Back to the ’80s to Raise a Wolfy Boyfriend

Chapter 6: Goodbye Gu family, sad and guilty


Uncle was the only one missing in the courtyard, so he must have gone to the fields at this time.

"Hey! Gu Jin, you're back!"

Gu Jiajie saw his mother enter the kitchen, so he stopped what he was doing and was lazy for a while. With a quick glance, he saw Gu Jin standing at the door.

Hearing his cousin's voice, Gu Jin called out: "Brother Jie."

She led An Mingji, who was a little restless, into the small courtyard.

The old man sitting on the recliner squinted his eyes and saw her leading the little wolf cub from the village in. He took a deep look at Gu Jin with his cloudy eyes, and then looked away.

When her cousin Gu Minmin heard her brother's voice, she had already stopped kicking the shuttlecock. She stood there and looked at Gu Jin and An Mingji who walked into the small courtyard.

"How did you bring him back!"

The woman's loud howl sounded, shaking the few people in the yard to frown slightly.

There was no one else in this familiar voice except the eldest aunt.

Gu Jin looked back to the kitchen, the eldest aunt Chen Hong pinched the waist of the thick barrel, and stared at Gu Jin and An Mingji unkindly, especially the latter's eyes piercing like needles.

An Mingji is very sensitive to people's emotions, knowing that the aunt of the Gu family does not welcome and guard against him, so he goes behind Gu Jin and hides.

At this moment, his body was in pain, and even his stomach was rumbling with hunger.

If he had encountered the attitude of other people in the village towards him in the past, he would have turned around and left, but at this time he didn't want to let go of Sister Ah Jin's hand.

Gu Jin took a deep breath, looked at the aunt who looked unhappy, and said with a smile: "Auntie, Xiaoan was bullied by the children in the village, I will take him home for medicine."

When Chen Hong heard this, her face looked better, but she still looked at Gu Jin and An Mingji with an uneasy expression.

Immediately afterwards, she narrowed her eyes: "I'll send him away after the medicine is given, our family doesn't have any extra food for him!"

Gu Jin squeezed the restless wolf cub in his hands, and said to his aunt with a smile: "Xiao An's injuries are serious, I want him to stay at home for two days."

Hearing this, Chen Hong's expression changed immediately, and he stared at the little wolf cub behind Gu Jin with rounded eyes, wishing he could eat him alive.


Before Chen Hong had an attack, the old man coughed from the side.

She glanced at the old man who didn't make a sound from the beginning to the end, but only coughed twice, curled her lips, turned and walked to the kitchen.

But he murmured unhappily: "The food at home is almost gone, and I brought back a person who ate rice, thinking that I was a living Bodhisattva, and the mud Bodhisattva would not be able to protect himself when he crossed the river, and he even brought a small oil bottle to eat free food... "

The Gu Jiajie and Gu Minmin brothers and sisters on the side were used to their mother's attitude, they didn't dare to speak out, they just stared curiously at An Mingji who was behind Gu Jin.

The old man was sitting on the recliner and smoking a dry cigarette, and he didn't even look at Gu Jin and An Mingji.

However, he coughed twice, which was regarded as his approval of Gu Jin's proposal.

In this family, you have to listen to the old man for everything big and small. As long as he has no objection, the eldest aunt will not dare to speak out.

Even though Chen Hong didn't agree in his heart, he could only complain a few words.

Gu Jin looked at the old man's eyes with complexities. When she was going back to Youcheng, the old man also persuaded her, but it's a pity that she didn't know good people and had a bad attitude towards her.

Recalling all kinds of things in her previous life, her heart turned a thousand times, only turning into sadness and guilt.

Nothing has happened now, and she will never do that again.

Gu Jin took the little wolf cub in his hand and walked to the penultimate room of the lower room on the right. This is her room.