Back to the Age of Dinosaurs

Chapter 71: Your eyes are brighter than the sun today


Gulu knew that such a loud sound could be heard even thousands of kilometers away, not to mention that they were not directly deafened because the dinosaur's body was very strong.

With the eruption of Dad Volcano, a lot of hot debris will be thrown, and these hot debris will drift to places dozens of kilometers away with the wind at twice the speed of the sound, and the damage is extremely wide.

But Gollum knew that the most dangerous thing for them right now were pyroclastic flows, which are mostly liquefied gas, ash, and rock, and they spew out at 800 kilometers per hour.

Pyroclastic flow is not a fluid liquid, it is a high-density high-temperature high-speed airflow mixed with rock debris, usually sweeping close to the ground.

According to incomplete statistics, the temperature of pyroclastic flow can reach 800-900 degrees Celsius, the speed can reach 200 kilometers per hour, it can crush and burn any animals and plants along the way.

It can be said that pyroclastic flows are the biggest killers after volcanic eruptions, and if they cannot escape before the debris flow arrives, they will die.

Compared with pyroclastic flow, lava flow is nothing. Although lava flow looks terrible, he moves slowly and has hope of escape.

The second is that all kinds of burning rocks, big and small, smashed to the ground at an extremely fast speed, and it was difficult to survive being hit by a slightly larger lava.

Fortunately, there are very lush and tall ferns in the place where they are located. These ferns will buffer the speed of the falling of the lava, but at the same time, these lava have also caused fires, and the surrounding ferns are burning frantically.

Mungo and Gulu took a while to recover, and they shook their heads desperately to maintain their balance.

Mole's whole dragon was very uncomfortable. He felt that the sky was spinning, and the huge bang was still swaying in his head, but he still struggled to stand up, and desperately ran towards Gollum and Mungo.

Gulu and Mungo also flew to Mor, and there was no time to talk nonsense. Gulu took Mor and ran to the beach. Mongo followed them closely and escorted them.

Fortunately, Moll is very thin and weak. Gulu is now several thousand pounds, which is a lot for Moll, so even if Gulu is still a little cub, he can easily pick him up.

All the dinosaurs were running towards the beach, and Gollum heard the roars of various dinosaurs and the terrifying footsteps of hordes of dinosaurs running behind him.

Until he was picked up by Gulu, Mor was still confused. He couldn't believe that Brother Gulu and Mongo really came to save him!

Gulu quickly observed the surrounding and the flint falling from the sky with the corner of his eye as he ran.

Moore felt very comfortable and safe to be held by his brother. In fact, he wanted to say that he could run by himself, but he knew that he was running too slowly and would drag his brothers back.

He knows that what he has to do now is to do nothing and not cause trouble for his brother and Mungo.

A flint as big as a grinding disc was rapidly smashing towards them, and Gulu hurriedly shouted: "Mongo, run towards me, fast, this way, fast..."

Mungo immediately followed Gulu to the side, only to hear a loud bang, the boulder fell on the place where they had just run, an adult Stegosaurus was directly smashed out of its internal organs, and at the same time the boulder smashed a deep pit on the ground .

They kept dodging the flint in the sky while running towards the sea.

Moore felt that Brother Gollum was really amazing, and he could always lead them to escape so many terrifying burning stones.

In front, a huge mapleosaur was attacking a very strong adult male triceratops, and the triceratops was also slamming back into the mapleosaur violently.

In fact, more than one carnivore was attacking herbivorous dinosaurs, and many would attack herbivorous dinosaurs while escaping for their lives, but these two just happened to be in front of them and they were particularly annoying.

Gollum thought as he ran: Are you meat-eating dragon brains out of watts? ! Is this the time to hunt, why don't you run for your life and clean up these useless things? !

But Gulu thought about it, even if these dragons ran to the seaside, they would still die. No dragon in the sea would come to the opposite continent, and no dragon would survive.

Maybe these carnivorous dragons just wanted to feast before they died.

Gulu and Mongo had to go around them. If it was normal, if a dragon dared to block the way, Mongo would just rush up and do it, but now he mainly doesn't want to fight and waste time.

I don't know if this Mapuron was knocked out in a fight. He saw that he couldn't beat this strong adult triceratops, so he set his eyes on Gulu. This triceratops cub is so big and strong, it must be delicious .

Maprone gave up the adult Triceratops and caught up with Gulu. Seeing that one bite was about to bite Gulu's buttocks, this bite could bite down half of Gulu's buttocks.

Mole was very worried that Brother Gulu would be injured, and he shouted: "Mungo, hurry up, this big dragon is going to bite brother!"

In fact, Mungo had noticed it for a long time. He turned around sharply and bit on Mapulon's neck. will die soon.

Moore felt that Mungo was really powerful, no matter how terrifying the dragon was, Mungo could kill them in one bite.

Gulu knew that there was Mongo's protection, and no dragon would want to hurt him, so he concentrated on running to the seaside, and at the same time carefully observed the surroundings, so that Mongo could avoid the falling lava and other dangerous objects.

There was a small rocky mountain on the fern ground in front of it. Gulu knew that it was dangerous. If lava hit the rocky mountain and caused the rocky mountain to collapse, all the dinosaurs passing by could suffer.

So Gulu re-planned the route in advance, and ran to a distance of two or three hundred meters away from Stone Mountain. Mungo followed Gulu closely all the time.

Then Gulu saw a large piece of lava smashing into the Stone Mountain. This huge lava that burned into his heart had an explosive effect. With a loud bang, the Stone Mountain was blown apart.

When Gulu saw that a boulder on the stone fell, it would definitely hit a triceratops cub, and the triceratops father quickly ran over to completely protect the cub under him.

The boulder fell on the triceratops father, and Gulu saw that the triceratops father was smashed and vomited blood, but he still stood strong, fighting for the last hope for the cub.

The cub crawled out from under his dad, crying and yelling, "Daddy, daddy, woohoo..."

Triceratops Mama picked up the cub and ran. The cub kept looking back at his father and shouted, "Mama, father hasn't left yet, I want to wait for father to go together..."

Then the stone mountain collapsed completely, and the Triceratops father was buried under countless boulders.

Gulu looked around while running, and of course he could not avoid seeing the horror of these dinosaurs when they escaped.

A family of Tyrannosaurus Rex ran in front of them, and Tyrannosaurus Rex Baba Mama protected the Tyrannosaurus Rex cub in the middle.

A piece of lava the size of a football was about to hit the cub. Such a large amount of lava was enough to smash an adult Tyrannosaurus to death, and it was more reasonable to be a cub.

Dad Tyrannosaurus rex used his body to protect the cub. With a loud bang, the lava smashed a big blood hole in Dad Tyrannosaurus's back. He fell to the ground with a bang, but before he fell, he He also pushed the cub out with his head.

The little boy rolled on the ground for a few laps. He looked at his father who was lying behind him in horror. The Tyrannosaurus Rex picked up the little boy and ran, and the little boy shouted: "Dad, Dad, get up, Dad, you don't die..."

Moll felt that Mungo and Gollum were like his father, and in order to save him, he risked his death at any time.

Gulu saw that there was already a pyroclastic flow not far behind him, which was rapidly sweeping towards this side.

Pyroclastic flows generally roll down a volcano quickly in the form of a glob of gas that looks like a huge, dark-grey ball.

Encountered pyroclastic flow must hide in hard underground structures, or underwater, there is no other possible way of survival.

Because the temperature of the pyroclastic flow is extremely high, even if you run to the side and avoid the debris flow, such a high-temperature spherical gas rolls over, and the surrounding area will be baked, unless it runs out of dozens of kilometers, but dinosaurs did not do this. Fast running speed.

In the age of dinosaurs, it was impossible to have any hard underground structures. Therefore, dinosaurs were basically dead when they encountered pyroclastic flows. Even the mortality rate of humans was 99%. Who can find any underground structures in a short time? river.

The speed of the pyroclastic flow can reach 200 kilometers per hour. Humans can't run away by car, let alone dinosaurs.

Gulu had long predicted that the first wave of pyroclastic flow would soon come, and because Gulu used to go to the beach to play with the pterosaurs, he was very familiar with this fern field by the sea.

There is a small stream running through this fern field, which provides fresh water for the dinosaurs here, and also provides the source of life for this fern.

So he was actually running along the stream all the time.

At this time, Gulu shouted: "Mongo! Jump into the water, hold back, don't expose any body part to the surface of the water, you must hold back, see me coming out, come out again!"

Saying that, Mungo and Gulu jumped into the creek together. The creek was deep and cold. It was actually far away from the big volcano, so the river was not hot yet.

As soon as they dived underwater, the ultra-high temperature airflow rolled quickly past the stream not far away.

Because the airflow didn't roll directly over the stream, the stream was only affected by the residual heat, and the stream had a lot of water.

Even so, the river water became very hot in an instant, but it was still a temperature that dinosaurs could endure, and would not turn them into boiling water scalding dragons.

Both Mungo and Gulu are already big dragons and can last underwater for a while, especially Gulu, with his long-term diving experience as a human, he can last longer underwater.

Moer was very unaccustomed to it. He was very uncomfortable, but he didn't want to cause trouble for Mungo and Gulu. He endured it all the time, desperately, and didn't even move. He was afraid that his struggle would make brother Gulu choke.

After the airflow rolled over completely, the surroundings became very quiet, and Gollum knew that all the dragons in the vicinity should be dead.

When the outside became lively again, and there were sounds of various dinosaurs running, Gulu took Mungo out of the water together.

Moore threw up after his head came out of the water, and said, "Brother, I'm fine, run quickly..."

Gulu felt that Mor was really sensible. He took Mor tightly out of the water, and Mungo followed behind them.

There were scalded dragons all around, and there were many dragons wading across the creek, and new dragons stepped on the corpses of these dragons.

Gollum immediately noticed that the lava flow had eroded over and had to avoid the path of the lava flow.

The speed of the lava flow is relatively slow, and humans can run through it, but the range of the lava flow is very large. If you don't run out of the path of the lava flow in advance, you will be trapped in it and eventually burned to death.

Gulu observed several lava flow paths nearby, and took Mungo out of the huge encirclement formed by these lava flows in advance.

But the rest of the dinosaurs did not have the predictability like Gulu. This was not a lava flow, but several large lava flows, which would form a very wide encirclement.

Whether other dinosaurs can run out of the encirclement depends entirely on their fate. Some dinosaurs are more European and run out of the encirclement unconsciously.

Gulu and Mungo were running beside the encirclement, and he saw five Allosaurus outside the encirclement, namely the very strong Allosaurus Baba Mama and three small Allosaurus babies.

They were trapped by the lava, and they couldn't jump over it. The lava behind them was about to flow. They only had a narrow area to stand on, and they seemed very anxious and fearful.

Allosaurus Baba didn't know what to say to Allosaurus Mama. Soon, he fell into the lava and used his body to build a bridge of life in the lava!

To tell the truth, Gollum was shocked. He didn't expect such a good male in Allosaurus.

However, when a catastrophe comes, the scum dragon will run for his own life. Male dragons who can escape with female dragons and cubs are generally super good fathers. .

Allosaurus Mama let the three cubs go first. They didn’t have time to hesitate and couldn’t bear it. The cubs stepped on their father’s body and jumped out of the karst circle. Finally, Allosaurus Mama was too heavy. Stepping on the foot completely stepped the male dragon into the lava, but fortunately, Ma Ma was not scalded.

The cubs who came out early stood by and watched their father slowly disappear, swallowed by something terrible, they cried: "Dad, daddy, woohoo, please, don't eat my daddy..."

Allosaurus Mama continued to escape with the cubs, and they had no time to feel sorry for the dead Allosaurus father.

Gulu and Mungo finally ran to the beach. There were many dinosaurs in front of them and many behind them. There were screams of dinosaurs and terrifying footsteps everywhere.

Mungo always ran behind Gulu to prevent a dragon from attacking Gulu from behind. On the way, Mongo killed several carnivorous dragons who tried to attack Gulu.

Gulu saw the dragon in front of him rushing into the sea desperately, some slammed into it, and most of them sank forever.

Some lucky dragons floated up, spat out the water in their mouths, and swam desperately, but before they swam for a while, the carnivorous dragons and sharks in the sea dragged them down, and the blood instantly stained the surrounding sea area.

The place where Mungo and Gulu ran out was not the place where Anhecang sent them back before, but they had no time to return to the shallow sea where Anhecang waited for them.

A larger pyroclastic flow swept over. The previous pyroclastic flow was just a giant spherical gas, but this time it was a rectangular airflow belt several kilometers wide.

Gulu shouted: "Mongo, jump into the sea, I won't let you out, don't come out, hold back!"

Puff, puff, puff...

The sound of countless dinosaurs jumping into the sea.

Gulu sank with Mor in his mouth. He saw a lot of dragons fall into the sea. Some dragons died in the sea because they were seriously injured and could only sink to the bottom of the sea forever.

Most dragons struggle desperately after falling into the sea, rowing and rowing with their four sturdy legs.

Gulu saw the pyroclastic flow swept across the sea, and all the water on the sea boiled, and the dragons that floated out of the sea would immediately burn to death with extremely hot high temperature, and they sank one after another.

However, there is too much sea water, and the sea water below is extremely icy. Even if the debris flow sweeps across the sea surface, it will boil the water on the sea surface at most. The deep sea water where Gulu and Mungo are located is very hot but not scalded.

Gollum and Mungo swam out of the sea, but they couldn't last long.

And at this moment, Gulu saw An Hecang coming downstream from the sea!

At the same time, Gollum noticed that some dragons had surfaced, but they were not scalded or struggling, proving that the high temperature of the debris flow was no longer dangerous.

Yin caught Gulu, Cang caught Mungo, and they both surfaced at the same time.

Gulu shouted: "Mongo, are you alright?!"

Mungo shook his head violently, and the sea water flew around. He looked at Gulu and said, "It's okay."

At this time, the sky was very dark, and the thick volcanic ash completely blocked the entry of sunlight. In the darkness, Gulu saw Meng Ge's big eyes as bright as stars.

Until a long time later, Gulu still clearly remembered this scene, and he wanted to say to Mungo: Your eyes are brighter than today's sun.

After confirming that Mungo is all right, Gollum immediately checks on Mor's injuries.

Mohr was choked by the sea water, Gulu turned Mohr over and lay on his back on the dark back, gently pressed his head against Mohr's stomach, Mohr spit out a few mouthfuls of seawater and woke up.

Gollum: "Mormore, are you still suffering?"

Mole stood up with difficulty, threw himself on Gulu's body, rubbed his head against Gulu's forelimb and said, "Brother, I'm fine, I'm not uncomfortable, I'm very happy, brother..."

Gollum knew that Moir was actually very uncomfortable when he was in the sea, but he overcame his instinct and didn't struggle at all, just to lighten the burden on Gollum. More was really sensible.

Mole looked at the continent that was gradually moving away, and the dragons that were still running desperately into the sea. He was very sad and asked in a low voice, "Brother, Gaia and Gujigudong, where are they? Did they escape? "

He was very afraid of hearing it, and also afraid to see his brother shaking his head, he was very nervous.

Gulu: "We have already started to migrate. Gaia and Gujigudong migrated with us. They have now reached the continent over there, Moer, can you see the continent over there, it is very safe there."

The volcanic ash was so thick now that the visibility was less than five meters, and it was impossible to see the continent that far, but Mor knew that Gaia and Gujigudong were safe.

Moll rubbed Gulu and lay down quietly. He was really tired and hungry. With his brother by his side, he didn't have to be afraid of anything.

Gulu saw that there were many dinosaurs swimming desperately on the sea, but from time to time, predators in the sea dragged them down and bit them to death, and there were miserable roars of dinosaurs everywhere.

An Hecang is the top boss in the sea, and even the most powerful predators dare not approach them.

The air was filled with a strong smell of blood, mixed with various pungent odors from volcanic eruptions, which was very unpleasant.

Gulu found that there was an adult male Triceratops very smart, and he had been closely following An Hecang so that the predators in the sea would not dare to come and eat him.

But Gollum knew that even if he wasn't eaten by predators, he wouldn't be able to swim to the opposite continent, and no dragon's stamina could support him to swim such a long distance.

This dragon is very tenacious. He swims and swims. Gulu thinks he can't swim for a long time, but he is still swimming desperately.

This triceratops was definitely unable to keep up with the speed of An Hecang. After entering the deep sea area, he was quickly left far behind and was eaten in no time.

They passed a very lucky Stegosaurus who swam so far without being eaten.

The Stegosaurus couldn't move, his limbs began to twitch, and when he saw Gollum sitting on the back of the dragon, he desperately roared at Gollum, begging Gollum to save him.

But Gollum can't save himself now, and he can't save other dragons he doesn't know.

The stegosaurus twitched and quickly sank into the sea.

After swimming across the demarcation line of the sea, the sky here gradually became brighter, and when it was about to reach the mainland, the sun was shining brightly.

It was noon when Anhecang sent Gulu and Mongo to the mainland on the other side. The volcano was still erupting, but it was not as violent as before. No matter what, such a large-scale volcanic eruption will have many, many subsequent effects. .

When parting, Gulu hugged Anan and Cang Youshen respectively, expressed his gratitude, and told them that they must leave this sea far away, the farther the better.

An and Cang have already decided, and they will follow the general direction of their migration, the sea in the south. Cang used to swim to this sea from the sea in the south. Cang is very familiar with the sea in the south.

Mungo and Gollum took Mor ashore.

The three water-drenched dinosaurs slowly walked towards Gaia's group.

There are a lot of burnt spots on Gulu and Mungo's body by burning pebbles, and Mor's body also has some, but less because it is well protected by Gulu.

At this time, Mungo and Gollum were like warriors who had just returned from the fiercest battlefield.

All the dinosaurs on the continent looked at them. These dragons couldn't believe that there were dragons who could escape from such a terrifying volcano!

They all saw that the big dragon in the sea was the one who brought Gulu and Mongo back. The big dragon in the sea was very big. They had all heard that Gulu knew the big dragon in the sea, but they didn't believe it.

Gaia and Paddo rushed towards them, and they also ran over.

After they met, Gaia kept rubbing against them, crying bitterly, while Pado kept staring at Gollum to see the wounds on his body.

Gaia kept talking: "Gulu, Mungo, you guys have suffered a lot of injuries, Mor is so thin, woohoo..."

At the same time, Gaia also carefully checked Gollum and Mungo's injuries.

Gulu rubbed her back and said, "It's alright, Mama, we are all minor injuries, and we will get better soon..."

Mor looked at Gaia, even though he already knew that he was Gaia's cub, he still didn't dare to take the initiative to rub Gaia back, he didn't know what to do, and stood cramped.

How anxious and worried Pado and Barbana would be, Gulu knew all about it, but this time he really had no choice. If he didn't save Moore, he would regret it for the rest of his life.

Mungo completely protected Gulu behind him and said, "Pado, it's all my fault, I'm going to take Gulu there."

Gulu stuck out a head beside Mungo's huge and sturdy hind limbs and said, "Pado, no, it's me who insisted on going there, don't blame Mungo."

Now, where does Pado have the heart to blame Gulu, as long as Gulu can come back safely, he is already very happy, his voice trembled violently: "Gulu, come here, come to Daddy's side."

Gollum didn't dare to go over, he knew that Pado was very angry.

Pado went on to say: "Come here, I won't hit you, Dad just wants to see how much you're hurt, come here..."

Gollum was sad to hear Pado's trembling voice, and he saw that Pado seemed to be crying.

When did Pado cry, Pado never seemed to cry, Gulu was even more sad, he rushed to Pado's side and kept rubbing against Pado's forelimbs and said, "Dad, I'm sorry, woo woo, Dad..."

Pado carefully inspected the wounds on Gulu's body, not letting go of a single one.

Gaia: "Pado, I'm sorry, it's all my fault, I shouldn't let Gollum save my cub."

Pado knew that it was not Gaya and Mungo who wanted Gulu to save, but that Gulu insisted on going. Gulu was different from other dragons at all. Gulu was always like this, and he would not be sorry for anyone who was kind to him. dragon.

What's more, this is Gaia's little cub, Gulu must regard this little cub as his younger brother, his own younger brother, Gulu cannot help but save it.

Pado glared at Mungo fiercely and said, "I've returned to the ethnic group, you can send Gulu back to me as soon as possible!"

Mungo knows what Pado's eyes mean: Gulu is still young, are you still young, he's going, can't you stop him, I'm reluctant to beat Gulu now, but I'm willing to beat you, be careful with me!

Of course, Pado also knew that Mongo couldn't stop Gulu, but his anger needed to be vented.

Mongo nodded desperately.

Pado said to Gulu again, "Gulu, Dad has found the best fern field. You have to come back and eat something delicious."

Gulu felt that Pado was really good, he rubbed Pado and kept saying yes.

Pado's heart was finally at ease. He returned to the clan, and he couldn't leave the clan for a long time.

Gaia knew that Moll must be starving, so she picked up the cub and walked back, and Mungo and Gollum followed.

Meng Qi rushed to Gulu and kept saying, "Wow, Gulu, you are too powerful, so you really know the dragon in the sea, and I am really my big brother..."

Gollum: ... Fool it, can you not be so childish.

At the same time, Mungo's other brothers looked at Gulu with admiration. Mongo suspected that Gulu's prestige in the group would surpass him, but he liked it.

Mungo did not come back, and the Triceratops that Mongo and his brothers hunted before had not eaten a single bite.

Gaia said to Moore, "Little brat, you're hungry, go eat."

Moer didn't dare to eat. He used to be the last to eat in Mo Yi's ethnic group. He had formed a habit, so he said, "Gaya, Mama, I'm not hungry yet, you can eat first."

Although he knew that Gaia was his own Mama, Mor was still a little unaccustomed to calling Mama directly, and he felt that it was not good not to shout, in short, it was very cramped.

Gaya: "Little brat, don't be afraid, Mama will never make you suffer again in the future, go eat it."

Mungo: "Everyone is hungry, let's eat together, little brat, you have to learn to grab food. Don't think that Gaya spoils you, you can wait for Gaya to bring you meat to eat, and there will be nothing to eat after waiting."

More knew that Mongo wanted to integrate into the group as soon as possible, and he looked at Mongo and nodded vigorously.

Mungo's brothers were hungry for a long time, and they rushed to eat. Gujigudong took Moer to grab the meat to eat, and gave Moir all the good meat he grabbed.

More had never lived in such a loving community, and he thought everything was so beautiful.

Mungo ate a lot yesterday and was not hungry, so he stood aside with Gulu, and Mungo's brothers would always leave the best meat to Mungo, which is the preferential treatment due to the leader of the tribe.

After all the dragons were full, Mungo began to eat.

Gaja looked at Moll and said, "Gulu, what name do you think Moll should name? I don't want to use the name Mo Yi gave him."

Moore also said: "Brother, I don't like this name either, you can give me a new name."

Gulu thought for a while and said, "Well, how about just being called Guga?"

This little brat has suffered too much. The little brat has Gaia's name in his name. He hopes that this will make the little brat feel more warmth and love.

Gaia: "It sounds good, it's a good name for Gulu."

Moore, no, now it should be said Guga, he and Gulu are the most familiar, not so restrained, rubbing at Gulu and said, "The name my brother took is really nice, and I like it very much!"

Then Guga said, "Thank you, brother, for saving me, you and Mungo almost died."

Gulu: "Little brat, don't say thank you to me in the future, I'm your brother!"

Guga felt that he was really the happiest little cub in the world!

Gulu: "I will eat more in the future. I want to see you grow up, big and big, to catch up with Gujigudong."

Guga: "Mmmm, brother, I will!"

Mungo sends Gollum back to Pardo's clan.

After Gulu returned to the group, Pado took him to eat the last fern, and the group automatically left the best ferns to Gulu, who was super happy to eat.

All dinosaurs continue to migrate.

In the evening, the mainland on this side was also blocked by thick volcanic ash, and the temperature began to drop.

The next day until noon, the sky was still as dark as night, and the temperature dropped a lot. The weather that was supposed to be extremely hot now made the dinosaurs feel a little cold. If humans were to wear cotton-padded clothes in such cold weather.

Gollum knew that a thick volcano would block the sun, causing the temperature to drop, and that the sun's rays couldn't penetrate such a thick ash, so it was dark even in the daytime.

On the day of the volcanic eruption, the reason why the continent on this side could still shine brightly was because the volcanic ash on the continent had not yet accumulated, and after one night, a lot of volcanic ash had already accumulated.

Gulu knew that volcanic ash was insoluble in water, and that ash and volcanic gases would be carried by the wind to great distances after an eruption, and a large enough eruption might even have an impact on the global climate.

Although the mainland here is safe, the weather will be very strange because it is so close to the volcanic eruption.

The mud rain began to rain that night, and the violent storm mixed with volcanic ash turned into mud rain.

Pardo's pack rested on a field of ferns, and the mud rain turned each Triceratops into a mud dragon, covered in ash-laden mud.

Gollum had grown too big, and Pado let Gollum hide under him, but only one side of his head and butt could block it.

Barbana let Patch and Dudu hide under her, but the two little cubs also got rain on their butts, and a thick layer of volcanic ash accumulated on their bottoms.

After the rain stopped, Pado immediately organized the group to continue walking, to get out of this area severely affected by the volcano as soon as possible.

Gollum's head and buttocks were covered with mud, and it was very uncomfortable after drying, like wearing a thick layer of armor on his body.

All adult triceratops are covered in mud, and when dry, they look like they are wearing armor, which is very heavy.

Pado made the members of the group rub each other's bodies, rubbing the mud away before leaving.

Gulu and Pachi Dudu rubbed and rubbed together, and they almost rubbed off this layer of armor until their heads and buttocks were red.

But Gulu still felt uncomfortable, he wanted to take a bath, he wanted to take a bath like crazy.

At this time, Mungo came to the vicinity of Pado's group and made a few roars. Gulu knew that Mongo wanted to take him out.

Pado ran out first and asked Mungo why he was taking Gulu out. After listening, Pado was very satisfied and immediately sent Gulu to Mungo's side.

Gulu didn't know where Mungo was going to take him, so Mungo said, he'll know when he arrives.

In fact, it didn't take long for Gulu to be shocked by the beauty of this place. He didn't expect such a beautiful scene in an area heavily covered by volcanic ash.

This is a small canyon, surrounded by mountains, and the mountains are full of towering trees. The intersection of these large branches and leaves completely blocks the small canyon. The volcanic ash and mud rain have almost no effect on this place, and they are all absorbed by the big trees.

There is a small lake in the canyon for bathing. The lake is full of ferns, green ferns with only a thin layer of volcanic ash. Compared with the ferns outside, it is really not very good!

Gollum said immediately, "I'm going to ask Pachi and Dudu to come over and eat ferns!"

Mungo: "There are too few ferns here. If they come to eat, you won't be full."

Gulu: "I can eat a little less, it doesn't matter, there are so many ferns outside."

Mungo: "There is a small water pool over there. After we wash it, we will ask them to eat."

Gulu: "Then I'll ask them to wash together!"

Mungo: "The pool is too small, only enough for us to wash."

Gulu didn't know what happened to Mungo, and seemed to dislike other dragons very much, but the pool was indeed too small.

He rushed over immediately and jumped in with a thud. The water in the lake was not clear, and it was not too different from those in the rivers outside, but there were many dangers in the rivers outside, and it was impossible to take a bath.

The lake is very small. After Mungo gets down, there is no room for it. It is not so much a lake as it is a small pool.

Gulu felt that this was more like a small bath for him and Mungo, and it was really super comfortable to take a bath!

At this time, the sun came out, and the sun in the east could be seen in the gaps between the leaves.

The morning sun, which was supposed to be red, turned eerily blue.

Gollum knew that volcanic ash would filter out certain wavelengths of light, giving the sun and the moon strange colors, especially at sunrise and sunset.

But Gulu thinks it is very beautiful, the blue sun is too beautiful!

Mungo looked at Gollum, the blue Gollum, so cute.

Gulu felt that something was wrong with Mungo, and he looked at the turbid water surface: Mungo, what are you doing! Don't think that the water is muddy, I can't see, the eyesight of Triceratops is very good!