Back to the ’80s to Raise a Wolfy Boyfriend

Chapter 110: A monk walks in unknown territory


She raised her foot, stepped on Seventh Brother's head, and asked word by word: "Where are the three of them? You'd better tell the truth, otherwise I will prevent you from seeing the sun tomorrow."

Gu Jin's voice was as cold as before, and the pitch did not fluctuate much, but the meaning behind the words made everyone feel cold.

"Hiss... it hurts!"

"Say!" Gu Jin stepped hard.

Seventh Brother tremblingly said: "Yes, on the South Island of Shuiwan, I lost it two days ago. I don't know if it's still alive."

Moving his feet away, Gu Jin ordered the group of people who retreated not far away, "Take the boat to the South Island, immediately!"

Everyone looked at Seventh Brother who was lying on the ground and couldn't get up.

"Look at the trick! Go!"

The people dispersed in a rush, divided into two groups, and went to the bow and the outside of the ship.

Gu Jin moved the stool in front of the table to the center of the ship's interior and sat down. The coldness on her face subsided a lot, and she waved to An Mingji who was not far away with a calm expression.

After An Mingji came over with the suitcase and sat down, she took the child's hand and began to ask Seventh Brother how the three of Gu Jiajie provoked them and why they threw him on the island.

Seventh brother used blunt Mandarin to stumbling about what happened.

At the same time, the ship set sail.

After Gu Jin figured out the matter, he felt a little bit hard to say, and felt that his cousin was also a little bit behind.

The three of them didn't know what to think when they came to Shenzhen City, so they started a water production business.

It seems that he has earned a lot of money. He was doing business honestly and reselling aquatic products, but he happened to meet the local snake in this area, that is, the seventh brother who was lying on the ground and hadn't gotten up yet.

The seafood in this area of water is taken over by Seventh Brother. Regardless of whether the fishermen are willing or not, he forcibly prohibits the fishermen from selling aquatic products outside.

Gu Jiajie, Liu Pingyuan, and Wu Zhiren didn't know at all that the aquatic products they bought were secretly sold to them by fishermen, and the quantity was huge, as if they rented cars for sale.

After Seventh Brother found out about this, he directly detained the three of them, and naturally took away the money he earned.

In the beginning, it was impossible to tell who was right and who was wrong, but Seventh Brother ordered his cousin to be thrown to the South Island. This was an act of disregarding other people's lives.

She believed that with her cousin's personality, if Seventh Brother told them what happened, these three fledgling young men would definitely not know the so-called head-to-head confrontation.

Gu Jin squinted his eyes, staring at Seventh Brother, who had recovered and slowly got up from the ground: "How much did you take from them?"

Seventh Brother rolled his eyes, swallowed and said, "Thirty... thirty thousand..."

"Think about it before you talk!"

The cold tone stopped Seventh Brother's lie.

Seeing his eyeballs rolling back and forth, and his guilty tone, he knew that what this person said was not credible.

Seventh Brother, who wanted to lie, trembled from Gu Jin's cold voice.

After all, his seventh brother is also a local snake who stands out in the fight, so there is no need to be afraid of Gu Jin, a girl.

But with her weird skills, she was knocked down by a mysterious force before she even got close to her.

His subordinates told him before that he didn't believe it until he felt that he couldn't help it.

The theory of ghosts and gods still has a certain influence in this backward age. People's ignorance makes them attribute all of this to superstition. In fact, it is just an unknown area for ordinary people, and they don't know or understand.

In this world, there is a group of monks who walk in unknown territories and belong to major families and different powers.

Even the current Gu Jin doesn't know.