Back to the Age of Dinosaurs

Chapter 10: The Yukan Continent Super Bandit has been launched


Gulu looked at Guji Gudong, the two younger brothers were very hungry now, and they were looking at him with the extremely brutal and bloodthirsty eyes before the predatory dinosaurs hunted, making him shudder.

Guji stretched his neck and smelled Gulu, and Gudong had opened his mouth full of fangs.

Gulu kept backing back in fright, because he fell into the water with a thud in a hurry, and he couldn't swim.

Gudong and Gudong jumped on Gulu's body at the same time, and they couldn't help but start licking wildly, it was like washing vegetables...

Soon Gulu's whole body was "washed", and it made a "crunch" when rubbing it. Gulu felt like he was about to be licked and bald, and he really couldn't beat the two increasingly strong Tyrannosaurus Rex brothers. .

On the other side, Mungo and Ga Ya found that the cubs were gone, and they turned around in a hurry, and started looking for them separately.

When Mungo found the water pool, Gu Ji and Gu Dong ate blood and meat slag in their mouths. They said excitedly, "Mongo, it's delicious!"

Looking at this scene, Mungo's head was buzzing, how come Gulu disappeared! What are these two little cubs eating? ! They are still so small, what can they hunt and eat? ! Shouldn't...

He roared at the two little guys: "Did you eat Gulu?!"

Gudong and Guji's mouths were full of meat, and they were speechless for a while. They shook their heads vigorously to express: No, no, absolutely not!

Two little guys: Are you scared to pee...

Mungo: "Where's Gulu!"

Gudong and Guji looked at the fern planted to the side.

Not far away, Gollum was burying his head and madly eating ferns, because the ferns were too lush and Gollum was too small to be invisible at all.

After hearing Mungo's voice, Gulu raised his head and ran towards Mungo, slammed into Mungo's hind paws and said excitedly, "Mongo, Mongo, why are you here?"

Gulu didn't know what was wrong with him. Anyway, since Mungo watched Wuwulan with him for many days, he liked to stay with Mungo very much, and he was as close to Mungo as he was to Gaya.

Mungo looked at Gulu dumbfounded, he was really frightened just now.

Mungo knew that the Tyrannosaurus rex often couldn't control its instinct to eat herbivorous dinosaurs, especially the defenseless prey like Gulu.

As the Guji and Gudong get bigger and bigger, the urge to eat Gulu becomes more and more uncontrollable, which is normal.

Mungo: "What exactly did you eat?"

Guji and Gudong looked at the remaining snakeskin on the ground and said, "We were too hungry, so we caught a snake to eat."

Mungo used his claws to plan the snake skin. He was too anxious and lost his mind just now, and didn't notice these details at all.

In order to hide the embarrassment, he sternly reprimanded the three cubs: "Who told you to run so far to play?! Do you know how dangerous this is? Why don't you go back with me! Do you know how worried Gaya is..."

The three cubs were frightened by such an angry Mungo, and followed closely behind Mungo while listening to the training and walking to the lair.

On the way back, Gulu thought a lot.

Guji Gudong had licked him for a long time before, and although he finally held back and didn't eat him or even bit him, Gulu was still terrified.

Guji Gudong's actions today reminded Gulu: the two younger brothers' hunting instincts have been stimulated, and they will become more and more dangerous. No matter how cute they are when they are full, they may really be unable to bear to eat themselves when they are hungry. must be careful.

When the three cubs returned to the nest, Gaia also came back. She heard Mungo's roar and knew that Mongo had found the cubs, so she returned to the nest and waited.

Of course, Gaya also reprimanded the three cubs severely, and the cubs kept making promises that they would never run so far to play again, and then Gaya let them go.

After the training, the three cubs played together again soon. Gulu felt that his heart was really big. The younger brothers still wanted to eat him during the day, but now he is not afraid of these two cubs at all.

Guji rubbed Gulu's head and said, "Wow, brother, your head shield looks amazing, when will I grow out..."

Gudong: "I want to grow too, I want to grow too, I want to become as good as my brother..."

The two little cubs had too little contact with the outside world. They didn't know that the elder brother was their favorite triceratops. They thought that some Tyrannosaurus rex would grow into the elder brother, and the Tyrannosaurus rex that grew into the elder brother was very powerful.

Of course, Gujigudong had eaten the meat of the triceratops, but it was all that Gaia had chewed up and fed them, so she couldn't see the original shape for a long time.

Gulu thought about these two little idiots and said, "I'm not that good, you don't need a head shield like me to be very good..."

Guji: "Brother is obviously super powerful. We couldn't climb out of the nest by ourselves before, but big brother can. Big brother is super good..."

Gu Dong: "Meng Ge said it all, the most powerful Tyrannosaurus rex likes to eat ferns. The ferns are so unpalatable, so my brother likes to eat them. My brother must be the most powerful Tyrannosaurus Rex! It must be!"

Gollum: emmm... no problem!

Mungo watched the three little cubs play so happily, he didn't know if his worries were unnecessary.

Because they were too tired to play during the day, the cubs didn't bother Gaia anymore after nightfall, and Guji and Gudong fell asleep while holding Gulu.

Gulu hadn't fallen asleep yet, he looked at Gaia's big head lying asleep on the edge of the nest.

The nest is very deep, he and Gu Ji Gudong slept in the innermost place against the wall of the cave. In the past two days, his horns started to grow and it was a little itchy. When he was sleeping, he would grind his horns on the wall without realizing it. Ji and Gudong's heads are covered with ashes that he grinds.

Gollum felt that there was no more reassuring place for him than this lair.

Lying on your back, you can see the blue sky above your head. The starry sky in the Cretaceous period is not much different from that of modern times, but it is cleaner and clearer, as if it has been washed, and the major galaxies are clearly visible.

The moonlight scatters sparsely through the dense cypress trees, and the shadows of the cypress trees fall in the nest as beautiful as a mural. The breeze blows, the tree shadows sway, bringing coolness, as well as various plants and soil. Fragrant.

In the distance, there are the roars of various dinosaurs and the sound of heavy footsteps, but they are not scary at all, more like music in a dream.

At noon the next day, the three cubs were taken to the hunting scene in a daze before they woke up. Mongo intentionally started training the cubs in their hunting skills. Observation is a very important way to learn.

Although Guji Gudong began to practice hunting skills, it would become more and more dangerous for Gulu, but Mongo couldn't do anything about it. Tyrannosaurus rex cubs must observe hunting when they are three months old. This is the law of survival.

The three cubs woke up immediately, and they saw a group of mapleons in the valley hunting a Diplodocus.

Although Diplodocus is not as big as Argentinosaurus, it is also a behemoth. An adult Diplodocus is over 30 meters long. Because its bones are relatively light, its weight is only about 15 tons, and its tail is very lethal. It is not a good target for hunting.

This group of Mapulon has almost succeeded in hunting, and Diplodocus is still in the last struggle. It is foreseeable that Diplodocus will soon fall to the ground and be eaten.

Mungo: "Gaya, you wait here with the cubs, and make it stay with Gaya."

Meng It is Meng Ge's younger brother, and it is also the male Tyrannosaurus rex that Gulu almost stepped on when he broke his shell.

So Gollum was very afraid of being caught by it.

Meng It has always disliked Gollum, and wanted to eat Gollum every day, and he couldn't understand why his brother would condone Gaya to raise a Triceratops!

Before, Meng Ge was very deliberately not letting Meng it and other male Tyrannosaurus rex get close to Gulu, but today, uncharacteristically, he asked Meng it to help take care of the cubs.

After Mungo ordered, he rushed to the prey with his brothers.

Gollum hid in Gaia's arms in fear.

Hiding in Mama's arms gave Gulu a sense of security, and he began to focus on how Mungo took his brothers to grab Mapulon's meat to eat.

When Mungo and his brothers rushed down, the Mapulong group also happened to successfully bring down Diplodocus.

Maplons: The robbers came too soon! We haven't had time to eat yet!

In Mapulon's heart, these sub-adult Tyrannosaurus Rex are robbers, who will snatch their meat to eat!

Because most of the sub-adult Tyrannosaurus rex live in groups, a sub-adult Tyrannosaurus rex group needs to eat a lot of meat every day, while the Mapleosaurus group hunts large prey, so that so many sub-adult Tyrannosaurus rex can eat.

Adult Tyrannosaurus rex seldom fights with Mapulosaurus for meat, because most adult Tyrannosaurus rex live alone, it is impossible for a Tyrannosaurus rex to beat so many Maple dragons.

In fact, it is a bit one-sided for Mapulon to say that the Tyrannosaurus rex is a "robber". Tyrannosaurus rex will rob the prey of the Tyrannosaurus Rex, but more often it hunts by itself, because the Mapulosaurus can only be robbed unilaterally, and it does not dare to rob the Tyrannosaurus. Dragon's, the resentment is so big.

The leader of this Mapulong tribe was very angry, he decided to be tough, this time he must let these Tyrannosaurus Rex know how powerful they are!

Mapulosaurus generally hunted together with more than 20. The sub-adult Tyrannosaurus rex formed an alliance of no more than 15 at most, and there were 15 male Tyrannosaurus rex in Mongo's ethnic group, which was already the limit.

No matter how powerful the Tyrannosaurus rex was, it couldn't hold back the large number of Maple dragons.

More than 30 Mapulons rushed towards Mungo's group, the dust splashed several meters high, and the entire battlefield was billowing with smoke.

Gulu's two hind claws on the ground gripped the ground tightly. He was very afraid of Mungo's injury, as well as Mungo's brothers. When hunting, one less helper would be more dangerous.