Back to the Age of Dinosaurs

Chapter 20: Gulu I heard that I'm super poor


In fact, Mongo and Gulu are still far away from the two Diplodocus, and they can't get closer, because Mongo is a Tyrannosaurus Rex. If the two Diplodocus smell the Tyrannosaurus, they will be scared and run away immediately.

Gulu asked Meng Ge to lie on the ground not to move or make any noise, for fear of scaring the two Diplodocus and leaving an indelible shadow on Long Sheng.

Then Gulu saw the tails of the two Diplodocus waving faster and faster, until an afterimage appeared, but the speed continued to increase, and finally the end of the tail could not be seen by the naked eye... Gulu's eyes widened, the speed was too high Soon!

Gulu knew that the cross-section of the last two meters of Diplodocus' tail was only 32mm wide, which was equivalent to a super thin whip for Diplodocus' huge body. It wouldn't hurt, but it was exciting enough.

As a human, Gollum specialised in the fossilised tail of the diplodocus, and came to a shocking conclusion.

According to the special structure of Diplodocus' tail, a computer simulation study shows that if Diplodocus waving its tail, the speed of the tail end can exceed the speed of sound!

As the tail waving faster and faster, the sound of the slap became louder. Both dragons let out a deafening and long-lasting roar.

The entire continent illuminated by the fiery red sunset seemed to be on fire, the endless lush ferns were dyed bright golden yellow, and the sky was surging with fiery clouds... Huge dinosaurs thrived on this majestic and magnificent continent.

This incomparably spectacular whipping was more like some kind of mysterious and solemn ceremony. Gollum was deeply shocked by the magnificence, magic and splendor of life!

As night fell, the two Diplodocus entered the next stage.

In this process, the female Diplodocus is very dangerous and needs to carry a weight of 100 tons, but fortunately, as the female Diplodocus grows, the spine will gradually strengthen to adapt to this strength of mating.

Even if he was so far away, Gulu still felt the ground shaking. If it wasn't for Mungo, Gulu felt that he might be shaken and fly up...

Gollum: A 100-ton dragon is earth-shattering to make love and risk being crushed to death... It's really not easy.

That night Gollum dreamed that he was traveling in space.

The next day, Mungo didn't know where he went, Gaia went out to hunt, and Gulu was not happy that he didn't have to train today, and the three cubs embarked on their favorite "adventure" again.

Today, they walked in the completely opposite direction of the valley where the Pado tribe was located. Since they were almost trampled to death by Heili last time, the three little cubs did not dare to approach the Pado tribe at all.

Now the cubs have a very strong running ability, and unknowingly they ran to a place far away from the nest, and saw the gorgeous scenery they had never seen before.

Here is a wide canyon, the canyon is full of colorful flowers, a clear stream flows through the middle of the canyon, and the two seas of flowers are separated by the stream.

The three little cubs were stunned, this was the first time they had seen so many flowers!

The flowering angiosperms appeared in abundance in the mid-Cretaceous period, and the non-flowering gymnosperms occupied the continent before.

According to Gulu's observations of the planet's vegetation, it is still in the alternating stage of the early to middle Cretaceous period, angiosperms have not yet appeared in large numbers, and flowers are rare.

Gulu knew that the first flower on the earth, the "archaeflora", was found in Jurassic water and named "Pan's true flower", and the later flowers appeared in large numbers in the middle of the Cretaceous.

The cubs couldn't stop sneezing because of the strong floral fragrance. Many dinosaurs in the early days were not used to smelling the fragrance of flowers, and they slowly adapted to it later.

The three little cubs usually don't see flowers, but when they suddenly see so many flowers, it's natural to get used to them.

Gujigudong: "Wow, brother, this place is so beautiful, but it doesn't smell very good..."

Gulu: "Smell more, you will feel very fragrant! What kind of fairy canyon is this, there are so many flowers growing!"

The three little cubs flew into the sea of flowers, rolling around and playing, not happy.

Dinosaurs are very adaptable. After playing for a while, Guji Gudong excitedly said to Gulu, "Wow! Brother! You are amazing, these flowers are really fragrant, smell good..."

Gollum: Ah, the magical Cretaceous period, the origin period of various modern plants and animals, the heyday of dinosaurs!

The three little cubs rolled around in the sea of flowers, their bodies were dyed with various colors of flowers, Gulu had a big flower on his head, and Guji Gudong bit the big flower in his mouth, looking funny and cute.

While the three cubs were having a great time, more than a dozen triceratops cubs ran towards them, and soon they were surrounded.

These triceratops cubs were at least one year old and weighed five or six hundred pounds, more than double the size of Gulu.

Gulu felt that it should be fortunate that these triceratops cubs were not followed by adult triceratops, otherwise Gujigudong would surely die.

Gujigudong looked at so many aggressive triceratops and was so frightened that it burrowed straight into Gulu's arms.

Gulu protected the two younger brothers under his body, and asked loudly with a bluff: "What do you want?!"

One of the dozen or so triceratops cubs was particularly strong. Obviously, this was the eldest of the cubs.

The boss looked at Gulu and said, "Are you the triceratops raised by the Mongo tribe?! Are these your two Tyrannosaurus Rex brothers?"

Gulu roared loudly, although he knew he couldn't beat him, he couldn't lose his momentum: "So what!"

Another triceratops said to their boss: "Mil, don't talk nonsense with him! Kill these two little tyrannosaurs, they don't know how many triceratops they have eaten from our tribe! Maybe your father was eaten by them. of!"

Gulu knew about Mir, because Mir's father was really famous. Mir's father was called Mass, and he was the leader of the Triceratops tribe in the entire Yukan Continent, second only to Pado.

Not long ago, the incomparably powerful Mass died. It was a strange death. No dragon saw how he died. When he was found, only half of his head had been eaten.

Mass died suddenly, and the Triceratops tribe he led was in chaos for a period of time. All the male Triceratops wanted to be leaders and fought every day.

Triceratops will also compete for territory. The stronger the group, the better the fern land and forest. After the Mass died, the group was in chaos. They were driven from the valley with the most fertile vegetation to the river... and finally fell to this Barren canyon.

Although Gulu sees so many beautiful flowers in this canyon, the ferns here are few and far from the forest. For the Triceratops, this is the worst territory. These flowers are not edible, and some are even poisonous...

In the short three months after Mass's death, the clan has changed three leaders, and it is currently the fourth leader. This leader is domineering, but somehow the clan has gradually stabilized and is not driven out again.

At a young age, Mir had already shown the same powerful aura as his father. He said condescendingly to Gulu, "Did you know that the Triceratops need to migrate to the southern continent during the dry season?"

Gollum didn't know what Mill meant by that, but he nodded anyway.

Mir: "T-rex doesn't need to migrate. You and the tyrannosaurus will starve to death because there is no food to eat. You want to migrate with our triceratops, but you were raised by the tyrannosaurus, and you don't have any triceratops. The Dragon Clan will let you follow…”

In fact, the question that Mill said, Gulu has long thought about it, it is impossible for him to let Mungo accompany him to migrate to the southern continent, the Tyrannosaurus rex does not need to migrate.

What Gulu thought before was that he would go to Pado and migrate with Pado's ethnic group, but last time Pado and Mungo almost fought, and Pado would definitely not let him follow.

The Cretaceous had a warm climate, with alternating wet and dry seasons, usually every two years or so. The next dry season will be at least a year later, so Gulu is not too anxious. Many things will happen in one year, and we will talk about it later. chant.

It's just that Gulu still thinks that Mir is really powerful. He is an adult as a human, and he is a doctor of paleontology to think of such long-term problems. As a native dinosaur, Mir can think of these things at such a young age.

Just like Gujigudong, although Gaia often told the three of them about the legends of various dragons on Yukan Continent, Gulu could remember them clearly, but Gujigudong could only memorize seven, seven or eight, not to mention thinking about it. such a long-term issue.

After Mill finished speaking, Gulu said, "Don't worry about it! I have a way!"

Mill: "As long as you stomped down these two little Tyrannosaurus rex with us, I'll let you join our clan."

Gollum was very angry: How come the triceratops all over the world want me to trample my brother to death!

He said angrily: "Who wants to join your clan and starve with you! Get out of the way, we're leaving!"

Gulu knew that this hit Mir's pain point. Now their tribe is starving every day without food, and these triceratops cubs are thin.

Mill was not angry, he asked, "Then whose tribe are you going to join?"

Gulu wanted to use Pado to scare Mill: "Pado! I tell you, Pado likes me! You can start to please me now, maybe I will beg Pado in the future..."

Before Gulu could finish speaking, all the Triceratops present burst into sarcasm:

"Have a dream! Pado's ethnic group is already very large, and Pado has said that he will not accept any triceratops again!"

"Don't use Pado to scare us, you probably haven't even seen Pado!"

"If you can join the Pado ethnic group, the Tyrannosaurus Rex will be a vegetarian!"

No wonder these triceratops cubs laughed at Gollum, he didn't know that all the dragons in Yukan thought he was "super poor".

All the dragons thought that Gollum would be eaten by Tyrannosaurus rex one day, and even if he escaped, no Triceratops tribe would let him join. A single Triceratops, even an adult Triceratops, could not survive.

No wonder these cubs didn't believe Gulu's words. Triceratops from the entire Yukan Continent dreamed of joining Pado's clan, but Pado didn't accept one.

Mir also wants to join the Pado group, but he is different from other triceratops. The other triceratops are because they can eat enough in the Pado group and don't have to worry about being eaten by carnivorous dinosaurs all the time.

And Mill is because he thinks Pado is the only leader worthy of his follow. He feels that Pado is like his father, and he has made up his mind to join Pado's clan, no matter what.

Gollum's words completely angered Mir, and Mir thought that Gollum used Pardo's fame to scare other Triceratops outside, which was a blasphemy to Pardo!

Mill gave an order: "Kill them to death for me!"

In an instant, all the triceratops swarmed up, and the three little cubs couldn't resist.