Back to the Age of Dinosaurs

Chapter 50: Gollum Some dragons really deserve to be single


Gulu quickly jumped off Mungo's body, a little embarrassed.

Although Mongo is still a sub-adult, because of his large size, everything grows large, and Mongo, who is growing rapidly every day, grows especially fast in all parts, which is very obvious recently.

Tyrannosaurus rex is usually hidden under the tail in the area close to the tail. It may run too fast and too hastily and fall out, while Gulu's human form is too small, and he rushed a little fiercely, so he held it in the wrong place.

Mungo didn't care, he just waved his tail and hid again.

Gulu was still a little fascinated, Mungo took a step back, lowered his head and gently rubbed Gulu's head with the tip of his nose.

Gulu stared blankly at Mongo, he didn't know how could there be such a domineering and gentle Tyrannosaurus Rex in this world!

Although strictly speaking, the appearance of the Tyrannosaurus rex is very scary and domineering in human aesthetics, but it really has nothing to do with being good-looking, and I don’t know why, Gulu always thinks that Mongo is very handsome, handsome. That handsome!

Meng Ge has the hardest and brightest scales, Meng Ge has big eyes as bright as stars, Meng Ge has a mouth full of sharp fangs, and Meng Ge has the strongest physique in the entire Yukan Continent...

Gollum felt that Mungo was really, really good.

He stood on tiptoe, opened his arms and hugged Mungo's big head tightly. He rubbed Mungo's nose with his cheeks constantly, and he kept rubbing the hard lamellae on Mungo's head with his palms.

Mungo's thick breath kept blowing on Gulu's neck and chest, and the itchy Gulu hugged Mongo tighter.

Gulu's human body line is very sturdy and beautiful. Because of frequent exercise, he is in good shape. He has strong tendons all over his body, but he does not look strong at all. Because of his fair skin, he shows the unique tenderness and youthfulness of young people. Because he was on tiptoes to make his figure more slender, his waist and back was a perfect inverted triangle, his tun was tall, full and round, and his thighs were strong and straight.

A gigantic Tyrannosaurus rex, a young man with a perfect figure, on the endless sandy beach, in a blue and clear sea, under the clean blue sky and white clouds as if it had just been washed, human beings hold the violent and bloodthirsty Overlord. Dragon, Tyrannosaurus rex gently rubbing against human beings, it is really a very strong visual impact, it is a kind of shocking magnificence!

Probably all creatures capture beauty in the same way, even if Cassie is just a wind god pterosaur, this scene still makes him stunned.

Although Gulu's human form is a big man of 1.92 meters, in front of the huge Mongo, in front of the vast sea, he still looks very small and very small. From a distance, he looks like a little boy holding a large Tyrannosaurus rex.

Mungo lowered his head as much as possible, but Gulu still had to stand on tiptoe to hold it.

He just wanted to hold Meng Ge, and it was very comfortable to hold Meng Ge. The sun was so big, but Meng Ge's lin pieces were all cold, so it was super comfortable.

The body surface temperature of dinosaurs is generally lower than that of humans. In previous studies, there has been controversy over whether dinosaurs are warm-blooded or cold-blooded.

However, a series of subsequent studies have proved that dinosaurs are "temperature-changing animals". Dinosaurs will change the temperature of their body surfaces according to the environment. Dinosaurs' thermoregulation ability is much stronger than that of humans, but in general, the body surface temperature of dinosaurs is higher than that of humans. low.

Therefore, even under such a big sun, Gulu would still feel very cool and refreshing when he hugged Mungo.

Mungo didn't want Gulu to be so tired to hug him on tiptoe, so he slowly fell on the ground and said to Gulu, "Come on to my back."

Gulu's skills are very good. He turned over and sat on Mungo's head. After sitting on it, Gulu was shocked by the cold, but it was cool, especially when his butt was very hot from the sun. It's no better to be on the ice-cold, slippery slices.

Mungo stood up slowly, and Gulu held Mongo's big head with both hands, and the entire upper body was attached to Mongo's head. Gulu felt that he was stuck on a piece of ice, which was so cool!

Because there was no shelter on the beach, Mongo slowly walked to the ferns beside the beach, and finally stopped under a few lush cypress trees. There was no sun here, and there was a slight sea breeze blowing, which was very cool. .

The body in front of Gulu was very refreshed, but his back was very hot from the sun. He also wanted to ice his back, so he stood up and walked to Mongo's back. Mongo was very stable, and Gulu could be on Mongo's back. Run without worrying about falling.

Mungo's body is very large for Gulu, and his back is also very broad. Gulu squatted down generously, his back was instantly cold, and Gulu rolled on Mongo's back, and it became very cool after a while.

Gulu was lying on Mungo's back like a salted fish. He just wanted to lie down like this until the end of the world. It was so comfortable.

Mungo: "Gulu, I want to know the big dragon in the sea."

Gulu: "Okay, okay, I will let Cassie take me to fly around the sea, he will come out, I will let him swim by the sea, and you can meet him."

Mongo nodded.

Gollum got off Mungo's body and climbed onto Cassie's back. Cassie took off and quickly flew to the sea.

Cassie flew around the sea with Gollum, and after a while, two big dragons appeared on the sea side by side, and one of the big dragons was still carrying a small dragon on its back.

Cassie stopped firmly on Dalong's back, Gulu just got off Cassie's back, Shenshen immediately ran to Gulu's face and rubbed his head against him and said, "Wow, brother, you are finally here again, I I miss you so much..."

Gollum: It looks like we've been apart for less than half a day... Shen Shen is too cute.

An: "Gulu, you don't have to be afraid, his name is Cang, he is my best brother, he won't hurt you, if you need help in the future, if you can't find me, you can ask Cang."

Gollum: Best bro? Really brother? I have never seen Mosasaurus and Shanglong become brothers.

Cang: "Gulu, thank you for saving Shen Shen."

Gulu was too embarrassed to be thanked, he felt that he was only saving Shen Shen by hand: "No need to thank you, Uncle Cang, you are so big, bigger than Uncle An."

Cang: "Our moss dragon is bigger than Shanglong."

Dark: "What did you say?!"

Cang Miaochen: "I mean that Shanglong is bigger than Canglong, but I was wrong just now."

Gulu noticed that An was slowly putting down the forelimb as big as the oar. He was sure that if it wasn't for Cang Chen's quickness, he would have been shot by the oar!

Of course, if Ank really wanted to attack the warehouse, he wouldn't use the oar-like limbs. The limbs of the sea dragon were not used for attacking, but for swimming faster. The real attack was to bite with the mouth.

Gulu felt that An's little gesture was like saying: Say it again, people will punch you in the chest with small fists.

Of course, there is absolutely no reason for Cang's body to be afraid of the dark, but he can be shy in seconds under such a small "threat", Gulu: If this is not love!

Gulu didn't expect his unintentional words to actually make the two dragons almost fight. He was fortunate enough to watch the "flirting" of the two major overlords of the ocean? !

Shen Shen: "Uncle Cang, don't be afraid, I won't allow Dad to beat you."

Gulu: What a loving family, no, what about the deep numbness

But now is not the time to ask these questions, Mongo is still waiting by the sea, he said: "Uncle An, Mongo wants to get to know you, okay? Mongo is the Tyrannosaurus Rex that raised me, Mongo is good. "

Of course, An Hecang had never heard of Mungo, but since it was a dragon who grew up with Gulu, they also wanted to get to know him.

Mungo had long seen Gulu land on the back of a very large sea dragon, because a large part of the dragon's body was in the sea. Mongo couldn't estimate how big it was, but through the sea dragon's surprisingly large head, Mungo could think that it must be a very, very large dragon.

Gollum looked tiny on the dragon's back.

Mungo ran in the direction of Gulu. After entering the sea, Mongo slowed down. All dragons on land knew that the sea was very dangerous, and he had to always pay attention to whether there would be something attacking him underwater.

Although the predators in the sea are very ferocious, the powerful aura on Mungo's body, Mongo has been the king and hegemony on land for so many years with a particularly terrifying slaughter aura, where he walked, those fish with fangs He and Long dodged, and automatically made way for him.

He didn't stop until the sea had submerged Mungo's forelimbs.

The two big dragons swam beside Mungo under the guidance of Gulu.

Gulu immediately ran to the top of An's head and stood, just enough to hug Mungo's head, he rubbed Mungo's nose with his forehead and said, "Mongo, you don't actually need to go into such a deep sea, they can swim. Going to the beach, as long as there is water, they won't run aground, it's too dangerous for you to come here."

Mungo looked at the two big guys in front of him. The heads of these two big dragons were at least twice as big as those of the Tyrannosaurus Rex. Mongo had never seen such a big dragon before, so he just stared blankly and didn't hear it. What Gollum said.

Gulu: "Meng Ge, this is the dark, this is the warehouse, this is the little brat I saved, his name is Shen Shen."

An Hecang also looked at Mongo, although Mongo was far less big than them, but they could feel that Mongo was as bloody and brutal as they were, and they could feel that Mongo must be the same overlord on land as they were in the ocean. .

Mungo: "Thank you for saving Gulu."

An: "We should thank Gulu. Gulu saved Shen Shen, and we should also thank you. You raised Gulu."

Cang: "Mongo, thank you."

Shen Shen: "Wow, big brother Meng Ge, you look so scary, you must be as powerful as my father and Uncle Cang, those dragons on land must be afraid of you!"

As a cub, Shenshen has been completely deterred by Mongo's aura, not only Shenshen, but also An Hecang is deterred by Mongo's aura.

Even though Anhe Cang is much bigger than Meng Ge, and can bite Meng Ge into two pieces in one bite, they still can't help admiring and admiring dragons like Meng Ge.

Mungo is still a little confused. He never thought that one day he would stand in the sea and talk to such a big dragon. He never thought.

He doesn't know why, although this little brat named Shen Shen looks very ferocious, but it makes him feel that Shen Shen is no different from Guji Gudong, both are childish.

Although Ankara looks very terrifying, in fact it must be very terrifying, but they are so kind to Gollum, that kind of gratitude is from the heart, he can feel it strongly.

Dinosaurs are not like humans. Dinosaurs will not hide "good and evil". If a dinosaur is brutal and bloodthirsty, it will be exposed everywhere. If a dinosaur wants to eat another dinosaur, it will also be full of killing intent, they will not hide. own emotions.

Mungo could clearly feel that the two big dragons treated Gulu like their own little cubs.

Of course Mungo was happy that Gollum could be friends with such a powerful dragon.

Mungo: "Gulu wants to go to the sea to play, please help me take care of him."

Dark: "Don't worry, we will take good care of him and let him have fun."

Mungo rubbed Gulu's head with his nose and said, "Listen to An Hecang's words, don't run around, I'll wait for you at the beach."

Gulu: "Well, I will be obedient. You will wait for me under that cypress tree. Don't be at the seaside, it's too sunny at the seaside. Also, don't come to the sea in the future. The sea is very dangerous."

Although Mungo thought that the dragon in the sea did not dare to attack him, he still said: "I see."

Gulu: "Then go back quickly, I want to see you go back under the cypress tree before I go to the sea."

Mungo rubbed Gulu, rubbed deeply again, turned and walked towards the shore.

Shen Shen: "Wow, brother, Mongo looks so powerful, he must be the most powerful dragon on land, right?"

Gulu: "Well, Mungo is the most powerful dragon on land."

Deeply: "I knew it!"

Gulu kept watching Mungo return to rest under the cypress tree before saying to An: "An, let's go to the sea, but I can't go into the deep sea..."

Dark: "Grab my forelimbs, I'm going down, don't be afraid, I'll swim slowly."

Gollum quickly grabbed Dark's huge forelimb, and took a deep breath.

It dived into the sea in a dark and smooth manner, and even the sea water did not fluctuate very much. No matter how huge Shanglong was, because of its excellent swimming skills, it could quietly approach the shark, bite the shark in two, and of course it would be able to carry it smoothly. Going into the water.

Mungo watched Gulu dive into the sea with the huge dragon. He was not worried at all. With such a big dragon protecting Gulu, there was no carnivore dragon in the sea that could threaten Gulu.

Gulu grabbed An's forelegs and let An lead him to swim in the sea. An's forelimbs were too big, and Gulu felt like he was lying on An's forelimbs, and he was taken away without any effort at all. .

Shenshen swims beside Gulu, and next to Shenshen is Cang, which is equivalent to Gulu and Shenshen being protected by Cang and Dark.

There are two major overlords in the sea escorting them left and right, even if there is a megalodon, Gulu will not be afraid!

Megalodon is the only shark that can compete with Shanglong. The especially powerful Megalodon has a 50% chance of winning against Shanglong, but the fighting power of Megalodon is not enough in front of Mosasaurus.

It is noon now, the sea water in the shallow sea is very hot, but the temperature of the sea water is very pleasant when it goes down to a depth of 10 meters. It is as warm as a stream in spring. Even if it goes down to a depth of 50 meters, the sea water is not iced. Comfortable.

At this depth, many marine creatures can be seen. Gulu patted Anan's forelimb, and Anan did not continue downstream.

Before, Gulu and An discussed what it meant to take a few shots, so as not to take him to a too deep sea area. In the deep sea, not only humans with cold water could not stand it, but the strong water pressure alone could not stand it.

Gulu looked around curiously, there were many ammonites, all kinds of ammonites.

Ammonite is like a squid with a snail shell. It has many tentacles. It can swim in the water and use its tentacles to grab all kinds of food. Ammonite beasts are divided into many types according to their shells. Some of them have a snail-like shell called snail chrysanthemum. , and some long and straight shells are called rod chrysanthemums.

The snail chrysanthemum is chubby and looks like a blower, and it looks very cute in the sea.

There are also various fish, such as spear-toothed fish, whose teeth are like two spears protruding out of their mouths, which are extremely ugly.

There are also various dragons, such as long-headed dragons, such as magic dragons that look like crocodiles, and many jellyfish and small fish.

Shen Shen said next to him: "Brother, it's your first time in the sea, let me tell you, the sea is fun..." Gulu couldn't help nodding.

He knew deeply that Gulu couldn't speak in the water, but he couldn't help but want to talk to his brother, and he was happy when he saw his brother nodding.

After swimming for a while, Gulu felt a little deprived of oxygen, so he took a breath of oxygen from the vent on the top of his deep head, or inhaled oxygen on his dark skin.

Whether it is pliosaurus, mosasaur or plesiosaurus, they all belong to marine reptiles. They were originally terrestrial animals. Their ancestors turned their limbs into fins after going to the sea. Clumsy in the sea becomes a water dragon.

These marine reptiles still use their lungs to breathe. Their lungs are very large and have many air bubbles, which can store a lot of oxygen, and their skin and blood can also store a lot of oxygen, so they can go under the sea for hours without ventilation.

For example, Mosasaurus and Shanglong, their daily activities are at a depth of about 1,000 meters below the sea, and one breath can last for 2-3 hours.

That's why Guru gets oxygen through their vents and on their skin. As a human, Guru takes very little oxygen and won't affect them.

As long as there are these lung-breathing dragons around him and he is willing to breathe oxygen for him, it is like carrying an oversized oxygen cylinder with him.

While swimming, a big-eyed ichthyosaur appeared in the waters ahead. This big-eyed ichthyosaur seemed to be about to give birth soon, and she was slowly swimming towards the sea.

Bigeye ichthyosaurs are the oldest sea creatures, with streamlined bodies very close to those of fish, looking like super-sized fish.

The female ichthyosaur is very dangerous when giving birth. In order to breathe, she must be close to the sea surface. The severe pain of giving birth will make her struggle constantly. .

Sure enough, Gulu saw that not far away there was a huge dragon swimming towards the big-eyed ichthyosaur that was produced. This dragon was very large, and finally Gulu saw clearly that it was a female mosasaur!

The reason why Gulu is so sure is that it is a female mossosaur, so this mossosaur seems to have gone through something just now, and it is not completely closed. You can see that it is very big inside, and there are many bulges and curves, wow, male mosasaurus does not Know how happy it is.

If it hadn't ended just now, then this female mosasaur was interested in the warehouse, which was a sign of an invitation.

It turns out that there is a female mossosaur nearby, why didn't Cang find this female mossosaur and still look for Anan

Maybe the female Mosasaurus only arrived in this area in the last few days? !

Gulu was basically certain that Cang was about to abandon the darkness soon, after all, it was very rare to meet a female mosasaur delivered to the door.

But Gulu heard Cang say, "Dark, I want to eat this big fish, she looks delicious."

Dark: "There is already a mosasaur ready to hunt it, forget it, don't eat it, let's go eat sharks."

Cang: "Why, I saw it first, such a big fish that is easy to hunt, why don't we eat it."

Gulu: Cang, what's the matter with you? ! That is a female mosasaur! And people seem to be interested in you, but you only have food in your eyes? ! You deserve to be single!