Back to the Age of Dinosaurs

Chapter 61: Longsheng with Gollum is super sweet


Gulu was very afraid that Wu Wulan would directly kill Tata. After all, keeping such a small drag for a long time was not a routine choice for the brutal Tyrannosaurus Rex.

Meng Ge was indifferent. From childhood to adulthood, he was used to seeing weak cubs being abandoned and even eaten by female Tyrannosaurus rex or his siblings.

Gulu kept rubbing against Mungo and said: "Mongo, save him, please save him, Tata is so smart, so brave and strong, if he can grow up, he will definitely become a very powerful Tyrannosaurus Rex, Mongo begs you, save him..."

If Gollum had never played with Tata, he would think it was a pity that such a tough and lovely cub died like this, but he would not ask Mungo to save the cub, he also knew that the thin tyrannosaur cub, death is their fate.

But Gollum and Tata played together, Tata called his brother, Tata said that that day was the happiest day he came to this world, he couldn't watch Tata be bitten to death.

Tata also knew that Mama wanted to bite herself to death, because Mama was very hard, and it hurt a lot to bite him. When Mama picked up her brothers and sisters, it was very light and would not hurt at all.

After hatching, Tata has never been picked up by Wu Wulan, even if it is far away, even if he can't climb up in the pit, Mama will not pick him up.

He didn't know what it felt like to be gently picked up by Mama. Every time Mama bit him, it hurt, but when he saw his brother and sister were picked up, it didn't hurt at all, and they would be very happy.

This time Ma Ma's bite was more painful than before. He felt that he was about to be bitten to death. He desperately wiggled his hind limbs, shouting and praying: "Mama, don't kill me, I eat very little. , I can just eat a little bit, I will listen to you in the future, I will never bother you again, don't kill me, mama..."

Wu Wulan is indeed going to kill Tata. This little brat will definitely not survive. If he doesn't kill him now, he will die. She doesn't want to waste her energy and time on him, and she doesn't want to use the flesh of a strong brat. Give him to eat.

In fact, Wu Wulan wanted to kill this cub for a long time, but the cub was very obedient and never bothered her, and he never grabbed good meat with his brothers and sisters. He only ate rotten meat. The cub lives to this day.

But today the little brat came to bother her many times and disturbed her to take a nap. She was very irritable, so she thought about biting her to death.

Gulu kept pushing Mungo with his little head and said, "Mongo, go and save him, if you don't go, he will die! Mongo!"

Mungo said, "Gulu, I won't save him, you have to remember that you are a Triceratops, and you are still a cub. You saved him, how do you raise him? He is so thin and small, he can't survive. Yes, it's useless to save."

Gulu: "I don't care, I want you to save him!"

Mungo: "Gulu, you will meet a lot of poor dragon cubs in the future, can you save it? Grass-eating dragons shouldn't save carnivorous dragons. as food."

Gulu understands all these truths. No matter what kind of dinosaur it is, the mortality rate of the cubs is extremely high, and the dragon cubs are very cute whether they eat meat or grass. No matter how cute they are, they will die because of fierce competition.

The age of dinosaurs was very cruel, and the life of dinosaur cubs who were not loved by their parents was even worse.

Mungo knew that Gulu must not be used to these things. Gulu is already a very different kind of cub. He likes to watch all kinds of dinosaurs without direct harm to Gulu, but adopting these little dinosaurs, especially adopting carnivore cubs is too much. Dangerous.

This time, no matter how coquettish Gulu was, he was lying on the ground and stomping on the ground with his four claws, making four deep grooves on the ground, and Meng Ge was unmoved.

Gulu wanted to rush over to save Tata by himself, and he saw Wu Wulan let go of the cub in his mouth.

Tata fell to the ground with a bang, and his head was dizzy. He was frightened, and stumbled to the side. He didn't dare to stay by Wu Wulan's side again. Even if his stomach hurt to death, he wouldn't dare Go back to your troubles.

Gollum finally breathed a sigh of relief, but he saw Tata hiding in the sparse bushes, curled up in a small ball, very painful, it was so pitiful.

Tata's body was bitten deeply by Wu Wulan, and there were even several places where his skin was broken and bleeding, and his stomach was very painful, like a Tyrannosaurus Rex eating his intestines and meat in his stomach.

Gollum looked at Mungo and said, "Tata is so pitiful, woohoo, if I were him, I must be dead."

Mungo: "More than his poor Tyrannosaurus rex cubs, some were eaten by female Tyrannosaurus rex after breaking their shells, some were eaten alive by long and strong siblings, and some were driven away..."

As a brutal and bloodthirsty Tyrannosaurus rex, Mongo really didn't know how to coax his cubs. He felt that this was coaxing Gulu, but in fact, Gulu was even sadder.

Gollum knew that Tata might not live for three days, and even if he hadn't starved to death, he would have died of illness.

At this time, Galle hunted a sub-adult Triceratops. This Triceratops was not dead, but it had no strength to struggle.

Galle dragged the Triceratops to a place not far from Wuwulan, and then let out a strong and shocking roar.

Of course, Wu Wulan knew that it was Galle who was "begging for love" with her, but she despised Galle.

Even if a sub-adult male Tyrannosaurus rex mates with a female Tyrannosaurus rex, it is difficult for the female Tyrannosaurus rex to conceive a cub.

Dinosaurs don't have the three views of humans. If a female Tyrannosaurus rex doesn't have a fixed mate, she doesn't care about mating with other males at all. As long as she is satisfied with the male, she can accept it at any time.

But the male and female Tyrannosaurus rex are not very different in size, which means that "men and women are absolutely equal", so the male Tyrannosaurus rex must be very careful, otherwise it may become the food of the female Tyrannosaurus rex.

Galle was very excited. If the goddess agreed to him, he felt that he could really blow it for a lifetime!

Of course, it doesn't matter if Wu Wulan doesn't agree. A powerful female Tyrannosaurus rex like Wu Wulan can't even pursue many very strong adult male Tyrannosaurus rex, not to mention that he is still a sub-adult.

Wu Wulan made a "roar" of invitation, Galle excitedly circled around the prey, and then dragged the "dowry" to Wu Wulan.

Gulu didn't care about the progress of Galle and Uwulan at all, he just wanted to see what was wrong with Tata and see if he could be treated for him.

Of course Gulu knew that Mungo would not let him go, so there was only one way.

He stood where Tata could definitely see, kept jumping to attract Tata's attention, and then kept nodding, encouraging Tata to come to him.

Of course, Tata also saw Gulu, even if there was a very huge Tyrannosaurus beside Gulu, he was not afraid.

Brother Gollum was the only dragon that made him feel very at ease. Just thinking about the afternoon he played with Brother Gollum made him feel very happy.

Tata also wanted to walk to Brother Gulu's side immediately, but he didn't have the strength to even stand up, so he could only rub his entire body on the ground, using his slightly stronger hind limbs to push hard towards Gulu's side.

Gulu looked really anxious, he wanted to run over and turn into a human to hold Tata and run. In fact, Tata's entire age Tyrannosaurus rex, he should not be able to hold it as a human, but Tata is too thin, he can see that he can Take it easy.

But he knew that Mungo would not let him hug him, he could only wait here for Tata to climb over.

On the other hand, Galle and Uwulan have already started a very happy "delicious meal" together, and Wuwulan doesn't care where Tata will go at all, and it's best not to come back.

Gulu didn't know how long Tata had climbed, anyway, he felt that it was a long time before he finally climbed in front of him.

Tata gently rubbed Gulu's already thick forelimbs and said weakly: "Brother, my stomach hurts so much, I must be dying soon, can you hold me to sleep, no dragon has ever held me, I see Brothers and sisters, it's so comfortable to sleep with Ma Ma..."

Gulu hurriedly asked, "What did you eat before? Maybe I can make your stomach hurt, and you won't be dead."

Tata echoed seriously: "I ate rotten stegosaurus meat, I often eat rotten meat, I never had stomach pain before, woo woo..."

Gulu thought that Tata might have "dysentery", or that he had gastrointestinal problems due to eating carrion for a long time, but in either case, cycads can be eaten, and cycads have a good effect on the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases.

Cycad seeds contain oil and rich starch, which are slightly poisonous to humans, but can be used for food and medicine. They have magical effects on dysentery, cough and hemostasis. For dinosaurs, they are non-toxic and can be eaten in large quantities, and their medicinal effects are also The same is true.

So Gulu immediately found a lot of cycads and piled them up in front of Tata. Cycads can be seen everywhere, even in the barren Nanshan.

Gulu: "Tata, eat quickly, eat this, your stomach won't hurt, eat quickly."

Even carnivore dragons don't like to eat bracken very much, they will find it very unpalatable, but Tata likes Gollum very much. He completely trusts Gollum unconditionally. He climbs into the cycads and devours it.

Tata had never eaten something so unpalatable. He almost vomited at the first bite. He felt that even the most rotten meat tasted a lot better than these ferns.

But brother Gulu said that after eating this, his stomach would not hurt, and no matter how bad it was, he would still eat it.

Soon Tata ate all the ferns.

Gulu can't be shocked. Ordinary carnivore dragons, let alone eat so many ferns, can't swallow even one or two bites. Tata is really strong and persevering, but if Tata doesn't have such perseverance, Probably not alive now.

After Tata finished eating, she vomited desperately, vomiting and pulling, and it was very painful.

Gollum knew that the medicinal properties of cycads should be at work.

But Tata didn't know it was the medicinal effect. He thought he was going to die soon, but he didn't blame Gollum. He knew that Gollum also wanted to help him, but he didn't know that carnivore dragons couldn't eat so many ferns. Don't blame Gollum brother.

In the whole dragon life of Tata, no dragon has ever cared about him, even if it is only a little bit, no dragon has ever cared whether he is full, whether he will feel uncomfortable after eating rotten meat, etc. Brother Gulu is the only dragon who cares about him.

He felt that it would be very good that he could die in front of brother Gollum.

Tata vomited a lot of undigested fern and almost digested carrion, and pulled out undigested fern and something indistinguishable.

Unlike the feces of herbivorous dragons, which are not very smelly and smell like grass, the feces of healthy carnivorous dragons are very stinky, not to mention that Tata has not been pulled for several days. This smell is really very stinky. Smelly, very stinky.

Mungo almost vomited out of the smell, and Gulu felt that he was about to faint from the smell.

Tata vomited and pulled, and said, "Brother, don't come near me, it's so stinky, I can't stand it myself..."

Gulu: "You can just spit it out and pull it out. It's really stinky. Let's go and hide. Don't be afraid, just spit it out and pull it out."

In fact, Tata already knew that he would not die at this time, because his stomach really didn't hurt anymore.

Gulu and Mongo hurriedly hid far to the upper wind, and finally dared to take a breath of fresh air.

At this time, Wuwulan and Galle had already eaten more than half of the Triceratops.

In fact, the place where Gulu and Mungo were hiding was very close to Wuwulan and Galle, and they could even hear the conversation between Galle and Wuwulan clearly.

Galle: "Uwulan, I have liked you for a long time. It is my greatest honor to hunt for you."

Wu Wulan: "Yeah."

Galle: "Uwulan, are you full, let's start."

Wu Wulan: "I'm full."

Then Gulu saw Galle gently rubbing Wu Wulan's nose and mouth with his head, but Wu Wulan slammed into Galle fiercely.

Galle was not angry, and continued to be a licking dog: "Wu Wulan, you are so amazing, I like a female Tyrannosaurus rex like you."

This time, Wu Wulan also gently rubbed Galle's nose and mouth. Galle, as a sub-adult Tyrannosaurus rex, rarely had the chance to be with a female Tyrannosaurus rex, not to mention that Wu Wulan was his goddess, but was After rubbing it for a while, he was instantly excited to the extreme, trembling all over.

Wu Wulan said, "You are much better than Mungo. So many dragons say that Mongo is the most powerful Tyrannosaurus Rex in the entire Yukan Continent. I think Mungo is the weakest Tyrannosaurus Rex!"

Speaking of Mungo being the weakest Tyrannosaurus rex, Wu Wulan deliberately said it loudly, even roaring.

Gulu knew that Wu Wulan must have specifically said that Meng Ge listened to it, that is to say, Meng Ge didn't even dare to play with a female Tyrannosaurus rex.

Mungo was completely indifferent, he never cared what other dragons said about him.

Gulu knew that Wu Wulan definitely wanted to use the "striking method" on Mungo. The male Tyrannosaurus rex couldn't stand being told by the female Tyrannosaurus rex, so he might rush over and deal with Wu Wulan in a fit of rage. Wu Wulan's purpose also achieved.

So Gulu looked at Mungo and said, "Mongo, Wuwulan is good or bad, don't be angry."

The main Gulu was that he was afraid that Meng Ge would not be able to withstand the agitation. He didn't like Wu Wulan, and he didn't like Meng Ge and Wu Wulan together. He just wanted to be so selfish.

Mungo said lightly: "It doesn't matter what other dragons say about me, as long as you think I'm very powerful."

Gulu deliberately teased Mungo: "Then I don't think you are too good, what should you do?"

Mungo: "When you grow up, I'll let you know how powerful I am! Don't cry and beg for mercy... So you have to grow very big and become the most powerful Triceratops."

Gollum: "Mmmm!"

Wu Wulan continued to roar loudly: "What kind of Tyrannosaurus is Monggo, and what kind of leader is he..."

However, before Wu Wulan could finish speaking, Galle slammed into Wu Wulan and roared: "I forbid you to speak ill of Mungo!"

Gollum: Huh? ? ! What is Galle doing? ! Just because Wu Wulan said two bad things about Mungo and turned his face? Hey, this is your goddess, and Mungo is just your "former leader"! You dragon, I'm afraid you deserve to be single for the rest of your life!

Wu Wulan was also surprised. In fact, she really wanted to mate with Galle at this time. Of course, she despised Galle, but she just wanted to show it to Mungo. She felt that Mongo had not "recovered" before she let it go. She didn't want the female Tyrannosaurus rex that fascinated all the male Tyrannosaurus Rex in Yukan Continent.

So Wu Wulan took the initiative to rub against Galle and said, "Even if I'm wrong, I won't speak ill of him."

Galle was reluctant: "You said, Mungo is the most powerful Tyrannosaurus rex!"

Wu Wulan said very sincere feelings: "Mongo is the most powerful king!"

Galle: "It's about the same."

Wu Wulan: "Can we start?"

Galle: "Don't even think about it, I won't like a female dragon like you! How could I have liked you before, and you actually speak ill of Mungo!"

Gollum: ? ? ? ! Galle, what's wrong with you? ! Didn't Wu Wulan apologize, this is your attitude towards your goddess? ! My mother, if you can find a female dragon with straight dragon cancer, I will live and eat myself!

Galle continued to swear: "Dare to speak ill of Mungo, I'm mad at me, big bad dragon!"

Then he dragged the remaining prey on the ground and walked away without looking back.

After watching Galle walk away, Wu Wulan didn't react for a long time. She couldn't believe that there was such a Tyrannosaurus rex.

Gulu: I'm really convinced, Galle, it seems that your true love is still Mungo, what kind of female Tyrannosaurus Rex, you don't need a female Tyrannosaurus Rex at all!

Wu Wulan looked at Galle who was walking away with a confused expression: ? ?

Galle dragged the meat back to Mungo and Gulu and said, "Mongo! Let me tell you, I was mad at me just now... It's such a waste for her to eat all this meat! How could I like this female dragon!"

Mungo & Gollum: …

At this time, Tata had already finished pulling and vomiting. He also went to roll in the sand himself, so that there was basically no odor on his body, and he was a thin but vigorous little cub again.

He ran to Gulu's side and said, "Wow, brother, you are so amazing, my stomach really doesn't hurt anymore, brother, you are so nice, how can you be so nice..."

Gulu: "It's fine as long as it doesn't hurt."

Tata's stomach didn't hurt anymore, but he basically threw up everything in his stomach and pulled it out. His stomach was growling with hunger. Looking at the very fresh meat in Galle's mouth, he was drooling wildly. All fell to the ground.

Gulu looked at Galle and said, "Brother Galle, can you give him some meat to eat, he is my friend, he is too hungry."

Galle did not lack this meat, so he said, "Eat it, let no one eat it and not Wuwulan!"

Gollum really thinks Galle is a little too cute like this.

Galle put the meat on the ground, and Tata rushed to eat it. He had never eaten such fresh and delicious Triceratops meat. God, he felt so happy that he was about to fly into the sky.

Tata ate a lot, and he finally stopped when he was full. Food was really precious to him. As long as there was something to eat, he would eat it desperately, not to mention such fresh meat.

Gulu was very happy watching Tata eat like this.

After Tata finished eating, he didn't want to go back to Wu Wulan immediately. He looked at Gulu and said, "Brother, can I play with you for a while? Can you accompany me here for a while, it won't take long."

Gulu looked at Mungo, who could only nod his head.

It's actually relatively close to Wuwulan, but Wuwulan didn't come to drive them away, mainly because it doesn't belong to Wuwulan's territory, there are carnivorous dragons everywhere, and Wuwulan doesn't need to drive them away.

Mungo and Galle lay on the ground to rest, while Gollum and Tata climbed on their backs to chase and play.

The afternoon sun was not very big, and it shone lazily. Tata felt that there was never a happier time than now.

Galle said: "Mongo, you know, I saw a very beautiful female Tyrannosaurus Rex before, as beautiful as Wu Wulan, no, now she is much more beautiful than Wu Wulan, Wu Wulan is not beautiful …”

Mungo: "Yeah."

No matter what Galle said, Mungo responded with a um.

Gulu found out that Galle was a "playboy dragon" and liked too many female Tyrannosaurus rex, so he talked about five or six in a while, but he didn't catch any of them.

But in Galle's heart, no matter how good the female Tyrannosaurus rex is, it is not as important as its brothers, and more precisely, it is not as important as Mungo, who is the most important dragon in Galle's life.

Gulu didn't even know if Galle was a "straight dragon cancer" or something, anyway, if Gulu knew a dragon like Galle, he deserved to be single for the rest of his life.

Gulu really wanted to say something to the female Tyrannosaurus rex that Galle likes: Get out! Go with your brother! Scum dragon! Straight dragon cancer does not deserve to have sweet love.

Tata and Gulu were tired from playing and lay on Mungo's back to sleep together. Tata hugged Gulu and hugged him tightly.

Gollum chased, but Tata never fell asleep, he felt so beautiful, he wanted to always be now, forever and ever.

But time always has to go, it was getting dark, Tata returned to Wu Wulan after eating the last remaining meat.

Gulu looked at Tata, Wu Wulan seemed to be hitting Tata again, and Tata hid in the fern again.

But Tata, who was hiding in the ferns, was very happy, very happy, and he felt that it would be worth it to die now.

Tata rolled around in the ferns and said to himself, "Ah, brother, I'm so happy, brother Gollum, you're so kind..."

Mungo took Gulu back to Pado's group, and Pado came out to pick up Gulu.

When he had a dream at night, he dreamed that Tata had grown up, very big, very big, and he felt that this dream could not be realized with a high probability.

He played with Tata for so long today, and he also hoped to leave at least one or two good memories in Tata's short and tragic life.

Then when Tata died, was bitten to death by Wu Wulan, or was eaten alive by his brothers and sisters, at least he could recall these short and beautiful moments.

The next day, Pado took the group to a farther place to eat. I was afraid that the group was too large, and the ferns near the habitat were eaten up. The ferns in Nanshan did not grow as fast as the plains, at least five days later. to grow new ones.

Pardo always finds the best ferns to feed on.

They ate the most delicious and delicious ferns on the Nanshan Mountain, but the tribes next to them were not so lucky. They ate the ferns that had been eaten by their sons with a few roots left.

After Gulu was full, he ran around to play, and he recognized that the group next to him was the group of Badi who had been kicked out by them.

But there were only less than 500 triceratops in this group. It should be that when Badi and Pado competed, they used a "sinister trick" that made all the triceratops very contemptible, which led to the division of the group.

Gulu guessed that Badi's ethnic group should be split into four or five small groups. This small group should not be the leader of Badi, because he did not see Badi.

At this time, a female Triceratops with a cub came to a place not far from Gulu.

In order to better observe this group, Gulu unknowingly has come to the edge of the group.

This female triceratops wandered on the edge of the Pardo clan, but the fern fields on the edge of the Pardo clan had also been eaten bald, and she did not find anything to eat.

Gulu saw that both the female triceratops and the cub were very thin, and the cub was skinny and skinny, and it seemed that he had just broken his shell.

The female Triceratops found a large piece of excrement, which was pulled by the Triceratops of the Pardo tribe, and she immediately let the cubs eat the excrement.

Triceratops of the Pardo tribe pull more nutritious dung than the grass roots of their fern fields.

The female Triceratops kept saying: "Eat it quickly, this is delicious, eat as much as you can, Ma Ma really can't find anything to eat for you."

At this time, Gulu found that the female Triceratops was seriously injured, and there was a blood hole on the other side of the stomach, which was gurgling out.

Obviously, it was hurt by other Triceratops.

Gulu didn't know which Triceratops had such a ruthless heart to hurt such a skinny Triceratops.

Suddenly, the female Triceratops shouted: "Run! Gollum, run! Don't come here!"

When Gulu looked back, he saw a large male triceratops bumping towards him. He thought this male triceratops was familiar, but he just couldn't remember where he had seen it.

Pado was too far away from Gollum, and he desperately ran towards Gollum's side.

Gollum wanted to run but it was too late, only to hear a loud bang.