Back To My Youth

Chapter 4: Rib noodles


Guo Jingyu's cooking skills are good. His fingers are nimble and his mind is clever. The small wontons are pinched like small ingots, with thin skins and large fillings, which are very beautiful.

When he was in the Academy of Fine Arts, in addition to his major, he also took a course in the Department of Sculpture. The old professor of the Department of Sculpture treated him like a grandson. , Later, after chatting with several professors in the Department of Printmaking and Mural Painting, I realized how many boats he was pedaling, and he stopped thinking about it.

The old professor said that he likes to play, and he needs to be steadfast when making sculptures.

This is also true. He later opened a gallery and opened his own studio. Strictly speaking, he should be regarded as an art dealer, not a person in the pure art circle. Get along harmoniously, and any activity in the circle counts as a quota.

Guo Jingyu wrapped the small wontons, separated them with plastic wrap, and froze each bag in the refrigerator, "You can take it out and cook it yourself tomorrow morning, just boil it for two and you'll be done... I know about the two. What do you mean? It's just that the water in the pot is boiling, add a small bowl of cold water, and boil it again."

Li Tongzhou nodded, "Like boiling water, it takes half an hour, right?"

Guo Jingyu almost didn't hold the wonton in his hand, so he couldn't be more happy, "Who told you that for half an hour? Don't eat the wonton if you have to cook it for half an hour, it's already a pot of noodle soup."

Li Tongzhou wondered: "But in general, boiling water for five minutes can kill bacteria, and 15 minutes can kill spores..."

Guo Jingyu closed the refrigerator door, clapped his hands and said, "Don't memorize this, my head hurts. Tell your aunt tomorrow morning and let her cook it for you to eat together."

"My mother is on a business trip."

"Not tomorrow or the day after tomorrow?"

"Not this week."

Guo Jingyu didn't even bother to ask Li Tongzhou's father. His father was like a decoration in this family. Rarely see each other once a month.

Li Tongzhou was still looking at him, Guo Jingyu was a little soft-hearted, and said to him: "It's okay, I will come over tomorrow morning to cook for you." Probably thinking that we can meet tomorrow, Guo Jingyu is a little excited, " Tomorrow we will take the bus together, the earliest one, the one at 7 o'clock, right?"

"Tomorrow make up the class, just go before 9 in the morning, you don't need to go to the morning self-study."

Guo Jingyu remembered that they were making up classes during the summer vacation.

The winter and summer vacations of high school, which were all Schrödinger's vacations, were posted to the inspection team of the Education Bureau. The college entrance examination is severe, and thousands of troops are crossing the single-plank bridge. All high school teachers can't wait to squeeze all this time into their hands. It's enough to give them half a month in the summer vacation.

Guo Jingyu took Li Tongzhou's hand and lifted his sleeves to look at his watch, "I'll check the time, yes, tomorrow will make up classes on the weekend anyway, I'll come over in the morning and let's have dinner together, and you can't get this..."

Guo Jingyu still had some flour on his hand, and it rubbed it on Li Tongzhou's wrist. He knew that this person was a little bit clean, so he patted it quickly, but the more he touched it, the more he touched it, and Li Tongzhou held his hand back before it was clean. She squeezed lightly, as if joking with him, not caring about the flour.

Guo Jingyu said: "It's dirty, go and wash it."

"It's alright." Li Tongzhou's eyes twitched and he smiled slightly, but Guo Jingyu still saw it. Before he could regain his senses, his fingers were pinched and loosened, and he heard the other person's voice lightly say, "Jing Yu, I will wait for you tomorrow morning."

"Hey, I'll definitely come!"

Guo Jingyu was simply satisfied. How could his little boyfriend be so coaxing? A few wontons were so happy.

Guo Jingyu finally dawdled until almost 9 o'clock before leaving, and his mother made several calls to remind him. He changed his shoes at the door with his schoolbag on his back, suddenly raised his head and looked at the person standing beside him and said solemnly: "Li Tongzhou, I have something to test you."

Li Tongzhou nodded, "Okay."

"Please recite my address and let me hear it."

Li Tongzhou honestly recited it, a little puzzled, "What's wrong?"

Guo Jingyu has moved many times, but now he has the nerve to say that he has forgotten where his home is, so he can only pretend to be mysterious: "It's nothing, I'll see if you keep me in your heart."

Li Tongzhou's light-colored pupils are all him, and he said softly: "Yes."

Guo Jingyu was suddenly teased, the tips of his ears were hot, and he hurried downstairs with his schoolbag on his back.

He got on the bus by himself, and didn't find a seat for two stops. He just stood there with the wind blowing from the open car window, watching the neon lights of the buildings flashing outside and couldn't help being silly.

Li Tongzhou looked at him without saying a word, and was really good at telling love stories.

He hadn't noticed it before, and he always thought that this person was very honest. If he asked him to say that Li Tongzhou could teach a tutorial, the little deer in his heart ran for 800 meters in a provocative way.

When they got home, Guo's mother was already staring at the door.

Guo Jingyu was a little shocked to see his mother's dyed yellow hair, but then he focused on the feather duster in his mother's hand, "Mom, I really went to do my homework, it's all done, I don't believe you an examination!"

Guo's mother said angrily: "Who told you this, don't think you'll be fine when you hide in Xiaozhou's house. I spent so much money to find a tutor for you, and you just picked a child in the last day? My father and I have no money to make. Screaming bitterness, why is it so difficult for you to learn more? I will give you face in front of Xiaozhou, and you have to give me an explanation today, it will be against you!"

Guo Jingyu had a vague impression. Back then, he did not do well in high school, so he did hire a college tutor, but the tutor was quite average. After a few months, his grades were still at the bottom. Later, Li Tongzhou gave him tutoring, and his scores This is brought up. However, he had just met Li Tongzhou at that time, and the same formula was read out of Li Tongzhou's mouth before he thought it sounded better. Most of it was the effect of hormones, so I really don't blame the little teacher.

Guo's mother glared angrily, Guo Jingyu hurriedly raised her schoolbag and said, "Mom, listen to my explanation, I think it's useless to ask a tutor..."

"Nonsense, grandma Fan's grandson next door knows that stupid birds fly first!"

"No, I'm not saying that it's not good to study too much, but just change someone. What do you think of Li Tongzhou? He is the number one in our grade, and he has won a prize in the Provincial Mathematical Olympiad. He just happened to sit at my front table and let him help me. ?"

Guo's mother's use of the feather duster is actually a deterrent. Guo Jingyu's skin went back to its skin, but her heart softened when she coaxed her a few words from that little mouth, and he hesitated: "Is Xiaozhou willing? He is also busy with his own studies."

Guo Jingyu patted his chest and assured: "Yes!"

"He said it himself?"

"Of course! He told me to come over early tomorrow morning." Cook ravioli for him.

When Guo's mother heard that her son had settled down in his studies, she smiled, put down the feather duster and took the schoolbag for him and said, "Don't go there empty-handed tomorrow, and bring something to others, it's one thing if they don't have anything, let's do it. The heart has to be delivered. Come on, you two must have dealt with a bite at night, your dad cooked the noodles, let’s go eat some more.”

Guo's mother took her schoolbag and went to the living room to check her homework carefully. She was really worried about her son's grades.

Guo Jingyu's father kept looking at the situation in the kitchen, listening to their mother and son talking, and then came out and whispered: "Jingyu, are you starving? Go wash your hands and eat noodles tonight. I passed by the vegetable market after get off work and saw that the spareribs were very fresh, freshly stewed, so fresh."

Guo Jingyu's age is the time when he can't get enough to eat. The barbecues at night are almost digested. He smells the aroma of pork ribs noodles and drools down. His father has nothing to say about his craftsmanship. He washed his hands and sat down to eat noodles.

Guo's father sat opposite him and whispered to him. Their family is different from other families. The female lead is outside and the male is inside. His father has been a grassroots screw all his life. Kind of an old man.

"You're so old, don't let your mother worry, she's working hard enough outside... Would you like another sparerib?"

Guo Jingyu pushed the bowl over, and Guo's father happily put some spare ribs for him, "Is it delicious? Today's stewed spare ribs with some cinnamon and Angelica, your mother also praised it as delicious."

Guo Jingyu said, "That's right, Dad, why are you still wearing an apron?"

With a small blue floral apron tied around his waist, Dad Guo said, "I'll wait for you to finish washing the dishes."

Guo Jingyu let out a sigh of relief, buried his head and quickly took a few mouthfuls. At the end, he drank the soup base and pushed the bowl to him.

Dad Guo went to wash the dishes happily again, humming a ditty, and his family ate a lot as a compliment for his cooking skills, and he felt beautiful in his heart.

Guo Jingyu glanced at the living room, his mother was still carefully checking his homework, he was not worried at all, cough, he finally copied Li Tongzhou's homework, and there was absolutely no problem in writing it. He didn't go to the living room either. He stood at the door of the kitchen and asked, "Dad, do you still have the spare ribs you cooked?"

"Yes, yes."

"Then you can pack me a box tomorrow morning, and I'll take it to Li Tongzhou to eat."


The author has something to say:

small theater:

Brother Yu, the little deer banged against the big wall in his heart—

Guo Jingyu: My boyfriend is so good! Backhand is a compliment!

the other side.

Li Tongzhou, who is serious about learning kitchen knowledge: He is so nice.