Back to the Age of Dinosaurs

Chapter 190: The super magical evolution of the dragons


I saw six little cubs biting a hole in the middle of the huge cycad leaf that was cushioned in the nest. The cycad leaf was equivalent to turning into a "little skirt", and then put it on the body, swaying and swaying, funny. And cute.

Gollum and Mungo have no idea how the cubs came up with the idea of making "little skirts" out of cycads, which is really incredible.

Ohara and Ono don't know how to make small skirts, and the other four cubs made small skirts and put them on for them.

Mungo remembered that before the cubs broke out of their shells, he followed the space to learn how to make a beautiful "skirt" many times. He wanted to make it as a gift to Gulu. Gulu's human body likes to wear clothes.

In the age of dinosaurs with very limited resources, it is definitely not realistic to make other clothes, and the method of making skirts is the easiest.

It's just that Mungo didn't expect that when the cubs were in the eggshell, they learned the process of making skirts with him, and they knew how to apply what they learned.

In fact, these four little cubs bit a hole in the middle of the cycads and played with them two days ago. They didn't know why they did it, they just thought it was fun.

They like to play like this when they are particularly happy.

Of course, it may also be influenced by Mungo's "prenatal education" before they broke their shells.

Mungo and Gulu had been taking care of Leah and Ohara Ono for the first two days and didn't know that the cubs liked to play like this.

Although it was the first time that Ohara Ono and these four little cubs met, the blood relationship was so wonderful. The six cubs played together almost as soon as they met, as if they had never been separated since they broke their shells.

Mungo and Gulu watched the six cubs running around and playing in the lair wearing "little skirts" made of cycads.

In the past, Xiao Ye had never dared to play so unscrupulously. He was always afraid of being seen by other dragons. Xiao Yuan had to be vigilant at all times. Even when two cubs played, they were in the innermost part of the nest most of the time, and the space was very limited.

Now the two cubs know that they don't have to be afraid anymore, because the giant triceratops Gollum and the giant Tyrannosaurus Rex Mungo are their biological fathers. Both of their fathers are very powerful and can protect not only them but also Leah.

Mungo gently picked up the three Tyrannosaurus rex cubs and placed them on Gulu's huge head.

Gulu gently picked up the three triceratops cubs and placed them on Mungo's huge head.

The cubs lay on the heads of the two fathers and saw a very shocking scene. They all stared at it and watched it all with curiosity.

Many, many dragon groups ran over here, and the leader of each dragon group brought them gifts.

Gulu and Mungo stood at the front of the group with the cubs.

First of all, the rhinoceros led his carnotaurus group. Now there are more than 100 carnotaurus in the rhino group, which is the largest carnotaurus group on the two continents.

In the mouth of the rhino is a piece of Triceratops meat, the freshest meat, the most delicious meat.

The Ling ethnic group is right next to the rhino group. At present, the Ling ethnic group already has thousands of Hygrotooth dragons. Before grouping, they have to come and see the little cubs of Gulu and Mungo.

As a group of herbivorous dragons, Ling had the freshest leaf in his mouth. This leaf was broken by Ling when he climbed to the highest tree. There were dewdrops on the leaves and they were spotless.

Nasuo flew over with his Aeolus pterosaurs. It was black and dark. Nasuo was holding a moray dragon cub in his mouth. The moray dragon cub was not completely dead, and the tail was still moving, very The freshness, this is the gift he prepared for the cubs.

Ute also followed the Nassau group with his group. Ute held a ichthyosaur cub in his mouth. Likewise, the ichthyosaur cub did not die, and his body was swaying slightly. Gifts for the little ones.

Buda now also has his own group of Fengshen pterosaurs. Of course, he also flew over with the group. He brought a megalodon cub for the cubs, which was also very fresh and still not dead.

Pado ran over with all the Triceratops from the tribe. As the grandfather of the cubs, Pado brought a lot of berries and nuts to the cubs. These were picked by Pado today and are very fresh. .

Weir took a lot of ferns that were very delicious and rich in water and went to the Gulu group.

Mungo's brothers and Gaya also brought the tenderest and most delicious tenderloin from the Triceratops they hunted just now.

Mila also came here with her clan, and Mila had a lot of berries and nuts in her mouth.

Tata also came with his clan, even Galle, and of course they brought gifts for the cubs.

Because of the recovery of the two cubs that were left behind, and because the cubs were born out of their shells, Mungo was very happy. He deliberately "announced the world" that his territory was open to the public for three days.

That is to say, in these three days, other Tyrannosaurus rex can enter his territory, visit him and Gollum's cubs, and celebrate the birth of the cubs.

In fact, Mungo deliberately let Tata's ethnic group come over. If it is another Tyrannosaurus rex that they don't know, Mungo's brothers will still drive them away.

It's just that Mungo didn't expect Galle to come, but Mungo didn't plan to care about Galle, so he didn't drive Galle away.

Galle has thought about it a lot since then, and he has come to understand that Mungo is the Tyrannosaurus rex he admires the most and his former leader. Even if he has established his own business now, he is willing to fight to the death for Mungo. The powerful Triceratops is also his favorite dragon, only Mungo can be worthy of Gollum.

If Galle and Gulu are together now, he will never be willing. He thinks that he is not worthy of Gulu. Only Mungo can match such a powerful Gulu. Only with Mongo will he not feel wronged.

Gulu and Mungo looked at the gathering of dragons. The only regret is that Gujigudong and Guga don't know where they are now. After being driven away by Gulu and Mongo last time, they never came back.

The dragons who came to celebrate Gulu and Mongo, the leaders put the gifts they brought in front of Gulu and Mongo, and then gently rubbed each little cub.

These "gifts" are actually very simple, but they are just for a festive occasion. In order to get to know the cubs, just rub the cubs to remember their taste. No matter where the cubs go in the future, these dragons will protect them. them.

Then the leaders retreated to the periphery of Gulu's territory with the group, mainly because there were too many dragon groups, and there were too many dragons, so many dragons could only stand on the periphery.

The cubs were very happy. They always knew that their two fathers were very special, but most of the time they just listened to other dragons and didn't have any real feelings.

Today, they finally realized how powerful their two fathers really are, and how spectacular it is that so many ethnic groups have come to celebrate for them.

All the dragons roared around Gollum's territory, and this was their way of celebrating.

After a while, all the dragons fell silent.

Pardo said on behalf of all the dragons, "Gollum, Mungo, name the little cubs."

Gulu and Mongo had already thought about the names of the cubs, but because there were two cubs left behind, they were very determined to find these two cubs soon, and named them together after they were found.

It's just that there is a little change now, and Mungo and Gulu are not going to change the names that Leah took for the two little cubs.

Although the other two cubs were not born in Gulu and Mungo's lair, the space recorded the time of each cub's shell breaking in a very detailed manner, accurate to the second, so the size of the six cubs could be distinguished. .

The three Tyrannosaurus rex were the first to break their shells. They were the eldest brother, the second brother and the third brother. Among the three triceratops cubs, the two male triceratops were the older brothers, namely the fourth and fifth brothers, and the female triceratops was the youngest sister.

There are six cubs in total, only the youngest Triceratops is the younger sister, and the others are older brothers.

As the only younger sister, the female Triceratops cub can not only get the most love and protection from her brothers, but also get the unrestrained doting of Gollum and Mungo.

Even so, the female Triceratops cub did not develop a charming personality. She inherited the nature of Gollum and Mungo. She was straightforward and aggressive, not a little princess at all, but fierce as a male dragon.

Gulu announced the names of the three Tyrannosaurus rex cubs: "Three Tyrannosaurus rex cubs, the eldest brother is called Guya, the second is called Guduo, the third is called Ye, Ye of the Wilderness."

Mongo announced the names of the three triceratops cubs: "Three triceratops cubs, the youngest sister is Mengai, the fourth is Mengda, the fifth is Yuan, and Yuan of the Wilderness."

The triceratops cubs were named after Mungo, and the Tyrannosaurus rex cubs were named after Gulu. This was something that Gulu and Mongo had already discussed.

After naming the cubs, Gulu and Mungo also explained in detail why the names of Xiaoyuan and Xiaoye were different from those of the other four cubs.

They told all the dragons how Leah had to protect the two little cubs, and they thanked Leah in particular.

Originally, Gulu and Mungo wanted to ask Leah to stand with them, but Lia told them in advance that her body was still very uncomfortable and needed a rest, so Gulu and Mongo gave up.

The cubs were very satisfied with their names, and kept repeating their names, although they still didn't know what to say.

After the naming session was over, all the clans began to roar again and again, repeating the name of each little cub.

This event soon spread across the continents of Yukan and Gondwana.

As the "creation dragon" of Gondwana, Gondwana is now prosperous because of Gondwana.

All the dragons on the Gondwana Continent kept roaring and repeating the names of the cubs. This was their gratitude and incomparable respect for Gollum.

It is hard to imagine the grand occasion. All the dragons in the entire Gondwana Continent are roaring and repeating: King Guru, King Guru, King Guru...

At the same time, in the sea area where Gulu and Mungo "ruled", all the marine creatures in the entire sea area kept roaring. Such a huge sound shook the sea surface, which was spectacular.

The little cubs looked at these dragons that kept roaring, and after watching for a while, they were no longer particularly curious, and their attention shifted to the many "gifts" piled up in front of Gulu and Mungo.

Gulu and Mungo put the cubs in front of these gifts. The cubs were not really hungry. They ate leisurely, and every gift was particularly delicious.

It was not until sunset that all the dragons slowly dispersed, and the cubs also finished their presents, their stomachs were bulging, and they began to chase and fight non-stop.

The three Tyrannosaurus rex brothers take great care of the triceratops younger siblings. Although they know that the younger siblings are very powerful, they never show their fangs and claws when fighting with the triceratops younger siblings. Hurt brothers and sisters.

Meng Ai is the only female dragon among the six cubs, and the youngest sister. Of course, she will be loved and protected by all her brothers.

Xiaoyuan and Xiaoye have already played with the four little cubs for a long time, and they have nothing to do with each other.

Mungo and Gulu knew that it was not good for the cubs to live in an environment that was too superior. The difficulties that other dragon cubs had to face, their cubs also had to face and experience.

Therefore, they are not going to spoil the six cubs too much. The necessary care and love are certain, but they will never be too spoiled, nor will the dragons who came to celebrate today spoil the boys too much. .

As night fell, Xiaoyuan and Xiaoye kept rubbing against Gulu and Mongo and said, "Mama, Mama, Mama..."

Although Leah only protected and cared for the two cubs for six days, Leah is a mother who is too competent and too great, and the two cubs are used to having Leah by their side after dark.

Gulu and Mungo are very relieved. The two little cubs did not forget or ignore Leah because they had two very powerful biological fathers, and because they received the best protection and the most favorable living environment. Commendable.

As long as all the dragon cubs can survive, as long as they can eat and sleep well, it doesn't matter who they follow, they just want to survive.

Dinosaurs do not have as rich emotions as humans, and dragon cubs are more typical of "the mother is the mother". Whether they are parents or not, as long as they can survive and be protected and taken care of, they are very happy.

Therefore, compared with other dragon cubs, Xiaoyuan and Xiaoye are very emotional cubs, and they did not forget Leia because they got a better living environment.

Gulu and Mungo found that not only Xiaoyuan and Xiaoye, but the six cubs' emotions were far richer than ordinary dragon cubs, and even richer than many humans.

Of course, it is a good thing that the six little cubs have such rich emotions. In the future, they will grow up and love each other more, and there will never be a situation where brothers and sisters can kill each other. They will help each other, and they will care about each other.

Of course, Gulu and Mungo immediately took the two cubs to see Leah, and they also brought four other cubs. They knew that Leah liked cubs very much.

At this time, the two triceratops in charge of taking care of Leah hurried over and said, "Guru, Mungo, it's not good, Leah is gone, we searched for a long time, but we couldn't find it..."

Xiaoyuan and Xiaoye were very anxious after hearing this. They stomped on the spot and kept rubbing against Gulu and Mongo and said, "Mama, Mama, looking for Mama, woohoo..."

The other four cubs kept saying, "Dad, look, Daddy, look for..."

Xiaoyuan and Xiaoye were taken care of and raised by Lia. The first thing they learned was to call Mama, and the first thing these four cubs learned was to call Dad, but they were very vague and inaccurate in pronunciation, so they could barely understand.

Ordinary dragon cubs can call their parents and say simple words at least half a month after breaking their shells. Six cubs are very smart and can say the simplest pronunciations a few days after breaking their shells.

Of course, Gulu and Mongo immediately comforted them: "Xiaoyuan, Xiaoye, don't be afraid, we will definitely find Leah, and we will find it tonight!"

Barbana didn't go back to Pado's clan, she immediately took on the task of taking care of the cubs.

Gulu and Mungo knew that Leah must not have gone far. In half a day, it is impossible for such a serious injury to go too far.

They immediately summoned the Fengshen Pterosaur to come over, and turned into humans to sit on the Fengshen Pterosaur and search for it separately.

It was the first time for the six little cubs to see their two fathers transformed into human beings.

In the past few days, Gulu and Mongo were busy looking for the two left cubs. After finding them, they were busy taking care of Leah and the cubs. They didn't have time and leisure to become humans and play with the cubs.

All the six cubs looked up at the two fathers flying in the sky with envy in their eyes. They also wanted to fly in the sky, and they also wanted to be like their fathers.

Lia really didn't go far, she was so injured that she could only walk for a while and rest for a while.

She knew that when Mungo and Gulu found out that she was missing, they would definitely come to her, so she had been hiding in the lush ferns, walking very slowly, trying to hide herself as much as possible.

Leah doesn't know the two wind god pterosaurs that Gulu and Mungo often ride on. Mainly, before this, she hadn't particularly observed Gulu and Mungo.

But she knew that Gollum and Mungo would probably turn into humans and come to her in a pterosaur, so as long as there was a pterosaur flying in the sky, she would lie still in the fern to avoid being found.

Leah understands that Gulu and Mungo will definitely look for her for a while, and they will give up after confirming that they can't find her. The two little cubs may not be used to it if they didn't see her a few days ago, but fortunately the two cubs are still very young. , Leah knew that the cubs would soon forget her.

Gollum was particularly experienced in finding dragons, and after a while he found Leah hiding among the lush ferns.

He immediately asked Cassie to place him in a fern not far from Leah, and he turned into a triceratops and walked slowly over.

Leah saw the forelimbs of a huge triceratops standing in front of her, and she knew that no triceratops except Gollum would have such thick forelimbs.

She didn't know how Gollum found her, she thought she was hiding well.

Gulu: "Lea, can you go back with me, I know what you think, but if you let me go, Mungo and I will feel guilty for a lifetime. Are you willing to make us feel guilty and sad for the whole Longsheng?"

Leah: "Gulu, you and Mungo are very good, but I didn't think about asking you in return, and you don't have to repay me. The two little cubs were originally yours and should be returned to you."

Gulu: "If it weren't for you, Xiaoyuan and Xiaoye would have died when they were in the dragon's egg. You hatched them, you raised them, and in order to protect them, you suffered such serious injuries, and Mungo and I would never let them go. you left."

Leah: "Gulu, you guys are very good, but I don't want to stay in your clan, I want to return to the clan in the wilderness, that's the clan I grew up with, and the dragons of that clan are very good."

Gulu: "Lea, I'm sorry, I can't let you go back, if the dragons of that group are all good, how could they just watch you suffer? Leah, you don't think about me and Mungo, you also For the sake of Xiaoyuan and Xiaoye, the two little cubs can't live without you, without you, they will be very sad."

Leah: "They'll get used to it. I've only taken care of them for a few days, and they'll soon forget about me."

Gulu: "Leah, they won't forget you, never will. If you don't go back, they will cry all the time. No matter how hard Mungo and I coax you, you must be reluctant to let them be so sad."

Leah lowered her head, if her departure really made Ohara and Ono so sad, Leah would definitely be reluctant.

While Gulu persuaded Leah, Cassie had already gone to Mungo to report.

When Mungo arrived, Leah had already been persuaded by Gollum.

Soon, Gulu and Mungo returned to the group with Leah.

Xiaoyuan and Xiaoye were very sad. Although Barbana kept coaxing them, their tears could not stop flowing, and they kept shouting: "Mama, Mama, Mama..."

Seeing that Xiaoyuan and Xiaoye were so sad, the other four boys were no longer in the mood to play. They kept rubbing against Xiaoyuan and Xiaoye, chatting and trying to comfort them.

Leah saw Ohara and Ono lying in the lair, crying and shouting Ma Ma, which made her feel more pain than the countless blood holes in her back, as if her heart had also been pierced with countless blood. Hole.

Ohara and Ono ran out of the nest immediately after seeing Leah, threw themselves on Leah's huge soles, hugged Leah tightly with their small bodies and kept saying, "Mama, mama, mama Ma, woohoo…”

Lia choked and said: "Xiaoyuan, Ono, I'm sorry, Mama will never leave again, I will never leave you again, don't cry, don't be sad, Mama will never leave again, it's all Mama it is good… "

The two little cubs hugged Leah and cried for a long time, after confirming that their Mama had returned and would never leave again, they gradually stopped crying.

Gulu and Mungo knew that Leah would never leave again, and they were relieved.

That night, Leah and Gollumungo lay beside the nest and guarded the cubs.

The six cubs slept very peacefully and sweetly.

Leah's injury needs recuperation, and she also wants to give Gulu and Mungo more time to be alone with the cubs, so she often rests in the center of the group by herself.

She has already thought about it, even after she is healed, she will let Gulu and Mungo spend more time alone with the cubs, and she is happy to relax.

Leah feels that she is very good now, living carefree in the Gulu clan. Every dragon in the Gulu clan treats her very well, not to mention Gulu and Mungo, and the cubs are also right She's fine, she can't ask for more.

After a few days like this, Gulu and Mungo found that Leah always made excuses to refuse to have too much contact with the cubs. They knew Leah's thoughts and could only follow Leah for the time being.

The cubs are very smart, but they learned some vocabulary in a few days.

This morning, when Gulu and Mungo woke up, they heard Ohara and Ono's voices vaguely: "Dad, daddy, daddy..."

Ohara and Ono will finally call their father!

Both Gulu and Mungo jumped up happily.

The six little cubs have always been looking forward to flying to the sky. After eating, they kept rubbing Gulu and Mungo and saying, "Fly, Dad, Fei, become human, Fei, Heaven, Dad, Dad..."

Gollum and Mungo now often become humans and play with their cubs, letting the cubs crawl on their bodies at will, and the Tyrannosaurus rex cubs will also be very careful to put away their sharp claws and not catch them. Hurt Gollum and Mungo.

Just taking the cubs on the Fengshen Pterodactyl, Gulu and Mungo still felt that it was dangerous. The cubs were too small and noisy, and it was really dangerous in such a high sky.

Gulu and Mungo told the cubs in detail about the danger of flying in the sky, and the cubs understood, but they still wanted to fly to the sky.

In the afternoon, Gulu went out to inspect the territory, and Mungo took care of the cubs alone.

In the evening, when Gulu came back and saw what the six little cubs had made, he was completely stunned. This was too amazing!

Mungo: "Gulu, the brats did it themselves. I didn't help them. Our brats are amazing."

Gulu spat out an arrow-shaped wooden stick in his mouth and said to Mungo: "Mongo, we may have a dragon here that is about to evolve into a chiron."

If the dinosaurs hadn't gone extinct, there would definitely have been dragons eventually evolving into Chisaurs, and Gollum knew it.