Back To My Youth

Chapter 60: family


Jiang Min stood there and read it all, and walked out of the sanatorium in despair. Her heart was in a mess, the sun was shining outside, but she was cold all over, and she suddenly couldn't help squatting down and crying.

Not far behind her, there were also parents and the staff of the nursing home confronting each other. There were constant noises. I don't know who shouted "Give me the child back", which immediately aroused the resonance of this group of parents and shouted together. .

The sanatorium was a mess.

A few days later, someone who escaped posted a post online, and more and more information about the Lincheng Fourth Hospital Sanatorium was dug up.

The post details the experience in the sanatorium, including some special treatment that the newcomers will receive. Those people will be taken to the small black room to experience electric shock therapy on the same day, which is to correct some of their bad things. It's a habit, but it's actually just giving a slap in the face and making them obedient. Some people were even shocked by electric shocks several times because they refused to communicate.

There are even more severe cases, which are misdirected treatments.

There were boys and many girls among the people who were sent. In order to turn them into so-called normal people, they did everything possible. The person who posted the post did not know the specifics, but he had listened to the propaganda class, and the handbook he handed down also mentioned some methods, including "injection of diethylstilbestrol for hormone therapy", "direct removal of the prefrontal lobe of the brain", and other methods. There's so-called "aversion therapy," any of which is creepy enough. "Aversion therapy" is one of the most commonly used, in which doctors in nursing homes give "abnormal people" injections of apomorphine, a drug that causes vomiting and makes people feel extremely nauseated, mentioned in the If the other party is interested in someone or something, he will immediately give him an injection, and according to the conditioned reflex, he will forcibly establish a "disgusting" reflex loop...

Taking any one out is enough to show that those children couldn't stand the persecution and chose to run away on their own.

The four-hospital nursing home was forced to close.

Some parents began to take up legal weapons to defend their rights, but a small number of parents chose to maintain the sanatorium after knowing the situation. Some people donated money, and some tried to post on the Internet to refute those who said the sanatorium was not good.

At the height of the online debate, several students who escaped made a video of their confession and posted it online, accusing the nursing home and the parents who tricked them into it. The students wore masks cautiously, and sat on the chairs and spoke word by word. Some of them still looked terrified and spoke slowly, but none of them were shaken at all.

"When I slapped myself, I shouted something. They told me to shout 'I love mother', but when I shouted it out, I hated it."

"It's not the first time I've been sent in, because I talked back and my mother felt that my 'treatment effect didn't meet expectations'. I knelt down and begged her, but I was sent in anyway."

"Electric shocks are used in the sanatorium, and it is not easy to admit mistakes, because the doctor said that this is only a temporary solution, not the root cause. I am afraid of the pain, not really repenting, and it will increase the power."

"After some people's treatment, their temples are scorched black. It's terrible..."

These videos suddenly pushed public opinion to a climax, and for a while there was a lot of uproar on the Internet.

The vast majority of people are saying that the nursing home is at fault, and some people are saying that the parents are wrong. Occasionally, a very few people post a post, trying to defend the nursing home, saying that some "electrotherapy is a legal medical treatment for mental illnesses, and it is a permitted by law".

Those posts were immediately scolded by angry netizens, "What the law allows, there is no legal provision to deal with it!"

"Who told you that there is only electrotherapy in the sanatorium? Didn't you read so many news reports a few days ago, this is illegal detention and imprisonment!"

"Open your eyes and see, are those children mentally ill?! Killing people!"


Jiang Min took a leave of absence from her work unit and couldn't care about anything. She accompanied those parents to the sanatorium to protest. She even wanted to be interviewed by a newspaper—as long as she could find her son, she didn't care about anything.

After Li Qingcheng learned the news, he immediately dragged her back, insisting that she would not be interviewed, and scolded: "Are you crazy, do you want everyone to know that your son is abnormal!"

Jiang Min pulled his hand back and stared at him angrily.

Li Qingcheng said: "It is best for him to receive correctional treatment in a sanatorium. Don't listen to what the parents say outside. What do they know and how many books have they read? The doctors in charge are all back from studying abroad. Yes, it can't be wrong..."

Jiang Min couldn't help interrupting him: "Didn't you watch those surveillance videos?"

Li Qingcheng paused for a moment, frowned and said, "That's just an example. You can't take a one-sided view of the problem. I've asked, and none of the children receiving treatment have encountered such a thing."

Jiang Min sneered: "Then do you want to know the specifics? You must be reluctant to even look at it, for fear that it will have any relationship with yourself, okay, let me tell you, what else is in the 'correction' you mentioned. , this is not at all the same as what you told me at the beginning." She took out a booklet from her bag and threw it on Li Qingcheng's face, completely ignoring his anger, and shouted with red eyes: "If my son has a Three long and two short, I will not live anymore!"

After she finished speaking, she pushed Li Qingcheng away and walked out quickly.

Li Qingcheng called her twice, but found that Jiang Min was no longer afraid of him, and he didn't respond no matter how angry he was.

Jiang Min's heart is numb. She doesn't care about her husband anymore. In the past, what she wanted most was to maintain the harmony of the family, so she always asked her son like this. She wanted him to compromise with her and make the family look complete. . But her son was gone, and the chain that had been binding her was also broken. She found that she didn't have that much attachment to the family, and even thought of divorce.

It's like seeds that have been buried for many years begin to sprout. Once you have this idea, the idea of divorce becomes stronger and stronger.

She had already planned not to have this home, so how could she be afraid of Li Qingcheng's threat

Jiang Min searched for a while, and together with some other parents hired a lawyer to sue the sanatorium, and returned home after a busy half month.

She didn't answer Li Qingcheng's phone calls during this time. The relationship between the husband and wife dropped to a freezing point. After Jiang Min came back, she was also tired. After a pause, he turned around indifferently, changed his shoes, and went to work on his own.

Li Qingcheng was sitting on the sofa and was ignored for the first time. Especially when he saw Jiang Min's current appearance, he thought of his son. Seeing this kind of resistance, he was a little angry, "Do you know how many days you have been out?"

Jiang Min asked back, "How long have you been looking for?"

Li Qingcheng said: "You can't blame me all the faults, even if the sanatorium is not good, then he will only stay there for one night, and something big can happen... You are not well disciplined, and now you don't even care about your family. Come on, I want to ask what you want to do!"

Jiang Min looked at him coldly, and suddenly asked, "Li Qingcheng, have you really done anything that's sorry for me?"

Li Qingcheng said with a sullen face: "I have never done anything wrong to my family."

Jiang Min said: "You didn't, but didn't you just wait for me to say this? For so many years, you haven't cared about this family at all. You might as well go out and find other women. I've had enough. You, okay, I said, Li Qingcheng, we divorced. You return my son to me, I don't want anything, and I will divorce you immediately! "

After more than ten years of marriage, Jiang Min was tortured day and night, but now she is finally awake in pain and insists on divorce.

Li Qingcheng wanted to lose his temper, but Jiang Min smashed a vase over it. If he hadn't hid quickly, he would have hit him. Jiang Min had to throw other things, so he could only leave the house in a hurry.

Jiang Min stood guarding the mess and burst into tears.

On the other side, the Guo family.

Guo Jingyu's parents didn't fall asleep on the night when their son didn't come home. They arrived in Linshi in the early morning, and happened to go to the police station with Gu Benshu. The foreman over there was a rude person. After scolding him back, there were young people in the sanatorium over there who couldn't stand the excitement, and immediately called the police, but the person in charge of the sanatorium didn't stop him.

After calling the police, the commotion got even worse. There were reporters waiting outside the door. Tanimoto hurriedly went to the police station to lead people out. After the settlement was settled and the treatment was done properly, the sky was already bright.

Tanimoto tree stayed up all night and ate something, only then did he have the strength to talk to his sister and brother-in-law.

Uncle Gu was very difficult to speak. He even thought he was the one who came out of the closet, scratched his head, and took a long time to say it.

Fortunately, Guo Jingyu also left a brief letter and handed it over for them to read together.

Guo Jingyu's parents were very surprised, but the degree of surprise between the couple was different. Instead, Guo's father calmed down after saying "ah". Guo's mother was so anxious that she couldn't sit down at all, "These two children! What's the matter? I can't sit down and discuss with my family slowly, why did I run away, I don't know where I went, I don't have a lot of money on me, and I don't have any documents with me, what should I do..."

She always felt that the child was still young, and she would be kidnapped if she let go.

Uncle Gu had finished a bowl of lo mein and was drinking tea when he heard: "Money is not a problem, he left some for you." He gave them the bank card, "I have seen it, there are 200,000 in it. , Jing Yu said it was left for you."

Guo's father and Guo's mother were not happy because the money fell out of thin air, but were startled and asked immediately, "Where did he get the money?"

"He made money from doing business, this stinky boy, if nothing else, he is really good at doing business." Tanimotoshu turned to his nephew and couldn't help but say two good words for him. "Actually, this is also common. When Gu Yu was a child, when I went to Yunnan to pour tea, I also saw two men together. Just like the couple, they have been together for decades and lived with the door closed, who likes to talk about it? , who can add food to their pot? Why do you think so much, let him do it. "

Guo's mother also retorted two sentences, but in fact, she was mostly complaining that Guo Jingyu ran away by herself.

Dad Guo didn't speak for a long time, sitting there with dazed eyes, he had already thought about it.

After Uncle Gu finished eating, he went to rest first. He hadn't slept all night, and he had to deal with it when he woke up, and he couldn't leave for three or five days.

Only Guo's father and Guo's mother were left in the room. The couple digested this matter together. Guo's mother couldn't help but patted the table and said angrily: "Jing Yu, this stinky boy, is getting more and more courageous!"

Dad Guo sat there and said softly: "Actually, he and Li Tongzhou are always on good terms. It's because we didn't think about it that way, and my brother-in-law also said it, it's not a big deal."

Guo's mother glared at him: "Is this what I'm talking about! I mean he spent so much money for not studying hard, and he hired someone to dig walls!"

Dad Guo shrank and protested in a low voice: "He's studying hard, and the eldest brother hired someone for the courtyard wall first..." The voice behind him became smaller and smaller, and slowly he saw his wife's face and didn't dare to say a word.

The two sat there for a long time without speaking.

Guo's mother was also thinking about when Guo Jingyu and Li Tongzhou were good, and found that the two children have been good since junior high school. , I hadn't thought about that aspect before, but now I look more and more like it, I'm afraid I might talk about it in junior high school.

The more she thought about it, the more she thought so.

Her son is puppy love!

Guo's mother felt a sullen breath in her chest, her son ran away, and her husband was still sitting there, but her husband was sitting there mumbling, so she got angry and pushed him, "Old Guo, what are you thinking? say!"

Dad Guo swallowed his saliva and whispered, "I thought about the rice balls staying at home by myself, and I don't know if I have eaten yet."

Guo's mother finally found an emotional breakthrough, her eyes widened with anger, and she patted the table and said, "You still miss the puppy at this time, and your own son has run away!"

Dad Guo said: "I know Jingyu's ability, and it will be fine. No wonder he was so good to Li Tongzhou before. Hey, I am also clumsy, and I didn't see it." He saw that his wife was not so angry, so he sat down to comfort her a little. , "Look, it's not really a big deal. When you get it back, you'll be an extra son, which is not very good."

Guo's mother gave him an angry smile, "You can think about it!"

"What do you think, Li Tongzhou's grades are so good, Jingyu and him can take the exam together, and they can be admitted to Tsinghua University, right?"

Guo's mother: "..."

From this point of view, it is correct.

Dad Guo: "The two of them are such good children, Jingyu is capable and can make money, and now his academic performance has also improved, I didn't dare to think that he could get into such a good school before, hey. Li Tongzhou's family is also, child It's enough to be a talent, why are you so dissatisfied!" He peeked at his wife, was poked on the forehead by Guo's mother, and laughed twice.

"Okay, I know, get the person back first, and let's talk about other things."

Guo's mother sighed, and the words were relieved.

More than anything else, they are more worried about the children's lack of food and clothing, and they worry about their safety.

A few days after the news report came out, Guo's mother was also silent. She and her son have similar personalities, and she can guess about some things. If she thought that Guo Jingyu was making a fuss a few days ago, she doesn't think so anymore. .

Gu Yu called them for Guo Jingyu and reported that they were safe.

When Guo's mother wanted to ask more, Gu Yu hesitated and refused to say any more.

She also knew that Gu Yu was honest, and sighed: "Okay, I won't embarrass you anymore, it's good to be able to contact them and know it's safe, you can help me with Guo Jingyu and tell him that the family doesn't support him acting like this. , but can take up legal rights with him."

Gu Yu agreed and said, "Aunt, Jing Yu said that the situation at Li Tongzhou's house is complicated, so please don't contact him."

Guo's mother wondered: "They don't know yet?"

Gu Yu said: "Well, Jing Yu said that I only told you and my dad."

After thinking about it for a while, Guo's mother softened and nodded in agreement.

The matter couldn't be simpler, Li Tongzhou's family found clues, but the Li family didn't know the existence of her son, so there was no need to say it at all, it was obvious that Li Tongzhou was protecting it, and he didn't spit out a word.

After Gu Yu's phone call, Li Tongzhou's impression of the Guo family has begun to improve.

A few days later, after Gu Yu accidentally missed a word, Gu Benshu and Guo's father and Guo's mother knew something. Before Guo Jingyu left, he made a lot of arrangements, including Lao Chen staying to contact those who were willing to sue the sanatorium, some students who escaped, and some parents protesting in the sanatorium, so I tried to find them all Lawyers, coupled with public opinion, must be in a state of complete fire, and fight to the end with the Fourth Hospital Sanatorium.

Guo's father and Guo's mother gave tens of thousands of yuan as a subsidy, and also helped a little.

When Gu Yu came to help spread the word, he hesitated and did not dare to speak to his aunt.

Guo's mother said to him: "Guo Jingyu asked you to call, right? You don't need to speak for him, tell him that the money was kept in the card by himself. Wan invites a lawyer, let him come back and get the rest, we have arms and legs, and we don't need him to retire!"

Gu Yu said carefully: "No, aunt, that... Jing Yu asked me to ask, are you relieved?"

Guo's mother wanted to say "no" in particular, but it was an angry remark, she held back for a long time and said: "It's almost gone, let him come back soon, the school is also urging him, it's rare to get such a good professional certificate. Son, are you really not taking the exam?"

Gu Yu tentatively said: "He will bring someone back, okay?"

Guo's mother knew who it was without even thinking about it, nodded and said, "Okay."