Back to the Age of Dinosaurs

Chapter 22: They are two types of dragons that are both prey and rivals


Gulu didn't know why, he had only met Pado once, as if they were already familiar friends or even relatives.

Along the way, Gulu thought about what would happen if Pado really got into a fight with Mungo, what would he do.

When they reached a highland, this was an excellent viewing platform. They could see a Triceratops group below, and about a few hundred Triceratops were leisurely eating ferns.

This time, Mungo only left Gaia to look after them.

Gaya looked at the Triceratops and muttered to herself, "Titan, titan..."

Gulu finally felt at ease, this was the group of Titans, not Pado's.

Titan and Mass are equally famous. They are the triceratops leaders who are second only to Pado in the entire Yukan Continent. Other triceratops leaders are absolutely incomparable to them, and they are not on the same level.

But what Gollum didn't understand was why Gaia looked so nervous

If it was just an ordinary hunt, Gaia couldn't be so nervous, even if the hunt was a Pado tribe, there was no need to be so nervous, just choose the best Triceratops to hunt.

Gulu saw that Mungo and his brothers did not rush to the Triceratops immediately, but went around to hide in the middle of the lush vegetation, and only shot when they found the best time.

Mungo does not allow any of his brothers to die in the hunt. He always adopts the most prudent strategy and never takes himself lightly. This is his most terrifying part.

The first is that the five Tyrannosaurus rex rushed to the middle of the Triceratops group as if they suddenly emerged from the ground, and the Triceratops fled in fright.

This time, hundreds of Triceratops were scattered.

Then Mungo rushed out and went straight to Titan.

Gulu was very shocked, is Mungo preparing to hunt the leader of the tribe? !

Predators will choose "the old, the weak, the sick and the disabled" as their hunting targets. Even the most arrogant Tyrannosaurus rex will abide by this iron law, let alone hunt the leader of the clan, which is simply impossible!

Mungo chased after the Titan, and the other Triceratops came together to try to come back and save their leader.

At this time, Moro took the rest of the Tyrannosaurus Rex to block these Triceratops who wanted to come back to save the leader.

If Mongo hunted a weak triceratops, no triceratops would come back to save him at all, even if Mongo hunted a strong triceratops, as long as he was not a leader, he would not encounter such a strong resistance .

The rules of the Triceratops group are that whoever is targeted by the predators, the difficulty of saving may cause other Triceratops to die, then they will definitely not be saved.

Now all the Triceratops are rushing back wave after wave as if they are not afraid of death.

But Mungo has many brothers, and all of them have "experienced in a hundred battles". They eat well with Mongo and are strong and experienced in fighting. It is not too difficult for them to prevent these triceratops from coming back.

It was only then that Gulu understood that Mongo was going to fight the Titan one-on-one. This was definitely not a "hunt", but a "duel"!

In fact, this is very unfavorable to Mongo. The leader of each Triceratops group can definitely be singled out as an adult Tyrannosaurus Rex, and the winning rate is 55%, but Mongo is still sub-adult.

Gollum has countless questions: Why did Mungo duel with the Titans? Is it just to challenge the most powerful Triceratops? Was Mass also killed by Mungo? Shouldn't it be Pardo's turn next? !

Mungo let out a roar that shattered the sky, which was the horn of war.

The Titan also let out a roar that shook the ground, and at the same time, the horn shield was congested with blood, and the originally brown horn shield showed a bright and dazzling blue!

Gulu remembered that Pardo's horn shield was also blue when it was congested. Could it be that the particularly powerful Triceratops horn shield had a higher chance of being blue when it was congested

Titan has experienced many battles, and he is not in a hurry to attack Mungo, because this will expose his strength.

Mongo didn't take the initiative to attack, and the two faced each other like this.

After a long time, they seemed to be isolated from the outside world, unable to see or hear the fierce confrontation between their brothers and ethnic groups.

Gollum even suspected that they would fight like this until the end of the day.

In the end, it was Mungo who attacked first. He rushed to the Titan, and the Titan was very calm. When Mungo was about to rush in front of him, he jumped to the side, and Mungo slammed into the air.

Then Titan suddenly turned around and slammed into Mungo, his head was hard to pick, and the long hard horns were about to pierce Mungo's stomach.

Gulu sucked in a breath of cold air, almost didn't dare to look at it, his claws were deeply immersed in the soil, he couldn't imagine what would happen if Mungo died.

Guji and Gudong called out, and Gaia's body was trembling slightly.

Mungo quickly ran a few steps forward and almost fell to escape this, but his stomach was still drawn with a blood groove by the corner.

The Titan pursued the victory and continued to slam into Mungo violently.

Seeing that the Titan's horn is about to pierce Mungo's neck! That's just a moment!

Gollum's claws almost scratched a hole in the ground, and his tears flowed out unconsciously.

Guji and Gudong were crying and screaming, and Ga Ya was going to rush down directly, but even if she did, she wouldn't be able to save Mungo in time.

I saw that Mongo bit the most vulnerable neck of the Titan in one bite, and pulled it hard, biting off a large piece of meat, and blood spurted Mongo's face.

This is too deadly, the Titans lose.

But as the leader of the three most powerful triceratops, he will fight to the end of his life.

Blood spurted out from Titan's neck, and Mungo bit off the meat on Titan's back, stomach, and head bit by bit.

Gollum thought that the Titan would fall to the ground soon. With such a serious injury, no matter how powerful the Triceratops could last long.

But Titan persisted for a long, long time, and Gollum even thought that he would turn defeat into victory.

There was not a single piece of flesh on Tai Tan's body that was intact. His body was stained red with blood, surrounded by pieces of meat and slag, and the fern planted fields with a radius of several hundred meters were dyed into a red carpet.

Looking at it, Gollum didn't know why, but the Titan became Pado.

Maybe because Titan and Pardo are so similar, their horn shields are blue, they both only love one female Triceratops, they are both brutal and domineering outside but very gentle to their wives and cubs...

Titan and Pado are the only two very powerful dragons in the entire Yukan Continent but have only one mate. They are in line with Gollum's emotional view as a human being, but they are different in dinosaurs.

In addition to reproduction, Titan and Pado are both very good leaders. They protect every member of the tribe to the greatest extent possible. They are brave and good at fighting, and they are tenacious and resolute...

By this time the Titan was dying, but he was still fighting.

And the Titans are still trying to come back to save him.

This is unbelievable, even if it is a leader, if it has reached the point of certain death, the Triceratops group will not save him again, this is the law of survival.

I saw that the strongest male Triceratops in the group took the lead to form the strongest and deadliest horn shield wall, followed by the adult and robust female Triceratops, followed by the old, weak and sick adult Triceratops, and finally the cubs.

In fact, all members of the tribe knew that saving Titan was just a corpse, but they did not hesitate.

Mungo's brothers stood in a row to defend against the Triceratops. It's not that they have not been counterattacked by the prey group. Although this time it was a bit fierce, as long as the war started, they would not back down, even in the face of death. , and have no fear.

There is no turning back in the battle of life and death. This is the basic quality of predators. Under the leadership of Mungo, they have brought this creed to the extreme.

Mungo's brothers fought back fiercely. Both sides were injured. Some Triceratops were bitten off a large piece of meat, and some Tyrannosaurus Rex was deeply wounded by their horns, but neither side made any concessions.

Gaia and the three cubs were very nervous, for fear that Mungo or his brothers would die in this battle.

After an unknown amount of time, the Titan let out a roar that made the entire Yukan Continent tremble.

The roar spread far and wide, and Gulu could even feel the high-frequency vibration of the ground.

Gulu couldn't imagine that the dying Triceratops actually had such great strength, and the roar was unimaginably majestic.

Mungo stopped attacking, and stood fixedly looking at the bloody triceratops in front of him.

After hearing the Titan's roar, the Triceratops stopped attacking and silently retreated a lot until they retreated from a safe distance and watched from afar.

The roar drained the Titan's life, and he fell to the ground with a thud, tears streaming from his eyes.

When death came, Titan thought a lot. He fought to the last moment of his life. He didn't hate Mungo, and even with relief, Mungo regarded him as a real opponent.

In the world of dinosaurs, completely following the natural law of "survival of the fittest" and "the strong is king", Titan died peacefully, and he did not feel pain. He hoped that his cub could be stronger than him and become an invincible triangle dragon.

The Titan's two cubs stood at the front of the group. They were too young, about the same age as Gollum, but they already understood what death meant.

The two cubs knew that papa would never come back, they would never climb on papa's back to play, papa would never bring them tasty berries and nuts...

The two little cubs were so sad, they were panting, but they couldn't cry, their heads were bloodshot, and the horn shields were the same bright blue as their father.

Gulu looked at the red sky like a fiery cloud of blood, and the group of Titans stood under the fiery cloud. Every triceratops seemed to be on fire, and it seemed to be wrapped in hot blood.

The battle between Mungo and Titan, from noon to evening, can be said to be the longest and most spectacular battle in the history of Yukan Continent.

No dragon knew why Mungo had to eat titans. Gulu asked Mungo many times, but Mungo didn't say anything.

But Gollum always felt that Mungo must defeat the Titan must be related to Pardo.

On the fifth day after Mungo defeated the Titans, Pardo found Mungo alone.

Triceratops and Tyrannosaurus Rex will definitely fight when they meet. Pado stood at a distance that made Mungo feel safe and said, "I'm not here to fight, I want to have a good talk with you."

Mungo knew that Pardo would come to him sooner or later.

Pado straight to the point: "Mongo, Gulu is my cub. He is a triceratops and must live in the triceratops group. As long as you return Gulu to me, I will agree to any request you make."