Back to the Age of Dinosaurs

Chapter 27: [Second Update] The best Tyrannosaurus rex in the world


After thinking about it again and again, he decided not to tell Mungo that he could become a human for the time being.

He said to Casey: "Mungo is over there, can you send me around there, but don't let Mungo find out that you sent me here..."

Cassie understood what Gulu meant, and fell directly into the lush ferns outside the beach, without Mungo finding out.

After Gollum got off Cassie's back, he changed into a dinosaur's body, and put the human body in the portable space.

Afterwards, Gulu couldn't wait to fly to Mungo, and he shouted loudly as he ran: "Mongo, here I am, Mongo..."

But Gulu's voice was too small, and Mungo didn't hear it at first. When Gulu ran to the beach, Mungo vaguely heard what seemed to be the sound of Gulu behind him!

Mungo couldn't believe his ears, he immediately turned to look, and sure enough he saw a little Gulu running towards him on the beach in the distance.

Gulu is too small, the beach is so big, and the Sada Sea is so big, the more and more Gulu looks pitiful.

For a while, Mungo was stunned. He was so excited that he didn't know how to react, and tears flowed out unconsciously.

Gulu ran too fast, stumbled onto the beach and rolled several times, but he didn't care and got up immediately and continued to run.

It was only at this moment that Mungo reacted and ran towards Gulu.

As a sub-adult Tyrannosaurus Rex, Meng Ge ran much faster than Gulu, making heavy footsteps, and the whole sea seemed to tremble when he stepped on it, leaving deep big footprints on the beach.

Under the blazing sun, the giant Tyrannosaurus rex and the small triangle flew towards each other, leaving two long footprints on the beach.

Gulu ran too fast, and thumped on the soles of Mungo's feet with a thud, rubbing against Mongo's thick hind limbs frantically.

Mungo immediately fell down and kept rubbing Gulu's body with his big head.

Gulu found that Mungo was crying. He had never seen Mungo cry, and he never thought that Mongo would actually cry.

Mungo couldn't believe it, he was rubbing Gulu now, he really found Gulu!

Gulu couldn't believe it, he really survived! I can't believe that he is really with Mungo now, not those nasty and terrible Fengshen pterosaurs with pointy mouths.

While in the cave, Gollum dreamed countless times that he had returned to Gaia's side, but woke up in a dark cave. He was very afraid that this was also a dream, he secretly bit his forelimb hard, it hurt so much, not a dream!

Gulu looked at the deep and shallow scars on Mungo's body. He gently rubbed the wounds with his small body and asked, "Mongo, did you lose the fight? How come there are so many injuries... "

Of course, Mungo wouldn't tell Gulu that the group he went to Pado was injured by those triceratops, he said: "I met a few very powerful triceratops, and they were injured when they fought..."

Gulu and Mungo were so excited that neither of them noticed that Pado was hiding in the lush ferns outside the beach and looked at Gulu without blinking.

In the past few days, Pado has been frantically looking for Gulu everywhere. It just so happened that Pado also found the beach today.

Pado stared at Gulu intently, as if he couldn't see enough.

Mungo asked while rubbing Gulu, "Gulu, where have you been for so many days?!"

Gulu had long thought of his words: "I, I'm lost, and I can't find my way home. I'm afraid of being eaten by other big dinosaurs, so I've been hiding in the hole of a sclerodon, and I'll die when I'm hungry. Go out to eat ferns, and go in to sleep when you are full…”

With Gulu's IQ and knowledge of various dinosaurs, of course the fabricated lies can successfully deceive Mungo.

Gulu was reluctant to tell Mungo the truth, because Mungo was too bloodthirsty and cruel, Mungo would definitely find the little triceratops that tricked him out, not only would he kill the little triceratops, but he would also madly avenge the tribe of that little triceratops.

Of course, Gulu also wanted to kill the abominable little triceratops, but what if Mungo was in danger when he took revenge on the small triceratops, there were too many triceratops, and Mongo couldn't beat it.

Therefore, Gulu decided to find out the little triceratops himself to take revenge, without Mungo knowing.

Mungo blamed himself very much. He blamed himself for not going to the beach earlier to find Gulu. Gulu would not have suffered so much, suffered so many sins, and had been so scared for so many days...

Gulu: "Mongo, I shouldn't run out for fun, if I don't run out, I won't get lost, it's all my fault... Mongo, don't be sad, I'm smart, I've eaten a lot these days, and I haven't I was discovered by the big dinosaur, and I had a good time, but I miss you so much, I miss you and Gaia and Gujigudong…”

Making Mungo and Gaia so worried, Gulu hoped that Mungo would beat him hard, but he knew that Mungo must be reluctant to beat him now.

At this time, twos and threes of fat crabs climbed to the beach facing the rising sun, and then more and more sea crabs climbed up, covering the entire beach densely, which is very spectacular.

Gulu knew that sea crabs would return from the water to the shore to feed every morning. This was their once-a-day migration, and tens of thousands of sea crabs brushed across the beach.

Mungo seemed a little powerless to drive away these little things.

On the beach, no matter how powerful the Tyrannosaurus Rex is, it can't do anything about these sea crabs. If you step on it with one foot, you can kill a piece of it, but the sea sand is too soft, and many crabs will burrow into the sand to protect themselves, and the Tyrannosaurus Rex can't lie on the ground. Eat these little things.

Tyrannosaurus rex and sea crab are like cannons and mosquitoes, they are not of the same order at all, and of course there is no need to waste energy for these little guys.

Gulu: "Mongo, let's go back, Gaia and Guji Gudong must be worried about me..."

Mungo said sternly: "You still know! Next time you dare to run around and play and bite your leg!"

Gulu rubbed Meng Ge's big head coquettishly: "Don't dare, don't dare, don't bite my leg, let's go quickly, if we don't go, we will be carried away by these sea crabs..."

Mungo still let Gulu lie on top of his head, and he ran up and trampled countless crabs to death.

Gollum lay on Mungo's head and looked at the beach and the cave that had imprisoned him for many days.

He saw many pterosaurs flying in the sky, including Nasuo's group, all of these pterosaurs stopped on the beach and ate plump sea crabs one by one.

In fact, if there is no such a huge Tyrannosaurus Rex on the beach, these pterosaurs will come out earlier to eat crab feast, but as long as Mongo does not leave, they will not dare to come over, the Tyrannosaurus Rex can bite off the pterosaur in one bite wing bones and body.

Gulu: Wow, the breakfast of these pterosaurs is also very good. The plump sea crabs are super fresh. Just thinking about it makes my mouth water.

But Gulu thought again, no, I am a grass eater, I really want to become a human and eat hairy crabs...

Mungo ran very fast, but also very stable, Gulu felt very safe as long as he was by Mungo and Gaia, and because he didn't sleep last night, Gulu was very sleepy and fell asleep unconsciously.

For so many days, Gulu never slept well. Every day he lived in fear. After returning to Mungo's side, he was very relaxed and slept soundly. Make it up.

Mungo could feel Gulu falling asleep on top of his head, so he slowed down so that Gulu could sleep more comfortably.

Around noon, Mungo returned to the lair.

Gaia and Gujigudong were taking a nap, but none of them were actually asleep.

First of all, Gaia saw Mungo and Gollum on Mungo's head!

Ga Ya just stared at Gulu in such a daze, she couldn't believe that Gulu really came back and was brought back by Mongo.

In fact, she knew before that Gulu must have died if she hadn't come back for so many days, but she didn't want to accept it... And now her Gulu really came back!

Tears blurred her vision unknowingly. She saw that Gulu had lost a lot of weight. She saw that there were small bruises and bruises on Gulu's body, which made her very distressed.

Guji and Gudong also saw Gulu above Mungo's head, and they jumped up excitedly, shouting, "Brother! Brother!" and running towards Mungo.

Of course Gaia noticed that Gulu fell asleep, she stopped Guji and said, "Don't wake up brother, brother is too tired, he needs to rest."

Guji Gudong no longer roared, but still jumped on the spot excitedly.

Gaia gently took Gulu from Mungo's head and placed it in the shade under the cypress tree. Then she lay down and wrapped Gulu in her arms, gently rubbing her head against Gulu's head. Body.

Guji Gudong missed his brother so much, they all squeezed into Gaia's arms, and lay quietly next to Gulu, not talking or moving, for fear of waking up her brother.

They used to sleep next to their brother like this. They couldn't sleep without a brother these days. Without a brother to hug, they couldn't sleep.

The two little guys couldn't eat or sleep well because they were too sad and missed Gulu these days. Now they are next to their brother, they are so happy that they fell asleep after a while.

The little ones slept all afternoon as soon as they fell asleep.

In the evening, when Gulu woke up, he could always feel the breaths of Gaia and Guji beside him, and the smell of the lair where he was born and lived, which made him feel very peaceful, this sleep. incomparably sweet.

Gollum rubbed his head against Gaia's hard chest and slowly opened his eyes.

Ever since she was a child, Gulu liked to move around while sleeping. Gaia thought that Gulu had not woken up yet, so she was still rubbing by Gulu, for fear of waking up Gulu.

Gollum turned over and looked at the setting sun on the horizon, the fiery clouds spreading over half of the sky, the lush fern plains, the tall forest in the distance, the huge group of Diplodocus eating the tall leaves in the distance, the pair of Stegosaurus and Curly Dragon. Good friends are foraging together, and the pterosaurs flying through the sky are no longer scary...

And he was lying in Gaia's arms now, with Guji and Gudong sleeping beside him.

Everything is so beautiful.

After a while, Gulu said, "Mama, it's all my fault. I made you worry and feel so sad..."

Mungo had already told Gaia what Gulu had experienced outside and how he found Gulu, and Gaia didn't ask anymore, and was more reluctant to teach Gulu now.

She rubbed her big head against Gulu's small body and kept repeating: "Just come back, don't run around again, remember..."

Gulu couldn't help nodding his head, threw himself into Gaia's arms and cried unrestrainedly, crying out the fear and fear of these days.

In front of Gaia, Gollum would not hide any of his emotions at all.

Gaia rubbed her big head against Gulu to comfort him.

Of course, Guji and Gudong were also awakened by Gulu, and they also rubbed against Gulu to comfort him.

Gollum started to play with Goujigudong soon after crying enough, and Gaia watched them from the side.

As night fell, Mungo returned with his brothers, a newly killed trabecula, and Gollum's favorite berries and nuts.

Gulu doesn't need to pretend to eat meat anymore, Gaia has long accepted the fact that Gulu doesn't eat meat, although Gaia still firmly believes that Gulu is a small Tyrannosaurus rex, a Tyrannosaurus rex that will be very powerful in the future if he doesn't eat meat.

In the past few days, Gulu has never been full. Today, he ate a lot. Mungo and Gaia are also very happy to see Gulu's appetite so good. They want to make Gulu fat back as soon as possible.

Pardo watched it all from a distance in the lush ferns.

Pado came back from the beach with Mongo all the way, and he stood here watching Gulu sleep for an entire afternoon.

Now he didn't want to leave, he watched Mungo's group finish eating, and Gulu's belly became round and began to play with the two little Tyrannosaurus rex.

Pado did not leave until late at night.

For the next few days, Gulu just ate and slept, slept and ate, and after he was full and slept, he played with Guji Gudong, Gaya guarding them every step of the way.

In this way, Gulu gained weight in a few days and became a chubby little triceratops again.

It was a very pleasant life. The only thing that worried Gollum was the flying pterosaurs. As long as there were pterosaurs passing near their lair, Gollum was afraid that it was sent by Nasuo.

At noon that day, Gaia and Guji were sleeping peacefully.

Originally, Gulu also slept soundly, but for some unknown reason, he suddenly woke up. He vaguely smelled a smell, which made him feel very warm and stable.

He couldn't resist the attraction of the looming smell, and followed the smell to the ferns beside the nest.

Gollum knew that it was absolutely safe to be near the lair. No dinosaur would dare to move near the Tyrannosaurus Rex's lair. The strong smell of Tyrannosaurus Rex near the lair would keep these dinosaurs away.

Therefore, Gulu was not afraid of encountering any danger, and the smell was not dangerous at all, but made him yearn for it.

He slowly approached the ferns, and only after walking in did he see a large adult female Triceratops standing behind the lush ferns.

This female triceratops was pale pink, very beautiful and very strong, and Gollum thought it was the best looking female triceratops he had ever seen.

The scorching sun at noon shone on the female Triceratops through the lush and tall cedar trees, like a light of love.

The female Triceratops just stared at Gulu blankly.

Gulu just stood there fixedly looking at the female triceratops.

Looking at it, Gulu felt that this female triceratops seemed a little familiar, he thought hard for a while, and finally remembered, isn't this the female triceratops of Pado, it seems to be called Babbana!

The legend of Pado and Barbana, there is no dragon in the entire Yukan continent.

Because Pado is the most powerful Triceratops leader in the entire Yukan Continent, and is also the largest Triceratops, such a male Triceratops should have many female Triceratops, but Pado always only needs the female Triceratops Babbana.

The dragons of Yukan Continent all agree that Babbana is the most beautiful and robust female Triceratops in the entire Yukan Continent, and only such female Triceratops is worthy of Pardo.

Gulu knew that Babana should have come to look for him specifically, but he didn't know why Babana came to him, and if Gaia found out about Babana, they would definitely fight.

Triceratops come near the Tyrannosaurus's lair, as long as it is discovered by Tyrannosaurus Rex, Tyrannosaurus Rex will definitely attack Triceratops.

Gulu was about to ask Babbana why she came here when a roar came from behind him. He didn't even know when Gaia came here, and there was no sound at all.

Gaia got up to look for Gulu as soon as she found out that Gulu was gone, and soon found Gulu and Babbana. Gaia was afraid that the female triceratops would hurt Gulu when she suddenly rushed over, so she chose to approach them quietly.

In order to protect Gulu, Gaia quickly ran in front of Gulu and blocked Gulu with her whole body, even if she herself was very dangerous, Barbana would probably pierce her stomach with a single horn.

Gaia rushed towards Babbana with a roar, and at the same time said to Gulu, "Gulu, go back to the lair and hide!"