Back to the Age of Dinosaurs

Chapter 81: The roar that shatters the mountains and rivers asks if you are afraid


Of course, Gulu was not in the mood to talk to Vice Chonglong about "the kid's father isn't me".

Outside the cave, it was freezing cold, violent snowstorms, and countless Cryolophosaurus whistling in the wind and snow. They smelled the strong smell of blood and the "deliciousness" of countless herbivorous dinosaurs.

Gulu has grown very tall, and when he stood up, he could barely see a little outside. He saw that many, many Cryolophosaurus were like the top killers in this snowy night, gathering here in groups at a very fast speed.

Herbivorous dragons migrated through the ice field, which was originally a feast for polar carnivorous dragons.

Tonight's fierce storm and snow opened a gorgeous curtain for this feast.

Pado knows how dangerous it is now. There will be many restrictions on defense and offense in the cave, and Pado fully knows how terrifying this dragon, which can run fast on glaciers, is destined to suffer heavy losses tonight.

There are already hundreds of Cryolophosaurs gathered now, but in an instant, these Cryolophosauruses have already eaten up the dozens of curved dragons that were killed at the entrance of the cave by Pardo's group.

Pado immediately organized the most robust male Triceratops in the group to go to the entrance of the cave.

Gulu was very nervous. As the leader, Pado would always charge into battle, but being bitten by a Cryolophosaurus would be really painful. Even if Pado was only bitten once, Gulu would be very sad, not to mention such a ferocious ice ridge. Dragons fight, how can they only be bitten.

Pardo has always been the bravest and most powerful Triceratops leader. He knew that in order to protect his tribe and minimize losses, he must block these carnivorous dragons in the ice and snow and prevent them from entering the cave.

The herbivorous dinosaur groups in the depths of the cave are not afraid at all. No matter how powerful the carnivorous dragons in the icefield are, the Pado ethnic group is also very powerful. They cannot eat all the Pado ethnic groups. The dragon is not in any danger.

Gulu vaguely heard the non-stop roaring of the Diplodocus and Bendosaurus who had been driven out by them outside the cave. Their roars were getting farther and farther away, but they were indeed the ones who brought the Cryolophosaurus here.

These curved dragons are very smart, and they must be trying to use the Cryolophosaurus to drive out the Paduo tribe, or let these Cryolophosaurus eat many dragons of the Paduo tribe.

Pardo's ethnic group is too large, even if all the Cryolophosaurus from the entire icefield gathers at the most, it is enough to eat all the Triceratops from the Pardo ethnic group to fully feed these Cryolophosaurus.

After the Cryolophosaurus is full, it will leave. Without the threat of the Pardo ethnic group, the curved dragon can return to the cave to avoid the wind and snow.

Even if Pardo is indeed very powerful, and the organized group successfully resists the predation of Cryolophosaurus, Pardo's ethnic group will certainly lose many, many robust male Triceratops, and it can be considered that the curved dragon successfully retaliates against Pardo's ethnic group.

No matter what the result is, Wanlong's doing this is "a huge profit".

Diplodocus is not as smart as Curved Dragon. Their way of revenge is to trample to death a few poor cubs without parents in the Pardo tribe. They can't think of such a complicated way of revenge.

And the reason why Diplodocus also roared along with Bend Dragon to attract Cryolophosaurus, Gulu only used his toes to think that Bend Dragon used Diplodocus.

Now Bend Dragon and Diplodocus must have been hiding far away, and they did not dare to be near the cave. So many Cryolophosaurus gathered here, not only to hunt the herbivorous dragon in the cave, but also to hunt all the plants near the cave. Eating dinosaurs.

It has to wait until the second half of the night, when the Cryolophosaurus gradually disperses, and after a silence, the clever Bend Dragon will come back and regain the cave location that originally belonged to them.

The strong bloody smell at the entrance of the cave made these Cryolophosaurus extremely excited, and the cave full of herbivorous dragons made them drool even more.

Now this cave is like a giant meat can for Cryolophosaurus, and there are all kinds of big meat dragons they love to eat.

Pardo charged towards the Cryolophosaurus with the strongest Triceratops in the group.

The slaughter began in an instant, and the incomparably strong smell of blood permeated the air, and the roars of the Triceratops and Cryolophosaurus spread far and far.

Gulu couldn't be in a hurry, he saw that Pado and many male Triceratops were surrounded by more and more Cryolophosaurus.

Triceratops weighed more than ten tons, and Cryolophosaurus weighed only one to two tons, which was not a heavyweight at all, but there were too many Cryolophosaurus, and it was not convenient for Triceratops to display in the cave.

One corner of Pado can kill a Cryolophosaurus, bang bang bang, but in an instant, Pado has killed seven or eight Cryolophosaurus, all of which pierced the belly of Cryolophosaurus with long horns, and then provoked it. Throw it on the ground, and then trample it with iron hoofs. After this set of actions, the Cryolophosaurus is basically dead, and there is no chance to lie on the ground and bite the Triceratops.

As the most powerful Triceratops leader, Pardo has always killed dragons like hemp, very bloody, violent and cruel. This set of actions may not be so easy for other Triceratops, but for Pardo it can be done in an instant.

Pardo's strength is very strong, Pardo's horns are very long, Pardo's combat experience is extremely rich, and Pardo is invincible.

At the same time, each of the male triceratops that participated in the defense against the Cryolophosaurus with Pardo was very powerful, and they were also able to use the Triceratops "stab, stab, and step" a set of nirvana skills with perfection.

But even so, the number of Cryolophosaurus is too large, and groups of Cryolophosaurus continue to join in.

Pardo had already organized all the adult Triceratops as the second layer of guards, and the cubs were protected in the innermost layer.

Gulu looked around, and in the ice and snow outside the cave, countless Cryolophosaurus were gathering at an extremely fast speed, and each Cryolophosaurus was so excited that its whole body showed very bright colors.

In this white and snowy world, in the gloomy darkness, Cryolophosaurus is very dazzling because of the bright colors of its body. The cave where they are.

No matter how powerful Pardo's group is, it can't resist the addition of more and more Cryolophosaurus.

Gulu saw that Pado had been bitten several times. Some Cryolophosaurus had their backs to Pado, but their heads could turn 360 degrees, and the whole head turned around to bite Pado.

Pardo kept killing these Cryolophosaurus as if he didn't know the pain.

Gulu turned around in a hurry, he didn't know what to do.

At this time, the leader of the deputy claw dragon said in a particularly uninteresting manner: "Gulu, our little brat..."

Gulu really wanted to bang this deputy claw dragon a few times and asked him: Didn't you see that my clan was about to be wiped out? ! Can you talk and do things with a little brain, I beg you!

The deputy scorpion leader was startled by Gulu's angry eyes, and let out an extremely wronged roar. The deputy scorpion leader's roar was too loud, and suddenly the gravel on the top of the mountain fell down.

Gulu suddenly thought of a way!

He quickly observed the cave, which was very large and had several exits, because he saw the wind blowing into the cave from different directions.

So he said to the vice-crest dragon leader, "Dalong, Dalong, can you do me a favor?!"

The deputy chief dragon was still struggling with Gulu's refusal to recognize their cub. His brain capacity was too small, he could only think about one thing at a time, so he still said, "Our cub..."

Gulu didn't have so much time to talk about this issue again and said: "As long as you help me, what you say is what you say!"

The deputy chiron leader immediately nodded wildly.

Gulu explained his thoughts to the vice-crest dragon leader in detail: "Dalong, let me tell you, you bring your clan to roar together and collapse the part of the cave entrance, as long as the part of the cave entrance collapses, and those abominable people will be destroyed. Kill the carnivore, but don't hit the Triceratops, can you do it?"

The vice-crest dragon leader didn't need to think about it at all, it was too easy for them, he nodded to Gollum.

Then Gollum made Barbana and him make a huge roar, telling Pado that the entrance of the cave was about to be stepped on, and told all the triceratops to retreat, immediately and immediately!

Of course, Pado understood the meaning of the roars of Gollum and Barbana, and immediately organized all the Triceratops to retreat. Although he didn't know why Gollum asked them to do this, he absolutely trusted his son.

Then the deputy scorpion dragon leader led the group to make a very high-frequency roar. This sound was not very loud in the cave, but when it reached the entrance of the cave, it was particularly sharp and shrill, so that the ground at the entrance of the entire cave was shaking, and the stones on the top of the mountain were one after another. drop down.

Pado was very uncomfortable with this extremely harsh sound. When he saw the boulders falling from the cave, he killed many Cryolophosaurus instantly.

Gulu remembered that night when he and Mungo watched the music festival of Vice Culturyron together, the layering, rhythm, explosiveness, penetrating power of the sound... it was simply amazing.

At that time, Gollum thought that if they put a piece of glass in front of the Paragonosaurus, they would be able to shatter the glass into any shape they wanted. They knew too well how to control the intensity, speed, frequency, range, etc. of these sounds. Wait.

The sound of bang bang bang falling boulders continued, and the painful roar of Cryolophosaurus after being hit.

The Cryolophosaurus was very smart and immediately retreated outside the cave when the situation was bad, but there were still some who didn't have time to run out. If they ran out, they would be killed by boulders, so they could only run into the cave with the Triceratops.

Of course, these Cryolophosaurus know that running into the cave is undoubtedly a dead end, but their bodies can't stand the heavy smashing of boulders. Buried alive under a boulder.

Pado successfully retreated with almost all the male triceratops. Only five male triceratops could not return because they were too injured. They could only run out, and were finally torn apart and eaten by the Cryolophosaurus outside.

More and more boulders rolled down from the entrance of the cave, and many Cryolophosaurus were killed by boulders. At the same time, these boulders slowly sealed the entrance of the cave, leaving only a small gap between the boulders.

At this time, Gulu said to the deputy dragon leader: "Dalong Dalong, it's okay, it's okay, thank you." Of course, the deputy dragon group stopped roaring immediately.

Paractenosaurus has no powerful body structure to attack and defend. Their roar is the only offensive and defensive weapon. When attacked, they will roar loudly, making the carnivore very uncomfortable through high-frequency sounds, and then give up hunting. .

In fact, this kind of "sound attack" is really very powerful. Unless the carnivore is not afraid of being deafened, it will usually be closed when it is good, and it will run away after hunting one.

The cave has been completely sealed, and Pado also stopped with the male triceratops.

There were more than a dozen Cryolophosaurus trapped in the cave. When they heard that there were no boulders at the entrance of the cave, they immediately turned their heads and ran out, but the entrance of the cave was sealed long ago.

The Cryolophosaurus kept hitting the boulders blocking the entrance of the cave with their big heads, but how could they be able to break open.

Pado hated these carnivorous dragons, and he took the male triceratops to kill the dozen or so Cryolophosaurus one by one.

The tragic roar of the Cryolophosaurus before it died reverberated in the cave for a long time.

The deputy scorpion leader rubbed his head gently and said, "Our little brat..."

Gulu looked at the vice-claw dragon leader, rubbed his neck back, and said sincerely, "Dalong, thank you, thank you for saving my clan, thank you for saving us."

Paractenosaurus is not as big as a Triceratops, and an adult Paractenosaurus is generally only 3-4 tons. Gollum is now one ton, and Paractenosaurus is not as tall as a Triceratops. Gollum is now about the same height as its leader. Rub each other's necks.

Although the Paragonosaurus is not as big as the Triceratops, this Paragonosaurus leader is really big, maybe 7 tons in weight, and Gollum is still a triceratops cub. In front of the Paragonosaurus leader, Gollum is still a comparison. small.

Barbana also quickly thanked the deputy dragon leader: "Thank you, without you, our tribe would not know how many dragons would have died."

Deputy Choulong took the lead and said to Barbana: "Don't thank me, I should help Gulu. Although I hated him at first, but now I have figured it out, I can no longer hate him."

Afterwards, the deputy chief of the dragons said to Gulu, "Gulu, my name is Long, not Dalong, our little cub is called Guoguo."

Gulu is very courteous. The leader of the deputy Chuanglong has helped him so much. If he doesn't admit it now, he can't do such a thing. If it is reasonable, the deputy Chuanglong can't understand it, but he can't recognize an unknown person. White kid.

Barbana: "Long, why do you say that this cub is Gulu? Gulu is still a triceratops cub, and a triceratops can't give birth to other dragons than triceratops."

Vice-Chunlong explained a lot of "fallacy and heresy" to them seriously.

To sum up, that night, Gollum watched them all night not far away, and the place where Gollum was located was higher than that of the vice-claw dragon leader.

In the view of the vice-claw dragons, when performing collective performances, the dragon in the higher position is the dominant dragon.

The vice-crest dragon leader is usually pushed to the high ground when the "music festival" enters the climax, which is the honor of the leader.

That night, the deputy scorpion leader actually watched Gulu and Mungo all the time. Gulu participated in all their processes and was higher than them. The deputy scorpion leader thought that his little cub also had a part of Gulu.

The reason why Gulu and Mongo felt so strongly that day was also because the deputy dragon leader was communicating with them, but they didn't understand this way of communication.

After listening to Gulu, he was stunned and could only sigh—sometimes, you really can't look at the dragon.

Deputy Choulong leader: "I didn't talk nonsense."

Barbana & Gollum: …

Gulu: "Dalong, no, Long, I mean, it's not only my dragon who saw you, but also Mungo, and so many other dragons. Why do you think it must be mine?"

Long: "Because you were always there, Mungo left later. The other dragons don't look at us like you, and the other dragons are eating ferns, hunting and sleeping..."

Through Long's explanation, Gulu knew that the criterion for Vice-Crush Dragon's judgment was to watch them attentively and participate in the whole process, and maybe make eye contact, etc., but he didn't pay much attention to them at the time.

Long also explained that he glared at Gollum the next morning because he felt that Gollum was a different dragon from his, and he was angry at why he was participating in their activities.

But at that time, Long was very afraid of Mungo. Mungo was too dangerous as a Tyrannosaurus rex, so he didn't dare to trouble Gollum.

After more than a year, Long has been doing ideological work for himself, and it was only recently that he figured out how to forgive Gulu.

During this period, Long's ethnic group had been in the vicinity of Gulu all the time. When Gulu went to Nanshan, they also went to Nanshan. Gulu migrated ahead of schedule, and they also migrated in advance to avoid the natural disasters.

Gollum: Make eye contact and have a baby? ! Could it be that this is the legendary "staring at who is pregnant"? !

Gulu felt that the operation of Paractenosaurus was just like those newly hatched birds, such as ducks and swans, would treat the first live animal they saw after breaking their shells as their own Baba and Ma, and didn't care about this at all. Animals look nothing like what they look like.

Long pushed the cub of the vice-puppet dragon in front of Gulu and said: "Guoguo, don't you want to see your father every day, he is your father, his name is Gulu, he is amazing..."

This cub of the vice-pterosaur only weighs two or three hundred kilograms. It is still a very small one. Compared with Gulu's huge body, it is really too small. He is a little afraid of Gulu, and he does not dare to approach, and hides under Long's body. She looked at Gollum timidly.

Long: "It's a berry forest, so I'll name the cub Guoguo, doesn't it sound good?"

Gulu remembered that it was indeed a big berry forest, and Mongo took him to eat it, but he didn't expect to encounter the group of vice dragons.

Even Patch Dudu and Mila thought that this big dragon named Long might really have a problem with his mind, but this big dragon did save them just now, and they couldn't say anything.

What can Gollum say now, he can only say: "Well, it sounds good."

At this time, Pado, who was covered in blood, came over, and he would like to express his special thanks to these vice dragons.

Gulu was very distressed when he saw Pado, who was covered in blood. It was very painful to be bitten by a Cryolophosaurus.

Pado stood in front of the deputy dragon leader and expressed his gratitude very sincerely.

Of course, the vice-chilong leader still said he didn't need to thank him, and told Pado about his relationship with Gollum.

Pado was dumbfounded after hearing this: ? ? ? !

Then the deputy chiron leader explained a lot to Pado, while Gollum looked at Pado with a helpless expression, he didn't know what to do now.

The head of the vice-scorpion dragon is too small, their brain capacity is very small, and the "spine crown" on the top of the head used to play takes up a large part of the head. No matter how Gulu explained it, it was impossible for Long to understand.

Gollum knew that Paractenosaurus couldn't even figure out why it gave birth to cubs. You told him about "reproductive isolation" and that Triceratops couldn't give birth to Paractenosaurus. He couldn't understand it.

Vice-Combatron thinks that it is possible to have cubs just by playing together, not because of other steps.

Pado: "Long, you saved us, I am very grateful to you, but Gulu can never be your cub's father, and Gulu himself is still a cub."

Long: "Paddo, it's, it's, I said yes, it's."

Pardo: …

Gulu felt that since all the deputy clade dragons had saved his clan, he couldn't say anything, so he could be a father to a little cub, even though I was still a baby.

So Gulu said, "Long, I mean what I say, and I will be the father of the little brat from now on."

Long didn't want Gulu to live in his ethnic group either. For more than a year, he had already figured out that it was impossible for Gulu to live in his ethnic group. He just wanted the cub to know his father, and that was enough.

The little brat tentatively walked up to Gulu's side, rubbed his thick forelegs and whispered, "Dad, Daddy, I miss you so much..."

Gulu also rubbed the little cub back and said, "GuoGuo, it's so cute."

Any dinosaur cub is very cute, even a Tyrannosaurus rex cub is cute, not to mention the cubs of a gentle herbivorous dinosaur, Gollum really thinks the little Parasaurus is cute.

The little vice-chan was very happy, and he turned his head to rub against Long and said, "Mama, Dad said I'm cute."

Gulu is really curious, is the vice-cendacean not even a male and a female, clearly Minglong is a male, why is it Ma Ma? ! Which female paractosaurus gave birth to this little paractenoid? !

After a series of inquiries, Gollum finally figured out the reproduction method of the paractonus.

The parasaurus leader has the highest mating rights and can reproduce with any female in the group.

Every time the music festival, the strongest female paraketo dragon in the group is next to the leader. The leader needs to mate with at least three female dragons at a time, in order to maximize the inheritance of the leader's excellent genes.

These female dragons will hatch many cubs, but only the strongest cub can be recognized by the vice-ctolon leader, and this cub will become the next leader.

Paragonosaurus does have no gender concept, the leader can be female or male, and the largest one becomes the leader.

Long didn't even know that many of the cubs in the clan were his children. He only thought that Guoguo was his cub, and that Gulu was his father, he was Mama, and the female dragon that hatched Guoguo was just hatching.

The female dragon who gave birth to Guoguo didn't even know that these eggs were her cubs, she just nurtured instinctively.

When Gulu asked Long: "Why am I Dad and you are Mama?"

Long said, "Then you can also be Mama, and I can be my father."

Gollum: emmm... When I didn't ask.

All in all, the vice-claw dragon is a dragon with a very low IQ, and is often confused.

For example, now, Long takes the cub to sleep, and Gulu also returns to the Pado's clan, as if nothing happened just now.

It is very late now, most of the dragons in the cave are asleep, only Pado's group has not slept, mainly because too many male triceratops were injured, and the dragons in the group were cleaning their wounds.

Pardo and the brothers cleaned the wounds, while Barbana coaxed the cubs to sleep.

The three little cubs couldn't sleep at all. They all saw that Dad's injury was terrible, it must be very painful, and they were very distressed.

Gulu went directly to Pado's side after returning from the group of vice dragons. Barbana didn't stop him, and the other three cubs also wanted to go, but Barbana didn't let them go.

In fact, both Pado and Barbana knew that Gollum was too different from other triceratops cubs.

Barbana didn't let the three cubs go to Pado's side because she was afraid that Pado's injury would scare them. It wasn't so scary when it was bloody, but it would look particularly hideous without the blood covering it, and the way the wound was handled. Terrible too.

Gulu had seen everything and knew everything, so there was no need for Barbana to stop him, and if there was no Gulu today, the group would not know how badly it would be hurt, and Gulu could always think of a way to save the group again and again.

The wounds on Pado's body looked terrible. Some of the meat that had not been bitten had turned into rotten meat. After the blood was cleaned up, the white rotten meat looked very terrifying.

Tears rolled in Gulu's eyes, and he choked out, "Dad, you must be in pain."

Pado gently rubbed against Gulu and said, "Dad doesn't hurt. As long as you are all right, Daddy doesn't hurt."

Gulu lowered his head and his tears fell to the ground. He felt that he was so stupid. Why didn't he think of letting Vice-Crush Dragon shatter the hole earlier? If he had thought about it earlier, his father would not have been hurt.

Pado knew what Gulu was thinking, and he said: "Gulu is already very smart, much smarter than Dad, Dad's little injury will soon be healed, and Gulu has helped Dad and the tribe a lot. I'm crying, if Dad and the clan didn't have Gollum, today would be miserable..."

Gulu: "Dad, when I grow up a bit, I can help you guard the tribe, and I can kill those pesky carnivorous dragons."

Pado: "Daddy's Gollum is still a little brat, but Dad's Gollum will definitely be very powerful in the future."

Although male triceratops can never avoid injury, male triceratops are not afraid of injury. As long as they can protect their own group, they do not know pain at all. They like to fight, and blood and victory fascinate them.

The aggressiveness of Triceratops is the basis for Triceratops to choose the most rigid and hardcore herbivorous dinosaurs, and it is also the basis for Triceratops to fight against Tyrannosaurus rex, the first overlord of the land.

Then Gulu saw Pado rubbing down the meat that was bitten by the Cryolophosaurus on the sharp stone, and rubbing it down alive, Guluguang felt that he was also in pain.

It is impossible for these rotten flesh to grow again, and they must be rubbed off, otherwise the wound will not be healed. No matter how painful the rubbing process is, it is better than the life-threatening wound infection.

As if Pado didn't know the pain, he didn't make a sound at all. This little injury was nothing to Pado at all.

Gulu knew that it was the new and old wounds on Pardo's body that made Pardo the most powerful triceratops leader in the entire Yukan Continent.

After dealing with his injuries, Pado lay down on the ground to rest, and Gollum lay beside Pado.

Gollum looked at Pardo. There were many old wounds on Pardo's big head, but these old wounds made Pardo more powerful and domineering, which made Long daunted.

Pado also looked at Gulu and said softly, "Has it been a long time since Gulu has been coquettish with Dad? Dad's little Gulu has grown so fast, are you embarrassed to be coquettish with Dad?"

Pado, like all parents in the world, not only hopes that his little cub will grow up to become a very powerful dragon quickly, but also hopes that his cub will grow up slowly, and still rely on him as he did when he was a child.

Gulu rubbed Pado's big head lightly and said, "Dad, no matter how old Gulu grows up, he is still your little brat, and he loves you super invincibly."

Pardo likes Gollum like that.

Gulu looked at the group of vice dragons not far away. If there was no help from the group of vice dragons today, he couldn't imagine how many dragons would die in the group.

Speaking of which, we should really thank the deputy dragon group. Compared with the death of many dragons in the group, "being a father" is nothing at all.

It's so lucky to meet the Vice-Combet Dragons here, and Gulu thinks that he is really: Jilong has his own celestial appearance!

Gulu and Pado were lying together, feeling no wind chill at all, and Pado's huge body became his warmest shelter.

The place where they lied was already far away from the entrance of the cave. The injured male Triceratops needed to rest and needed to recharge. They were all lying far away from the entrance of the cave, and the entrance of the cave was blocked by large stones, only some small ones. The gap can let in the wind.

Pado also blocked the little bit of the cold wind that might blow over for Gulu. Gulu felt very warm and comfortable, and the terrible sound of the wind and snow blowing outside became a lullaby.

Babbana asked Mila to sleep tightly against her belly. Next to Mila was Dudu, and next to Dudu was Pachi. The three little cubs couldn't get the wind chill at all, and they slept soundly.

The sun doesn't rise until noon the next day, and the days in the polar regions get shorter after the end of summer.

Pado looked out from the gap at the entrance of the cave, and the wind and snow had stopped.

There are some herbivorous dinosaurs going out one after another, mainly because herbivorous dinosaurs must eat regularly and cannot be hungry for a long time, especially the huge Diplodocus, Argentinosaurus, etc. Even if the snow does not stop, they have to go out to find Food.

The cave is very large and has several exits. Large dragons will automatically go out through the larger entrance, while those with a smaller size will exit through the smaller entrance, so it is not crowded at all.

The weather is good today, the sun is shining brightly on the earth, and the snowstorm last night broke many big trees. All the trees are covered with thick snow, and the ferns are also covered with thick snow.

Gollum saw a group of lovely paractenoids looking for food not far away.

Then Gulu watched around while eating. He was looking for Mungo's tribe. He believed that Mungo and the others must have found a cave to hide last night.

These ferns and conifers are extremely hardy, and the snow also nourishes them to grow quickly.

After taking a bite of the fern, half of it was full of snow. Gulu felt like he was eating a smoothie. It was delicious.

When Gulu was almost full, he finally saw Mungo's group.

Mungo was hurriedly taking the group to run here, and it seemed that he was worried that they didn't find a cave to hide last night. Pado's group was too large.

Of course, Mungo soon saw that Pado's group saw Gollum.

The Pado's group unknowingly walked to the entrance of the cave last night while eating and eating. They were all in the same cave.

The entrance of the cave was originally supposed to be a vast expanse of white, no matter how many casualties last night, no matter how tragic, such a big snowstorm should be gone after one night.

But there are a lot of blood, bones, and meat residue at the entrance of the cave, and it can still be vaguely recognized that it is from the crooked dragon race, because there are many complete crooked dragon heads.

Gulu knew that the Bend Dragon Clan must have been exterminated by the Cryolophosaurus, and it was after the wind and snow stopped.

Gulu guessed that it should be that the Cryolophosaurus thought that the group of Cryolophosaurus had already left, and when dawn came, there was no more sound of fighting and then quietly lurked back.

But the Cryolophosaurus suffered heavy losses last night, and they were unwilling to leave, so they lurked at the entrance of the cave.

Carnivore dragons know that grass-eating dragons must eat regularly, and they must come out in the morning.

The Bend Dragon who came back happened to meet the Cryolophosaurus who had not left. There were too many Cryolophosaurus, and Bend Dragon did not have any self-defense offensive equipment, so it was easy to be exterminated.

Gulu thought to himself that these curved dragons were really "smart but misunderstood by cleverness".

Seeing that so many curved dragons died, Pado was completely indifferent. He would not feel that he was too cruel. As long as his own group survived, he would not care how miserable other groups died because of them.

After they were full, they continued to migrate, and along the way, Gulu could see herbivorous dinosaur cubs frozen to death in twos and threes.

Then Gulu saw Wu Wulan and the four cubs digging in the snow to find the frozen herbivorous dragon cubs to eat. Just eating these cubs was enough for them to eat.

Gulu didn't know where Wu Wulan found the cave yesterday to avoid the snowstorm, maybe he didn't find it, and was frozen alive all night.

In fact, Wu Wulan alone with four cubs, life is really difficult, a Tyrannosaurus Rex Mama alone with three cubs is already amazing.

Gulu thought to himself, fortunately, Heita died, Heita did not die, and Wu Wulan could not afford to raise five cubs, so Tata must be the first to die.

Mungo's ethnic group is too large to pick up frozen cubs to eat. They can only hunt. Fortunately, every adult Tyrannosaurus rex in Mongo's ethnic group is a master hunter.

Pado's group walked very fast ahead, taking advantage of the day to rush a little more.

After Mungo's group hunted successfully, they started eating on the spot, and soon, Gulu couldn't see them at all.

I don't know how long it took, the sun was about to go down again, and Mungo's ethnic group finally caught up.

There was no wind or snow that night, and all the dragons were resting in the forest.

If there is another big snowstorm, these herbivorous dragon groups can only find a place to hide based on their strength, and there is no longer a cave as big as before that can accommodate so many herbivorous dragons.

Although it is much colder to rest in the forest than in the cave, but fortunately it is still within the acceptable range of the cubs. Dinosaurs have a strong ability to regulate their body temperature. They have been slowly adapting to the cold climate, and the longer they enter the polar regions. , the better the adaptability.

The next day the sun came out and continued to migrate, eating while walking.

After walking like this for five or six days, they came to the biggest glacier.

This glacier is too big to see the end at a glance.

Some herbivorous dinosaurs have already crossed the glacier first, but Pardo decided to take a day off before walking.

Gulu thought that Pado's decision was a wise one. This glacier was too big. If something happened in the middle, it would be dead.

Pardo led the group to eat and rest in the forest.

Mungo's group was resting not far away. They had a full meal yesterday, and now they don't need to eat anymore.

Carnivorous dinosaurs can go without food for up to seven days without dying, but herbivorous dinosaurs may starve to death if they don’t eat for a day.

In the extremely cold environment, the metabolism slows down, and the carnivore dragon can even not eat for ten days, but not eating for a long time will cause the body to be extremely thin, and it can only be said that it will not starve to death.

Of course, if there is sufficient food, it is best for carnivore to eat every day, but in the cold climate, the body cycle of dinosaurs will slow down, and it is not easy to get hungry after eating, so there is no need to eat every day.

The energy consumption caused by hunting is extremely large, and now Mungo's group basically eats once every 2-3 days.

Gulu wanted to go around, but of course only Mongo could take him there. Pado was very relieved of Mongo, and he always wanted Mongo to take Gulu out.

Mungo and Gollum wandered in the forest.

Of course, Mungo heard about the leader of the Paragonosaurus and Gulu. All the dinosaurs in the cave that day were laughing at how stupid the Paragonosaurus was. How could there be such a stupid dragon.

That night, Mungo's ethnic group hid in a small cave, far away from the big cave where the Pado ethnic group hid. It was impossible for them to know that such a dangerous thing happened that night. Mungo only heard of it the next day.

Mungo: "Gulu, you don't really think that little dragon is your cub?"

What Gulu felt very strange was that after that night, Long never looked for him again. He wanted to go to Long and express his thanks again, but Long seemed to have forgotten about it, as if he didn't know him very well. look.

Mungo didn't know why, but he thought it was very strange. There were other dragons and Gulu who became a little dragon's "Baba Mama". Mungo just felt very uncomfortable, just thinking about it was very uncomfortable.

Gulu thought about what happened to the vice-chilong leader, and said casually, "Of course not."

Mongo no longer asked.

There are a lot of herbivorous dinosaurs eating in the forest, and they have to eat enough to pass the big glacier.

Gollum and Mungo walked into the depths of the forest.

As he walked, Gulu felt a little dizzy, and at the same time he saw some big dragons lying in the forest in the distance, including Diplodocus, Stegosaurus Jialong and so on.

Moreover, Gulu found that these dragons did not have any wounds, which proved that they were not attacked by carnivorous dragons and died.

Taking a closer look, Gulu also saw that there were several Cryolophosaurs lying next to a Diplodocus, and there were no wounds on the Cryolophosaurus.

Gollum immediately realized that there might be some deadly colorless, odorless gas in the forest at a high concentration.

After realizing this, Gollum immediately took Mungo back and had to go to an open place.

Gollum kept wondering what the gas would be, until Gollum saw what seemed to be a crack in the huge ice wall next to the forest.

Glacier rifts will release a large amount of methane. Methane is colorless and odorless. If it is too dense in the air, it will poison people and of course dinosaurs. The forest is too dense, causing countless evacuation of methane gas.

The abundance of methane in the air is a precursor to melting glaciers!

Gulu ran very fast, and on the way back, he happened to meet a group of vice dragons.

The deputy clade dragons rescued them, and Gulu immediately ran to Long and said: "Long, you follow the Pado's group, don't go to other places, it is very dangerous now, you must follow the Pado's group, hurry up, follow me ."

Although Mungo was a Tyrannosaurus rex and was so close to them, these parasaurus were not afraid at all.

Because of the low IQ of Paragonosaurus, the leader thinks that the Tyrannosaurus Rex is terrible, and releases information to them, and they will be afraid.

Now it belongs to the leader who didn't think of the terrible Tyrannosaurus Rex. As long as Mungo didn't make an attack, they wouldn't be afraid.

Long looked blank: "Gulu, how do you know my name is Long?"

Gollum was shocked: "No, have you forgotten? Just before that cave..."

Long slowly seemed to remember something.

In fact, Gulu can also understand that animals with low IQs generally have very poor memory, and the memory time is very short. They may only remember some very important things, or they may forget them at any time.

There is no time to talk so much now, Gulu can only order him: "Long, you take the clan with me now, right now!"

At this time, Gollum saw Lauren and the group galloping towards them, looking anxious.