Back to the Age of Dinosaurs

Chapter 196: The king of the age of dinosaurs never ends


The six cubs knew that it was very dangerous, knowing that they were too young to be the opponents of this huge female triceratops. This huge female triceratops could easily trample them to death with one foot.

But they couldn't watch Leah get hit and die, and at this critical moment, they roared and rushed out.

Of course, the cubs were already trying to save Leia long before that, and they could see that Leia couldn't beat this huge female triceratops.

The cubs followed the plan, and the Tyrannosaurus Rex cub ran to the front to attract Lina's attention.

Lina is already in the mentality of begging for death. Of course, she is no longer afraid of Gollum and Mungo. She thinks that being able to kill Gollum and Mungo's cubs is also an achievement, and it is also a revenge for Leah.

Instead of attacking Leah, she stepped on the three Tyrannosaurus rex cubs instead.

Leah was terrified and shouted, "Little boys, run! Run!"

She rammed into Lina desperately, Lia only had one thought now, it didn't matter if she died, the cubs must not be hurt.

If Leah had known this would happen, she would have asked Gollum to avenge her killing Lina.

It's just that even if Lina bullied Lia in the past, it didn't cause much harm to Lia, and the revenge didn't reach the point where Lina must die, so Lia didn't care.

Leah considered that, as the most powerful male triceratops leader, Gollum killed a female triceratops, even if it was to avenge her, it would also damage Gollum's prestige. If she wanted to take revenge, she would definitely take revenge herself.

What's more, the new leader is Yuan Ye's best brother, and Leah knew that Lina would no longer be able to be as domineering and domineering as before. For Lina's mighty female triceratops, this was the best revenge for Lina.

Later, Lia saw that Lina was kicked out of the clan. It is said that it was because Lina wanted to kill the cub of the new leader. After being kicked out of the clan, Lina had a very miserable life, and there was no need for Lea to take revenge on her. .

Lia never imagined that Lina hated her so deeply that she didn't care, Lina dared to take the initiative to find her.

Duel with Lina, Leah is not at all cowardly.

It's just that Lia never thought that the little cubs would suddenly come here. This place is far away from Gulu's clan, and it is very hidden. How could the cubs come here.

Leah couldn't forgive herself if the cubs were hurt.

On the other side, the triceratops cub had already run over quickly and pushed the head of an adult triceratops with only bones left.

The head of this adult triceratops has very sharp long horns, as long as the huge female triceratops is knocked down on the long horns, it will surely die.

The cubs knew they were incapable of fighting such a big female Triceratops, and could only figure out a way to outsmart them.

The Tyrannosaurus Rex cubs ran very fast. Lina wanted to trample them to death, but she couldn't step on them. Lia tried her best to protect the cubs, making Lina unable to start.

The triceratops cubs are still pushing the bone rack hard. If it weren't for the "natural power" of the cubs, it would be impossible for a 6-month-old triceratops cub to push such a huge bone rack.

They had to push the skeleton of the giant triceratops head into the lush ferns to hide.

The Tyrannosaurus Rex cubs tried their best to attract Lina's attention, while Lia attacked Lina frantically, trying to attract Lina to attack her, so that the cubs had a chance to escape.

With the concerted efforts of the triceratops cubs, the bone shelf has been pushed into a very lush fern for perfect concealment.

In order not to attract Lina's attention, the triceratops cubs chose a particularly suitable time to attract Lia. They must let Lia know their plan. Only Lia has the ability to knock Lina down on this big bone rack.

When Lina turned her back to them completely and Leah was facing them, the triceratops cubs released their unique scent, and as long as Leah smelled it, she would look at them.

The smell was something that only dragons who were particularly close could smell, and would not attract Lina's attention.

Lia quickly followed the smell released by the triceratops cubs. The cubs communicated with Lia with their eyes. They bumped into the huge triceratops head skeleton. After the collision, they fell to the ground and pretended to be dead. The way they acted made Leah understand their plans.

If it was difficult for Leah to understand and imagine such a way of killing dragons before, Leah's IQ as an ordinary triceratops is not so high.

But after getting along with the cubs for so long, the cubs will always share with Leah, all their new discoveries, new ways of playing, new ways of hunting... Leah can also quickly understand the cubs their intentions.

Leah told the cubs with her eyes, she understood, she would lure Lina over and knock it down on the huge triceratops head, causing Lina's body to be pierced by long horns.

After the triceratops cubs knew that Leah understood what they meant, they immediately re-covered the bone frame completely with lush ferns.

Leah rammed Lina desperately and shouted, "Lina, you have never been as good as me, you are not as beautiful as me, Yuan Ye will never like you, you are not worthy of being compared with me, your little cubs are all Dead, you're dirty and smelly now, and no Triceratops group will accept you..."

Lina was completely irritated by these words, and at the same time she also saw that Lia's determination to protect the three Tyrannosaurus rex cubs with her life, she knew that if she couldn't kill Lina, she couldn't trample these cubs to death.

Leia rammed and attacked desperately, and Lina fought back frantically.

In order not to make Lina suspicious, Lia did not immediately guide her into the death trap at first, but fought with all her strength. Only when she was about to be killed, did Lia flee in that direction. past.

The three Tyrannosaurus rex cubs also cooperated and fled in that direction, shouting at the same time, "Lia, Mama, hold on, let's go back and find Dad to help you!"

In order not to let the cubs go back to find Gollum and Mungo, Lina of course chased after them.

The cubs ran too fast, and Lina couldn't catch up at all, but in this way, Lia naturally ran behind Lina and could sneak attack from behind.

Leah is very smart, and cooperates well with the cubs. When Lina was not far from the skeleton, she suddenly accelerated and slammed her head into Lina's buttocks with a strong horn.

Because Lina's center of gravity is unstable and her speed is too fast, she can easily knock her to the ground from behind.

The Tyrannosaurus Rex cubs guided Lina to run only exactly in the direction of the bones to ensure that Lina could win the bid perfectly after falling.

With a loud bang, Lina fell heavily on the huge triceratops skeleton, her stomach was pierced by a long horn, and the whole dragon was hung high on the long horn.

Of course Lina is not dead yet, such a huge dragon is not so easy to die, but her stomach has been pierced, and she can't move at all, she can only cry and wait to die.

The six cubs cheered and ran towards Leah, who was covered in blood.

Lia couldn't believe that she could still survive, and she couldn't believe that the cubs were so powerful, the cubs were so smart, and they saved her in this way.

Although she had always known that the cubs were very smart, she could never have imagined such a way of hunting.

This scene happened to be seen by Mungo and Gulu who came over.

Mungo and Gollum had always known that the cubs were very restless, and they soon found out that the cubs were gone.

They first looked around in the group, and there was no trace of the cubs in each nest, so they followed the smell left by the cubs to find it.

They saw Lea and Lina fighting fiercely from far away, and they also smelled the cubs getting stronger and stronger.

Both Mungo and Gulu knew that the cubs must try to save Leia, so they did not roar to provoke Lina, who had completely lost her mind. They were afraid that Lina would trample the cubs to death under extreme circumstances.

They just ran fast and arrived at the battlefield quickly and silently. Only in this way can they save the cubs and Leah.

Mungo and Gulu carefully observed the movements of the cubs as they ran. Immediately after arriving, they rushed over to kill and kill Lina. At this time, they saw Lina knocked down on this huge bone rack.

When they ran over, they didn't even notice this huge bone shelf. They only saw it when they were very close. You can imagine how well the little cubs are hiding.

Both Gulu and Mungo were very shocked. How did the cubs push such a big bone shelf into the fern? They could see that the bone shelf was definitely pushed over. If it was always here, there would be Some bones got stuck in the dirt.

Until today, they didn't know that they still underestimated the strength of the cubs. Usually, the cubs just didn't have the opportunity to use such a lot of strength.

The only time Gollum has seen other dragons use Triceratops as weapons was a long time ago, when the Tyrannosaurus couple knocked down a Giganotosaurus in order to avenge their cubs. On the long horns of the Triceratops skeleton, the Giganotosaurus died on the spot.

But it was a very coincidental situation that time, the Tyrannosaurus rex couple did not consciously use the skeleton of the Triceratops to hunt Nanju, they were forced to do nothing. The giant fell on the skeleton.

However, the cubs consciously used the skeleton of the Triceratops, and also concealed the skeleton, which greatly improved the success rate of hunting.

The Tyrannosaurus Rex cub uses himself as bait, the Triceratops cub's supernatural power and the ability to send signals at the right time, and Leah's perfect cooperation, these are the secrets to winning.

Therefore, the situation of the cubs and the Tyrannosaurus rex couple is completely different. The IQ of the cubs is too high, and the Tyrannosaurus couple is purely coincidental.

The cubs were licking the blood on the huge forelimbs and soles of their feet for Leah. Although these places were not injured, they were too small to lick the places where Leah was injured.

Leah lay down and rubbed against the six cubs, tears flowing silently.

She didn't know why she was so lucky to meet Xiaoyuan and Xiaoye. She only saved two cubs, but now she has six cubs. The cubs are so nice and cute, and they treat her as close to her as her own mother.

Lia felt that she was useless again. The cubs were still so young, and they had already started to protect her. She felt that she had done nothing for the cubs, but the cubs loved her and protected her so much. Mungo and Gulu All so good.

The six little cubs scrambled to say, "Lea, Mama, don't be afraid, we will protect you, we will always protect you, and we will never let you be bullied by other dragons, never again..."

Gulu and Mungo walked over. The cubs knew that it was too dangerous to sneak out today. Dad and Daddy must be very angry. They unknowingly hid behind Leah's huge forelimbs.

Leah stood up and said apologetically, "Mungo, Gulu, I'm sorry, it's all my fault, I should have killed Lina earlier, the little cubs would not have encountered such a dangerous situation."

The cubs hurriedly said, "Dad, Daddy, don't blame Li Linma, we sneaked out by ourselves..."

Of course Gulu and Mungo wouldn't blame Leah, they just helped Leah lick her wounds and comforted Leah constantly.

Leah felt very guilty, "Gulu, Mungo, don't blame the little cubs, they saved me, I was useless, I didn't protect the cubs..."

Gulu and Mungo comforted Leah and said, "Lea, don't blame you, we won't blame the cubs, we won't beat them, don't worry, you are seriously injured and you need to rest."

The cubs were put on their heads by Gulu and Mungo, and returned to the group with Leah.

Not long after they left, a group of carnivorous dragons rushed out and began to bite Lina frantically. These carnivorous dragons quickly ended Lina's life.

Leah rested and slept in the center of the group, and Gulu specially arranged a few female triceratops to take care of her.

Although Leah was also seriously injured this time, it was not fatal. Gollum did not give her any medicinal ferns and leaves to enhance Leah's body's self-healing ability.

The cubs are very guilty. They know that it is very dangerous to sneak out of the clan, and it completely touches the taboo of the two fathers. Moreover, this time they are fighting with such a big adult Triceratops, and they will definitely be beaten. .

Gulu and Mungo took the cubs out of the group, and this time the cubs must be taught the most severe lesson.

Even if the cubs are smart and powerful, they are still vulnerable under the absolute strength and size advantage.

Without Leia's desperate protection, the cubs would have been trampled to death by Lina.

Mungo and Gulu were afraid that the cleverness and insolence of the cubs would harm them, and they had to be given strict discipline to make the cubs grow up better.

The cubs were very scared, because they knew that the most terrible thing was when their father and father didn't kill them, and it would definitely hurt a lot.

No matter how powerful they are, they are definitely afraid of being taught by their "parents", not to mention that they have two super-powerful fathers who are extremely strict with them.

The little cubs looked at each other as they walked, and ran to the Pado's group very tacitly. Whenever they got into a big disaster and were to be punished severely, they knew that only Pado could protect them. them.

Gulu and Mungo had long expected the cubs to have this trick. When they did something wrong before and were to be taught a lesson, the cubs always ran to Pado's group to hide.

The little cubs ran in front, Mungo and Gulu chased behind, shouting "You guys run slowly, look at the road, do you hear..."

For fear of being beaten, the cubs ran very fast, and Gulu's clan was not far from Pado's clan, and they ran there very quickly.

All the triceratops of the Pardo tribe love these six cubs. The cubs are smart, funny and cute, just like Gollum when they were young.

Before, the Triceratops of the Pardo ethnic group thought seriously about whether they would dislike the three Tyrannosaurus rex cubs. Later, they were all "really fragrant".

Because the three Tyrannosaurus rex cubs are also very similar to Gollum, and their eye movements are exactly the same as Gollum's. As long as it is Gollum's cubs, they all like it.

After the six cubs ran to Pado's group, all the Triceratops were very happy and took the initiative to make way for them.

The triceratops of the Pardo tribe saw that the cubs were running so fast, and that Gulu and Mungo were still chasing them, they knew that the cubs must be in trouble again and were about to be beaten and came to look for Pado to protect them.

Barbana and Patch Dudu saw the cubs from a distance, and immediately ran towards the cubs.

Pado was originally guarding the group with his brothers on the high ground. When he saw the cubs running over from a distance, he immediately stood up and ran towards the cubs.

Gollum and Mungo have made up their minds, this time they must teach the cubs a lesson, no matter how much Pado stops them.

Pado ran very fast, and ran to the cubs faster than Barbana and the others.

The six cubs hid behind Pado's huge forelimbs in an instant, only showing a small head and looking at Gulu and Mungo timidly.

Pado was accustomed to defending the cubs, so he protected him regardless of the reason, "Gulu, Mungo, you will scare the cubs so fiercely, you don't even care how big your body is, it would be long ago if you changed to other cubs. Frightened, the little cubs make mistakes, can't you talk about it, you have to fight every time, what should you do if you break it..."

Gulu and Mungo explained the behavior of the cubs today in great detail, and finally concluded, "Pado, the cubs sneak out like this and encounter any big dragon. They may be trampled to death, and carnivorous dragons will eat them. If we kill them, we won't have time to save them."

Pado: "I know, I understand all these truths, but I don't allow you to beat cubs. I will tell them well and let them realize their mistakes."

Gulu "Pado, those little mistakes they made in the past, if you protect them, we won't fight, but not this time, Pado, if I sneaked out of the group like this when I was a child, you don't know how many times you hit me. It's gone!"

Pardo really likes these little cubs too much.

He and Babbana only have one litter of cubs, and they will support Gulu and the other four siblings. The number of cubs of other triceratops leaders is at least 10 or more, and there will be many litters of cubs.

Pado has too few cubs, and it is not enough for him to pour his strong fatherly love on the four brothers and sisters of Gulu.

The cubs kept saying, "Pado, we really know what's wrong. Dad and Daddy fought too much. You have to protect us, Pado, only you can protect us, woohoo..."

Pardo had already begun to reflect on himself, whether he was too fond of the cubs, and after hearing the cubs cry a few words, he was instantly reluctant.

Babbana and Patch Dudu also pleaded for the cubs.

Mungo didn't dare to say anything in front of Pado, so he could only bow his head silently, relying entirely on Gulu and a dragon to fight.

Gulu glared at Mungo, "You just said something, Mongo, show the momentum of your most powerful Tyrannosaurus rex, how dare you."

Mungo's eyes said that I've always been cowardly in front of Pado, but you didn't know it until today, Gulu, come on, go back at night, I'll do whatever you want me to do.

Gulu has always known that Mungo is the most cowardly in front of Pado and Barbana. No matter how powerful Mongo is, in front of Pado and Barbana, he will not be able to be powerful.

The cubs were too daring this time, and it was fine in the past, but this time they dared to challenge such a big adult female Triceratops.

Gulu said angrily, "You are used to these little brats, one day they are too daring, they run out and are trampled to death, eaten, and you go and talk to them, only if you hurt them, They know how to change!"

The cubs are playful in their minds. Their energy is too strong, and it is difficult for them to control some of their dangerous behaviors. Only severe deterrence can make them fear.

Gulu never imagined that, as a human being, he has been influenced by human culture for so many years. Human beings advocate "persuasion education" instead of stick education, but he himself is the one who beats the cubs the most. The cubs make mistakes. Go is also fierce.

The main reason is that there is no way to educate the dragon cubs in a very gentle way. The age of dinosaurs is not like the age of human life. There are fatal dangers everywhere. Human persuasion and education are completely unworkable here.

Of course, Gollum also admits that he doesn't have the patience of Mungo.

Pado thought about it for a while, as long as he thought of the cubs getting hurt, he couldn't bear it, let alone other things, he also thought that the cubs were too much this time.

Under the strong insistence of Gollum, the cubs were still beaten.

After being beaten, Padobabana and Pachidudu were coaxing around the cubs, and Mungo also softened and kept comforting the cubs.

Gulu knew that Mongo was the most brutal Tyrannosaurus Rex outside, but he was very patient with the cubs. In the face of too naughty cubs, Mongo's temper was much better than him.

Seeing a bunch of dragons coaxing and comforting the six cubs around, Gollum quickly joined them.

Although Gulu is strict, but after he has beaten and scolded him, he will still reason with the cubs and coax the cubs. Therefore, the cubs are very afraid of him when they make mistakes, and they stick to him when they make no mistakes. He was too strict to be close to him.

Coaxing and coaxing, Gulu heard the voice message of the portable space "In order to maintain the normal food chain order in the age of dinosaurs, friendly reminders, the master and Mungo and your cubs will be reborn to the interstellar element after all the dragons you know die. Year, if the owner wants to bring the rest of the dragons to be reborn, please…”

The little cubs were too noisy, and Gulu couldn't hear the content behind, which was too important, and Gulu immediately ran to the side to listen.

Gulu can understand this practice of space. Tyrannosaurus rex and triceratops are very important links in the food chain of the dinosaur world. If he and Mungo's cubs stay in the dinosaur world and continue to inherit it, it is very likely that in the future, Tyrannosaurus Rex It is absolutely impossible to become a family that loves each other with Triceratops.

As the most powerful Tyrannosaurus rex and Triceratops, the cubs of Gulu and Mungo will be even more powerful if they combine their dominant genes. If they develop naturally, the family of Mongo and Gulu will be very large.

Such a large population of Tyrannosaurus rex and Triceratops will always maintain a friendly relationship, which will destroy the food chain.

The descendants of Mungo and Gulu will have the high IQ of humans and the high emotional quotient of humans. They will not kill each other, and it is very likely that they will develop advanced civilizations in the age of dinosaurs, which are not allowed by the Space Law.