Back to the ’80s to Raise a Wolfy Boyfriend

Chapter 90: Stay away from my kids in the future


"Child? Are you married?" Liu Quan walked over with Dali beside her, and heard the child staring at An Mingji beside her.

The sky was dark, but the injury on the child's face could not be seen clearly. Liu Quan also recognized Gu Jin because of the clothes on his body.

Gu Jin touched the well-behaved child, "No, this is my brother."

Liu Quan stroked his bald head and smiled: "I mean, you see, it's so small, it can't give birth to such a big child."

He looked at Widow Chen and the others, and seeing their terrified eyes, he said a few words to Gu Jin and left.

Liu Quan knew that he was a bastard, if he got too close to Gu Jin, it would give her a bad reputation.

Even though he really wanted to get acquainted with Gu Jin more warmly, feeling the ticket that Brother Hai gave him today in his pocket, Liu Quan felt that there would be plenty of opportunities in the future.

After Liu Quan left, Widow Chen and the others looked at Gu Jin with something else in their eyes.

Gu Jiajie and Xiao Liu came back soon and drove to the corridor.

Gu Jin looked at the car parked not far away, and warned Widow Chen and the three of them: "From now on, you all stay away from my children. If you dare to provoke my children again, I will let you go bankrupt!"

After speaking, he took the child and walked towards the place where the car was parked.

On the way back to the village, it was completely dark, and the cries of Widow Chen and the three women kept coming from the rear carport.

Xiao Liu drove the car and knew there must be something wrong with it, so he didn't ask too much. He got a lot of things this trip, and he knew it was convenient for people to travel.

The car stopped at the door of Gu's house and put everyone down. Xiao Liu left while Gu Jiajie was sending him off.

"I can't live through this day! You are trying to force us to death!"

As soon as Xiao Liu drove away, Widow Chen sat on the ground and began to cry.

She didn't dare to make trouble before, but now that she is in the village, she is willing to show her face to make trouble.

That's a fifty-yuan IOU. Where can she get the money to pay it back? She's a widow with an uncle in her family. If they find out, they won't kill her!

When Widow Chen cried, the other two women were stunned, and soon they also sat on the ground and rolled around.

Gu Jin was already mentally prepared for this.

She led the child home, and said to her cousin behind her, "Brother Jie, close the door, and don't let any dirty people in."

Anyway, she has the IOUs of these three women in her hand, and she is not afraid of them doing anything that crosses the line.

The crying and howling of the three women outside the door alarmed the neighbors in the neighborhood, and many people came to join in the fun with flashlights.

Seeing Widow Chen and the others, she stepped forward and asked, "What's wrong?"

Hearing the inquiries from the people around her, Widow Chen seemed to have found a backbone and told everyone what happened, especially Gu Jin forced them to sign a fifty-dollar IOU.

As for their children beating An Mingji, she didn't say anything at all.

When everyone heard what Gu Jin had done, they all stood at the door of Gu's house and criticized, their voices became louder and louder, startling Gu Dechang and his wife in the room.

Chen Hong walked out of the house wearing a thick dress, and Gu Jin happened to bring the child back to the house.

She saw the uncle and aunt standing at the door, and looked down at the IOU in her hand.

After thinking about it, she stepped forward and handed the three IOUs in her hand to Chen Hong: "Auntie, these are the one hundred and fifty yuan IOUs owed to us by Widow Chen and the other two. Injury, which includes the examination fee for going to the hospital today, medical expenses, and nutrition expenses."

Upon hearing this, Chen Hong carefully took the IOU, "Girl Jin, what is this?"