighing: "I have learned a lot this afternoon, and my parents are very good, and their studies have been so urgent since childhood."

Guo Jingyu sat down and heard it, and the person next to him asked with a low smile, "Have you asked about your childhood?"

Li Tongzhou was still looking at him, his gaze followed him back and forth.

Guo Jingyu laughed, touched the tip of his nose and begged for mercy: "I was wrong, come back sooner next time... No, no, no next time, absolutely no more, okay?"

Li Tongzhou nodded lightly, "Next time you can sit here, I'm nervous when you're not here."

Guo Jingyu's heart throbbed at his tickling, if it wasn't for so many people, he would just want to lean over and kiss him.

Li Tongzhou usually looks deserted, why is he so attractive at this time

Li Tongzhou poured him a cup of tea, Guo Jingyu took the opportunity to take advantage, "I just came back from outside, my hands are dirty, give me a sip."

Li Tongzhou held the teacup to his mouth, and Guo Jingyu drank while watching him smile.

Gu Yu was talking about the computer over there. He and Guo Jingyu had discussed it in advance on the road. Guo Jingyu saved money to fall in love, and he saved money to go abroad. It was not something that parents would know about. The only excuse was that an acquaintance he knew helped and took the cost price from there.

Nothing bothers the second master, Gu Yu drank a glass of water, and took Dad Guo for a run to bring the computer back.

They came back a little late, because the computer was much cheaper than expected. Dad Guo also chose a computer desk to ship back together, and the corners of his eyes were full of joy.

Gu Benshu was also happy and said to them, "I'll be the host at night, and everyone will come here. A new Little Sheep Hot Pot City has opened here, and the taste is quite good."

Guo Jingyu said: "Uncle, Li Tongzhou and I will not go there. I will take him to the tea garden later and stay there at night."

Gu Benshu thought for a while and said, "Alright, I'll ask your brother to send you and bring some dishes along the way. I haven't seen the old lady this week. Say hello to me."

Guo Jingyu agreed, and Guo's mother told him again: "Don't run around, my dad and I will go over after dinner."

Guo Jingyu smiled and nodded, "Hey, I know, Li Tongzhou is following, I won't run."

Grandma Gu lived in the old house over the tea garden. Gu Yu drove the two of them there. There were young people in the car. Gu Yu couldn’t help but get excited again: “Which campus shall we go to tomorrow? Jing Yu, tell your classmates it’s alright. Bar?"

Guo Jingyu said: "It's okay, I never hide it from him."

Li Tongzhou glanced at him.

Guo Jingyu immediately expressed his loyalty, "Really, if you don't believe me, ask, I will tell you the password of my bank card."

Li Tongzhou didn't want to know this. He sat in the car and listened to the story that the two of them planned to resell the computer. After hearing the initial worry, he slowly calmed down. Guo Jingyu is smarter than he thought, only doing sales work, and has no funds involved.

Guo Jingyu didn't seem to want to talk about the computer, and it seemed that he didn't focus all his energy on it. Gu Yu said with a look of excitement, but he hummed in response, preferring to look out of the car window rather than talking about business. The scenery along the way was pointed to Li Tongzhou. "Look, there are hills all the way here. It's very delicate. When there are mountains blocking the winter, it's not too cold. The tea garden is in the town in front."

Li Tongzhou was a little strange, he thought that the tea trees were planted in the mountains.

Guo Jingyu suddenly said: "The tea garden is not on the mountain, but at the foot of the mountain."

Li Tongzhou blinked.

"You can't wait to write it all over your face, of course I know what you're thinking." Guo Jingyu laughed, touching his arms and resting his head on his shoulder, "Don't move, let me sleep for a while. meeting."

Gu Yu glanced at the rearview mirror in front and said, "Are you tired of running in the afternoon? Go to sleep, I'll call you later."

Li Tongzhou relaxed his shoulders, changed to a more comfortable position for him to lean on, and used it as a pillow quietly.

Guo Jingyu "slept" all the way, with his drooping arms naturally placed between the two of them, and occasionally his fingertips rubbed against each other, very light and itchy like a feather.

After more than half an hour, we arrived at the suburban tea garden.

The place where Grandma Gu lived was a small two-story western-style building.

Grandma Gu lived here alone, surrounded by old neighbors, and it was very lively at night.

Guo Jingyu and the others suddenly visited, which surprised the old man very much. He was going to the kitchen to cook and entertain them, but Gu Yu stopped him: "Grandma, my dad asked me to bring some dishes from the restaurant, and it's hot enough. eat."

The old lady said: "Oh, I have everything here. I won't buy it in the future. The things outside are definitely not as delicious as what I make."

Gu Yu said with a smile: "It's the soup base and side dishes from Hot Pot City, you can try something fresh."

Guo Jingyu also helped the hand and helped the old lady back, "Grandma, I'll go to the kitchen to warm up, you can just wait here."

Grandma Gu was about to get up again, but Guo Jingyu didn't listen to her, took Li Tongzhou's hand and ran into the small kitchen.

Guo Jingyu turned on the fire to boil the soup base of the hot pot, while Li Tongzhou helped him arrange the vegetables and meat. I'm more comfortable when I'm together?"

There were two soup pots on the stove, one with the bottom of the tomato pot, and the sweet and sour smell gradually spread, and the other was the bottom of the butter pot, spicy and rich, bubbling.

"What about you, tell me, is it better for me?" Guo Jingyu was very confident and let out a small white tooth.

Li Tongzhou looked at him for a moment and said slowly, "I don't know."

Guo Jingyu tilted his head to look at him, with an expression that didn't understand why he wasn't the first, but he was quite righteous and cute.

Li Tongzhou raised the corner of his lips very shallowly, turned around and continued to work.

Because it's his family, it's all good.