Back To My Youth

Chapter 38: Climbing gym


The book building is very large, and there are all kinds of books in it. Many people stand in front of the bookshelves and choose and read.

Guo Jingyu took Li Tongzhou for a walk together. Li Tongzhou stood there and carefully selected reference books. He picked up seven or eight books, and was still choosing, looking up at the bookshelf and looking at the bookshelf.

Guo Jingyu stood by and looked at him, and when he saw that he had taken two more copies, he said strangely: "Li Tongzhou, do you still buy it? There are enough for review."

Li Tongzhou said: "These are for you to choose."

Guo Jingyu: "..."

That really isn't enough.

Li Tongzhou took another set of comprehensive management papers before closing his hands. Guo Jingyu saw the pile in his hand, the top of which was a copy of "Haidian Famous Teachers' Guidance", and his head hurt just looking at it.

Li Tongzhou understood him and comforted him: "You don't need to write a lot. You can read it when you have time. If you buy a little more, I'm afraid you will get tired of reading a book, so you can read it differently."

Guo Jingyu was amused, "You think I'm just like you, I have nothing to do, brush up a few sets, write and play, I can choose other ones."

"What else?" Li Tongzhou looked at him, "activity in the studio?"

"Everything is there. Sometimes Lao Cao will bring everyone to play cards and have dinner together. Last time, a classmate celebrated his birthday together in the studio. It was very lively." Guo Jingyu picked up the studio. I told Li Tongzhou a few interesting things here, and then said, "If you're not in a hurry to go back at night, I'll take you back to the studio to have a look."

Li Tongzhou immediately said: "I'm not in a hurry to go back, there is plenty of time for the ticket tomorrow afternoon."

Guo Jingyu only came to think about it now, the person beside him has been around for a long time, and he dared to go to the studio with him. He touched Li Tongzhou's shoulder and said with a smile, "Do you want to go to the studio? Just tell me directly next time, I'm so happy to see you, I didn't notice a lot of it, and I'm looking at you."

Li Tongzhou looked at him for a while, then nodded and said yes.

After shopping in the book building and buying the tutorial book, the two went to play elsewhere.

Guo Jingyu was familiar with the capital, but there were many places he just knew that he had never been to. He used to have a small notebook on which he wrote a lot of things that he wanted to do together in the future. When the conditions were available, he was the only one left. He did more than a dozen items by himself, and soon It was boring, and gradually became abandoned, and later even the small book was lost.

He hasn't written that little book yet, but it's strange to say that it was many years ago, but he recalled it clearly.

When passing by a climbing gym, Guo Jingyu stood at the door and did not leave. He turned around in his pocket. He had the salary paid by Lao Cao on him. Thanks to his thick skin, Lao Cao asked him to settle his salary on a weekly basis. , and now there are thousands of dollars in his pocket, he immediately said excitedly: "Li Tongzhou, let's go, let's go rock climbing!"

Indoor rock climbing gyms have only emerged in the past two years, and they are still a relatively new activity with high fees.

When buying the tickets, Li Tongzhou had to pay, but Guo Jingyu didn't give in and insisted, "I'll come."

Guo Jingyu had a problem with rock climbing. Li Tongzhou once came to see him. They agreed to go rock climbing together, but at that time Guo Jingyu was a poor student. Asking Li Tongzhou to pay, he said he was not interested, but he thought in his heart that he would go together when he had money.

Who knows there will be no more.

He passed by the climbing gym many times, but no one came in to challenge, and slowly forgot about it.

He thought about too many things to accomplish together with Li Tongzhou, this was just one of his most inconspicuous little dreams when he was a teenager.

Guo Jingyu paid for two tickets, squeezed the tickets in his hand, and looked down for a while.

He is back, and he can start with the smallest things, little by little, step by step, and make up all of them.

The two received simple protective gear, Guo Jingyu was sitting there changing his indoor climbing shoes, Li Tongzhou went to the door and bought a pair of wrist guards, put them on for him, and squatted down to help him tie his shoelaces." Let’s start with the three-meter wall in a while? Time is enough, just take it slow.”

Guo Jingyu looked at him and said nothing.

Li Tongzhou looked up at him and hesitated, "Five meters is fine, but it can't be taller."

Guo Jingyu laughed and asked him, "Am I the kind of person who is particularly competitive in your heart?"

It was the first time that Li Tongzhou talked to a partner, but he looked up a lot of online dating information and immediately said, "I like it like this."

Guo Jingyu pinched his face, got up and said proudly, "I like you too, let's go, let me show you, I didn't train for nothing on the school basketball team."

The indoor rock climbing venue has eight height lanes, the highest of which is 15 meters, which is said to be an international standard, and no one has climbed it at one time.

The slope is short and steep, imitating the outdoor environment, and it is not easy to step on, but this is not too difficult for Guo Jingyu. He is in good health and has excellent sports conditions. The son crawled over again, and the explosive force was amazing.

Li Tongzhou was quite well behaved, starting from the lowest level until he was within his ability. When he was sure he couldn't move forward, he simply stopped and turned back.

When Li Tongzhou returned to the ground, Guo Jingyu just climbed to the top.

Guo Jingyu sat on the raised triangular platform and called him and waved to him. Li Tongzhou looked up and waved. The boss next to him came over and applauded Guo Jingyu, probably following his studies. Li Tongzhou also retracted his hand and started applauding him.

Guo Jingyu sat there and laughed. It turned out that rock climbing together was like this.

He never thought that Li Tongzhou and Li Tongzhou would go up and down and look at each other from a distance. Li Tongzhou stood there and applauded him earnestly. He looked up and looked up, but he could feel his eyes firmly on him and follow him.

After Guo Jingyu came down, the boss was very excited and asked, "The little classmate is very good, are you from the rock climbing team of the nearby university?"

Guo Jingyu took off the protective gear and said, "It's not from the rock climbing team, but it's really a student, boss, is there a discount for students?"

Boss: "Discount! We've been open for a few months now, and you're still the first person to reach the summit, so I'll give you a discount for that too! By the way, can I take a photo and put it in the museum to promote it?"

Guo Jingyu hooked Li Tongzhou's shoulder and said with a smile: "Okay, just take a group photo of me and my classmates, and let's promote it together!"

The boss smiled and said, "Yo, that's what I earned!"

The boss also took a fancy to Guo Jingyu and the two of them for their handsome looks. He took several pictures with the Polaroid, and posted them on the message board next to the rock wall on the spot. It was the only one in the first row.

Guo Jingyu asked the boss for a pen and wanted to write his name on the photo, but in the end he was a little embarrassed and only wrote "G&L". Li Tongzhou took the pen and wrote "Come on for the college entrance examination" in the remaining space. ".

After coming out of the climbing gym, Guo Jingyu's stomach started to growl, but he insisted on taking a detour to a famous restaurant.

In the past, I saved money, and I wanted to wait until I had enough time and time to live a good life together, but Guo Jingyu now thinks about it. There is not enough money for a day, and he is willing to experience it with Li Tongzhou now. again.

Guo Jingyu was looking for an authentic Beijing restaurant. The chef here is said to have served a state banquet before, and the taste and evaluation are very good.

Guo Jingyu spent all the wages he received from Lao Cao, ordered many signature dishes, and ate very well.

Li Tongzhou said, "Jing Yu, there are prizes for this competition."

Guo Jingyu was wrapping roast duck for him, and he moved very neatly.

Li Tongzhou said, "Thirty thousand."

Guo Jingyu's burrito stopped, looked up at him: "How much?"

Li Tongzhou said: "The first prize of the group is 30,000 yuan."

"The four of you?"

"No, single."

Guo Jingyu handed over the rolled pancake diligently, looked at him and praised: "Okay, I really didn't see it, you can make money much faster than me, it really answers the old saying 'knowledge is power'. "

Li Tongzhou ate slowly and said to him, "If you need money now, I can give it to you."

Guo Jingyu said strangely, "Do you care about your parents?"

Li Tongzhou shook his head, "I have my own account, and I used to manage the money myself. They don't care about it."

Guo Jingyu thought for a while, "You can save it yourself, and I will ask you for it when I don't have enough."

Li Tongzhou said: "It's the same with you, you can use it as you like."

Guo Jingyu teased him: "What if I run out of money for you?"

"I can still earn more, and I use less, so I will give you my share."

"So good to me?"

"Because you are also good to me." Li Tongzhou said seriously after eating the roast duck burrito.

Li Tongzhou had a good family since he was a child. He didn't care much about money. He didn't use money very much, and he used things casually. But he wanted to buy it for Guo Jingyu, as if Guo Jingyu understood all his habits, he also knew that Guo Jingyu liked brand-name sneakers, fashion clothes, and all kinds of novel and interesting activities.

He even had a strange perception, as if the half he was missing and not interested in this world had been filled by Guo Jingyu.

When I saw this man, the whole world was full of lively and beating colors.

The author has something to say:

Little Feather (happy with akimbo): Not only the color, but my body is amazing! It's the little painter himself, that's right~!