Back To My Youth

Chapter 48: Monthly exam


Guo Jingyu searched for someone to follow for a while, and really found something.

Li Tongzhou's mother Jiang Min is quite well-behaved. Apart from going to work, working overtime, and then returning home to take care of the family, although she spends significantly less time at home than at work, she does her best. After all, her unit has a heavy testing task, and sometimes continues It is normal to be busy until midnight for random inspections. She has paid a lot of hard work to be promoted to the current position, and she truly loves this job.

As for Li Qingcheng, he was surprised. In a short period of time, he was not found to be in contact with any suspicious person. He was surrounded by work colleagues. Although he had a small apartment, he was the only one who lived temporarily. Every day, the driver would meet him. Driving him to and from get off work and didn't notice anyone else walking into the small apartment.

When the private detective he was looking for contacted Guo Jingyu, he said to him: "It doesn't look like you have a little lover outside. The schedule seems to be quite regular. Every day, I am in the unit, and the car picks up the car. There is nothing unusual." After he finished speaking, he laughed, "But to say it again, it's quite strange not to go home, are you still following?"

Guo Jingyu said: "Follow, look at the people he usually contacts, and tell me immediately if there is anything suspicious."

The other party agreed.

Guo Jingyu asked again: "You said just now that Li Tongzhou also went out on weekends?"

The other party nodded, "Yes, every two weeks, we will go out in the car together, but I think it should be on the way. Every time I go to Yancheng Road, I followed it up to see it, it is a psychological counseling room."

"Psychological counseling room?"

"Yes, I went in and asked. There are elementary school students to high school students. Every weekend, many parents bring their children there, especially before and after the exam. Many people are stressed and go to the teacher to give guidance."

Guo Jingyu nodded and breathed a sigh of relief, "That's good."

Guo Jingyu asked the private detective to only stare at Li Qingcheng. The more Li Qingcheng could not see any clues, the more strange he felt, as if he had made everything a layer of disguise, and arranged it many years in advance. to check.

In mid-October, class mock exams.

After entering the senior year, there were frequent examinations, and I was already somewhat immune to the monthly test. The students in the fast class took two years to study all the courses. this examination.

Guo Jingyu obviously felt that the culture class was exhausting, but he still filled all the empty spaces as much as possible.

After the results came out, Guo Jingyu took the last place without any accident.

Li Tongzhou sat next to him, and his scores were still very good. Two people accounted for the two extremes of the class, one positive number first, the other last number one.

On the night of the results, Guo Jingyu deliberately didn't go to the studio to draw, and stayed in the class to wait for the papers to be released. He calculated his total score while looking at it. Li Tongzhou was also helping him read the test paper, his brows were much more powerful than him, and it seemed that he could not accept this result.

Guo Jingyu pinched his fingers and took a deep breath, "Exactly 385 points."

Li Tongzhou sat on the side without saying a word.

If you look closely, you will find that Li Tongzhou's eyes are flustered for the first time, and he has no idea how to deal with it.

On the other side, Guo Jingyu suddenly played the test paper after a short silence, and said with a look of excitement: "Li Tongzhou, have you seen it? I rounded up and I scored 400% on the test, hahaha! After half a year of delay, the score almost didn't drop much, not too bad. !"

Li Tongzhou was stunned for a moment, can this score drop further

Guo Jingyu explained to him: "Don't think that 400 points is too low. Last time Lao Cao helped me to overestimate it. According to the admission scores of the previous sessions of the Academy of Fine Arts, the top few people in the professional rankings do not need to have grades in cultural courses. So high, as long as I hold 450 points, I can basically walk sideways."

Li Tongzhou thought for a while, but still advised: "Jing Yu, you can't put all your hopes on the majors. If you can improve your grades in the culture class, you must try to do your best."

Guo Jingyu said: "I know, just because you were too nervous just now, relax a little." He stretched out his hand to squeeze Li Tongzhou's shoulder, and said with a smile: "Next, first set a small goal, complete 400 points, and then 10 Gradually increase the points, 10 points, there is still a year left, Li Tongzhou, do you have the confidence to help me mention 450 points?"

Li Tongzhou nodded and said softly, "Yes."

In the next few days, Guo Jingyu learned a lesson for his mouth cannon.

Li Tongzhou's self-confidence comes from his solid memory and deformed application of basic knowledge. He was afraid that Guo Jingyu would relax himself, so he wrote a book of wrong questions for the questions he had done wrong before.

To this end, I called Guo's mother and hoped that the parents would come forward to supervise.

Guo's mother was so happy, she felt that she could not stand by and supervise, and couldn't wait to invite the former tutor back, one on the left and right, staring at Guo Jingyu to do the questions.

Guo Jingyu fell into the hell of the college entrance examination question bank. Even at night, he dreamed that Li Tongzhou would invigilate him and let him write the questions with a stopwatch.

Guo Jingyu was about to collapse listening to the tick of the stopwatch in his dream.

The invigilator holding the stopwatch remained calm, and said in a cold voice: "Love, you have ten minutes left. I suggest you write the big questions with more marks first, otherwise it will be too late."

Guo Jingyu almost burst into tears.

After waking up, while lying on the bed to take a breath, someone knocked on the door. Guo's mother called him from outside the door: "Jing Yu! Hurry up, Xiaozhou is here to call you to school!"

Guo Jingyu responded with a nasal voice while lying on the bed, but he didn't have the strength to move his fingers.

After a short while, the door was knocked gently twice, and was gently pushed open, "Jing Yu?"

Guo Jingyu raised his eyes to look, and saw Li Tongzhou, even less energy, laying on the bed and snorting.

Li Tongzhou came over, sat beside the bed and asked, "Are you uncomfortable?" He raised his hand and touched Guo Jingyu's forehead, frowning slightly, "It's a little hot, did you kick the quilt again yesterday?"

Guo Jingyu closed his eyes and said, "Don't mention it, I'm tired."

Li Tongzhou chuckled lightly and pinched the tip of his nose, "Too tired of studying? You won't be allowed to write exam papers today, let's just do what you like, okay?"

Guo Jingyu opened his eyes and looked at him, with a little anticipation, he hadn't gone out to play for a long time.

Li Tongzhou's eyes were gentle, and he coaxed him: "I only do English listening today. Come on, get up and change your clothes. I'll help you get your coat."

Guo Jingyu dragged the quilt over his head, playing tricks, but was dragged up by Li Tongzhou, helped him get dressed, coaxed him out to have breakfast, and went to school together.

On the bus, Guo Jingyu hadn't woken up yet, leaning his head on Li Tongzhou's shoulder, half asleep, when the car bumped, Li Tongzhou would stretch out his hand to protect him, Guo Jingyu closed his eyes and started complaining: "I dreamed of you last night. , it's a nightmare."

Li Tongzhou was silent for a moment and said, "You didn't say that before."

Guo Jingyu said, "You didn't force me to do this before."

Li Tongzhou touched the broken hair on his forehead with his finger, Guo Jingyu was itchy, his nose wrinkled and wanted to hide, but he was tapped lightly on his forehead, he opened his eyes and said dissatisfied: "I bully people in my dream, but I still bully when I wake up. What about people?"

Li Tongzhou observed him for a while, then suddenly laughed.

Guo Jingyu's heart beat faster, but he tried his best to keep his face sullen: "I'm so angry, I asked for a day off, even when I go to work, I also pay attention to the combination of work and rest, so I don't make people work overtime."

Li Tongzhou nodded and asked him, "How do you want to rest?"

When Guo Jingyu talked about this, he became invigorated, and said excitedly: "How about going to sketch on the weekend? Teacher Jin just took the students out of the second year of high school, and it is on the outskirts of the city. I heard that the scenery is very good, and you can fish! Do you want to? come together?"

Li Tongzhou stretched out his hand and held it secretly with his, "Okay, if you do well in the test today, let's go together."

The smile on Guo Jingyu's face condensed there, "Exam today?"

"Well, today's quiz."

He was caught off guard by the quiz. Guo Jingyu was almost burnt on both sides, so he had to play it hard. Some of the topics were almost like his painting, and he developed his muscle memory.

After the results of this quiz, Guo Jingyu's ranking did not change, and he still maintained the bottom one.

But the score has improved, getting 415 points.

In just two or three weeks, it has improved by several points, and the head teacher has specially praised a few words when handing out the transcript.

Guo Jingyu took back the test paper, looked at the scores, and looked at Li Tongzhou, who naturally took over the past and started writing the wrong test book. Suddenly, he felt that his grades in this culture class were guaranteed, and he felt a sense of pride in his chest.

Guo Jingyu went back with his grades, and he got the approval of his family, especially when he heard that he and Li Tongzhou were going out together, Guo's mother was very pleased: "Go, have a good time with Xiaozhou, take care of others, do you know?"

Guo Jingyu said: "I know, I carry him on my back when I go up the mountain."

Guo's mother patted him on the shoulder and was amused: "Xiaozhou is taller than you, if you carry it on your back, wouldn't it mean that your legs will drag on the ground."

This is also a point of Guo Jingyu's recent depression. He remembered that he and Li Tongzhou were about the same height when they were studying, but now I don't know if Li Tongzhou was stealthily growing taller, or whether he was overwhelmed by learning and didn't have time to grow taller. He was half a head shorter than Li Tongzhou, and the gap gradually widened.

On the weekend, Guo Jingyu greeted Teacher Jin and took Li Tongzhou to the school bus to sketch.

He deliberately picked a few more lively songs, put them in MP3, and listened to the songs with Li Tongzhou and one earphone. Maybe yesterday, the tutor knew that he was going to play, and he taught him for an extra hour. Guo Jingyu didn't listen to two or three songs. The sleepy eyelids fought, Li Tongzhou pressed him on his shoulders, and he closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Li Tongzhou looked down with his eyes down. The boy sleeping on his shoulders had a faint cyan under his eyes. He stretched out his thumb and touched the small shadow, and the corners of his lips raised slightly.

He likes people who really work hard.

It was bumpy all the way to the outskirts of the city. Teacher Jin brought the students from the second year of high school to sketch landscapes. He deliberately found a place with mountains and water. He also lived in a nearby farmhouse. There was a lush old tree in the yard. It was clean and tidy. It has received many people who come here to collect scenery.

Guo Jingyu and the others joined at their own expense, so they didn't live with those classmates. They found another small hotel nearby. The conditions of the small hotel were better, and the yard was also arranged interestingly. There were two persimmon trees in front of the door. The child is bearing fruit heavily, the skin is red and bright, round and lovely.

Guo Jingyu caught a glimpse of these two trees and said with a smile, "It's good here, 'Persimmon Ruyi', you know it's a good place at a glance!"

The author has something to say:

small theater:

After studying at the Beijing Studio, after scoring 415 points—

Li Tongzhou: What should I do

Guo Jingyu: I'm awesome, hahaha!