Back to the Age of Dinosaurs

Chapter 113: Gollum Stimulate the battlefield to PUBG


If carnivorous dragons lived in the group of herbivorous dragons for a long time and never had anything to do with each other, I am afraid that fairy tales would not be so beautiful.

During this time, Gulu and three tyrannosaur cubs lived in the Duo and Duo clans. They always lived in the center of the clan and were well protected. They were never bullied, and they never even listened to them. Any dragon who has been in the group to speak ill of them is all too good to be true.

Gulu knew that the reason why their lives were as beautiful as a "fairy tale", or even unreal, was because Duo He Duo had protected them too well, and he was reluctant to let them suffer a little bit of grievance.

"There's never been a quiet time, it's just that someone carries the burden for you." Although this sentence has been said badly, it does make sense.

Duo and Duo are both very powerful leaders, and they are also very strong leaders. They can always think of ways to suppress the dissatisfied dragons in the tribe, but the pressure will always break out for too long.

The three Tyrannosaurus Rex cubs immediately ran to Gulu's side and said eagerly, "Brother, it's not us, it's really not us..."

But at this time, all the curved dragons and stegosaurs around stood up and said:

"It's them! I saw with my own eyes that these three Tyrannosaurus rex cubs killed the dragon of our tribe!"

"Then where did the blood on your mouth come from?!"

"I knew that these Tyrannosaurs would eat the dragons of our tribe sooner or later. They even eat their own brothers and sisters."

"Every time they eat meat in our group, other carnivorous dragons soon smell blood and run to our group to hunt, because how many dragons have died in our group..."

"It's all because of these Tyrannosaurus Rex cubs!"

Gulu knew that some of what these curved dragons and stegosaurs said was true. Since he brought three Tyrannosaurus cubs to the Duo and Duo clan, the Duo and Duo clans were more vulnerable to the attack of carnivorous dragons than before.

Because the three Tyrannosaurus rex cubs will eat meat in the group, there will definitely be a strong bloody smell in the process of eating meat, and other carnivorous dragons will come over when they smell the bloody smell.

Although the three Tyrannosaurus rex cubs eat fast enough, and after eating, they will keep rubbing their bodies on the soil until they cover up the bloody smell, but sometimes they cannot avoid attracting other carnivorous dragons.

When they talked about some Stegosaurus and Curly Dragon, they were very excited. They surrounded the three Tyrannosaurus rex cubs and kept roaring: "Step on them!"

Gulu squeezed in with all his strength, and protected the three Tyrannosaurus rex younger brothers behind him, and then Pachi squeezed in desperately, and the two triceratops cubs protected the three Tyrannosaurus cubs in the middle. .

The situation was so chaotic that more and more Stegosaurus and Curly Dragon surrounded the cubs, clamoring to trample them to death.

The five little cubs felt dizzy and dizzy. They were surrounded by more and more dragons. The air was not circulating. These dragons stepped on the bald fern and stepped on the soil. The roar seemed to be so loud that it made them tinnitus.

Gulu comforted the three Tyrannosaurus rex younger brothers: "Brother knows that you didn't do it, Uncle Duo and Uncle Duo will help us..."

Duo and Duo let out an angry roar at the same time, and the dragon group became quiet immediately, and took the initiative to make way for them, and they walked to Gulu's side.

Gulu said quickly: "Uncle Du, Uncle Duo, it must not have been my Tyrannosaurus Rex brothers who killed those three dragons, it must not have been, I will vouch for them with my life."

Du He Duo rubbed Gulu's neck and said, "Gulu, we know, we believe in you, and we also believe in the three tyrannosaur cubs, we will find out."

Of course Gulu knew that Duo He Duo would believe them, but so many dragons in the group said that three Tyrannosaurus rex cubs killed him, and he knew that Duo He Duo must also be very embarrassed.

Duan said to the three Tyrannosaurus rex cubs: "Don't be afraid, what's going on, say it out loud and make it clear."

The three tyrannosaur cubs were terrified just now. They looked at their elder brother, and Gollum nodded to his younger brothers in encouragement.

With the encouragement of his brother's eyes, the three little cubs slowly explained what happened today.

Gulu briefly summed it up. In fact, the matter is very simple. Originally, the three Tyrannosaurus Rex brothers were playing at the edge of the group. While playing, they saw two dwarf Tyrannosaurs behind a small mound hunting the group's curved dragon, the younger brother. They ran over to scare the two tyrannosaurs away, but when they ran over, they saw that three curly dragons had already been bitten to death.

The three Tyrannosaurus rex cubs and two Dwarf Tyrannosaurus fought. The blood on their mouths was the blood left by the cubs biting Dwarf Tyrannosaurus. Soon the two Dwarf Tyrannosaurs were driven away by the Tyrannosaurus cubs. .

As soon as the Dwarf Tyrannosaurus escaped, the Tyrannosaurus rex cubs were surrounded by other dragons who came from the group when they heard the movement here. These dragons all believed that the Tyrannosaurus rex cubs killed the three curved dragons. , because they did not see the fleeing Dwarf Tyrannosaurus.

The three Tyrannosaurus rex cubs were very aggrieved, looked at Gulu and said, "Brother, we have lived in the clan for so long, and the clan has always protected us. Uncle Duo and Uncle Duo are also very good to us. We can beat those two. A dwarf tyrannosaurus, I want to help the tribe drive away the dwarf tyrannosaurus, I don’t know why it became like this…”

However, before the Tyrannosaurus Rex cubs could finish their grievances in their hearts, some Stegosaurus and Curly Dragon stood up and said, "We saw with our own eyes that they killed the dragons of our tribe. When we arrived, they The head did not leave the neck of the curved dragon..."

The three little cubs quickly explained: "We want to see if the three curved dragons are still saved, we want to rub them and wake them up, we also rescued an injured curved dragon, he almost Was bitten to death by Dwarf Tyrannosaurus, we rescued him..."

At that time, there were a total of four Bendosaurus eating ferns behind the small mound, and two dwarf tyrannosaurs surrounded them, and soon killed three Bendosaurus. Originally, three Bendosaurus was enough for two dwarf dragons. The tyrannosaurus ate it, but they were afraid that the remaining curved dragon would call more stegosaurs. They could not beat the stegosaurus, so they had to kill all four curved dragons, and then quickly ran away from the scene full of food.

Just when the two dwarf tyrannosaurs were chasing the fourth curly dragon, they were discovered by the three tyrannosaur cubs, and the fourth curly dragon was rescued in time.

Duo roared at the group: "Where's the injured curved dragon, let him come over!"

It was a very thin and crooked dragon. He was limping when he walked. His butt was bitten and blood was flowing. After walking to Duo's side, he said firmly: "Duo, it was these three tyrannosaur cubs that bit him. They hurt me when they bit me."

The three Tyrannosaurus rex cubs couldn't believe their ears, they saved the dragon, but the dragon said so now, they rushed in front of the curved dragon and roared and asked, "It's obviously we who saved you! How can you? Saying so..."

This curved dragon didn't know whether it was a guilty conscience or was frightened by the sharp teeth of the three Tyrannosaurus rex cubs. He was trembling all over, and quickly hid behind Duo.

Gulu quickly stopped the Tyrannosaurus rex cubs and comforted them: "It's okay, brother will prove it to these dragons, don't worry."

However, the anger of the Tyrannosaurus rex cubs and the trembling of the injured curved dragon further aroused the extreme dissatisfaction of the surrounding dragons. They had already roared in disregard of the majesty of Duo Heduo and wanted to immediately trample the three Tyrannosaurus rex cubs to death.

Duo He Duo let out a roar after another, and finally made the group quiet down.

In fact, Gulu knew that these dragons in the group didn't care about the so-called "truth", they just wanted to drive away the three Tyrannosaurus rex cubs, because these cubs in the group would make the group hunted by more carnivorous dragons, just It will make it harder for the tribe to survive than before.

All the dragons in the clan wanted to drive away the three Tyrannosaurus rex cubs for a long time, but they endured it because of Duo and Duo, and the Tyrannosaurus cubs have always behaved very well after they entered the clan, and they had no reason to drive them away. Tyrannosaurus rex, today's event just gave them the best reason.

A large part of the dragons only saw the three curved dragons lying on the ground. They did not see the Dwarf Tyrannosaurus, nor did they see the Tyrannosaurus Rex cubs drive away the Dwarf Tyrannosaurus. Of course, they would think that the Tyrannosaurus Rex cubs killed it. the three curved dragons.

There must be a small number of dragons who saw the Tyrannosaurus rex cubs drive away the Dwarf Tyrannosaurus, but they would still "distort the truth" just to drive away the three Tyrannosaurus cubs.

It cannot be said that the dragons in the Duo and Duo ethnic groups are wrong, and they are also trying to survive better.

Duo and Duo trust Gulu very much, and they are willing to trust the three Tyrannosaurus rex cubs, although they know that Tyrannosaurus rex is cruel and bloodthirsty by nature.

Even in such a complicated situation now, Duo still said: "I and Duo will find out, if it is really three Tyrannosaurus rex cubs that killed them, I will trample them to death!"

But this was completely unable to appease these irascible Stegosaurus and Curly Dragon. They roared that they must drive away these three Tyrannosaurus cubs now, otherwise they would be trampled to death immediately.

Duo and Duo are absolutely unwilling to drive away the Tyrannosaurus rex cubs. They drive away the Tyrannosaurus rex cubs, and Gulu will follow. They can no longer bear to let Gulu suffer a little bit. Gulu is still a little cub. should endure so much.

But the current situation is that it is difficult to quell the anger of the dragons, and it is also difficult for Duo and Duo.

Gulu roared: "I can prove that it's not them, you'll know when you go over with me and see."

Although Gulu has decided to take his younger brothers to leave the Duo and Duo group, but before leaving, he must prove his innocence for the three Tyrannosaurus Rex younger brothers. It is not easy for Tyrannosaurus rex to protect the herbivorous dinosaur group. Brothers suffer this grievance.

And if the innocence of the younger brothers is not proved, many dragons in the clan will think that Duo He Duo actually let go of the Tyrannosaurus rex cub that killed the three dragons of the clan, which will greatly damage the prestige of Duo He Duo in the clan, Gulu feels He was already very sorry for Duo He Duo, he couldn't let Du He Duo bear the legacy of this matter.

Duo and Duo immediately organized a group to follow Gulu to the "criminal scene".

Gulu knew that the biggest difference between Dwarf Tyrannosaurus and Tyrannosaurus rex cubs was the teeth. Of course, the difference between the bite wounds was not very big. It was difficult to explain from the wounds. If you could find a tooth left by Dwarf Tyrannosaurus prove.

Dwarf Tyrannosaurus's teeth are relatively thin like blades, and are easily broken during hunting. Gollum is confident that he can find at least one Dwarf Tyrannosaurus tooth left on the scene.

Fortunately, the three dead curved dragons had a group of stegosaurus to protect them from being eaten by other carnivorous dragons.

Gulu carefully searched the three dead curved dragons, opened the wounds to find, even if the bloody smell of the dead curved dragon was particularly heavy, Gulu didn't care at all, he just wanted to find the teeth of the dwarf tyrannosaurus as soon as possible. , even half a tooth.

All the dragons of the tribe gathered around, they didn't know what Gollum was looking for.

Gulu searched for a long time, but still couldn't find half a tooth on the three dead curved dragons. The noon sun was very strong, and Gulu felt like vomiting because of the strong smell of blood.

All the dragons in the group were also very uncomfortable. Herbivorous dinosaurs didn't like the smell of blood. As long as the three tyrannosaur cubs were drooling, although they were not hungry, the nature of the tyrannosaurus made them smell blood. The taste has a strong appetite.

Gradually, some dragons in the group lost patience, especially Stegosaurus. Stegosaurus was simple-minded and they just wanted to drive away the tyrannosaur cubs, and they didn't care about others.

Several stegosaurs said dissatisfiedly: "What is Gulu looking for? It's disgusting and smelly. No wonder other dragons say that Gulu is a little stinky dragon..."

Dumb couldn't hear any dragons in the tribe saying bad things about Gollum. He rushed to the stegosaurus and roared, hitting the stegosaurus with the spikes on his tail, saying, "I said However, don't say a bad word to Gulu! If you dare to say it again, get out of the clan for me!"

The spikes of the Stegosaurus's tail are fatal to any carnivore. Even though Duo didn't want the lives of these Stegosaurs, the spikes were also very painful to hit the body. A single blow was a bloodstain. These swords Long Du lowered his head silently, and did not dare to refute a word or avoid it.

Seeing that Gulu might not be able to find what he was looking for, Duo began to shout to the tribe: "Gulu has saved our tribe so many times, and this is how you repay him?! If there was no Gulu, we would have died in the volcanic eruption. It's time, if it wasn't for Gollum, we would have died in the Great Glacier..."

With Duo's questioning, some dragons in the group gradually lowered their heads, but they were still determined to drive away the Tyrannosaurus Rex cub.

The dragons in the group are very grateful to Gulu. If it wasn't for the fact that Gulu saved the group many times, even if Duo and Duo were strong, it would be difficult for two such powerful herbivorous dinosaur groups to accept three Tyrannosaurus rex cubs. They only They wanted to drive away the three Tyrannosaurus rex cubs, but they didn't want to drive away Gollum.

Gollum's eyes moistened, and Duo and Duo were really kind to him.

I don't know how long it took, but Gulu didn't find the Dwarf Tyrannosaurus's tooth on the night of his death, so he looked for it in the ferns, and after searching for a while, he finally found one!

Gollum held the tooth in front of Duo and Duo.

Duo raised his teeth so that more dragons could see, and Gollum let his Tyrannosaurus brothers open their mouths wide open to reveal a mouthful of fangs.

Gulu said loudly: "This tooth is the tooth of Dwarf Tyrannosaurus, you can see, Dwarf Tyrannosaurus's teeth are thin and flat, Tyrannosaurus rex's teeth are round and pointed, Dwarf Tyrannosaurus and Tyrannosaurus Rex's teeth totally different… "

All the dragons in the clan saw it, and they could no longer find a reason to refute it.

Then Gulu said again: "Look at the blood on the fern, the blood is there from here to far, far away, and neither the curved dragon nor the three tyrannosaur cubs have gone that far, the blood is Dwarf tyrannosaurs dripped on ferns as they fled."

Finally, Gulu walked up to the injured crooked dragon and said, "I can understand why you lied. I will leave the clan with three little tyrannosaurs. I just need you to tell the truth with all the dragons in the clan."

The injured Bendosaurus lowered his head, and the three little Tyrannosaurus rex saved his life, and he was very grateful, but his parents died after these little Tyrannosaurus rex entered the group, which caused the group to be hunted frequently, so he wanted to chase Walk these tyrannosaurs.

Gulu said that he would leave with the little Tyrannosaurus rex, which undoubtedly touched him. He lowered his head and thought for a while before walking to all the dragons of the tribe and saying, "It was these three little Tyrannosaurus rex that saved me, and it was the Dwarf Tyrannosaurus who bit the wound. Me, it was Dwarf Tyrannosaurus that killed these three curved dragons."

The group was silent.

Gulu stood in front of the group and said loudly: "I know that during this time, my brothers and I have brought a lot of trouble to the group, because we, the group are always hunted by carnivore dragons, I will take my brothers immediately. Leaving, thank you all for your care and tolerance for us during this time..."

The group is more silent, most of the dragons are very sad, they actually like and appreciate Gollum, they want Gollum to be in the group forever, but they don't like these three little Tyrannosaurus rex.

After Gollum finished speaking, all the dragons in the clan remained silent and stood still, and after a while they gradually dispersed.

Duo and Duo tried their best to keep Gulu, but Gulu had already made up his mind.

In order not to worry Duo and Duo, Gulu said: "Uncle Du, Uncle Duo, forget about it, I'm the king of the sea, didn't I often take three Tyrannosaurus rex brothers to the beach to find food, other carnivorous dragons are very If we go to the beach less, our prey will not be taken away, so don't worry."

Blunt: "But you are still little brats. Without the protection of the ethnic group, it is easy to be attacked by those carnivorous dragons!"

Duo: "Gulu, Duan and I are both very powerful leaders. You have also seen that, every time the carnivore dragon comes to hunt, it is not too soon to be chased away by us."

Gulu: "Uncle Duo, Uncle Duo, we can hide in the fern bushes. It used to be like this. Now the fern bushes here are so high, they can completely hide us."

Duan: "Gulu, how do you tell me to explain to Pado like this, how can Uncle Du be so embarrassed to see your father in the future!"

Gulu: "Uncle Du, my dad won't blame you. Uncle Duo and Uncle Duo are the best uncles. No herbivorous dragon group would accept three Tyrannosaurus rex cubs..."

No matter what, Duo He Duo just wouldn't let Gulu and the three Tyrannosaurus cubs go, but they also knew that Gulu was not an ordinary cub, and they couldn't change Gulu's decision.

After the night, Gulu and his four younger brothers secretly left Duo and Duo's clan.

Duo and Duo didn't fall asleep, how could they fall asleep, they knew that Gulu left with his younger brothers.

After leaving the group of Duo and Duo, Gulu stopped and looked from a distance, thinking in his heart: Uncle Duo, Uncle Duo, thank you, and thank you for your group, you are the best and best uncles, Your clan is also very good.

Duan looked at the back of Gollum leaving with his four younger brothers from a distance, and tears flowed unconsciously.

He rubbed Duo's neck and said, "Duo, it's all my fault. I didn't protect Gulu and Pachi well. I don't know how to face Pado. I'm sorry Pado."

Duo: "Gulu, this little brat, will definitely be more powerful than his father Pardo in the future, a lot more powerful."

Duan couldn't understand many, many meanings, he knew that Gollum would definitely be as powerful as Pado: "But Pado is already the most powerful Triceratops leader in the entire Yukan Continent, Gollum will definitely be as powerful as Pado, why? a lot of?"

Duo: "Gollum is not only the most powerful triceratops leader, dull, look at it, our little Gollum will definitely become the most powerful and legendary dragon."

In fact, Duo and Duo have long regarded Gollum and Patch as their own little cubs, although they are completely different dragons.

Looking at the bright moonlight, Gulu took his younger brothers farther and farther. Although the fern plain was full of the terrifying roars of carnivorous dragons, Gulu never had the slightest fear. Duo seemed to understand Duo. the meaning of.

Of course, Pardo and Mungo on the opposite side also saw the chaos of the Duo and Duo's group during the day. They didn't sleep tonight and kept watching the cubs, and naturally they also saw the cubs leave the Duo and Duo's clan.

Both Mungo and Pado understand very well that no herbivorous dragon group can accept that there is a carnivorous dragon living in their group for a long time. No matter how much the leader suppresses the opposition in the group, it will eventually erupt.

Of course, Pardo couldn't blame Duo, and it was very rare for the Duo and Duo clan to take in the cubs for such a long time.

Gollum found a place where the ferns were very lush and the smell of carnivore was weaker. The cubs began to sleep, and they had to live on shift vigils again.

The three little tyrannosaurs were very guilty, and kept saying to Gulu, "Brother, I'm sorry, it's all our fault."

Gulu rubbed against the Tyrannosaurus Rex brothers and said, "I don't blame you. You did a good job today. My brother is very happy. Go to bed, you are all tired."

Then Gulu was said by Patch again: "Patch, do you know why your brother didn't keep you in the group of Uncle Duo and Uncle Duo?"

Patch said angrily: "Even if my brother leaves me in the group of Uncle Duo and Uncle Duo, I will not listen to my brother. I will follow my brother. I am already very good!"

Gulu rubbed Patchy's neck and said, "Well, Patchy is already very powerful."

As they talked, the cubs fell asleep. Although they left the group, they still felt a sense of security with their elder brother by their side, and they still slept soundly and soundly.

In the early morning of the next day, Gulu told his younger brothers to hide and not run around. He flew to Pado and Mungo's clan in Ute, and explained to them in detail why they left the Duo and Duo clan, and let Mungo and Mongo and Don't worry, Pardo.

In fact, regardless of Gulu, Mungo and Pado can also guess why the cubs left the Duo and Duo clan. They were very worried about the cubs, but there was no other way.

The younger brothers did not have the protection of the ethnic group, and Gulu was worried about leaving the younger brothers for a long time, and soon let Ute carry him back to the younger brothers.

As soon as Gulu landed, he saw Oro walking out from behind the lush ferns. This time, Oro came alone, without the other male Triceratops.

Auro walked up to Gulu and said, "Gulu, join me as the leader of the clan. The three Tyrannosaurus rex cubs and Pachi all need the protection of the clan. You are too dangerous to be attacked by carnivorous dragons."

It is impossible for Gulu to join any herbivorous dragon cubs with Tyrannosaurus Rex cubs. It is too dangerous. It is easy for any herbivorous dragon clan to trample three Tyrannosaurus cubs to death.

If there was no absolute trust in Duo He Duo yesterday, Gulu knew that no matter how powerful he was, he would not be able to save the three Tyrannosaurus rex cubs, and so many angry Stegosaurus Curly Dragon would instantly trample the three Tyrannosaurus rex younger brothers to death and become smashed into flesh.

Duo and Duo are absolutely trusted by Gulu, and Gulu also knows that Duo and Duo are very strong and have high prestige in the group. They can suppress the extremely dangerous dragons that may exist in the group. He also knows that Duo and Duo will always believe in them. Dare to bring the tyrannosaurus cubs to join the clan of blunt and duo.

It's not that Gulu doesn't trust Oro, and it's not that Gulu doubts Oro's ability to control the group. First of all, Oro's personality is weird, and secondly, Oro's group has feelings for Gulu's completely unlike the Duo and Duo groups. Gulu at least Even saved the Duo and Duo clan, so what happened yesterday would still happen, not to mention the Oro clan.

Therefore, no matter what the consideration is, Gollum will not bring his younger brothers to join Oro's clan.

Gulu firmly refused: "Auro, thank you very much for your kindness, but it's really unnecessary."

Auro was very angry, he wanted to turn his head and leave, but he didn't know why he was extra patient this time, and he persuaded him for a long time: "Gulu, I guarantee that any dragon in the tribe will not dare to bully. them… "

This time, no matter how resolutely Gollum refused, Oro endured and kept persuading.

In fact, Oro also found it very strange. He didn't know why he became like this.

Gulu really had no choice but to roar at Auro in the end: "If I say no, I won't go! Get out of here! Don't appear in front of me again!"

Auro was still chattering and persuading, but was interrupted by Gulu's roar. He was stunned for a moment, then turned and left, running away without looking back.

Auro, who returned to the clan, was still very angry. He ordered all the dragons in the clan not to mention Gulu again. Anyone who dared to mention Gulu again would immediately get out of his clan.

All the triceratops in the Oro tribe are very confused. They knew that Oro still wanted Gulu to be their leader. .

This piece of fern land is still in danger, there are carnivorous dragons everywhere, and without the protection of the ethnic group, it is very dangerous to eat directly in the fern land, but Gulu has already thought of a good way.

He said to Ute, "Ute, you take the meat to the seaside, and I'll take my brothers there first."

Carnivore dragons rarely go to the seaside, because there is no prey on the seaside, and eating at the seaside is currently the safest for them.

Although Ute didn't like Gulu very much, he didn't dare to mess around anymore. On the surface, he was still very obedient. He nodded and said, "Okay, I'll go right away."

Gulu took his younger brothers to hide in the deep ferns and walked slowly to the seaside, trying not to let any carnivore dragons find them.

Ute soon came to the beach with the meat in his mouth, and at this time Gulu also took his younger brothers to the beach.

Gulu was afraid that the big dragons and big fish in the sea would bring them food again, so he kept roaring, indicating that there was no need to bring food up, and there was no need to "sacrifice" to him.

Sure enough, no food was served this time.

The Tyrannosaurus Rex brothers had food, and of course Gulu didn't need these "sacrifices" at all.

In fact, Gulu really didn't understand why the dragons and fish in the sea wanted to kill the dragons and fish of the same clan and gave them to him. They could kill the dragons and fish of other clans completely. The "sacrifice" of killing the same clan is very cruel.

But Gulu thought again, in the era of feudal superstition, didn't human beings sacrifice river gods and sea gods with people from their own villages, and even use their own blood to forge swords... Even the IQ and empathy of human beings do this. Cruel things, the dragons and fish in the sea can fully understand.

In this way, every day Gulu took his younger brothers to the beach to eat, and when they returned to the fern plain, they hid in the thick ferns, but they were basically never attacked by the carnivore.

This was their sixth day eating at the seaside. Although no carnivore would come to compete with them, the Tyrannosaurus Rex cubs still ate fast, and they were used to fast food.

Suddenly Gulu smelled the smell of an adult Tyrannosaurus rex, and it belonged to a particularly strong adult male Tyrannosaurus rex.

Although the three Tyrannosaurus Rex brothers had not finished eating, Gulu immediately forbid them to eat any more, and took them to the sea. The Tyrannosaurus Rex would never go into the sea, and the sea was safer than the shore.

Sure enough, after a while, an adult male Tyrannosaurus rex walked to the beach, quickly ran to the leftover meat, and quickly finished it.

This adult male Tyrannosaurus rex had one of its forelimbs broken and was seriously injured.

Although this adult male Tyrannosaurus rex was seriously injured, it is definitely not something that a few cubs can win, they can only let it eat.

Gulu had a hunch that the beach would not be a safe place to eat from now on. This male Tyrannosaurus Rex would find them eating here, and other carnivorous dragons would also find it.

They waited for the male Tyrannosaurus rex to go ashore before they dared to go ashore. Ute went to bring them some meat again, and the cubs were full.

The next day they still ate at the beach, but today, several groups of carnivorous dragons came to snatch their meat. The cubs stayed in the sea and dared not go ashore. Fortunately, because of Gulu, the dragons and crocodiles in the sea did not dare to go ashore. will attack them.

Although the seaside is no longer a safe place to eat, it is still much better than the fern land. Every day, Gulu takes his younger brothers to the seaside to eat, and hides in the shallow sea when encountering carnivorous dragons.

This day, the five cubs have been hiding in the sea for a long time. They are very tired, but there are still six Mapurons waiting on the shore. These Mapurons seem to have to wait until they come ashore to eat them.

As night falls, the sea water is getting colder and colder, and the dark sea water is not as beautiful as the azure blue during the day.

Gulu didn't know what to do. Taking his younger brothers up would be eaten by Mapulon, but staying in the sea all the time was no way.

The younger brothers are very sensible. Although they are very cold and tired, and the dark sea at night is particularly terrifying, they did not show it at all, and they did not want to worry about their elder brother.

Suddenly Gollum heard a familiar voice, it was a deep voice!

Gollum made the loudest noise he could roar, and Deep responded immediately.

Gulu followed the sound and saw that on the dark sea there were stars and little lights on the dark warehouse and deep body. That is what the big fish and dragons in the sea will have. In the dark night and deep sea, they can shine. The light instantly illuminated Gollum's entire world.

To tell the truth, Gollum was already in tears.

Soon they swam to Gollum's side.

Gulu knew that it was the first time that Pachi had seen such a huge dragon in the sea at such a close distance. Pachi's eyes were so wide that Gulu rubbed against Pachi's neck and said, "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, Patchy, they are My brother's friends, they treat my brother very well."

Shen Shen was very happy to see Gulu, and kept splashing with his tail.

Gulu immediately let his younger brothers climb up the back of An He Cang, and he himself became a human and climbed up. On the back of An He Cang Da, they can rest better, almost no different from being on land. .

The few Mapurons were still waiting on the beach.

Ancang and Shenshen both saw that it was the big dragons on the seashore that made Gulu and the others dare not go ashore, but they couldn't kill those big dragons. Their bodies were too huge to even last long in the shallow sea area. The stay will be stranded.

Gulu lay on An Da's head and said excitedly: "It's fortunate that you are here, otherwise I don't know what to do. We have been soaking in the sea for a long time, and we are very tired."

Complaining to Cang secretly: "I told you to come back early, if we can come back sooner, we can help Gulu a few days earlier!"

Cang said quickly, "It's all my fault."

Gollum knew that after a tsunami, the bigger sea creatures came back later, because small sea creatures were not easily stranded, and large sea creatures were easily stranded, and they had to wait a long time to come back.

Shen Shen: "It's all my fault Uncle Cang!"

Gulu hurriedly said, "It's not my fault, it's the safest for you to come back now. We've had a good time this time, but today we were unlucky enough to encounter those big dragons."

Then Gulu went to appease the four younger brothers and told them to go to bed quickly. I will sleep here today, don't be afraid.

The four little cubs were not afraid at all. They knew that the big dragon in the sea was very kind to their brother, and they didn't have to take turns to watch the night when they slept here, and they didn't have to worry about carnivore dragons hunting them at any time.

After comforting the four little cubs, Gulu returned to the dark head again.

Gulu: "Shen Shen, it's very late today, will my brother play with you tomorrow?"

Shen Shen said quickly: "Brother, go to sleep, you must be very tired. In fact, Shen Shen is very happy as long as he sees his brother. It is very fun to see him talking to his brother."

Gulu touched Shenshen's big head and said, "Shen Shen is really good, good night, little Shen Shen."

Shen Shen: "Good night, brother."

Gulu waved at Ute who was still hovering in the air, meaning to let Ute go back, they were safe, and Ute flew away.

Deep and dark body is dark blue in the dark night, and the dark blue huge body is shining with soft and warm fluorescence. In these soft lights, on the dark and huge head, Gulu feels particularly warm and stable. , soon fell asleep.

Ulla asked Utre to follow Gulu from a distance all day long. He could only go back when he slept at night. Utter listened to his sister's words very much. Although he didn't like Gulu, he still carried out Ulla's orders very well.

Following Gulu for a while, Ute can get a different shock every day. He saw that the big dragon and big fish in the sea actually offered to give Gulu all kinds of food. He saw that the big dragon and big fish in the sea never attacked Gulu. …

Tonight he saw a big, big dragon in the sea. He had never seen such a big dragon before.

Ute gradually understood why Mungo liked Gulu so much, and why Mungo could only see Gulu in his eyes. Gulu was different from all dragons, and Gulu was too powerful.

But even so, he still doesn't like Gollum, as long as Mungo is not with Ula, he just doesn't like Gollum, and it will never change.

The cubs slept soundly that night.

The next morning, Gulu woke up hungry, and his stomach was so hungry that he and Patch had to go ashore to eat ferns.

At this time, the few Mapurons had long since disappeared, and Gulu quickly woke up the sleeping brothers, and after a few words with the dark warehouse, they quickly went ashore.

In this way, Gulu took his younger brothers to the seaside to eat every day. In order to prevent other carnivorous dragons from grabbing food, Gulu asked Ute to directly put the meat on the back of Anhecang, and the younger brothers could eat on the back of Anhecang. .

After they were full, the cubs played together, and did not go ashore until it was dark.

They swam and played in the sea together, and when they got tired, they climbed to the back of the dark and warehouse to rest and take a nap.

Shen Shen is very happy every day. My elder brother brought four elder brothers to play with him. He played with him every day for a long time. He has never been so happy.

After more than half a month like this, those carnivorous dragons will not be able to eat meat if they follow them to the beach, so naturally they will not follow them again.

Until they passed this seaside fern field and entered a very high fern field, they could no longer go to the seaside, because the fern field to the sea was a very high cliff.

This fern field is very broad, which means that they cannot go to the beach for at least a month, and this month must be very difficult.

Gulu had let Nasso take him to see the terrain along the way. Of course, he knew that there was such a long, long, fern field by the sea that he couldn't go to the seaside, but this was a fact that couldn't be changed. This section is about to converge with Mongopardo and the others. Thinking of this, Gulu seems to have endless motivation again.

However, on the third day of struggling to survive in this fern land, Gollum regretted it very much. He finally knew that he had overestimated the strength of himself and his younger brothers.

This piece of fern land cannot be described as "stimulating the battlefield", but it is "PUBG Mobile".

In the past three days, they were running almost all the time. They had no chance to eat at all. They were all escaping the hunting of other carnivorous dragons, and they hardly dared to sleep. They might be eaten by other carnivorous dragons every minute.

Every time Ute took the meat, the Tyrannosaurus rex cubs would be snatched away by other carnivorous dragons before they could eat two bites.

Gollum had to take his younger brothers to the vicinity of Oro's clan.

To survive, they had to join Oro's clan, and there was no other option.

Gulu: I don't know what happened to my brain before, and I just scolded Oro away. What should I do now? !

Auro went to Gulu, but Gulu didn't know if Auro would accept them again.

Gulu: "Auro, I'm sorry, it was all my fault before."

Oro just looked at Gollum and didn't speak.

Gulu has already thought about it, no matter what, even if he admits his mistake and weeps bitterly, he will stay in the Oro group, and let Oro promise that the three Tyrannosaurus Rex younger brothers will also stay in the group.

Gulu: The tears I shed today must be the water that came into my head back then.