Back to the Age of Dinosaurs

Chapter 32: It's so cool to become a human and play with dinosaurs


The staple food of Aeolus pterosaurs is the big fish in the sea, dinosaur cubs, and various smaller dinosaurs.

Because the overall weight of Aeolus Pterosaurs is about 500-800 jin, no matter how heavy it is, it is not conducive to flying. Their wing bones are very thin and hollow. These are all to reduce their own weight, so although Aeolus Pterosaurs look very big , actually not heavy.

No matter how powerful Aeolus pterosaurs, at most, they can pick up prey that is equivalent to their own weight, so large dinosaurs are not within their hunting range.

The mouth of the Fengshen Pterosaur is very long, pointed and sharp, which can directly pierce the body of the prey, such as small prey, it can be directly stabbed to death, or it can be picked up and thrown down to death before eating.

But in the face of large prey, Aeolus pterosaur's teeth are not easy to use, and the mouth is too sharp, so there is no biting force at all, and it can't hold it. It is impossible to hurt large prey by biting and falling. , it is not very lethal.

Like a triceratops, as long as it is an adult triceratops, no matter how thin it is, it is a behemoth of several tons, and no matter how powerful an aeolian pterosaur is, it will not pose much threat to an adult triceratops.

But Nassau is an exception.

When Nassau appeared, even large adult dinosaurs would panic, because Nassau was very cruel and bloodthirsty. He would let groups of pterosaurs attack a certain large dinosaur and eat large dinosaurs alive. He often Dry.

Therefore, Pado immediately took the highest defense state to protect the cubs of the clan in all directions, and Babbana also returned to the clan to protect Pachi and Dudu.

Mungo roared loudly, he was calling his brother, and soon, Mungo's brothers rushed over, standing behind Mungo in unison, ready to fight bloody at any time.

Pado did not bring Gulu back to the group, because Nasso came for Gulu today. If Gulu entered the group now, it would probably bring very heavy casualties to the group.

After arranging everything in the clan, Pado returned to Gulu with a dozen of the strongest triceratops. He was the leader of the clan, and he wanted to ensure the safety of the clan, but he was also Gulu's father, and he would protect Gulu, Do your best.

Gulu was very anxious. He didn't want them to fight. When these three big men fought, they would inevitably get hurt.

He doesn't care if the pterosaur is injured. These pesky pterosaurs are too abhorrent. They are not cute at all, but if any Tyrannosaurus Rex or Triceratops is injured, he will be distressed to death!

Gulu shouted at Nassau: "Can I not be the leader of your clan? You can do a ritual to remove the leader! In the future, if the dragon of your clan is injured, I can still help you heal, as long as you don't anymore. Hurting Pardo and Mungo's Clan..."

Mungo and Pado said in unison, "No! Don't go!"

But Nassau said: "Now these pterosaurs are listening to you, you can do whatever you want them to do."

Gulu was stunned, why did this Nasso never play cards as usual!

Not only Gulu, but Mungo and Pado were all stunned. Wasn't Nasuo bringing so many pterosaurs here to fight? ! It's not like Nassau's way of doing things.

Gulu pretended to give a righteous order, but in fact, he was flustered. He felt that Nasuo could not listen to him: "Then I want them all to go back, and they are not allowed to hurt any of the Triceratops and Tyrannosaurus Rex here!"

Nassau nodded and let out a neigh, flying into the sky, and then Cassie took the group of pterosaurs and flew away with Nassau.

Gulu didn't expect that Nasso would leave so easily after making such a big battle? !

This Nasso really made Gulu's brain hurt, so he couldn't guess it at all!

Mungo looked at the direction Nasuo left and said, "The waste of eating fish! One day I will bite him to death!"

Tyrannosaurus rex's incomparably powerful bite force can indeed solve a pterosaur in one bite, so Mungo doesn't look down on Nasuo at all.

Even though all the dragons of Yukan Continent rank them as the ultimate bullies of "earth" and "heaven", Mungo still disdains to be juxtaposed with Nassau.

The contempt chain of carnivorous dinosaurs is like this: Tyrannosaurus rex with the first bite force, other dinosaurs with amazing bite force, pterosaur Spinosaurus and other dinosaurs with sharp mouths and no bite force, and finally the carrion-eating dinosaurs.

Therefore, Mungo will say that Nasuo is "a waste that eats fish". In Mungo's view, a carnivore without bite force is a waste.

Of course, Mungo's comments are too selfish, at least Fengshen Pterosaur is indeed a big boss-level dragon, and Nasuo is a legend among Aeolus Pterosaurs, and can be tied with Mongo.

All the nearby dragons were shocked, so many pterosaurs gathered above Pardo's clan, and so many Tyrannosaurus rex gathered outside of Pardo's clan, and it was a miracle that they didn't fight!

Mungo ordered his brothers to go back first, so that he could tell Gaia and Gujigudong that Gulu was alright, lest they worry too much.

Pardo also brought these triceratops around him back into the group.

Next, they will talk about more important things.

Mungo first asked, "How did you meet Nasso?!"

Of course, Gulu also saw that Mungo was very angry. He rubbed against Mungo's sturdy hind limbs and knocked him off the cliff one by one, and he told the truth because he didn't dare to tell Mungo.

Mungo and Pado were very shocked. Gulu was so young that a triceratops wanted his life. They asked in unison, "Do you remember what that little triceratops looked like?"

Of course Gulu remembered it, and remembered it very clearly: "That little triceratops was about the same size as me, and the color of the horn shield was brown..."

But these characteristics that Gollum said, at least hundreds of triceratops cubs have it.

Gulu: "As long as I see that little triceratops again, I'll recognize it right away!"

Pardo and Mungo felt very distressed for Gulu. It turned out that it was not easy for Gulu to come back alive after experiencing such a dangerous thing alone.

At the same time, Pardo also kept an eye out for it. Of course, it would be best to find this triceratops cub as soon as possible.

Gulu looked at Pado, too many things happened just now, he didn't have time to take a good look at Pado, he couldn't believe that Pado was really his father!

Pardo is so powerful, Gulu Longsheng's highest pursuit and goal is Pardo. He has thought many times about who his Triceratops parents are, but he never thought it was Pardo, and he didn't even dare to think about it.

Gollum was very excited. He looked at Pado and asked, "Are you really my dad?"

Pado used his big head to rub against Gulu's small body, and said very gently, "Of course it is."

Gulu was a little sad and asked in a low voice, "Then, why did you lose me? You are so powerful, why did you lose me..."

Although Gulu lived very well in Mongo's group, he still often wondered how his Triceratops could be in the Tyrannosaurus group, and how big of a heart his Triceratops parents were to lose it in the Tyrannosaurus Rex. in the nest.

Pado told Gulu truthfully about the situation at the time. He and Barbana crossed the Dada River with a dozen eggs. The river was so fast that several eggs fell off. In the end, one could not be found. Barbana looked for it every day. Until recently I knew Gollum...

Mungo also said why he brought the eggs he picked up in the Dada River back to the lair at that time, because several of Gaia’s eggs were stolen by the egg-stealing dragon that day, Gaia was very sad, and Mungo picked it up Took an egg that was returned to be Gaya and made her happy.

At that time, Mungo had no idea that the egg would still hatch. He thought it must be dead. Most of the eggs he picked up in the river were dead.

Of course, Mungo also saw it. Gulu likes Pado very much and admires Pado very much. Is there any triceratops in the entire Yukan Continent that doesn't respect Pado

As a Triceratops, Gulu should indeed live in the Triceratops group, which is the best for Gulu's future growth.

Mungo was very reluctant, but he still said: "Gulu, I actually knew that Pado was your father for a long time. I didn't tell you and lied to you. In the future, you and Pado will live together, and I should go back. Ga. Ya and Gujigudong, I'll make it clear to them, and they'll be happy for you too."

After Mungo said that, he turned around and left.

Gulu chased after him without hesitation. He threw himself on Mungo's huge hind legs and said frantically, "Mongo, I want to go back with you, don't leave me alone..."

Although Gulu admired and admired Pado very much, and wanted to live with Pado very much, but he was reluctant to leave Menggogaya and Gujigudong, and he would never be able to.

Of course, Pado wanted Gulu to stay now. He was afraid that if Gulu followed Mungo back, there would be many more variables, but he didn't want to see Gulu so sad.

So Pado also caught up and said: "Mongo, Gulu is not in a hurry to come back this day, you take Gulu back first, so that Gaia and Gujigudong also have a period of adaptation, you can send Gulu back whenever you want. "

Mungo didn't expect Pardo to be so reasonable. He said, "Don't worry, I will definitely send Gulu back as soon as possible."

Then Mungo lay on the ground, or let Gulu sit on his head, and it was faster to go back with Gulu on his back.

Maybe thinking that Gulu would soon go back to Pado's group, Mungo was very sad and didn't say a word along the way.

Gulu is also very sad, he doesn't want to leave Mungo, but he is an optimist, he has to be happy before he leaves Mungo. And even if you go to Pado's clan, you can still come back to see Mongogaya and Gujigudong.

In order to ease the atmosphere, he said, "Mongo, why do you and Pado have so much triceratops shit on you? I'm covered in shit too! Let's go wash it, shall we?"

Mungo was a little angry: "These are all your shit! You know how you can't wake up, how worried we are... "

Gulu knew that he was wrong, and let Mungo scold him. After Mungo finished his training, he said, "Did you really eat my shit? God, how can you eat it? It smells so bad..."

Mongo: …

Gollum: Oh my God! If this is not love!

Although Gulu knew that when the little dinosaurs had gastrointestinal problems and didn't like to eat, the big dinosaurs would let the little dinosaurs eat the feces of healthy dinosaurs. stomach.

But this is also quite disgusting, and no dragon is willing to eat if he is not sick.

Mungo: "Let's go and wash."

Gulu: "Let's not wash with sand this time, but with water, okay? My human body wants to be washed with water."

Mungo thought for a while and said, "Okay."

Gulu can't be happy, he can finally take a bath with water! Since he became a dinosaur, he has never been to the riverside except drinking water. As a human, he still likes to take a bath with water.

The way to clean the dinosaurs is to take a sand bath, because the dinosaurs are covered with linticles, and the sand can be washed more cleanly, and the deodorization effect of the sand is also particularly good.

Mungo brought Gulu to a small river, which was hidden in a lush forest. Few large dinosaurs came here, and the river was crystal clear.

After Gulu got down from Mungo's head, he rushed into the river excitedly. Mungo stopped him immediately and said, "There is a crocodile! I'll go down first!"

In the Cretaceous period, it is very likely that there will be emperor crocodiles in the smallest rivers.

The bald crocodile is 2 meters long, 12 meters long, and weighs 8 tons. It is a very terrifying underwater predator. It often drags several tons of dinosaurs into the water and eats nothing left.

Gulu was too excited, and with Mongo by his side, he was negligent, and he forgot that there would be such terrifying creatures as emperor crocodiles in the water!

As the most powerful Tyrannosaurus Rex in the entire Yukan Continent, Mungo has an incomparably powerful aura. All the prey around him will hide away when they see him. Only Mungo dares to take Gulu to the river to take a bath. Attacked by crocodiles.

Mungo went down into the water first, and Gulu stood on the shore. He saw a particularly large crocodile in the water not far away after Mungo went into the water and quickly escaped. If he had entered the water first, he would have been killed.

After ensuring safety, Mungo said, "Come down."

Gollum turned into a human and jumped into the water with a thud.

Mungo knew that Gulu's human body was very fragile. He sat in the water and dared not move, for fear of hurting Gulu.

Gulu swam into Meng Ge's arms, and stroked Meng Ge's smooth and hard Lin piece with his hands. The Lin piece of Tyrannosaurus Rex is really super domineering.

Meng Ge didn't even dare to let out the atmosphere. How could Gulu's human body be so soft? The body without the protection of the Lin piece is too fragile, and it feels like it will break when touched.