Back to the Age of Dinosaurs

Chapter 37: The best Triceratops in the world


Patch and Dudu were engrossed in looking at the Tyrannosaurus rex's lair looking for their brother, completely ignoring the male Tyrannosaurus Rex standing not far behind them.

They didn't find it for a while, and they weren't in a hurry. Maybe my brother went to the fern bushes near the nest to eat ferns and leaves. They believed that they would be able to see my brother. Just look at my brother from a distance and they would go back.

Dudu: "Brother is amazing, he can grow so big in the Tyrannosaurus rex's lair, if I were here, even if these Tyrannosaurus rex didn't eat me, I would be scared to death..."

Patch: "Well, our brother is super awesome!"

The two little cubs were chatting vigorously, and suddenly there was a roar behind them. They didn't have to look back to know it was a Tyrannosaurus Rex! Every time those nasty Tyrannosaurus rex come to their group to catch Triceratops and eat, they make this sound, so scary!

Although Patch usually fights with Dudu and never lets Dudu, he always protects his sister when it is critical. He bumped into Dudu and said, "Run!"

Dudu ran away, and Patch always ran behind his sister, protecting Dudu with his own body.

The two didn't dare to look back at all, they kept running and running, the Tyrannosaurus rex behind them kept uttering terrifying roars, chasing after them, and the sound of heavy footsteps was terrifying. The dragon stepped on the vibration! terrible!

Although Patch bravely used his body to protect his sister, he was also very scared. He didn't know how painful it would be to be bitten by a Tyrannosaurus rex and eaten alive. It would definitely be very painful, woohoo, he couldn't help shouting Wrote: "Baba Mama save us..."

Dudu is also very scared, she also wants to protect her brother, but she knows that if she stops, she and her brother will die! Only the faster she ran, the more likely they would die a little later.

The roars of the Tyrannosaurus Rex scared the cubs all trembling. If they were given another chance, they would not sneak out of the group even if they were killed!

Suddenly, Pachi tripped over a large skeleton after the death of an unknown dragon. He couldn't control his body and jumped forward. Dudu was thrown by his brother, and the chubby two rolled into a round ball. out.

This is a small slope, Pachi and Dudu magically found that rolling is much faster than running, but the two can also see the Tyrannosaurus rex chasing them. Ahh, one bite will smash them to shreds.

There was a loud bang, and the two who were rolling very fast were blocked by a huge cedar tree. The Tyrannosaurus Rex opened its bloody mouth and bit at them. The two little cubs were scared to death, let alone run, and even shouted Not anymore.

From a distance, Gulu saw Patch and Dudu being chased by a Tyrannosaurus Rex, but the Tyrannosaurus had its back turned to him. He couldn't tell whether the Tyrannosaurus was blinded by it, and he couldn't smell it at such a distance. to identify.

In fact, Pachi and Dudu also have their backs to Gulu, but Gulu can recognize them at a glance, because Dudu is also pale pink like Babbana, very beautiful, there are almost no triceratops of this color!

The pale pink female Triceratops cub, plus the other male Triceratops cub was also similar in size to Patch, so Gulu could be 100% sure that this was his younger brother and sister.

Gulu couldn't take care of it anymore, he ran over with the fastest speed in his life.

Running and running, Gulu felt that his lungs were about to explode. He saw that his younger brothers and sisters had tripped and were blocked by a sycamore tree. The Tyrannosaurus Rex had already opened its bloody mouth!

Gulu's mind was blank, he only knew that he couldn't let Patch and Dudu be eaten, Barbana only had their two cubs!

He rushed over and slammed into Patch and Dudu with a bang, protecting his younger siblings with his entire body, and at the same time closed his eyes tightly and shouted, "Don't eat us! Mungo will eat you alive!"

Of course, Gulu knew that if this one wasn't Mongolian, other Tyrannosaurus rex would not be afraid of Menggo, and would not eat Triceratops because of Menggo. Even if this triceratops was Gulu, it was useless if it was a triceratops raised by Mengge.

Because he ran too fast, his sense of smell was no longer sensitive, and Gulu couldn't judge whether the Tyrannosaurus Rex behind him was blinded by it at all.

Patch and Dudu were both stunned, they didn't even know where their brother came from, why did he suddenly stand in front of them!

They watched in horror as the Tyrannosaurus Rex took a step back and closed its big mouth full of fangs.

Pachi and Dudu were stunned. So even such a big Tyrannosaurus rex is afraid of his brother. When my brother comes, he won't eat us anymore. My brother is amazing!

Until many years later, Patch and Dudu can still clearly recall that day, my brother was like a triceratops god, and suddenly fell from the sky. My brother was so big and his whole body was shining with golden light!

Triceratops parents will tell their children that the Triceratops God will protect us. Triceratops are the most powerful Triceratops leaders and become after death. Leaders like Pado will become Triceratops when they grow old and die. Super awesome!

Gollum trembled and looked back, and it turned out that it was really covered up.

Let's just say, how could there be other Tyrannosaurus rex near Mungo's lair. Any predatory dinosaurs that don't want to die will not appear near the Tyrannosaurus Rex's lair, and it is even less likely that Tyrannosaurus Rex from other groups will come to Mongo's territory.

Gulu was terrified just now, and sat on the ground and shouted aggrievedly: "Fuck it! You scared me to death! I hate you, hate you, you big bad dragon!"

Meng it was very angry and let out a roar: "This is your triceratops brother and sister?"

Gulu nodded and said, "Yes, you are not allowed to shout anymore, you will scare them! Big bad dragon, you almost ate my younger brother and sister. If you are so fierce, I will tell Mungo!"

Of course, Gulu can't blame Meng it for almost missing Patch and Dudu. After all, Meng it doesn't know Patch and Dudu. There is no reason why Tyrannosaurus rex sees Triceratops cubs.

Then Gulu gently rubbed the two frightened cubs and comforted them: "Patch, Dudu, don't be afraid, this is Mungo's younger brother, his name is Munti, he doesn't know you are my younger siblings , he won't eat you again..."

Meng it roared again and said, "Who said I wouldn't eat it? Listen up, you two little cubs, I'll let you go today, and if you dare to run around in the future, our Tyrannosaurus Rex can chew you up in one bite! "

It was only at this time that Gulu realized that Mengta was helping him discipline his younger siblings, and that the triceratops cubs came near the Tyrannosaurus rex's lair, no matter what the reason was, it was too dangerous!

Just because Gulu grew up in the Tyrannosaurus rex group, he must not ignore the survival laws of Triceratops. In the cruel world of dinosaurs, ignoring the survival laws will lead to death.

Gulu: "Monster it, are you chasing them on purpose to scare them?"

Mengta refused to admit it: "No! I just want to eat them! Does the Tyrannosaurus rex need a reason to eat the Triceratops?"

In fact, Gulu should be able to think without asking, Patch and Dudu are still so young, it is easier for him to eat them than to eat anything.

Of course, the reason why Mengta didn't eat them, just to scare them, was entirely because of Gulu. Standing behind the two cubs before, he heard their conversation and knew that they were Gulu's younger siblings.

Gulu didn't ask about Meng it anymore, Meng it is always like this, duplicitous, a little arrogant and a little cute.

He turned to his younger siblings and scolded them very harshly: "How did you get here?! Do you know how dangerous it is to be near the Tyrannosaurus rex lair..."

Although this was the first time that Gulu had met his younger siblings, he had only seen them from a distance before, but the first time they met, they were as cordial as if they had grown up together. The blood relationship is amazing.

Patch and Dudu also realized the seriousness of the problem. In fact, they also sneaked out of the group to play before. The little dinosaurs are always energetic and have a strong desire to explore, but they are all near the group and will hide in deep places. In the ferns, it is impossible to come near the Tyrannosaurus Rex's lair.

They lowered their heads and listened attentively, rubbing their heads against Gulu from time to time to act coquettishly.

Gulu: "Barbana and Pado must be in a hurry now! I must send you back immediately!"

At this time, Gujigudong also ran over. They were playing in the nest and saw his brother coming back from a distance. Of course, they ran out to meet him.

Guji Gudong ran to Gulu and rubbed wildly: "Brother, brother, you're finally back! We miss you so much, we can't sleep without you all night, you know..."

Of course, the two cubs also noticed Pachi and Dudu. They had long known that the elder brother's Baba was the very powerful Triceratops leader Pado, and they also knew that the older brother had two triceratops younger siblings.

It was obvious that Gujigudong would not like the little triceratops that robbed them of his brother. They bared their fangs at Patch and Dudu and roared angrily: "Brother is our older brother, my older brother grew up with us, you come here. Why, my brother won't go back with you..."

This night, Gujigudong was also very worried that his brother would go back to the Triceratops tribe. They felt that his brother and they lived well, so why should they go back to the Triceratops tribe

Patch and Dudu were afraid of the adult Tyrannosaurus rex, but not the baby Tyrannosaurus Rex. They roared fiercely against the air with their horns that had not yet grown out: "You are Tyrannosaurus Rex, brother is Triceratops! Brother is of course us. My brother! My brother will definitely go back with us, so he won't be here with you, hum..."

Gollum: emmm... is this the time to fight for this? !

At this time, Gaia came back, and Mungo also came back with their brothers.

Gaya ate Mok's meat all night last night and was very full, and didn't eat it in the morning, Mungo and his brothers only started eating meat in the morning, and a dozen unusually strong male tyrannosaurs were able to eat Mok in a short while. 's clean.

Mungo knew that Gulu didn’t like the smell of blood, so he asked Gaia to bring Gulu back first. Gaia took Gulu to the vicinity of the lair, and Gaia was going to pick berries for Gulu, because it was absolutely safe, and Gulu could be seen. When he came back, Gaia agreed.

Gulu wanted to go back first because he wanted to turn into a human as soon as possible, but unexpectedly, he ran into it and scare Pachi and Dudu.

There were so many Tyrannosaurus rex all at once, Pachi and Dudu were trembling with fear, and kept hiding under Gulu, Gulu comforted them and introduced them: "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, it's their foster brother. Grow up, this is Mungo, this is Gaia…”

After reassuring the two little cubs that they were not so afraid, Gulu said, "Mongo, can you accompany me to send them back or not? Pado and Barbana must be in a hurry."

Mungo rubbed Gulu and nodded.

Then Gulu walked in front of Gaia and rubbed Gaia's thick hind limbs and said, "Mama, I'll go for a while, I'll be back soon, don't worry..."

Mainly Gollum was afraid that Gaya wouldn't be able to accept him once he was gone, even if it was just for a while.

Suddenly, a few triceratops' roars came from behind the ferns. Soon, Pado and Barbana appeared not far away. It could be seen that Pado and Barbana were very anxious. They were gasping for breath. Came wildly.

Patch and Dudu immediately rushed over and slammed on Baba's thick forelimbs.

Barbana and Pado couldn't teach the little cubs here, even if they were angry, there were more than a dozen very strong Tyrannosaurus rex standing beside them.

Even if Gollum grew up in Mungo's group, the rules of survival for Triceratops and Tyrannosaurs would not change.

Therefore, Babbana and Pado retreated to a farther place, protecting Pachi and Dudu under them, and being on high alert for Mungo's brothers, these male Tyrannosaurus rex were too dangerous.

At the same time, Mungo's brothers saw that a huge triceratops like Pado also instinctively entered a state of combat readiness. Even if Pado was Gulu's Baba, it would not change their habits.

Gaya rubbed Gulu's little body with her big head and said, "Gulu, you must go back to the Triceratops tribe, go, go back now, and find your real Baba, they're right there, hurry up. go."

Gulu could feel that Gaia was very conscious now, and she really wanted to let him go back with a firm attitude, but this only made him even more sad, and his tears couldn't stop flowing, rubbing against Gaia's thick hind limbs and said: "If I don't leave, I'll be by your side, Mama, don't drive me away, okay, Mama..."

Although Gulu admires Pado very much, but after all, he has never lived with his biological parents and has no emotional foundation. If he can only choose one side, he will choose Gaya and Mungo without hesitation.

Gaia took a step back, pushed Gulu away gently and said, "Let's go, let's go now!"

Gulu rushed up again and said: "Mama, how about a few days later, I haven't had a good time with Gujigudong, they will be very reluctant to me..."

Gaia took another step back, and she was suddenly very emotional. She let out a roar at Gulu, and kept pushing Gulu with her big head, pushing Gulu to Pado and Barbana's side.

Soon, Gollum was pushed by Gaia to Pado's feet.

As a Tyrannosaurus Rex, Gaia should instinctively keep a distance from the adult Triceratops, but she can't take care of so much anymore. Now her neck is facing Pado's horns, and her stomach is facing Babbana's horns. is very dangerous.

Both Pado and Barbana were stunned. They didn't expect that Gaia would take the initiative to return Gollum to them.

Gaya looked at Pado, Pado is so big, Pado is strong, and Pado is the most powerful Triceratops leader.

Gaya looked at Babana, she knew that Babana was a good mama, what Mongo said, Mongo would not lie to her.

In the end, Gaia looked at Gulu, Gulu wanted to rub Gaia, but Gaia turned and walked away.

Gulu saw too much reluctance in Gaya's eyes, which made him very sad. He chased after him, and he wanted to rub Gaya again, and wanted to tell Gaya that he would come back to see her often.

But Gollum had just run two steps when Gaia turned her head and roared at Gollum very brutally until Gollum returned to Pado's feet.

Gulu didn't dare to chase anymore, so he shouted: "Mama! I will come back to see you often! Don't be too sad..."

Gaia: "Don't come back! I'll eat you when I come back!"

Gulu jumped his feet in a hurry, he knew that Gaia was just trying to force him to go, but he was still very sad.

Mungo felt very distressed for Gulu. He walked to Gulu and gently rubbed him and whispered: "It's okay, don't be sad, you go back to the Triceratops first, five days, and I will secretly pick you up to play in five days."

While crying, Gulu nodded his head and rubbed against Mungo, because he cried too sadly, and he spoke intermittently: "You, you have to keep your word, if you don't come to pick me up, I will come to you, I, I secretly ran out to find You, meet other meat-eating dinosaurs and eat me, you, you cry! Woohoo, Mungo, you must come and pick me up... "

Mungo coaxed Gulu: "I will definitely come to pick you up, don't cry..."

Gaia ran back to the lair without looking back.

Gujigudong was very distressed for Gaia, they shouted: "Mongo, you must bring your brother back!" Then the two cubs ran to Gaia's side.

Pado and Barbana looked at Gaia from a distance, they knew that Gollum could survive entirely because of this female Tyrannosaurus rex, she was Gollum's eternal Mama.

Barbana put Gulu, Patch and Dudu on Pado's back in turn, and the family walked in the direction of the group.

Mungo watched Gulu go farther and farther, and he felt very uncomfortable. He could only comfort himself that he would pick Gulu back to play in five days, and play for a few more days before sending it back.

Now that Gaia is emotionally unstable, Mungo must accompany him.

Mungo was very grateful to Gaia, if it wasn't for Gaia, he didn't know when he would make up his mind to send Gulu back, it was too difficult.

Gaya picked Gulu's favorite berries and nuts today, and Gulu didn't even take a bite.

She looked at these berries and nuts, thinking, if Gulu was here, she would definitely eat happily, and Gulu would say to her while eating, "Mama, Mama, it's delicious..."

Gulu would rub the berry juice on her hind limbs, and Gulu would ask her: "Mama, Mama, did my horns grow a little bit longer, just a little bit, there must be, is it Ma Ma? is not it… "

Pardo is huge and has a very broad back. The three little cubs are sitting on the same level as they are sitting on the ground, and they are very stable.

Gulu was still very sad. He sat between Patch and Dudu and cried on Pachi's body. Dudu kept rubbing his head against Gulu, and Barbana also rubbed against Gulu from time to time.

Soon, they were out of the group.

Gulu finally stopped crying. He had already prepared himself mentally on the way. Five days, just five days, Mungo will come to pick me up, very soon.

Although Gulu is a triceratops, he has never lived in a triceratops group. Standing outside such a huge group, he still feels a little uncomfortable.

Pado didn't let the three cubs come down, he carried the cubs into the group, and Barbana followed him.

Wherever Pado and Babbana passed, all the Triceratops consciously made a way for them. The whole group seemed very excited and kept walking in place, looking forward to Pado coming to their side.

Gollum sat on Pardo's back. Pardo was so tall and big, so tall by all the triceratops that he could overlook everything.

At the same time, Gulu could also feel that all the Triceratops in the group were staring at him, as if he was a "monster", and he even suspected that it was not a Triceratops but a Tyrannosaurus Rex!

He thinks that it should be a Tyrannosaurus rex cub that has reached the Triceratops group to have this effect.

Most of the Triceratops in the group had never seen Gollum. They were curious about what the Triceratops raised by Tyrannosaurus Rex looked like, so they kept staring at Gollum.

Pado and Barbana took Gollum to every corner of the clan.

After walking in this circle, there is no Triceratops in the clan who do not know Gulu.

This is Pardo saying to all the dragons: This is my son, Gollum! Let's get to know each other! Although Gollum was raised by a Tyrannosaurus rex, I have already picked him up. You must all accept him unconditionally and love him!

This is the power and dominance of being a leader.

Pado's ethnic group is really too big. After this lap, it was dark.

Both Gulu and Pachidudu were hungry, and the three little cubs threw themselves into the ferns and ate wildly.

Pado found that Gulu was really edible, and Gulu probably ate as much as Pachi and Dudu combined, more than Pado could eat when he was a child!

But this makes Pardo and Barbana very happy, and only cubs who can eat can grow the strongest physique.

After the three cubs were full, Pardo and Barbana took them back to the lair.

Patch and Dudu made a big mistake today, and Pardo took them to the side to teach them a lesson.

Gulu was sitting in the lair. This lair was so big. Even if he had grown to such a big size, it was still very spacious when he was lying on his back. It would still be very spacious to sleep two Patches and Babbana.

At the same time, Gollum found that part of the soil in the nest was very fresh, which proved that this was the one that Pado and Barbana had recently re-expanded the nest, because he was coming back.

Barbana was lying on the nest. She couldn't believe it. Her Gollum really came back. Gollum was sitting in the nest, just like a dream. She felt that she had never had such a beautiful dream.

Gulu looked at the dazed Babana. He didn't know whether to call Babana or Mama. It seemed that he couldn't speak directly when he called Mama. Finally, he said, "You, did you expand the nest for me?"

Barbana gently rubbed Gulu and said, "Of course, Mama Baba and Pachi and Dudu are looking forward to your return every day."

Barbana didn't specifically let Gulu call her Ma Ma. She wanted Gulu to get used to it slowly. After Gulu got used to it, she would naturally call them Ba Ba Ma Ma.

After a while, Pado came back with Patch and Dudu, both of them were crying and their butts were obviously swollen.

The two little cubs returned to the nest, rubbing against each other and acting like a spoiled child: "Brother, brother, it hurts so much, woohoo..."

Gollum also nudged them to comfort them.

Then the two little cubs went to the corner of the nest, and opened a few large cypress leaves, revealing the nuts and nuts that were already a little dry inside and said, "Brother! Eat, you can eat when you come back, these are delicious, you can eat... "

Gulu’s eyes are filled with tears. The surface of these berries and nuts is a bit sloppy. It may have been hidden today. The climate in the Cretaceous period was warm and dry, and these fruits can be dried in half a day. The bottom is completely dried, but the dried fruit is fine Eat it!

Babbana knew that the cubs hid food for her brother every day, so she pretended not to know, of course she was happy that the cubs liked her brother so much.

After the three little cubs ate these fruits, Babbana took the fresh fruit that Pado had just picked and gave them to the cubs to eat, and the three were not happy.

Gulu thought that on the first night he came back to the Triceratops group, he would definitely not be able to sleep, and he would definitely not be used to it.

But after Gulu was full, he was hugged by Pachi and Dudu to sleep. Barbana and Pado were lying on the nest. He felt so safe and comfortable, and the smell of these nests made him feel so peaceful. fell asleep.

When he woke up the next day, it was already noon, and Gulu felt that he had no conscience. He had just left Gaya and Mungo, yet he slept so soundly!

Although he was awake, he didn't want to get up, so he closed his eyes and pretended to be sleeping, listening to all kinds of gossip about the Triceratops next to him.

This is the first time that Gulu has lived in such a large group. The breath of life is too strong, and he can't stop listening to the gossip.

Listen, listen, he heard something that made his heart tremble!

A triceratops said: "Mungo seems to have taken his brothers to the volcano today to hunt..."

Gulu knew that the volcano these Triceratops were talking about was a small active volcano, which erupted from time to time. Mungo would definitely not be so unlucky to encounter a volcanic eruption, but there are many poisonous gases there. of!

Gulu jumped up at once, but immediately he was in trouble, how to get there, so far, no matter how fast Pado ran, it was too late!

Mungo and his brothers were hunting a hadrosaurus on a field of volcanic ash.

Mungo came here to hunt before, and nothing happened. Mungo didn't know what was going on today, so he felt a little dizzy, but he didn't care.