Back to the Age of Dinosaurs

Chapter 53: The difference between the two chief fathers is too great


Gulu looked confused, he didn't know what was going on, but he was not afraid of the shadow, he hid behind Pado's sturdy forelimbs and roared and asked, "Why do you say that the Tyrannosaurus rex came to attack and said it was me! "

At this time, a very strong and very angry male Triceratops stood up and said: "It's you! Those Tyrannosaurus rex said it themselves!"

This male triceratops is called Nok. He is the male triceratops most loyal to Pardo. He once helped Pardo to block the attack of a Tyrannosaurus Rex and had half of his head shield bitten off. He has always been very brave and good at fighting. The best brother is also one of the best assistants.

Gulu knew that Nok's prestige in the group was very high, and it was on the same level as Ska. Ska and Nok were the largest and most robust male Triceratops in the entire group except Pado.

If you use human words as an analogy, Ska and Nok are Pado's "right-hand man", and Nok is very "steel straight" and puts the interests of the group above everything else.

In fact, Pado and Barbana are still in a state of confusion.

Mongo sent Gulu out of the group. Pado heard Mongo's roar and was about to go out to pick up Gulu when he was stopped by Nock. Nock said that there was something very important, which was related to the survival of the group, and he must tell Pado immediately.

Therefore, Pado did not go out to pick up Gollum, so Barbana went out instead of Pado.

Barbana didn't know that the issue of "the survival of the ethnic group" mentioned by Nock actually involved Gulu. If she had known, she would not have come back with Gulu.

If Barbana had known earlier, she would have asked Mungo to bring Gulu back to the Tyrannosaurus Rex to live for a few more days, and then bring him back when he checked everything out and proved that it had nothing to do with Gulu.

Just putting Gulu in the group of Tyrannosaurus rex makes Barbana most uneasy.

Therefore, Gollum must return to the Triceratops group, and must learn to adapt to living in such a large group.

Pado trusts Nok very much. Nok almost died more than once just to make Pak injured a little bit. Nok can die at any time for the sake of the group and the leader.

The countless scars on Nok's body prove that he has paid everything for this tribe, so he can't tolerate the decline of the tribe because of the arrival of Gollum.

Although Pado believed Nok, he still roared: "Gollum will never do this!"

Nok also roared: "Pado, the Red Shield group is in the fern field next to it, come with me, Red Shield will let the injured Tyrannosaurus rex tell you personally!"

Gulu knew that the Red Shield was the current leader of the Mir tribe. The Red Shield was very powerful, and the tribe gradually migrated from the most barren "Flower Valley" to the valley not far from the Pardo tribe. This area has the most lush ferns and eats a lot. .

When Gulu and Gujigudong went to play in the Valley of Flowers, Mill brought a lot of little triceratops and almost crushed them to death.

Pado always protected Gulu and let Gulu walk under his tall body. Of course, Barbana also guarded Gulu beside him.

Mir was walking next to Pado. He felt that it was great to stand by Pado's side. His ultimate goal of Longsheng was to become a Triceratops next to Pado and protect the tribe together with Pado!

And now that goal is almost halfway there.

The current Gulu is actually not very afraid, because he knows that Baba Mama will definitely believe him and protect him.

All the triceratops of the Pardo tribe followed behind, a mighty group.

The Red Shield group was in the valley not far from the Pado group, and they arrived after a short walk.

At this time, the Red Shield ethnic group was also having a fierce dispute.

Gulu saw a small triceratops surrounded by many robust adult male triceratops in the Red Shield group. These adult male triceratops were very angry and seemed to want to trample the small triceratops to death.

The arrival of the Pardo tribe immediately caught the attention of Red Shield.

Triceratops would not fight easily, even if they were fighting for the plump fern land, but Red Shield was still very afraid of Pado, he was afraid that Pado would drive them away.

As the leader, Red Shield, of course, immediately walked in front of Pado. Although he was not afraid of Pado on the surface, they were all equal leaders, but in fact he was very afraid.

Gulu saw a seriously injured Tyrannosaurus Rex lying not far away. The Tyrannosaurus Rex's stomach was pierced by a horn, and the blood kept flowing, and there might be only one breath left.

Nok said to Red Shield, "I want that Tyrannosaurus rex to tell Pardo himself."

Even if Nok is not a leader, Nok's body is larger than the red shield as the leader. Many robust male triceratops in Pardo's group can be leaders casually in other groups.

If it weren't for the fact that Pardo was very powerful, he couldn't hold back so many such strong male triceratops.

In the world of dinosaurs, speaking with strength, Nok is bigger than Red Shield, so he doesn't need to be polite to Red Shield at all.

Pardo walked in front of the Tyrannosaurus Rex. This Tyrannosaurus rex, which was about to die, instinctively shivered when he saw Pardo. No Tyrannosaurus was not afraid of Pardo.

Nok: "Tell Pardo, how did you know Pardo wasn't in the clan?"

Tyrannosaurus rex: "Gollum said, we listened to Gollum..."

Gollum: What the hell! What do I have a grudge against you, you want to frame me like this!

Tyrannosaurus rex died after speaking, Gulu ran over and bumped into him and said, "Don't die, you said it clearly, I don't know you at all, I..."

Pado looked at Gulu, and Gulu quickly said to Pado: "Dad, I don't have it, you believe me, I really don't know this Tyrannosaurus Rex, I just know the Tyrannosaurus Rex of the Mungo ethnic group, and I don't know other Tyrannosaurus Rex, real… "

At this time, all the triceratops of the Pardo tribe were very angry, and they gradually approached Gulu.

Barbana immediately rushed in front of Gulu and roared, "You must not hurt my cub!"

Pado also let out a loud roar and completely protected Gulu under him.

At this time, the Red Shield group also became restless.

A female Triceratops desperately protected a Triceratops cub and roared like Barbana: "You must not hurt my cub!"

But the triceratops of the Red Shield tribe were so angry that they wanted to kill the little triceratops immediately.

The female triceratops protected the cub and walked to the front of the red shield and said: "Please, save our child, he did not attract the Tyrannosaurus rex, certainly not..."

Red Shield was completely unmoved.

The little brat also kept rubbing against Red Shield's sturdy forelimbs and crying, "Dad, it's not me, I don't have it, Dad, please, please help me, I won't run around and play in the future, I will listen to you all. Your words, Dad..."

The next scene made Gulu look dumbfounded. Red Shield slammed into the stomach of the little triceratops with his horn, and the little triceratops flew up.

The female triceratops didn't respond, and the cub was knocked flying. She ran to the cub's side and kept rubbing against the cub: "Wake up, don't die, Mama is the only cub of you..."

The triceratops of the Pardo tribe all looked at Pardo, waiting for Pardo to hit and kill the Gollum who killed the tribe like a red shield.

Gulu looked at Pado, he was in a hurry, and said, "Dad, you give me a day, I will check it out, I will definitely catch the dragon that harmed me, I really don't know this Tyrannosaurus rex, Mungo can testify…”

When it comes to Mungo, the triceratops in the group are even more angry, and they say at a loss:

"You told them just to please the Tyrannosaurus Rex..."

"You also said that Mongo will testify for you? Of course Mongo will help you. You grew up in the Tyrannosaurus Rex tribe, and you are no longer a Triceratops, so you will help the Tyrannosaurus rex to prey on us..."

"How did those Tyrannosaurus rex know that Pardo was out yesterday..."

These male triceratops angrily and scrambled to state Gollum's "guilt".

From these messy accounts, Gollum knew roughly what had happened.

Triceratops leaders occasionally take the strongest male triceratops out to find lush ferns for the group to eat. When the leader is not in the group, it is most likely to be attacked by carnivorous dinosaurs, so the Triceratops group will disguise the leader all the time. are within the group.

For example, after Pardo went out yesterday, the Triceratops closest to Pardo in the group would stay in the position belonging to Pardo, and many strong triceratops would surround him. In this way, hunting dinosaurs from From a distance you can't tell that it's not a Pado at all.

A Triceratops group, even if there are only a few hundred Triceratops, needs to eat a lot of ferns and leaves. An adult Triceratops weighs more than ten tons. Such a behemoth needs at least about a ton of food a day to maintain the body. need.

If the ethnic group is allowed to go and eat freely, it will not work in any ethnic group. It is necessary to find sufficient food sources to ensure that the ethnic group can eat enough in the past, otherwise these big guys will starve to death long ago. .

A huge group like Pado needs a very huge and lush fern land to eat, otherwise most of the dragons will not be full, even the dragons in front are full, and the dragons in the back have nothing to eat.

The task of going out to find a place to eat is very dangerous. If you encounter a carnivorous dragon, you will definitely be attacked. Therefore, all leaders take the strongest male Triceratops to go out for food. Once you go out, you can find stable food for the tribe for the next period of time. source.

Pardo did a good job of this as leader, always finding the most lush ferns in the shortest time and never starving the pack.

Triceratops group leaders will try to hide themselves when they go out to find places to eat, and will not let the predatory dinosaurs find them, so as to prevent these predatory dinosaurs from launching violent attacks while the group has no leader.

Pado usually leaves the group every seven days to go out on "patrol" for half a day to check all possible nearby eating places and the distribution of the surrounding herbivorous dinosaur groups. Through this half-day observation, the next seven days where the group can go to eat can basically be determined. .

Although Gulu was not in the clan yesterday, all the triceratops in the clan knew the regularity of Pado's patrolling. Gulu had lived in the clan for more than half a month before, and of course he knew it.

Yesterday afternoon, after Pardo left for a period of time, a hunting team of more than a dozen sub-adult Tyrannosaurus rex attacked Pardo's clan. The clan had no leader and suffered heavy losses.

Although Pardo came back in time, the tribe had already lost many dragons.

Pado was very angry, and killed five Tyrannosaurus rex in a row, and the rest of the Tyrannosaurus rex escaped with great difficulty.

These male triceratops are very angry, they don't care whether Gulu is the son of Pado, even the son of the leader, whoever puts the clan in crisis should be damned!

In their opinion, just because of Gulu's words, the group killed nine very strong male triceratops, and more than ten cubs died of stampede. This is an unforgivable mistake.

The dozen or so Tyrannosaurus rex that attacked the Pardo ethnic group yesterday were still sub-adults. The sub-adult Tyrannosaurus rex would live in groups for a short time because it was difficult to hunt alone, and would live alone when they were adults.

There are very few sub-adult Tyrannosaurus rex as powerful as Mungo.

The sub-adult Tyrannosaurus Rex group that attacked the Pardo Group yesterday was called "Haite". To be precise, their leader was called Haite. The Tyrannosaurus Rex of the Haite Group was all skinny, small in size and weak in fighting power. Clan that dare not hunt Pardo.

As for the sub-adult Tyrannosaurus rex of the Haite ethnic group, Pardo could kill one without any effort. The Haiter ethnic group avoided attacking from a distance when they saw Pardo's ethnic group.

But yesterday Pado was absent, and the Triceratops were in a panic for a while. In addition, although each of the Tyrannosaurus rex of the Hite group was very weak, there were a large number of them. There were fifteen, which naturally caused extreme panic among the Pado ethnic group. Loss.

Gulu, who understood what had happened, felt at a loss for words.

The Triceratops in the group became more and more angry.

The especially strong male triceratops are angry at losing countless brothers who "fight side by side" and "share life and death", the female triceratops and their cubs are angry at losing such a strong shelter, and the little triceratops who were trampled to death Parents and brothers are angry at losing their little cutie.

Not even the chief's son has the right to inflict such a great loss on the clan.

As the leader, Pado was the most heartbroken. The nine male triceratops who died were always by his side. They resisted countless attacks by carnivorous dragons together. They were born and died together and fought side by side. brother!

If it wasn't for Pardo's "prestige" in the group, Gollum would have been killed long ago.

But now even with Pado's obstruction, many adult and robust male Triceratops couldn't control themselves wanting to kill Gulu, and their horns were about to touch Gulu's body.

Pado let out a roar, and the male triceratops backed away a little.

There are too many dragons around, the air is not circulating, and Gollum feels a little suffocated. Although the scene is scary and Gollum is indeed frightened, he knows that Pado and Barbana will protect him and believe him. .

Gulu roared loudly: "I went to play in the sea yesterday afternoon, Mungo took me there, Mungo can prove it to me!"

"How can a dragon on land go to the sea? You have to make up a decent reason for lying!"

"That is, no matter how powerful Monggo is, can he go to sea? It's impossible!"

No wonder these triceratops didn't believe it, and Gulu himself didn't believe that he really went to play in the ancient ocean.

At this time, Gulu saw that the little triceratops that was hit and flew by the red shield climbed up in front of the red shield again and said: "Baba, it's not me, it's really not me, I won't run out to play again, don't be angry, okay? …”

Gulu is really worried about this little brat, now it's not a matter of running out to play or not!

The red shield kicked him away.

Gulu felt that this little brat looked familiar, he remembered, this little brat seems to have bullied Mill that day!

That day Mill brought a lot of little triceratops and almost crushed Gulu and Gujigudong. It was because this little brat came with other little triceratops that Mill let them go. This little brat let those little triceratops go Hit Mill.

Gollum looked at Mir who was hiding behind Pado, and he suddenly felt a chill!

Pado fully covered Gollum under him and roared, "I see who of you dares to touch my son!"