Back to the ’80s to Raise a Wolfy Boyfriend

Chapter 77: Gu Jiajie's ambition gradually grew


Liu Quan breathed a sigh of relief, he looked at Gu Jin with complicated eyes.

With Gu Jin's appearance, if he meets those powerful people, he will definitely not be able to escape.

He opened his mouth to say something, but finally said nothing, shaking his head slightly.

Gu Jiajie felt very aggrieved. The sight of the two men just now made him very unhappy. Unfortunately, this is not Qingshan Village. It is impossible for him to fight with people when he is upset. He can't afford to provoke these people.

Growing up so big, he wanted to become strong for the first time, to become those people he couldn't afford to offend now, and to make those people dare not look down on him.

With a ding, the elevator door stopped and opened on the sixth floor.

"Here, you come with me."

Liu Quan stepped out of the elevator and led the way.

A group of four people stopped in a room No. 6888.

When he walked to the door, Liu Quan was a little nervous. He glanced at the three people behind him, raised his hand and knocked on the door lightly.

"Boom boom boom..."

As soon as the knock was heard, the door was opened from the inside. A tall and strong man stood inside the door. At the same time, there was a voice speaking from the inside. It was a male voice.

Liu Quan should know the person standing inside the door, and said familiarly: "I'm looking for Brother Hai."

The other party glanced at Gu Jin and Gu Jiajie, and said coldly, "Come in first."

The four of them entered the room, and the voice of the male voice in the room became clearer.

"I said that this business can't be done. His hands and feet are not clean. I don't want to get involved in the business."

A man was sitting on the sofa in the lobby of the room. He was holding a thick and long mobile phone in his hand. He was talking to someone on the phone with a look of impatience on his face.

Today's mobile phones have replaced mobile phones that are as bulky as bricks, but they cannot be compared with future generations.

The mobile phone held in the man's hand costs about 20,000 to 30,000 yuan now. It has the function of making calls and sending text messages, which is much more convenient than the previous big brother.

From the man holding the mobile phone, it can be seen that his identity is unusual. The other party looks to be in his early thirties, wearing black trousers, a light blue shirt on the upper body, and a thin knit vest.

After noticing several people walking into the house, the man raised his eyes and looked over.

Seeing Liu Quan and Dali's eyes were calm.

When his eyes swept over Gu Jin and Gu Jiajie, his eyebrows were raised slightly, and a strange color flashed in his eyes.

I don't know what the man said on the phone, but the man frowned fiercely: "I won't touch Liu Laosi's business, I won't do it for any money, don't forget what my brother-in-law does, those things If you touch it, you will be shot!"

"I'm not short of this little money..."

When the man hung up the phone, he leaned on the sofa relaxedly, his eyes were on Liu Quan, Dali, Gu Jin, and Gu Jiajie.

Liu Quan stepped forward with a flattering smile: "Brother Hai, I called you about these two people yesterday. They have wild ginseng in their hands, and they look pretty good."

Qiu Qianghai raised his eyebrows when he heard this, and reached out to pick up the cigarettes on the marble table and the old-fashioned aluminum wheel lighter.

He lit a cigarette and stared at Gu Jiajie and Gu Jin. The former seemed calm, but in fact he was petty in his bones, while the latter was calm and calm.

He smiled and asked, "Where is the ginseng? What kind? How much do you have?"

When Liu Quan called him yesterday, he said that the wild ginseng he saw was so big, but he still didn't believe it from the bottom of his heart.

There are so many ginseng planted now, it is really rare to see such wild ginseng with weight.