Back to the Age of Dinosaurs

Chapter 47: The bloody fighting Gollum is super domineering


Mungo was originally just guarding Gulu next to the lair, but he was too manic and couldn't control his bloodthirsty desire, and he came to the sea without knowing it.

Of course, as a land-based dinosaur, Mungo couldn't cross the sea to find Gulu, and he didn't know which island Gulu was on. He just wanted to kill the pterosaur and couldn't control himself.

Tyrannosaurus rex was originally violent and bloodthirsty. Before raising Gulu, Mongo was the type that would eat whatever dragon he wanted, and would kill if he was not happy, so he became the "devil" and "death" of the entire Yukan Continent. General presence.

Even after raising Gulu, Mongo's temperament has not changed much. He is still very ferocious and violent. It's just because he didn't have as much time to kill before that he seemed to "get better". In fact, the nature of Tyrannosaurus Rex is impossible. changed.

The seaside is one of the main hunting places for Aeolus pterosaurs. They swept across the sea to grab big fish with their claws, or picked up big fish with their beaks, and brought their prey to the shore to enjoy slowly.

Mungo was hiding in the lush ferns beside the beach. Whenever a pterosaur fell on the beach to eat, he would rush over to bite the pterosaur in two and throw it aside.

And Mungo was very particular, he piled up all the pterosaurs that were killed, and soon formed a hill.

With so many pterosaur corpses on display, the rest of the pterosaurs did not dare to catch their prey on this beach to enjoy, and Mungo found another beach.

On this beach, a group of pterosaurs are attacking the thick-nosed dragon group passing by the sea.

This group of thick-nosed dragons should be moved from one fern field to another for food. Passing by the seaside must be to avoid other particularly terrifying carnivorous dragons in the fern plain. Even if there are pterosaurs by the sea, pterosaurs The damage to the group will be less than other carnivorous dragons.

Thick-nosed dragons and triceratops look very similar and belong to the Triceratops suborder, but thick-nosed dragons do not have as powerful horns as triceratops, and their defenses are much worse.

The group of pterosaurs quickly isolated a sub-adult Pachynosaurus from the group, and the Pachynosaurus group tried to save him, but there were too many pterosaurs and they gave up immediately.

As long as one sub-adult Thick-nosed Dragon is enough for the more than 20 pterosaurs, they no longer attack other Thick-nosed Dragons, but exclusively attack the isolated one.

Mungo unknowingly rushed over and bit off a pterosaur in one bite. The fragile body of the Fengshen pterosaur was completely vulnerable under the terrifying bite force of the Tyrannosaurus Rex, and he could bite the pterosaur into two pieces with one bite.

Before this group of pterosaurs could react, seven or eight were already dead.

Mungo smashed a pterosaur in one bite, and grabbed the claws of another pterosaur with his forelimbs and threw him from the air to the ground, or scratched the pterosaur's wing membrane with his front claws and was caught. The winged pterosaur could not take off at all and could only wailing on the ground, and Mungo smashed him with one foot.

Although the forelimbs of Tyrannosaurus Rex are short, they can easily lift hundreds of kilograms of heavy objects. It can easily be done by grabbing a pterosaur and dropping it on the ground.

In this way, of the more than twenty pterosaurs, in the end only three flew to high altitude and escaped the fate of being killed, and the rest all died.

The sub-adult thick-nosed dragon, who was seriously injured and covered in blood, ran desperately to the group while Mungo was hunting the pterosaurs. Just when he was about to return to the group, Mongo chased after him and bit his neck.

Meng Ge, who killed the red eye, couldn't control himself. He rushed into the thick-nosed dragon group again. The thick-nosed dragon group ran desperately, and finally was bitten to death by several adult dragons.

The sun was about to go down at this time, and Mungo knew that Gulu would wake up at night, and he had to go back before dark.

On the way back to the lair, Mongo killed a number of carnivorous and herbivorous dragons he encountered, which was completely indiscriminate killing.

The entire Yukan Continent was shrouded in a "blood rain and bloody wind", and all the dragons were shivering with fright, praying that they would never meet the mad Mungo.

On this day, all the dragons in Yukan's continent summed up: Mungo has not been so violent for a long time, it seems that since raising the little triceratops Gulu, Mungo has no time to be violent. Now that Gulu was sent back to the Triceratops group, does Mungo have time to kill again

Therefore, all the dragons in Yukan Continent hope that Gulu will return to Mungo's side, not in the Triceratops group, so that at least Mongo will not be so easily violent, and they will not be so dangerous.


Casey took Gulu back to the cave where Nasso was located. It was already evening, and the setting sun covered the entire Sada Sea with a gilded coat. It was golden, and the sky was filled with fiery clouds, which was very beautiful and spectacular.

Nasuo was eating a Gorgon dragon, and several pterosaurs were by Nasuo's side, including Nada. Obviously, they came to deliver food for Nasso.

As soon as Gulu came back, he heard the topic of Mungo, and Nada was reporting the situation of the ethnic group to Nasuo.

Nada: "That Mongo didn't know what went mad again. He went to the beach and ate a lot of pterosaurs. The pterosaurs on the East Beach were seriously injured. One pterosaur group died of more than 20, and some groups died. More than ten died..."

After listening for a long time, Nasso didn't hear the main point, so he asked, "What about our ethnic group?"

Nada: "Our group didn't die, and Mungo didn't go to the beach where our group was active, but I think Mungo killed those pterosaurs and didn't eat them. It must be because of Gulu, he is demonstrating to you, the next time he eats, say Maybe it's our race..."

Nassau: "I see."

Nada vowed: "Mongo also killed many other dragons, but there are not many pterosaurs who have died together. He must still be targeting us..."

Gulu hurried over and said, "Mongo won't eat pterosaurs from your group. I'll go back and tell him that he will definitely not eat your group's..."

Nada couldn't understand the mixture of human language and dragon language like Gulu at all, and the pronunciation of dragon language was very non-standard. He asked dumbfoundedly, "What did you say?"

Nassau understood most of it, and he said to Gulu: "Gulu, you should say our clan, you are the leader of our clan."

Gulu didn't care about these details, and said, "Our ethnic group, our ethnic group, Mungo will not eat our ethnic group."

Nassau: "I know."

Gulu hurriedly found a clean big rock and lay on it, and said to Nasso, "Nasso, I'm going to sleep until tomorrow, you must protect me, don't let me get hurt!"

Nasso also knew the relationship between Gulu's two bodies. He walked to Gulu's side and said, "Don't worry, I will definitely protect you."

Gulu touched Nasuo's big beak with his hand and fell asleep with his head tilted.

Nasso knew that Gulu's human body was very fragile and could not bear the bite of even a small bug, so he let several pterosaurs take turns to gently flap with their wingspans to drive away those pesky little things.

Gulu's consciousness has not completely disappeared, he can feel the breeze gently blowing his body, very comfortable.

When Gulu's Triceratops body woke up, it was already dark, and Mungo also came back. He was tired after killing for a whole afternoon, and lay down beside the nest to rest.

When Mungo saw Gulu woke up, he didn't seem to be tired anymore. He rubbed Gulu's little body wildly and asked a series of questions: "Gulu, how is it over there? When are you coming back? Did you encounter anything there? Danger… "

Gollum wanted to have a good talk with Mungo, but he was so hungry that he had to eat first.

Mungo also immediately thought that Gulu must be hungry. He took Gulu out of the nest and said, "Go eat, you must be hungry."

Gaia quickly took the folded fruit in front of Gulu.

Gollum immediately began to binge, eating berries and nuts and then to the ferns near the nest.

Guji Gudong was playing next to him, but when they saw Gulu woke up, they all came over, and they felt very satisfied just by watching his brother eat.

Gulu didn't think it was enough to eat a lot of ferns, so Mungo let Gulu sit on top of his head and take him out to eat leaves.

Gujigudong originally wanted to follow, but it was already night, and it was still relatively dangerous outside. Mungo couldn't see the three cubs, so Gaia didn't let them follow.

Gulu stood on top of Mungo's head and ate for a long time before he was finally full. He lay down on his back to rest, and Mungo began to walk back slowly.

The two walked silently like this, and Gulu said, "Mongo, have you killed a lot of dragons today?"

Mungo said aggrievedly: "I didn't kill the pterosaurs of the Nassau tribe."

Although Mungo is just a Tyrannosaurus rex, he has no human intelligence and emotional intelligence, and it is difficult for him to control his bloodthirsty and violent nature, but he has the deepest love for Gollum.

Mungo didn't want Gulu to be hurt a little bit. Of course, it was impossible to kill the pterosaurs of the Nasuo tribe at this time. After all, Gulu had not returned.

Even if Gulu came back in the future, he would not kill the pterosaurs of the Nassau tribe. He didn't want to make Gulu sad. Unless one day Gulu really has nothing to do with Nasuo's clan, he will be reckless.

All of Mungo's actions take into account Gollum's feelings first, and himself second.

Gulu is very distressed, Mungo is a Tyrannosaurus rex, the most ferocious and bloodthirsty Tyrannosaurus rex, even if it kills more dragons, it is natural and understandable, but Mungo will not eat because of him. A dragon of a certain ethnic group is afraid that he will be angry.

Looking back at himself, despite Mungo's strong opposition, he insisted on saving Nasso, making Mungo so worried.

Gulu: "Mongo, I'm sorry, I made you worry so much. It's all my fault. If you beat me hard, I won't scream in pain."

Mungo: "If I don't beat you, I won't worry if you come back sooner. When will you come back?"

Gulu truthfully told Mungo about the situation there: "I don't know if Nasso's wing bone is fractured or dislocated. I need to observe it for a few more days to make sure that he is all right. I will come back. Before I come back, it will be like this every night. wake up..."

Mungo: "You have to come back quickly."

Gollum nodded.

In fact, Mungo is also very angry now, but he obeyed Pado's instructions and can't punish Gulu now, he thought, when Gulu's human body comes back, he must teach him a good lesson.

Gulu originally thought that Mongo would be very angry and would not beat him now, but he would definitely train him. As a result, Mongo just wanted him to come back quickly, and he was moved in a mess, completely unaware that it might be ushered in when he came back" Double beating".

Mungo: "I'm tired. Go to sleep if you want. I'll walk slower."

Gulu is really tired today, but how can he sleep now? He still has many, many interesting things that he hasn't shared with Mungo.

Mungo: "Go to sleep, I'll tell you the stories of other dragons on Yukan Continent."

Before Gulu couldn't sleep, Mungo and Gaia would tell him stories about other dragons to put him to sleep. All dragon parents in Yukan continent would tell stories about other dragons to their cubs. The cubs passed it on by word of mouth. of other dragons learned from the story.

Gulu suddenly said, "Mongo, you can eat whatever dragon you want. Don't stop eating it because of me. You are a Tyrannosaurus Rex. You can eat any dragon."

Mungo: "I know."

Gulu secretly swore in his heart that he must grow into the strongest and strongest triceratops, even if the dragons in the entire Yukan continent united to resist Mungo after Mungo's brutal bloodthirsty, he would fight with Mungo, Kill those dragons!

Then Gulu told Mungo about today's adventures: "Mongo, Mongo, let me tell you, I met a very cute Shanglong cub today..."

Mongo silently added a "serious mistake" to Gulu that needs to be beaten. Shanglong is a very terrifying marine carnivore. Even a cub is very ferocious. What if that cub hurts Gulu? manage!

After Gulu finished speaking, although Mungo was very angry, he still said: "Gulu, you have to remember, you are a triceratops, you are a grass eater, any dragon that eats meat is too dangerous for you , you are not allowed to come into contact with these carnivorous dragons in the future, not even the cubs..."

Although Gulu knew that if he told Mungo about this, he would definitely be angry, but he still had to say that as long as any of his novel encounters were not particularly dangerous, he couldn't help but want to tell Mungo what he did. I want to tell Mungo.

The two chatted casually like this, and Gulu fell asleep unconsciously.

When he returned to the nest, Gulu was already sleeping soundly, Gaia took Gulu from Mungo's head and put it back in the nest to sleep.

Guji Gudong's energy is still very strong, but they know that my brother must be very tired today and needs to sleep well, so they stopped fighting and lay down obediently and watched my brother in a daze.

Mungo was lying beside the nest and placed his big head in the nest against Gulu, who would rub his horns on Mungo's head from time to time.

During this time, Gulu's horns were growing wildly, and he wanted to sharpen his horns anytime, anywhere, day or night. He often sharpened his horns on the ground, on trees, on the walls of his lair, and on all the dragons around him...

Gulu woke up early the next morning. He first ate a lot of ferns and leaves to fill his stomach before he "slept" again, allowing his consciousness to return to the human body.

When Gollum woke up, he found that there were two pterosaurs gently flapping their wingspans not far from his human body. This must have been what Nassau had asked them to do to prevent his human body from being bitten by mosquitoes.

Mosquitoes in the Cretaceous period were so powerful that they could pierce even the thick skin of dinosaurs. Not to mention, humans would swell up a lot after being bitten, and they had to squeeze out the blood.

His human body slept in this environment for a whole night, and there was no trace of mosquito bites on his body. It must have been a pterosaur fanning him to drive away mosquitoes.

Nassau is a very attentive and great leader.

The first thing Gollum did after waking up was to re-examine the wing bones that held Nasso in place, and then let Cassie drive him back to pick up anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving leaves and ferns, chew them up and put them on Nasso's claws.

Cassie was a little worried today, and Gulu could feel it, especially when he was taking him out to pick ferns, he would occasionally look in the direction of the cliff where the tribe perched.

Gulu guessed that something must have happened in the clan, and it might be a major event that would wipe out the clan, but now Nasso was injured and there was no way to go back to deal with it. Cassie didn't want to worry Nasso, so he didn't report it.

So Gulu lied that he still wanted to go around to see the island, and asked Cassie to take him there. Of course, Cassie flew him out without hesitation, but he was always absent-minded.

After flying out for a distance, Gulu said, "Cassie, I suddenly want to go back to the tribe to see, you can take me back."

Now not only Nasuo could understand Gollum's garbled dragon language, but even Cassie could understand most of it.

Cassie froze for a moment and said, "Go back to Mungo's clan?"

Gulu: "Of course I'm going back to the pterosaur group. I'm your second leader, okay? Nasuo personally sealed it, and also held a ceremony to recognize the leader. Don't think about not admitting it."

Casey: "That's it, there's nothing to see, it's not like you haven't seen it."

Gulu: "I tell you to go back, you go back, Cassie, you are getting more and more courageous, you dare not listen to the leader of me?!"

Cassie is not a human being, he just because he often follows Gollum and already has deep feelings for Gollum, he instinctively does not want Gollum to go back and encounter danger.

But Gollum is too smart, and humans are too clichéd. Under the temptation of Gollum's repeated questioning, Cassie still said everything, and finally gave Gollum a whole sentence: "Our tribe is under siege, you are so weak, you can't go back. use."

From Cassie's description, Gulu probably knew that Nasuo was too arrogant and domineering before, but now he is besieged by a group of Fengshen pterosaurs, a group of gorgonians, and a group of long-headed dragons, all by sea, land and air. It's not good to be destroyed by the group!

Gulu: "Hey! Why do you look at people like this! Quick, take me back now, this is an order!"

Casey: "I won't take you back, not even if I kill you."

Gulu: "Just take a look at me from a distance, just take a look, maybe I have something to do, right..."

Under Gollum's persuasion, and under the serious threat that Cassie would jump into the sea if he didn't take him back, Cassie promised to show him only a distant glance.

Cassie flew very fast, and after a while, he arrived at the position where he could see the scene of the "Battle of the Century". Cassie stopped far away on a boulder protruding from a cliff.

From here, Gulu could see the situation of the battle clearly, but the hostile pterosaurs over there couldn't see them, so it wouldn't cause trouble for Gulu.

Gollum knew that the two caves where the Nassau group now inhabit originally belonged to the "Ned" group.

"Ned" is also a very famous aeolian pterosaur leader. It can be said that he is the most powerful aeolian pterosaur leader other than Nassau, so he can occupy such a huge cave.

Nasuo robbed the cave of the Ned ethnic group completely by brutal killing. Now that Nasuo is injured, many dragons outside may have said that Nasso died in this terrible tsunami.

Ned couldn't hold his breath any longer and wanted to take back the super-luxurious cave that belonged to him.

Gulu found that the wind god pterosaurs of the Ned tribe blocked the entrances of the two caves, and frantically attacked the pterosaurs of the Nassau tribe, driving them to the ground and the sea.

On the ground was a group of Gorgon dragons, about a few hundred of them, filling the entire coast.

Gorgon, also known as Devil Dragon and Gorgon Dragon, belongs to the Tyrannosaurus family, with a body length of 8-9 meters and a weight of 2-4 tons. It is a very terrifying terrestrial carnivore.

Nassau used to rob the Gorgon dragon's prey before, and often raided the Gorgon dragon with swarms of pterosaurs, catching the dragons back to eat.

Even if Gulu and Nasso don't spend much time together, they can basically see Nassau or Nassau's clan eating Gorgon dragons, so it's no wonder that they will be retaliated against.

Long-headed dragons are not actually food for pterosaurs. Long-headed dragons are too big and very ferocious. A single pterosaur can't even beat them. Gulu doesn't know how Nasuo offended the long-headed dragon.

However, Gulu guessed that Nasso had a brutal temperament, and it is very likely that he brought many pterosaurs to attack the long-headed dragon. The long-headed dragon is a very vengeful species, and it is not easy to mess with. Based on Nasuo's character, it is estimated that he is connected to the dragon. Not afraid, but also afraid of long-headed dragons.

Long-headed dragon is a huge marine reptile. It does not belong to dinosaurs in classification. Long-headed dragon is about 9 meters long and has four very wide fins.

The most terrifying thing is that the long-headed dragon has very strong jaws and a huge head. The longest skull is 2.8 meters, which is larger than the head of the Tyrannosaurus rex. The long and pointed snout of the long-headed dragon is full of profit. Tooth, can be regarded as an intermediate overlord in the sea.

Gulu simply didn't understand how the unconnected three parties in the sea, land and air had negotiated and attacked Nasso's clan on the same day!

After Cassie's explanation, Gulu realized that originally only the Ned tribe attacked, and Ned wanted to snatch back the cave, but a group of gorilla dragons came to the sea after hunting, and when they saw them being attacked, there were more and more snakes. The hair girl monster dragon gathered.

There were strong attacks in the air and on land, so they wanted to hide at sea temporarily, but the long-headed dragon came out to attack them again.

This is simply a very vivid "Negative Feedback" lesson for Nasso's ethnic group!

Nassau is usually too "wicked", and it is normal for him to quickly cause a backlash after he is in trouble.

Gulu only saw that the pterosaurs of the Ned tribe were in charge of driving the pterosaurs of the Nassau tribe to the places where the Gorgon and the Long-Headed Dragon could get, and the three parties cooperated seamlessly.

The Gorgon Dragon can bite off the wing bones in one bite, not to mention the bite force of the long-headed dragon, it is not a problem to bite two or three pterosaurs in one bite.

Soon, the sea water was dyed red by the blood of the pterosaurs of the Nassau tribe, and the coastline was also full of blood, turning red.

If this continues, it will not take long before Nassau's ethnic group will be wiped out.

Although Gulu does not admit that he is the second head of the Nassau ethnic group, but at this time, he can't think of a way, he must assume his responsibilities as the "second head".

He quickly analyzed the battle situation. In fact, the pterosaurs of the Nassau ethnic group were generally stronger than the pterosaurs of the Ned ethnic group, and they should not lose so badly.

The most important thing is that now "the group of dragons has no leader", and without the dragon to give them instructions on how to resist, and encountering such a severe situation of three-party attack by sea, land and air, they are in chaos.

In addition, Ned is a very powerful leader, and under Ned's command, he has already achieved twice the result with half the effort.

Gollum said to Cassie, "Take me there, I know how to win!"

Casey: "No! It's too dangerous!"

Gulu: "Cassie, believe in yourself, you are better than Ned, if you didn't follow Nasuo, you would definitely become the most powerful pterosaur leader, you can protect me! You don't do anything, just protect All right, I'll do it, I'll command!"

Cassie still shook her head and said, "No!"

Gollum shouted, "My IQ crushes all your dragons! I can win!"

Cassie still shook her head desperately.

Gulu continued to shout: "Do you want to watch all the pterosaurs in the clan die?! Do you think that after Nasuo is healed, he will see himself being exterminated! Take me there!"

Speaking of which, Gulu forcibly climbed up Cassie's back, and Cassie flew up. No matter what, he had made up his mind. Even if he died, even if he was exterminated, he must ensure Gulu's safety!

Casey is indeed bigger than Ned. Casey is a very powerful pterosaur and Nassau's most powerful assistant. Casey is also stronger than Ned. Casey believes that he will be able to protect Gulu well.

Soon, they flew to the core area of the battle, but Cassie flew very high, and many pterosaurs of the Ned tribe couldn't fly at the height of Cassie, and their wingspan was not as good as Cassie. so tall.

Of course, Nada noticed Cassie and Gulu. While resisting the pterosaurs of the Ned tribe, he complained in his heart: Cassie is crazy, why did you bring him here? He is so weak, he can only be a drag on us, what? The second leader, it wasn't because my brother was crazy that he made him the second leader!

Cassie let out a neigh, and about twenty pterosaurs immediately appeared below them, forming a tight protective layer. If any pterosaurs wanted to attack them, they had to pass this level first.

First of all, the pterosaurs that can fly to this height are very limited, and secondly, Cassie can fly higher, which is basically very safe.

Gulu: "Let the brothers fly higher, all away from the sea and the ground, and focus on attacking Ned's pterosaurs!"

Gollum said that Cassie had already "simultaneously interpreted" Gollum's instructions through the neigh that resounded in the sky. Fortunately, Cassie could basically understand Gollum's lame dragon language, otherwise this battle would be impossible. beat.

The dragons of any ethnic group are absolutely obedient to the leader when they are fighting. They immediately fly up and fly up at all costs, even if they are knocked down by the Ned ethnic group that was originally higher than them. One after another pterosaurs , they still keep flying upwards.

At the same time, Casey is also constantly flying upwards.

Gulu felt that the sea breeze was blowing southward, and the air current was stronger in the south in the morning. He immediately said: "Go south, fly south, hurry up! Let the guards of the cave stop guarding! All evacuate!"

Pterosaurs have always used wind and airflow to fly. Of course, they can feel which way is better to fly upwards, but it is very chaotic without a unified command.

There are also some pterosaurs attacking the pterosaurs of Ned at the mouth of the cave. This is the result of no leader's command. These pterosaurs don't know how to fight at all.

But maybe Gulu's dragon language is really not very good. After Cassie conveyed it, the group flew in the opposite direction, and it was more difficult to ascend!

Gulu almost didn't spit out a mouthful of old blood. He quickly added a gesture and said, "It's the other way around! It's the other way around! Come this way!"

Cassie understood immediately, this time it was the right flight.

Maybe it was a piece of shit luck, because the entire clan went backwards under the wrong guidance, and instead made Ned's clan to fly backwards, Gollum's clan quickly rose under the new guidance, and Ned's clan It was too late to catch up.

It was this few seconds of wrong guidance that made Nasso's clan lose more than 20 pterosaurs!

The Nassau tribe instantly felt that Gulu was a seagod, and he was here to help them get through this genocide.

Because the Aeolus pterosaurs often hunt on the sea, they also believe in the sea god, thinking that the sea god can bring them more prey, and the sea god can also help them avoid tsunamis and hurricanes when hunting.

All the pterosaurs flew higher in the air, at least the long-headed dragon and the gorgonian dragon could not do anything about them, which reduced a lot of losses.

At the same time, the addition of the pterosaurs who originally guarded the cave also made the fighting team even larger.

Nada looked at Gulu, and he felt in a trance that Gulu had become his elder brother. In his heart, only elder brother Nasuo was so powerful!

Gulu: "They're coming up! Don't be cowardly, it's just scolding! Just don't be beaten by them!"

Under the guidance of Gulu's strategic policy of "just finished", all the pterosaurs attacked desperately and stayed high in the sky.

Gulu: "They're down there, poke their wing membranes! Scratch their wing membranes! Oops, I'm so anxious! Are you going to fight!"

Under normal circumstances, there would not be such a fierce fight between pterosaurs and pterosaurs. Even if they compete for better habitats, the weaker groups will take the initiative to leave and give up the luxurious cave.

Although Ned was very reluctant to leave at the beginning, he left with the tribe after Nassau killed a few pterosaurs. It was impossible to fight with blood to defend their cave. They didn't have such a strong sense of territory, and the cave was gone. , just find another one.

Moreover, pterosaurs have been taught since childhood that no matter what, if they fight with another pterosaur, they cannot attack the wing membrane, but only the head. This is to avoid heavy casualties when the pterosaurs in the group fight.

Compared with pterosaurs fighting with other groups, their own group of pterosaurs fought more often for food.

Therefore, pterosaurs habitually do not attack each other's pterosaurs. Pterosaurs all know the importance of pterosaurs. If the pterosaurs break, they are basically sentenced to death. If they attack the pterosaurs, they will be looked down upon by other pterosaurs!

Gollum's order was not carried out immediately, he urged Cassie: "Quick! Don't you understand! Cassie, let them attack the wing membrane!"

Several more groups of pterosaurs were attacked and dropped into the sea, and Cassie immediately conveyed Gollum's order.

All the pterosaurs were a little shocked, but they carried out Gollum's orders immediately.

Soon, the pterosaurs of the Ned tribe were scratched, pecked through their wing membranes, and fell one after another.

More and more carnivorous dragons and fish gathered on the sea surface, not to attack the pterosaurs of the Nassau tribe, but the strong smell of blood attracted them.

There are pterosaurs falling into the sea constantly in the sky.

In the higher sky, the black pterosaurs were like black clouds. The two black clouds were entwining and fighting frantically, and large pieces of black clouds kept falling.

The sea water near the coast is blood red, and the blood red sea water is densely packed with predatory fish and dragons.

The closer it gets to noon, the sun gets bigger and bigger, and the sea water in the shallow sea area is scalding hot. The whole sea looks like a boiling pot of bloody water, and in the bloody water are many terrifying creatures that can’t be boiled, and more and more terrifying creatures.

Ned knew they couldn't win as long as this Gollum was in command.

So Ned took dozens of the strongest pterosaurs and flew directly to Gulu's side. Although Cassie can fly very high, these strongest pterosaurs can also do it, and even they can fly more easily because there is no manned person. .

Soon they flew up.

Cassie hurriedly said, "Gollum, hold me tight!"

Then Cassie's body circled and fell, Gollum hugged Cassie's neck tightly, his legs were tightly clamped on Cassie's back, the whole body was almost suspended in the air, but he was not afraid, he Has been able to very skilled dragon flight.

Dozens of pterosaurs immediately protected Cassie.

Ned's pterosaurs attacked frantically. They knew that success or failure depended on it. Gollum saw that the pterosaurs protecting him fell one after another, blood sprayed all over his face, hot.

He didn't know if it was because the pterosaur's blood was already so hot, or if it was hot from the sun.

Gulu was very heartbroken. This was the first time he felt that these pterosaurs were his brothers, brothers born to death!

He patted Cassie on the neck with his hand, instructing Cassie how to fly, and quickly got rid of Ned, and the pterosaurs could fight back better without protecting him.

Under Gollum's command, the battle was over quickly, and no pterosaur group could afford such a heavy loss.

Ned let out a long neigh and flew away quickly with his group.

High in the sky, all the pterosaurs of the Nassau tribe circled around Gulu.

Hundreds of thousands of pterosaurs formed a big black circle under Gulu, spreading out layer by layer, if it were a black hole that covered the sky.

If the leader ceremony organized by Nassau was that these pterosaurs had to obey, then now, they have regarded Gulu as the real leader, and for the sake of Gulu, they could not even die, just like they did to Nassau.

Gollum looked at the pterosaurs below. Each of these pterosaurs had a lot of blood on their bodies, and the blood stained their wingspans, but the wingspans were too dark to be seen, but the blood-soaked wingspans looked even more pronounced. black.

This group of huge pterosaurs that were already black looked even darker, and the black ones seemed to be able to drip ink.

Blood continued to flow down from these pterosaurs, and Gulu didn't know whether the blood belonged to the Nassau ethnic group or the Ned ethnic group.

Gulu was also covered in blood, and the tips of his hair were dripping blood constantly, all of which was the blood of pterosaurs, both from the Ned race and from his pterosaur brothers.

Gulu's eyes were red with blood, and he licked the blood that fell on the corner of his mouth. The blood was bitter and hot, and he shouted: "Nasso! Nasso! Nassau..."

The pterosaurs below also shouted: "Nasso! Nassau! Nassau! Gollum! Gollum! Gollum..."

Gulu was instantly amused: he was so domineering when he called Nassau, how could he become funny when he called Gulu! It's not hot at all, alright! What lousy name did Mungo give me!

Laughing and laughing, Gulu burst into tears, he saw that there were many pterosaurs in the sea, all of them were his brothers. In order to protect him, at least twenty pterosaurs died!

But even so, Gollum became the most legendary "pterodactyl leader" who saved a clan.

It's really a one-shot success, but Gulu doesn't feel that he has any credit. So many brothers died to protect him, and those pterosaurs were desperate to protect him.

Gollum: Simple-minded animals are really much more loyal than humans.

I don't know how long these pterosaurs neighed around him, Gollum asked Cassie to ask them to rest, and they finally dispersed.

The gorgonian dragon on the ground has long since left, but the blood-red sea water attracts more and more carnivorous fish and dragons, who enjoy the feast of the huge wind god pterosaur.

Cassie flew Gollum to Nasso, but just after falling for a while, a few huge pterosaurs sprang out from nowhere, and they went straight to Gollum.

Between the lightning and flint, Gulu fell from Cassie's back, and fell into the blood-red sea water with a thud, and countless carnivorous fish and dragons drowned Gulu instantly.

The joy of victory overwhelmed their minds, and they didn't even realize that Ned's pterosaur had not left here, just waiting to find a chance to kill Gollum.

Gollum is not Nassau, his human form is very fragile, and it is easy for Ned's pterosaurs to kill him, and they will risk staying.

Cassie neighed and rushed down desperately, and Nada didn't go back to the cave, he rushed down desperately.

Gulu kept sinking, he held his breath, but the strong smell of blood still made him want to vomit wildly.

He knew that he was doomed, so many terrifying carnivorous sea monsters, he would be shredded into slag in an instant!

With a sudden bang, he landed on a huge thing, and at the same time he saw this super huge unknown creature open its bloody mouth, which swallowed many, many very large carnivorous fish and dragons.

Gulu: Oh my God, what the hell is this, don't I think I'm a little too small to eat this thing? !

He was supported by the huge creature and quickly surfaced, took a big breath of fresh air, and the whole person became a bloody man.

At this time, Gollum saw that Cassie and Nada were frantically looking for him, ignoring that the sea was full of carnivorous fish and dragons.

Gollum: "Cassie, Nada, you two are stupid! You will be eaten like this!"

But those two just kept looking, even if the heads were all wounded, they didn't stop.

Cassie and Nada kept putting their heads fully into the water, and their screams resounded through the sea and spread far and far.

A long-headed dragon bit them, and this bite could bite off both of their heads.

Gollum's heart was in his throat, and he shouted, "Cassie, get out of the way!"

The huge creature carrying Gollum suddenly accelerated, and the long-headed dragon was bitten in half in one bite, and blood spurted Gollum all over.