Back to the ’80s to Raise a Wolfy Boyfriend

Chapter 104: Gu Jin's heart became more and more heavy


Gu Jin watched him eat a few biscuits and finished the malted milk in the water glass before letting him go to the opposite bed to lie down and rest.

The sound of the train at night was clanging and clanging, a sound that Gu Jin hadn't heard for decades.

She glanced at the child on the opposite bed who was sleeping soundly, and despite the loud noise of the train, she could still catch the sound of his breathing.

Recently, the child has been taken care of very well by her. The injuries on his face have disappeared, and he has gained some weight.

After returning from this trip to Shenzhen, she will teach An Mingji how to practice Xuantian Jue.

Gu Jin counted the time. If his cousin is safe and sound, the time they return will be the beginning of the disaster in the northern boundary of the Lingyu Continent.

The coming rainy season will be a whole month of heavy rain, and after the heavy rain, there will be a famine.

Lying on the bed, looking at the scenery flashing by outside the train window, Gu Jin's heart became more and more heavy.

Not only the unknown danger that happened to my cousin, but also many people will be starved to death in the northern part of the Lingyu Continent within the next year.

With a heavy heart, Gu Jin slowly closed his eyes.

The next day, before dawn, An Mingji opened his eyes.

He got up and sat on the bed, his eyes immediately looked at Gu Jin who was still sleeping.

The sound of the train clanging and rattling continued, and amidst the noise, he got up and put on his shoes lightly.

Just when he put on his shoes and straightened his waist, Gu Jin opened his eyes.

Facing the child's slightly widened eyes, she pressed the corners of her eyes with one hand, and said lazily, "Why do you wake up so early?"

"… It's noisy."

An Mingji thought it was him who woke up Gu Jin, and he blamed himself a little, but it was quickly covered up.

Gu Jin also had no way of noticing, she got up and lifted the quilt and got out of bed, and said in a low voice, "If I can't sleep, follow me to wash up, come back to eat, we will have more than ten hours to reach Shenzhen City."

There were two other people sleeping on the upper bed, Gu Jin and An Mingji talked in a low voice.

Folding the quilt, the two went out.

Before leaving, Gu Jin poured malted milk into the empty water glass again, and handed the glass to the child behind him.

She squatted down with her back to the child, pulled the suitcase out from under the bed, and took out two apples, two pears, and two crispy melons from the space with something.

Gu Jin left with An Mingji holding his things.

After washing the face, rinsing the mouth, washing the melons and fruits, and rinsing the malted milk, the two returned to the sleeper cabin.

Found that a man and a woman sleeping on the upper bunk woke up, the two came down with sleepy eyes, and saw Gu Jin and An Mingji holding apples, pears, sweet crispy melons, and malted milk that was brewed like milk , Their eyes widened slightly.

People who can eat fruit at this time are all in very good family conditions, let alone something as expensive as malted milk.

And they saw Gu Jin and the child last night, each holding a big apple and eating it, and they just woke up the next day, seeing them holding so many fresh fruits and vegetables, their eyes straightened with envy.

Although Lili was envious, the jealousy in her eyes was even more obvious.

Under their envious and jealous eyes, Gu Jin and An Mingji walked into the small room, put the fruit on the biscuit tin box on the table, and each brought an apple to eat.

After eating an apple, Gu Jin felt that the spiritual power in her body began to agitate. She suppressed the spiritual power in her body, leaned on the bed and closed her eyes, and operated the Feng Ling Jue bit by bit to dredge the spiritual power in her body.

After doing all this, she found out that the man named Liang Xia and Lili had gone out at some time.