Back to the ’80s to Raise a Wolfy Boyfriend

Chapter 1363: All the staff went out to welcome the head of the house and the mistress


This pregnancy has by no means been easier than the first.

An Mingji looked at her pale face: "Ah Jin, we are almost there, is there any discomfort, I will send you spiritual power to relieve it?"

Gu Jin shook his head and rejected his proposal: "It's useless."

They have used many methods, but this kind of physical and mental anxiety has always existed.

Gu Jin put his forehead on An Mingji's shoulder: "I've worked hard for you these past few months, and I know I shouldn't lose my temper, but I just can't control it."

"The two cubs this time are a pain in the ass, and Ah Jin is working harder. When they are born and let them fend for themselves, I will take you away from them."

Gu Jin was amused by him: "How can you be such a father."

An Mingji: "Ah Jin, I'm serious, after the baby is born, leave it to Duoduo and Chenchen to take care of it."

"What do you mean by that?" Gu Jin's expression changed instantly.

An Mingji pursed his lips tightly, and raised his hand to caress Gu Jin's tense face.

"Ajin, we should go, we don't belong here."

"..." Gu Jin's mind went blank for a moment.

Yeah, they don't belong here.

An Mingji is a protoss, and her physique has also been changed.

Gu Jin pursed her lips tightly: "When are you leaving?"

"When the child grows up, has the ability to be independent, and takes over all the forces in the world."

"It's still early." Gu Jin breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's just a snap of the fingers."

An Mingji approached the corner of her lips, and kissed her lightly.

"Children have their destiny, and we can't intervene in the future."


Gu Jin's tone was low and his expression was weary.

Jin'an Manor.

Yu Shuo and Mu Zhifeng have been waiting.

Before they came, they were notified by Gu Jin and An Mingji that Yu Tianrui, who had been missing for many years, had been found.

At this time, Yu Shuo was so excited that it was difficult to describe, he couldn't sit still, and kept walking up and down the hall.

Mu Zhifeng saw that his complexion was ruddy, the eyes were shining with water, and the corners of his lips curved gently.

It was also the first time for the surrounding royal guards to see their majesty fidgeting and flustered.

With the help of the maid, Mu Zhifeng struggled to get up, and walked towards Yu Shuo: "Okay, don't turn around, I'm going to get dizzy."

"Are you okay?" Yu Shuo stopped and took Mu Zhifeng from the maid.

He lowered his eyes and glanced at Mu Zhifeng's slightly bulging stomach.

"What can I do, I think it's you who has trouble." Mu Zhifeng stroked her lower abdomen with one hand, where her and Yu Shuo's child was conceived.

In the past two years, their relationship is much closer than before, and now they have children, and the aristocratic family that wanted to make Chen Gongsai a woman also stopped under Yu Shuo's stern warning.

"The head of the family and his wife are here!"

A surprise announcement came from outside the door.

Yu Shuo squeezed Mu Zhifeng's hand and couldn't help but say, "Here they come, they're back!"

"Shall I accompany you to see?"


Yu Shuo carefully supported Mu Zhifeng, restrained his eagerness to run, and tried his best to suppress his nervousness.

outside the door.

An Mingji also supported Gu Jin and walked slowly.

Allen, Linda, Ms. Cassie, and all the bodyguards of the Darwin family lined up in two rows to welcome their head and mistress.

Behind An Mingji and Gu Jin, there were three children.

The older one is An Jinmo (Duo Duo), who looks like a teenager, his blue eyes are calm and calm, and there is a trembling aura spreading all over his body.

On the left is Yu Tianrui. He is already a half-grown boy, and his appearance is seven or eight points similar to Yu Shuo.