Back To My Youth

Chapter 52: Art exam


At the end of November, Li Tongzhou's birthday arrived.

This time Jiang Min was at home and asked, "Is there anything you want to eat for your birthday? Mom asked for leave from the work unit today to make it for you."

Li Tongzhou was about to go out when he heard shaking his head and said, "No need, I made an appointment with my classmates to go out to eat."

Jiang Min was very happy to be integrated into the group. She took money from her wallet and told him, "Invite the classmates to have a meal together and have a good time."

After taking it, Li Tongzhou asked her, "I may have to go home later."

Jiang Min said: "Of course you can, but you have to go to school tomorrow, so don't be too tired."

Li Tongzhou agreed and went out.

He and Guo Jingyu made an appointment to go to a nearby restaurant. The chefs at that restaurant are very good, but the restaurant is small and needs to be reserved in advance, especially the private room, which needs to be reserved a day or two in advance. In addition to the delicious food, there is another point that you can bring pets. The master here has raised a puppy himself. He takes it with him every morning when he buys food, and he pampers him like an eyeball.

Guo Jingyu had arranged everything in advance, and was waiting for the little birthday star to come.

When Li Tongzhou arrived, Guo Jingyu was sitting inside pouring tea, and there was an unopened cake box on the table next to it. It looked small, just enough for the two of them. He raised his hand to greet Li Tongzhou over, and said with a smile, "Come on, I just ordered the food, just wondering when you will arrive!"

Li Tongzhou sat over, Guo Jingyu pushed the menu in front of him again, "Look, his signature dishes are chestnut roast chicken and pickled cabbage stewed fish, I have ordered the rest, but I don't know which one do you like? "

Li Tongzhou said: "It's all right, the chestnut roast chicken is ready."

The canvas bag on the wide chair on the side suddenly twisted twice, and it seemed to make a slight noise, but in a noisy place like a restaurant, I couldn't hear it clearly. Li Tongzhou's eyes were good, and after seeing it, he suddenly asked, "You Did you bring the rice ball out?"

Guo Jingyu smiled and said, "Yes, we will celebrate your birthday together, will you be surprised?"

The food was ready soon, Guo Jingyu said to Li Tongzhou: "I'll put the rice balls out, you close the door of the private room, be careful not to let it run out, when I brought it just now, it was always at my feet, almost Wrong person..." Guo Jingyu took the rice ball out of the canvas bag, flicked its forehead and taught a lesson, "I almost left with the people in the back kitchen, didn't I?"

Li Tongzhou asked strangely, "The back chef?"

Guo Jingyu said: "Well, I went to tell the master here and let him cook a bowl of longevity noodles for you. This time we are eating outside, I will not cook, and I will cook it for you next time."

Li Tongzhou sat aside and nodded, "Okay."

Guo Jingyu hugged the rice ball and pinched its paws, "The master raised a little Pomeranian, beautifully like a little fox, with round eyes, and a tail that fluffs up like a squirrel's tail..."

Li Tongzhou interrupted him: "Rice balls are smart."

Guo Jingyu doesn't deny this. Their little brat is really smart. He Xiangyang's gang comes to the art building every day to see him and teach him all kinds of things in different ways. Eighth, after a few days, let him do that action again, and he will not be confused, and he is obedient and obedient. Especially those educated by Li Tongzhou, who have really learned to add two ways, and are particularly active in holding cards.

The rice ball was put on the ground, and when the little paw fell to the ground, it made a crisp sound, and immediately began to run back and forth between the two of them, very excited. It likes two dads to accompany it the most!

Li Tongzhou waved his hand, and it immediately ran to his feet and squatted down, looking up at him, the round little body still had a bit of milk fat, a snow-white mass.

Li Tongzhou looked at it for a while and said, "The rice ball is also very beautiful."

Probably understanding the compliment, the little brat's tail swayed from side to side.

It has grown a bit bigger than when it first came, but it may be related to the breed, and it is still the size that can be held in his arms. Guo Jingyu also asked when he took it to the veterinarian for a follow-up visit, it should be a string, I can't see what kind of breed, but I was praised for being sturdy - the rice balls are delicious, and there are two dads by my side.

Guo Jingyu took out another small porcelain bowl from the canvas bag. As soon as he saw the rice ball, he turned around excitedly. Guo Jingyu hurriedly made a booing gesture. With special cooperation, he made a small "wang" sound, and his tail swayed quickly.

Guo Jingyu picked a few pieces of chicken for it, and then picked up a larger bone and let it gnaw on its own.

Guo Jingyu opened the cake box, took a candle to light, and accompanied Li Tongzhou to make a wish.

As usual, Li Tongzhou didn't say any of his three wishes. He just held Guo Jingyu's hand when he made the wish and blew out the candle.

When sharing the cake, the rice ball came over with a small bowl in his mouth and waited to be fed. Guo Jingyu didn't dare to give it cream, so he picked a little cake base for it, and the rice ball was eaten up in two bites, and he still wanted to ask for it. Guo Jingyu was a little soft-hearted, and was stopped by Li Tongzhou when he was hesitating whether to give it or not. Li Tongzhou said, "I checked it, and puppies can't eat cake."

Guo Jingyu was startled on the spot, "What should I do? I gave it back just now. What will happen if I eat it? Will I get sick?"

Li Tongzhou: "I will get fat."

Guo Jingyu: "..."

Guo Jingyu thought to himself, although this person said that his son was beautiful, he actually knew in his heart that he was fat!

When the meal was almost finished, the master brought the longevity noodles over again. When he saw the rice ball, he greeted it and said with a smile, "Next time, come and play with Sisi."

Guo Jingyu agreed, and by the way let the rice ball stand up and say goodbye to express his thanks for the invitation.

The master looked envious.

When he came out of the restaurant, Li Tongzhou carried the canvas bag on his shoulders. The little brat inside was very obedient, and he let him take him away without moving. They didn't go to a particularly noisy place with the rice balls. They went back to school after a circle, slipped in through the back door, and entered the art building together.

The rice ball had been hidden in the school for half a month, and he was very familiar with it. After returning to the small nest in the corner covered by a cardboard box, he twisted his butt to get in, and soon came out with a small plastic box in his mouth. It was Guo Jingyudi. The one I used to feed it once had tiny teeth marks all over it, and it was a treasure.

Li Tongzhou said, "Do you still keep this?"

"It's not what I thought. I threw it twice and found it again from the trash can. I learned to be smart and hide it in a different place every day." Yudi didn't want to give it, and made a sound of grievance.

Li Tongzhou said: "If it likes it, keep it."

After Guo Jingyu let go, the rice ball immediately took the broken plastic box to Li Tongzhou's side, probably seeing that he would not rob him, and put the plastic box at Li Tongzhou's feet.

Guo Jingyu deliberately ate the taste: "It's nice to you, so I'll give you all the broken boxes."

Li Tongzhou looked down for a while and said, "Do you want it?"

Guo Jingyu waved his hand, "What do I want that, I don't need to grind my teeth, it's still small, I won't play with that box after a while."

Li Tongzhou said: "No."


"The memory of childhood is only profound. It remembers this box and will not forget it."

This was too serious, Guo Jingyu looked up at him, but didn't see anything, but felt a little strange in his heart. Both of them greeted the family. It was still early. Guo Jingyu asked Li Tongzhou to be a model and sat there to paint a portrait of him.

When Guo Jingyu was painting, he could look up at the model in an open and fair manner, but the model was more calm than him. He always looked at the little painter generously, with tender and nostalgic eyes, and sometimes his eyes seemed to be smiling.

The rice ball was playing while biting the plastic box. Later, when he got tired of playing, he hugged the plastic box and fell asleep under Li Tongzhou's stool.

After Guo Jingyu finished the painting, he took it off and rolled it up and handed it to Li Tongzhou, "Happy birthday."

Li Tongzhou took the painting and was still looking at him, as if waiting for something else.

Guo Jingyu touched the tip of his nose and took out a small box from his pocket. Inside was a pair of silver rings. He gave one to Li Tongzhou and said, "I saw a silver jewelry store on the roadside that day, so I just bought it..."

Li Tongzhou looked at the ring on his palm and asked after a while, "Where is the silver jewelry store?"

"The capital."

Li Tongzhou got closer to him and asked in a low voice, "Have you thought about it that long?"

Guo Jingyu didn't say a word, leaned over and kissed him.

More than just thinking about it, he has already made a lot of plans for the future, and there is a person named Li Tongzhou in each of them.

In early December, on Guo Jingyu's birthday, Li Tongzhou bought two platinum necklaces, tied the two silver rings with thin chains, and wore them together with Guo Jingyu.

Guo Jingyu felt as if he had received a talisman, and he felt more confident when he went out for exams.

The joint art examination, which lasted for more than two months, began. Guo Jingyu and thousands of art candidates across the country began to go to the examination room. They first took professional examinations at the test centers set up in the province, and then went to the capital. The admissions brochures of major independent art schools have also been released one after another. Guo Jingyu continued to run to the next examination room with his drawing board and paint box while flipping through the pages, busy doing the final sprint of his professional course.

Dad Guo drove his car over to accompany him to take the test, and also witnessed the hard work of these children.

Guo Jingyu was lucky. He could eat a hot meal in the car at noon and then sleep for a while. Most of the candidates outside the school only bought a lunch box, simply filled their stomachs, and wore clothes in the cold wind. The down jacket waited for a while, and when the exam site opened, I hurried in for the next exam.

Guo's father was very embarrassed to see it, and he worked harder to take care of his son.

Guo Jingyu chose 17 universities this time. In fact, with his strength, he originally only wanted to choose two art colleges in the capital, but to be on the safe side, he chose a few more universities, all of which were the most famous comprehensive universities. There are all over the country.

Because some schools had similar schedules during the selection, Dad Guo drove his son to the car every time, and he went back and forth between Beijing and Tianjin several times. Guo Jingyu slept in the car at night, and washed it with cold water after arriving in the morning. His face was sober, and he went in for the exam immediately.

Guo's father felt sorry for him. After he finished the exam, he deliberately asked the school for an extra day off to let him sleep well.

Guo Jingyu didn't give in. He slept for more than ten hours. When he woke up, it was already evening. The heater was on at home, and there was a familiar smell of food in the air, which made his stomach growl. .

Guo Jingyu groped under the pillow, found his mobile phone, opened it and looked at it. The message he sent to Li Tongzhou before going to bed showed that he had read it, but the other party seemed to be busy and had not replied yet.

Guo Jingyu got up and took a shower, put on his pajamas to find something to eat, leaned against the kitchen door and sniffed and said, "Dad, have you stewed the ribs? Don't braise it, just stew it!"

Guo's father repeatedly agreed, while busy making a sauce.

At dinner, Guo Jingyu took a few bites and suddenly said, "Dad, Mom, if I pass the major this time, will there be any rewards?"

Guo's mother was tearing the pork ribs and meat for him, and while putting it in his bowl, she smiled and said, "I haven't gotten the results yet, so I thought about the reward, okay, I promise you, what do you want?"

Guo Jingyu rolled his eyes and said, "Can you promise anything?"

Guo's mother was wary of him and didn't let go: "It depends on what you bring up, and you can't rely on you for everything."

"It's definitely not too much, I want a small reward." Guo Jingyu said: "Mom, the next half-year cultural class review sprint, you have to make me feel at ease, otherwise I'm not at ease, and I can't even mention learning. Get up..."

Guo Jingyu was soft and hard, coupled with Guo's father playing side drums, he finally made the head of the family soft-hearted and agreed, but repeatedly warned: "It can only be a small reward, let's agree, in principle. You are still a student, and you must focus on your studies."


The last winter vacation of senior year was almost endless. Guo Jingyu went back to school to take supplementary lessons. He first went to the art building to see the rice balls, but after arriving there, he found that the rice balls were gone, not even the kennel with him. In the classroom Cleaned up clean. He searched for a while, sweating on his forehead, the phone vibrated a few times before he realized it, and then he heard Li Tongzhou's voice, "Jingyu, are you back to school?"

Guo Jingyu said, "Yes, I just arrived, have you seen the rice balls?"

Li Tongzhou said: "The temperature has cooled in the past two days. I will take it back to take care of it first."

Guo Jingyu breathed a sigh of relief, pulled his collar and said, "It scared me to sweat, I thought it was lost, I was looking for it in the art building, I mentioned it to my mother yesterday, just wait for my professional certificate to get it. It takes it home... By the way, can your family support it?"

Li Tongzhou said: "I'm not upstairs, put it in the basement, there is heating there, it can be temporarily stored for two days."

Guo Jingyu chatted with him one after another. Knowing the whereabouts of the rice balls, he felt a lot more relaxed. He looked at the classroom now and remembered that no one usually cleans the floor so cleanly, that is, Li Tongzhou. The rice balls were picked up and cleaned by the way.

Guo Jingyu thought about it, and felt that he would be able to get his first professional certificate in early March, and it was not a few days away from the calculation.

As he expected, good news came a few days later.

In the self-study class that afternoon, Guo Jingyu was brushing the papers, and Li Tongzhou was marking him online. He was writing the last big question, and Li Tongzhou had already started to sort out the wrong questions in the first two papers for him.

The head teacher pushed open the door and walked in, holding an envelope in his hand, placing it on Guo Jingyu's pile of high textbooks, and tapping it lightly.

Guo Jingyu was brushing the questions, but he didn't raise his head and didn't see it at all.

Li Tongzhou, who was on the side, saw it and touched his arm, "Jing Yu."

Guo Jingyu's words were almost written crookedly, "You touch me first, don't try to deduct my points this time, the typo just now was written by you when you touched me..."

Li Tongzhou said, "Your letter."

Only then did Guo Jingyu see the head teacher. This time, the old class was very kind to him, with a loving smile on his face. He gave him the letter and said, "It's the certificate of passing the professional course. You can open it and take a look."

Guo Jingyu took the envelope and saw the school name, Nankai University, printed on it without opening it.

This is the first professional certificate Guo Jingyu has received.

Guo Jingyu took the dog with him and packed it in a schoolbag and took it home!

He has different postures when entering the door, and is very confident. When Guo's mother first heard the movement and came out to look, her eyebrows were raised, but the letter that Guo Jingyu slapped on the table immediately caught her eye." what is this?"

Guo Jingyu said proudly: "This is the ID card of the rice ball! It will live in our house in the future."