Back To My Youth

Chapter 56: Incident (2)


Jiang Min didn't ask her doubts in the end. She was soft-tempered, which made her subconsciously think more for others whether she was with her husband or her son. She always felt that it was not good to ask these questions rashly.

Li Qingcheng felt that Dr. Gao was an authority and would believe what he said, but Jiang Min always felt that his family was more reliable.

She wanted to wait.

When he returned to the bedroom, Li Qingcheng was lying there reading a book by the small lamp by the bedside, when he saw her coming in and asked in a low voice, "Did he say that?"

Jiang Min shook his head and hesitated.

Li Qingcheng became impatient. He didn't have the heart to read books at first, but now he even patted the book aside and looked at her dissatisfiedly, "Did you say that? If you are really sick, you should seek treatment as soon as possible, so as not to wait for several years. Everyone around me knows that I can't afford to let this person go by letting everyone see a joke!"

Jiang Min heard that he was going to be sent to the clinic, she was anxious, and subconsciously denied it, "No, Xiaozhou is not."

Li Qingcheng asked suspiciously, "Did he tell you personally?"

Jiang Min bite the bullet and said, "Yes."

Li Qingcheng was silent for a moment, then said, "Why did you ask him?"

"I just asked him if he had a crush at school, if he was in a relationship..."

Jiang Min made up the first sentence, and the rest can only be rounded up by himself, but fortunately Li Qingcheng felt that this matter was not very glamorous and did not ask any more questions, he frowned and finished listening: "Still pay more attention, you didn't listen to high today. What did the doctor say, he is habitually lying now!"

Jiang Min felt wronged for his son, "Don't just listen to the doctor, Xiaozhou is your son, you should also listen to him."

Li Qingcheng said impatiently: "I don't listen to the doctor, do I still need to listen to a child? Okay, okay, I don't want to mention this again, it's very late, go to sleep, I have to go to the unit tomorrow. "

Jiang Min stopped talking, but tossed and turned all night and didn't sleep well.

The next day, Li Qingcheng didn't go directly to the work unit, but had breakfast at home. He said to Li Tongzhou, "I'm not busy today. I'll let the driver come over later and take you to school on the way."

Li Tongzhou said, "I can go by myself."

Li Qingcheng ignored it.

Li Tongzhou went out 20 minutes earlier than before and arrived at school early. When Li Qingcheng sent him over, he wanted to chat with him along the way, but Li Tongzhou just nodded or shook his head to him, and didn't really want to talk.

After sending Li Tongzhou off, Li Qingcheng stopped at the school gate for a while, and found that his son walked in alone, wearing school uniform and quickly integrating into the crowd of students, and he couldn't tell which one it was.

He watched for a moment and then left.

Li Tongzhou was in the classroom for half an hour of early reading before Guo Jingyu arrived.

As soon as Guo Jingyu sat down, he asked him, "How did you get here in the morning?"

Li Tongzhou said, "My dad took me here by the way."

"No wonder I waited for two buses and didn't see you. I thought you slept and almost went to your house to find you." Guo Jingyu looked at him carefully and asked, "Is there anything wrong yesterday?"

Li Tongzhou shook his head, looked at him and said, "It's nothing, have you finished the error-prone questions I wrote for you yesterday? Let me see."

Guo Jingyu was used to checking his homework by him, so he took it over to show him and listened to Li Tongzhou's lecture.

The two of them were close, Guo Jingyu listened to a few words, and couldn't help but look at each other. When he saw the neck, he was stunned and suddenly asked, "Li Tongzhou, where's the... necklace?"

Li Tongzhou subconsciously touched his neckline and said, "I took it off when I was taking a shower last night and put it up."

Guo Jingyu frowned, "But didn't you always wear it before?"

Li Tongzhou said: "I don't wear it for the next two days. I have to go out for an exam, so it's not very convenient to wear it."

"Going out for the exam again? Your dad hasn't given up yet, why is he so stubborn..."

While grading his homework, Li Tongzhou said: "Well, it will be fine in a while, Jingyu, look here, your steps in this question are wrong, I will correct it for you."

Guo Jingyu leaned over to read the question carefully, but he couldn't concentrate on it. After Li Tongzhou finished explaining the question to him, he practiced it twice by himself, and then whispered, "Is there really nothing wrong with yesterday?"

Li Tongzhou: "Why do you ask that?"

"I texted you and you didn't reply."

Li Tongzhou paused and said, "I just wanted to tell you that there seems to be something wrong with my mobile phone and I took it for repair. It may not be easy to get in touch these days. If you want to find me, you can call me at home, it's my dad. Mom, they are here, it's not convenient to talk."

Guo Jingyu nodded and said nothing. He took out his exercise book and flipped through it as usual. If he hadn't squeezed the corners too hard, he might not have been able to tell his current mood.

Li Tongzhou definitely has a problem.

The necklace was removed, the phone could not be contacted for the time being, and his parents were all at home... Guo Jingyu thought of a possibility, but felt that it was not right. If the relationship between the two of them was discovered, the parents' reaction would definitely not be so calm. And according to his previous memory, it was after he went to college that he gradually became less connected, not now...

Guo Jingyu was very confused, frowning and thinking wildly.

In the morning, Guo Jingyu made an excuse to talk to Teacher Jin, and asked the head teacher for leave to skip the last self-study class.

He found a quiet place and called the former private detective, and confirmed with him where Li Tongzhou went yesterday.

The other party often does this work, and by the way, he also checked the psychological counseling agency, and when he reported to Guo Jingyu, he said, "I checked the psychological treatment room, and the one Li Tongzhou went to see there. Dr. Gao, I have also inquired about him. He cooperates with the Fourth Hospital of Lincheng. It seems that he is sending patients to a rehabilitation clinic. The scale has expanded considerably in the past two years. The rehabilitation clinic of the Fourth Hospital has accommodated many patients, most of them All of them have mental illnesses, and some were sent there for Internet addiction treatment. It is said that the treatment effect is very good, and many parents trust the doctors there."

Guo Jingyu heard a buzzing sound in his head. He felt familiar only when he heard the name of the clinic. When he heard "Internet addiction treatment", he immediately remembered it. More than ten years ago, it was not only the online stores such as a treasure Development, when the application of the Internet was first popularized, it was once regarded as "Internet addiction" and "cancer". A few years later, the clinic under the name of the Fourth Hospital would expose the scandal of electric shock and abuse of teenagers - not only teenagers, but also by There are still many people sent over there, including those who smoke, drink, slack off at work, those who have sex before marriage, those who have disharmony between husband and wife, and homosexuals.

In 1996, "homosexuality" finally abolished the crime of hooliganism.

But it has only been less than ten years from now. In the cognition of most of the previous generation, this is indecent, and it is synonymous with "mental illness".

Guo Jingyu flashed countless possible events in his mind, and even thought of the cause of death that he could not find out anyway.

He remembered that when he found Jiang Min, the other party would only cry and blame him for being useless, saying that he had harmed his son, and he also thought of Li Qingcheng's expression of trying to avoid mentioning it. Looking at him through a crack in the door, he didn't let him in. He said indifferently that he now has a normal family and was unwilling to mention the deceased son again.

Guo Jingyu's ears were buzzing, he couldn't breathe, and there was a layer of cold sweat on his forehead.

The private detective on the other side of the phone was still talking to him, but he could no longer hear what the other party was saying, so he could only squat down slowly and try to exhale, gritted his teeth and said, "You say it again, yesterday you Follow the address of the psychotherapy room I found, and I want to know everything about the Fourth Hospital."

Guo Jingyu listened to the information found by the other party on the rooftop. It was almost May, and the sun was shining brightly, but he was so cold that he shivered.

He went to the bathroom to wash his face, trying to keep himself calm.

A lot of things went through his mind, each of which was related to Li Tongzhou. He tried his best to think calmly and ensure that he could find the route that would put the future on the right track. It took a while, until the bell rang for the end of get out of class, and then he slowed down. He glanced at himself in the mirror, and hurried out after tidying up. But when he returned to the class, he found that Li Tongzhou was gone.

Guo Jingyu stood there in a daze. A classmate was about to get up and go to the cafeteria. He grabbed him and asked, "Where's Li Tongzhou? Wasn't he still in the classroom just now?"

The classmate said honestly: "The head teacher asked him just now, maybe there is something wrong, and he hasn't come back."

Guo Jingyu panicked for no reason. He hurried to the teacher's office. The head teacher of Class 6 was still sitting there correcting his homework. Seeing him, he looked pleasant: "Jingyu is here? Is there something wrong?"

Guo Jingyu gasped for breath and asked in a panic, "Teacher, where is Li Tongzhou?"

"He, just now his family came to pick him up and said there was something wrong, so he took two days off and left."

Guo Jingyu's pupils shrank slightly, and immediately turned around and ran out. The head teacher behind him called him twice without stopping.

There was no one at the school gate for a long time, and there was a steady stream of vehicles on the road outside. Guo Jingyu waved to stop a taxi without hesitation, reported Li Tongzhou's home address, and immediately called him. Li Tongzhou's cell phone rang. A few times, but was quickly hung up, Guo Jingyu persevered and continued to call several times until the other party turned off.

He clenched the phone in his hand tightly, his knuckles were turning white, he whispered to the driver: "Master, please change the address and drive to Lincheng!"

The taxi driver looked at him in the rearview mirror and asked hesitantly, "Little classmate, are you going alone? It's not far away, it's more than 200 kilometers away, why don't you ask your family..."

Guo Jingyu took a hundred-yuan bill from his pocket and slapped it in front of him, "I'll add money, you just drive over there, my family will pick me up over there!"

The taxi driver was just worried that he didn't have enough money on him. After seeing it, he stepped on the accelerator and drove to Lincheng.

Guo Jingyu closed his eyes in the car and thought for a while. When he opened his eyes again, bloodshots appeared. He took out his mobile phone and dialed a series of numbers. After a few calls, he was connected, "Hello, Jingyu?"

Guo Jingyu said hoarsely, "Uncle, I beg you one thing."

Uncle Gu said: "There is no need to ask, just say it!"

Guo Jingyu said: "Can you pick me up in Lincheng? I'll tell you the specifics after we meet, bring a bank card when you come, I'm in a hurry, and I don't have time to do it again... No, at home It's all right, it's my own business."

Uncle Gu agreed without thinking, "Okay, I'll drive there now. It will take about two hours to get there. Let's keep in touch by phone at any time."

"it is good."

Guo Jingyu hung up the phone, closed his eyes and leaned on the back of the seat, the roar of the car in his ears, but it was far less loud than his heart - what the fuck, his studies and future, he doesn't want anything Now, as long as Li Tongzhou.