Back to the ’80s to Raise a Wolfy Boyfriend

Chapter 75: The dark side of the easy life


"Then we'll see you next time." Gu Jin left with Gu Jiajie carrying his things.

"Go slowly."

Lu Jinrong watched the two figures leave, with reluctance flashing in his eyes.

After so many years, he once again felt excited, which was the feeling of meeting a confidant.

Every cheongsam he makes carries his emotions, but few people can wear it with its unique charm.

Thinking of what Gu Jin said before he left, see you next time, he couldn't help but start to look forward to it.

At a quarter to eleven, Gu Jin and Gu Jiajie walked out of the department store.

The two walked along the way and attracted the attention of many people.

The cloth shoes under Gu Jiajie's feet were replaced by leather shoes. The young man was dressed very handsomely, which attracted the attention of many women and girls around him.

He has also moved from the initial restraint to the current freedom of movement, and his body and mind are satisfied by vanity.

He was carrying a brand new black suitcase in his hand, which contained the clothes that the two of them had changed, as well as other odds and ends that they had bought.

Gu Jin was wearing a blue, white and blue lotus play pond fish cheongsam, a knitted cardigan, a luxury product of today's era, silk stockings, and a pair of embroidered shoes with blue and white patterns on his feet.

Compared with the fashionable girls around her, her outfit is really unique, elegant and refined.

The puff sleeves, flared jeans, and bat shirts of this era made Gu Jin's eyes hot, and he couldn't wear them on his body at all.

The two walked out of the department store and stood under the steps, looking at the people around them, as if they were looking for something.

"Xiao Jin, look, is that still Liu Quan's car?"

Gu Jin looked in the direction his cousin pointed, and saw a black Alto parked on the side of the road. Its body was angular and bulky.

Liu Quan, who was sitting in the car, was frowning slightly, and the person sitting next to him was Dali whom he had seen last night.

"Yes, let's go."

The two walked towards the direction where the black Alto stopped.

When they were standing by the car, Liu Quan and Dali didn't notice them at all.

Carrying a black suitcase, Gu Jiajie came to the car window and bent over: "Brother Quan, you have been waiting for a long time."

He took the initiative to say hello, and Liu Quan and Dali only noticed the two of them.

Seeing the two of them for the first time, Liu Quan and Dali were amazed, and then their faces showed shock and surprise.

The clothes of Gu Jiajie and Gu Jin in front of them are too eye-catching. The clothes all over their body are worth a lot of money.

The brother and sister they saw last night were old-fashioned country folks, and they turned around and changed like a rich lady in the city. The change is too big and the impact is too strong.

"It's you, kid! I almost didn't recognize him in a different outfit!"

Gu Jiajie narrowed his eyes and smiled: "Don't flatter me, everyone knows who doesn't know who."

Listening to his modest words, Liu Quan showed satisfaction on his face, and he looked over at Gu Jin who was standing behind him.

This look really surprised his eyes.

The girl in the cheongsam is still beautiful, with a little more charm in her innocence, and she has a glamorous aura all over her body.

Seeing Gu Jin like this, even Liu Quan, who had seen many women before, couldn't help being shocked.

If such a woman had a background, she might be able to protect herself, or she might be able to protect herself forever in the small mountain village that belonged to her.

If she had no background and flooded into the big cities, there must be no bones left after being eaten.

A man like him knows all too well the dark side of the easy life.

Beauty is always the most irresistible existence for men.