Back to the ’80s to Raise a Wolfy Boyfriend

Chapter 24: I want to be with sister Ah Jin


I'm afraid this one will be able to eat meat, thinking about the tempting meat, he can't wait to get up.

Gu Jiajie stood up first, and pulled up his dazed father: "Dad! Let's go over quickly, so that other people in the village won't see us and snatch the wild pork!"

No one doubted Gu Jin's words, after all, Du Aiqing was there, and he was a good hunter.

They felt that most of the credit for the wild boar being caught must be his. As for Gu Jin, he could only say that a blind cat ran into a dead mouse.


Gu Dechang stood up and walked out with his son, Gu Jin leading the way.

The old man, Chen Hong, and Gu Minmin also stopped eating.

Just as she walked out of the house, Gu Jin stopped. She looked at the child beside her.

Seeing An Mingji's pale face, she frowned slightly: "Xiao An, are you hungry? Why don't you stay home and eat something until I come back?"

"Yes, the child hasn't eaten yet, so I'll take you to eat."

Chen Hong walked over with her thick waist twisted, with a flattering smile on her face, she didn't see the cold face of last night and this morning at all.

An Mingji looked at Chen Hong who was approaching, held Gu Jin's hand tightly, and said softly, "I want to be with Sister Ajin."

The panicked face seemed to be afraid that Gu Jin would leave him alone.

Gu Jin looked at her uncle and cousin waiting not far away, sighed, and said to Chen Hong who was approaching: "Auntie, I will take Xiaoan up the mountain first, please boil some eggs for him to eat."

"Okay, I'll boil eggs for him now!"

Chen Hong smiled brightly, not feeling sorry for the crock pot of eggs in the kitchen at all.

Gu Jin picked up the little wolf cub, followed in the footsteps of his uncle and cousin, and led them to the back of Qingluan Mountain.

While waiting for someone, Du Aiqing picked up the hare and two pheasants he had brought from the mountain, and put them beside the dead boar.

He walked towards the silly roe deer that was chased by the wild boar before, and seeing that it was dead, he picked it up and piled it on the wild boar not far away.

The wild boar and the silly roe deer were considered to be the ones he met with that girl Gu Jin. Naturally, he had a share in seeing them, and he had no intention of hiding them.

The waiting time was very long, and Du Aiqing was also very excited.

Thinking of returning home with meat for my wife and children, I feel very satisfied.

Soon, he saw Gu Jin, the child in her arms, and Gu Dechang and his son following her.

"My dear! This wild boar is big enough!"

Gu Jiajie's eyes widened when he saw the wild boar.

Gu Dechang didn't expect that the wild boar was like a hill, and his face turned red with excitement.

Du Aiqing looked at the Gu family father and son, and suggested with a smile: "Let's take this big guy away quickly, the smell of blood may attract other things, so we can't stay here for too long."


Gu Dechang lifted the two hind hooves of the wild boar, Gu Jiajie lifted the pig's head, and Du Aiqing stood in the middle dragging the wild boar's belly.

"One, two, three! Let's go!"

After all, it was a wild boar weighing more than a thousand catties, and it was still a bit difficult for three men to lift it.

However, they were all very excited when they thought that their home could be improved, and their bodies were filled with excitement.

Du Aiqing carried the wild boar and shouted to Gu Jin who was not far away: "Girl Jin, take the roe deer, hare and pheasant with you!"


She watched the wild boar weighing more than a thousand catties being carried away by three strong men.

PS: Many people expressed doubts about wild boar weighing more than 1,000 catties, so Huahua will explain it here. When I wrote it before, I checked that the largest wild boar weighs 1,800 catties, and the meat of wild boar is not as good as that of domestic pigs, and the meat will be more porcelain.