Back To My Youth

Chapter 17: earphone


Guo Jingyu came back a few days early, but he couldn't see Li Tongzhou. He was kept at home by Guo's mother to study. The left ear was his mother's chanting, and the right ear was the tutor's crazy output. It was a mental crit.

Guo Jingyu pulled out his ears and said immediately, "Little teacher, I don't want to memorize the text, you can teach me math problems."

The tutor didn't expect him to cooperate so much, and immediately praised: "Yes, yes, the main course is correct, I will tell you about this geometric analysis."

Guo Jingyu listened to it for a long time, and his head became big. He barely knew a few subjects, and took turns to learn English for a while.

The tutor was stunned when he heard his accent. The student in front of him had a better pronunciation than him!

This is the result of Guo Jingyu's intentional restraint.

He had been abroad for two years before, and after he went out, like all international students, the first thing he learned was to buy and cook by himself, and his language was basically practiced in supermarkets and working places. In addition to the difference in the circle, a roommate who lived with him at the time was a local, just because he was greedy and wanted to eat the good food he made, he dragged him wherever he went. He participated in many activities and he always wanted to meet people. It's hard to speak English well.

However, Guo Jingyu also kept his hand. He used to study art because of his poor grades, but this time he really wanted to learn painting. If his grades suddenly improved, his parents would definitely not let him continue his art. Test.

Everyone said that the college entrance examination is a single-plank bridge with thousands of troops, and the art examination is even more so. It is like walking a tightrope.

Ordinary people, if it is not for the sake of survival, who would be willing to send their children to suffer that hardship

While Guo Jingyu lamented that his parents were not easy, he couldn't help but think of the good brothers he knew in the Academy of Fine Arts, those stinky boys whose lives were completely different from his own. Behind those few people, there is a great painter grandfather. Since childhood, he has determined that he is a future artist, and his nose has been raised to the sky, and he is arrogant. If he hadn't lost to Guo Jingyu in several competitions, he probably wouldn't have seen him in his eyes, but his mind was pure in art, and they got along well in the next few years, and they kept in touch with each other after work...

The little tutor knocked on the table, "Jing Yu? What are you thinking about?"

Guo Jingyu said, "I want to live in college."

The tutor immediately took the opportunity to inspire a wave of morale, "As long as you study hard, you will be admitted to university in the future! Come on, look at this question, don't think it's just a simple cloze, it's actually the first step for you to succeed. One step, when you write it, you take a big step!"

Guo Jingyu lowered his head and finished writing, and asked him again, "Teacher, how old did you study?"

"It's the fourth year of school!"

"Do you want to apply for a card? I have a mobile dynamic zone package at hand. There are many text messages, and I can also send MMS messages. It is most suitable for seniors who are preparing for internships in their senior year. I will give you a special discount of five yuan. How about one?"

"… "

Although he came to be a serious tutor, but couldn't stand such a professional shopping guide, the little teacher still paid for a card, looked at the student in front of him and said, "Jing Yu, I don't think you look like a high school student."

Guo Jingyu grinned and said, "You can also call me a prospective college student."

The little teacher laughed along, "It's very good for you to have this confidence. Which university are you planning to go to?"

Guo Jingyu: "Take a look and try to get into Tsinghua University."

"… "

The little teacher is in a complicated mood, and already has the idea of resigning.

The day before the start of school, Li Tongzhou came over and gave him a gift in return. He had brought back some tea leaves from Grandma Gu, and the family was a gift, so he sent two bird's nest gift boxes.

Guo Jingyu was sitting at the dining table and immersed himself in writing questions, but his eyes lit up when he saw him.

Guo's mother greeted him at the door and said with a smile: "Xiaozhou, it's fine if you come here in the future, don't take such precious things."

"Yes, the tea I brought back earlier, my mother said it was good, and I came to thank you specially." Li Tongzhou put down the gift, and said politely to Guo's mother before looking at Guo Jingyu.

Guo's mother gave special treatment to good students, and generously gave Guo Jingyu ten minutes to rest, and also let the tutors take a break.

Li Tongzhou walked over to read the topic written by Guo Jingyu, and gave him the topic in a low voice. Guo Jingyu was so stunned by the voice in his ear that he couldn't hear it clearly several times, and looked up at him stupidly, "Ah? You Slow down and say it again, I can't keep up."

Li Tongzhou slowed down and told him again, in a gentle tone.

It's different if you change the person you like. Guo Jingyu's work efficiency is much higher, and his enthusiasm has come up. He can't wait to write two more sets of papers.

When the tutor on the side saw it, he also came over and planned to teach for a while. After all, the fees paid by the Guo family were quite high, and they also included a dinner. The cooking of the Guo family was so delicious that he often couldn’t help eating two or three bowls of rice.

It's just that this time it was taught by Li Tongzhou, and the little teacher played support. With this cooperation, Guo Jingyu quickly immersed in it and enlightened quickly.

Li Tongzhou's praise was also more pragmatic. He leaned down and stretched out his hand to point at Guo Jingyu's big question, "I'll make it a deformation soon. If you get it right, I'll give you a reward."

Guo Jingyu suddenly became excited, "What reward?"

Li Tongzhou said, "I'll give it to you when school starts the day after tomorrow."

Guo Jingyu worked hard to solve math problems for this.

The Guo family's dinner was delayed by half an hour than usual. Guo Jingyu's homework today was completed an hour and a half earlier than usual, and he was overjoyed.

Guo's mother warmly stayed with Li Tongzhou for dinner, but Li Tongzhou shook his head and said, "No, Auntie, I still have something to do. I have to go home."

Guo Jingyu didn't eat either, and when he heard it, he immediately changed his shoes and pushed Li Tongzhou to go together, "Mom, I'll take him down and come back later!"

Guo's mother agreed and let him go.

But after waiting for a while, Guo Jingyu didn't come back, and after calling him, he heard that Guo Jingyu had gone to Li Tongzhou's house to play with him. Guo's mother was very angry, and she wished to follow the phone line to catch the stinky boy back to clean up, "There is still class at night, what do you ask the teacher to do?"

"You give people some vacation too. Anyway, I have finished writing the test paper, and the score is 20 points higher than before!"

"Guo Jingyu, if you don't come back, don't even think about entering this house today!"

"... Hey, my signal is not good here, Mom, what did you say? You don't have to go home today?"

"Guo Jingyu!"

"Thank you mom, mom is so nice!"

Li Tongzhou looked at Guo Jingyu on the side and hung up the phone, hesitating for a while, "Is this really okay?"

Guo Jingyu said: "Why not, I've been working hard for four days, I'm so tired, it's just mental oppression."

Li Tongzhou was amused by him.

Guo Jingyu walked side by side with him and asked curiously, "Li Tongzhou, you study like this every day, aren't you tired?"

Li Tongzhou said, "I'm used to it."

Guo Jingyu praised him as he walked: "People like you will definitely be able to do big things in the future, you have enough concentration, and you are very efficient in doing things!" He took two steps and asked him again, "Hey, Li Tongzhou, you just said that I will do it. That's right, just give me a present, I'm going home with you now, can you give it to me in advance?"

Li Tongzhou looked at him, "You are here for a gift?"

Guo Jingyu said: "Of course not, I miss you."

Li Tongzhou was in a better mood and took him home.

There was no one in Li's house, only the light in the living room was still on, and there was a note on the coffee table, which was left by Li Tongzhou's mother, saying that he was in a hurry and went back to the unit in advance, and he would go home later.

Li Tongzhou was used to it, and took Guo Jingyu to his bedroom, opened the door of the glass bookcase, and took a box and handed it to him, "Gift."

Guo Jingyu was eager to try and looked up at him, "Can you dismantle it?"

Li Tongzhou nodded and watched him take it apart. He kept paying attention to his expression. When he saw Guo Jingyu's bright eyes, he breathed a sigh of relief and raised the corner of his lips.

Guo Jingyu is holding the pair of Sony headphones, with a red flame logo, three-dimensional in-ear style, very cool.

Guo Jingyu fiddled with it in his hand for a while, then he started to lift up his T-shirt and put the earphones inside. Li Tongzhou was caught off guard when he saw the passing belly. In the blink of an eye, Guo Jingyu had already put the earphones down. The sleeve of the T-shirt came out, and I pinched one to my ear and said proudly, "Yes, it's so convenient to eavesdrop on this class!"

Li Tongzhou didn't know whether to laugh or cry. When he was about to pull his earphones, Guo Jingyu immediately protected him, "Hey, what are you doing, where do you want to go back after you gave it away!"

"You can't listen in class."

"You don't understand, don't I choose art next semester, and I listen to songs when I paint!"

"...Drawing and listening to music?"

"Of course, I draw for seven or eight hours a day, sit there without talking, and listen to music is the only entertainment."

Guo Jingyu divided the earphones with him and tried them on together. He bent his eyes and said, "It feels good to the touch, it's really soft, and it's not cheap, right? From now on, this half of the earphones will be yours, only for you to listen to."

Li Tongzhou lowered his eyes and looked at the looming headphone cable under the collar of his chest. He could only see the outline of it through the clothes, down his chest and abdomen, and stick to the youthful body.