Back to the Age of Dinosaurs

Chapter 82: Countless sun pillars fall from the sky so beautifully


Lauren quickly brought the group to Gulu, and he said anxiously: "Gulu, you can't walk on that glacier anymore, the glacier above may melt, and you will be drowned..."

It turned out that Lauren came here in such a hurry to tell them the news. Although Gollum had already observed it in advance, Gollum was really moved by Lauren being so thoughtful.

Gulu felt as if Deinonychus had been near them all the time. It seemed to be Lauren's ethnic group. Lauren must be afraid that they were not familiar with the polar terrain, and there would be an accident, but he didn't want to be discovered by them, so he kept going. Follow secretly.

Mungo also felt that Deinonychus had been following them all the time. It was too windy and snowy that night, and Mongo could not find it anywhere in the cave. He was a little lost, and was led by a fast Deinonychus to find shelter. cave.

Deinonychus was very smart. They followed the natural law that dinosaurs of various races could not come and go frequently, but Lauren didn't want Mungo and Gollum to be hurt a little, so they could only follow secretly.

Gollum and Mungo asked Lauren if they had been active near their clan. They wanted to thank Lauren, but Lauren denied it directly. He didn’t want Gollum and Mungo to feel that they owed him a lot. In fact, he felt that he It didn't really do anything for Gollum and Mungo either.

Sometimes the relationship between "dragon and dragon" is so pure, the so-called "friendship between gentlemen is as watery as water".

Lauren looked at the tall glacier wall at the end of the forest and said, "Maybe it won't melt, but if it does, it's too dangerous for you to walk down this big glacier."

The terrain here is very complicated. The forest where Gulu and the others are located is very large. Next to the forest is a very high ice wall, which is about 100 meters high. The ice wall spreads for dozens of kilometers. Frozen in all seasons, it will not melt even in summer.

The shortcut "Great Glacier" for Gulu and the others to migrate is under this ice wall more than 100 meters high.

The scenery here is very spectacular. The big ice wall stands tall and high, the big glacier under the ice wall is endless, and there is a lush coniferous forest next to the ice wall, which is very beautiful.

The ice wall should be formed by the freezing of a high-level glacier. If the ice wall breaks, then all the water in the glacier will be dumped down, the edge of the forest will be destroyed, and the big glacier they are going to cross will be even more dangerous. , will be completely submerged.

The big glacier they are going to cross is very low, and it is just under the big ice wall, which is very dangerous.

However, the large ice wall has never melted, and it is normal to have cracks on the ice wall. Large glaciers will have cracks, which are formed by "differential melting of the ice surface", because some parts of large glaciers may form due to strong sunlight and other reasons. Differential ablation.

The "differential melting of the ice surface" is also an important reason for the formation of various peculiar and magnificent natural landscapes such as ice bridges, ice mushrooms, ice tower forests, ice velvet, and ice tongues.

However, cracks on the ice surface are generally surface cracks, and surface cracks will definitely not release a large amount of "methane gas". Only deep cracks will release a large amount of methane gas. There is a lot of natural gas under the glacier, and methane is one of them.

Gulu knew that even if the glacier didn't melt so fast, it might take a few days, or ten days, or another cold wave, and it wouldn't melt.

Although Lauren does not have the knowledge reserve of Gulu, he has lived near the polar regions for too long, and Deinonychus is an extremely intelligent dragon. They can judge by many surface phenomena, such as changes in animals and plants, ice surfaces, glaciers, etc. Whether the big ice wall will melt.

Gulu: "Lauren, thank you for reminding us, I'll go back and tell Pado right away, we won't go over the big glacier, we'll go around the mountain next to the glacier."

If they walk on the big glacier, they only need up to three days to get out of the pole, but if they go around the mountain next to the glacier, it takes at least half a month.

There is a mountain next to the big glacier. The mountain is covered with coniferous forests and cold-resistant ferns. When migrating through the big glacier, they will walk along the junction of the big glacier and the big mountain. When they are hungry, they will eat ferns on the mountain. Also go to the forest to rest.

Lauren: "You guys are going up the mountain tonight."

Gollum nodded repeatedly to indicate that they would be going up the mountain tonight, and Lauren was relieved.

Lauren: "My clan happened to be hunting in the ice field, so let's go hunting first."

Gollum found that Lauren only brought five or six Deinonychus this time. It was not like hunting, but specifically to inform them of the news, but Lauren did not want them to think that he had come on a special trip.

If Lauren is here to hunt, he will bring at least 20 Deinonychus with him, so that he can hunt enough prey.

Deinonychus were so good at hiding themselves in ice fields and forests that Gollum couldn't see them again in a blink of an eye.

At this time, Long suddenly said to Gulu: "I remembered, I remembered, in that cave, I already told you..."

Gulu was very grateful to Long for finally remembering it, and he said, "Then you must follow us, follow the Pado clan, you can go wherever we go."

Long nodded desperately and said, "Well, Gulu, I know, I will definitely follow you, you are the father of the little brat, I will definitely listen to you."

While they were talking, they walked back, and Long unknowingly walked between Gollum and Mungo, and he wanted to be next to Gollum.

Long's clan followed behind them.

The little cub Guoguo is really too small, and when he walks next to Gulu, Gulu is afraid to step on him, and the cub walks a little slowly, also in order to fulfill his duty as a "daddy", Gulu lay down and said: " Guoguo, get on Dad's back."

Guoguo immediately climbed onto Gulu's back, a ton of Gulu was too big for Gulu, he could sit on Gulu's back completely, it was very spacious, and two or three hundred pounds of Guoguo was too big for Gulu. It's very light, and you won't get tired when you carry it for a long time.

Mungo was pushed to the side inexplicably, and he was very upset. If it weren't for the fact that the deputy dragon group had saved Gulu, Mongo would have killed the big silly dragon in one bite.

Long was very happy, rubbed Gulu and Guoguo while walking, and said, "Guoguo, be happy, Mama told you right, Guoguo's father is super powerful."

Guoguo also kept rubbing against Gulu's back and said, "Mmmm, Guoguo's father is super awesome, and Guoguo loves mom and dad so much..."

Mungo: Mom and Dad, can't these big silly dragons watch, you guys don't look like Gulu at all! The big silly dragon who needs to be beaten!

Although Mungo was very upset, he didn't want to be seen by Gulu, so he whispered to Long: "Da silly dragon, do you know what kind of dragon I am?! Answer me in a low voice and don't let Gulu hear."

Long really listened to Mungo's words and whispered: "I know, you are a Tyrannosaurus Rex, and I'm not stupid! I'm not a big silly dragon, I'm Long."

Mungo: "Then why aren't you afraid of me?"

Long: "Why should I be afraid of you?"

Mungo deliberately made a terrifying appearance and said: "I am a Tyrannosaurus Rex, and our Tyrannosaurus Rex is very fierce, fierce and terrible! Think about it again, are you afraid of me?! Do you see my teeth? Break you!"

Long suddenly remembered that the Tyrannosaurus Rex seemed to be quite scary.

Seeing that the big silly dragon was afraid, Mungo said, "Get out of the way, I'm going to be next to Gulu."

Long immediately ran to the other side of Gulu, and Mungo was stupid: Yes, I can also go to the other side of Gulu just now, I am the big silly dragon!

Gulu didn't realize that Mungo and Long were actually communicating, and of course he didn't realize that Mongo was frightening Long. He was thinking about how to avoid the glacial melting catastrophe that might occur next.

There was a huge Gollum separated from the Tyrannosaurus Rex, so Long was not afraid, and Long knew that it was Mungo who raised Gollum. As long as Gollum didn't let Mungo hurt him, Mungo would not hurt him.

Along the way, Gulu was dealing with the terrible situation that would happen after the melting of the Mongokop glacier. Of course, Gulu would not give Longkop these things.

Although Mungo didn't understand the principle very much, he knew that he had to follow Pado's group at any time. If he found any danger, he could rush to Gulu's side as soon as possible.

Guoguo didn't know the horror of Tyrannosaurus Rex at all, he kept hitting Mungo with his head and said: "Dalong Dalong, you are so big, how come you are so big, Dalong, are you also very powerful? , you are great or my dad is great..."

Meng Ge didn't like these silly dragons at first, and was annoyed by the little vice dragon. He showed his fangs at Guoguo, looking very scary.

Guoguo was frightened and cried immediately, he rubbed against Gulu and cried, "Dad, this dragon is so scary, he wants to eat me, Daddy, woohoo..."

Gulu knew that Guoguo must have been annoyed by Mungo just now, and was a little "bear child", but he still hurriedly coaxed: "Guoguo doesn't cry, this big dragon is called Mongo, Mongo is father's father, he is very good Yes, I won't eat you..."

Guoguo muttered, "What kind of dragon is Dad's dad?"

The complex relationship that the adult paractophagus can't figure out, Gulu is not going to tell the young paragonosaurus with incomplete brain development, he said: "It's a very good dragon anyway, don't be afraid of Guoguo."

Then Gulu whispered to Mungo: "Mongo, Mongo, just bear with him and ignore him."

Guoguo knew that Dalong wouldn't eat him, so she kept rubbing against Mungo, wanting Mongo to play with him.

Gulu saw that Guoguo was so "heartless and heartless" that he wasn't even afraid of Tyrannosaurus Rex, and he had to sigh: "It's really "a newborn calf is not afraid of tigers".

Mungo didn't scare the cub anymore, so he obeyed Gulu and ignored him.

Gulu wouldn't go out of his way to tell the kid about the horror of the Tyrannosaurus Rex. Maybe he talked about it today and forgot it tomorrow.

In this way, before they knew it, they returned to the Pado clan.

After Mungo gave Gulu to Pado, he returned to his clan, and they had to keep up with Pado's clan.

The Vice-Combetosaur Group was right next to the Pado Group. Gulu repeatedly emphasized to Long that he must follow the Pado Group and never lose it. Only by repeatedly emphasizing that the Vice-Combetosaur could remember it.

Gollum has delivered news to all migrating herbivorous dinosaurs, exaggerating the dire consequences of melting glaciers, and saying that it will melt, not likely.

This time, Gulu really wanted to save these dragons, and of course he had a little selfishness.

There are many icefield hunting dinosaurs on the mountain they detour, such as Cryolophosaurus, Featherosaurus, etc. If there are too few herbivorous dinosaurs detouring with them, they are "sheep entering the tiger's mouth".

The local herbivorous dinosaurs in the ice sheet are basically Lellinosaurus, Northeast dragon, etc., but these local herbivorous dinosaurs are definitely not as easy to hunt as the herbivorous dinosaurs they migrated by, so these local predatory dinosaurs still like to hunt and migrate. the dragon.

Dinosaurs who know Gulu, especially those who escaped the volcanic eruption because of Gulu, will of course listen to Gulu and follow them around.

Other dinosaur groups, some chose to detour, and some did not.

Some of these migrating herbivorous dinosaurs have experienced glacier melting, especially the very experienced "old leaders". They all know that glacier melting is very scary, and this part of the dinosaur population has followed.

"Old leaders" who have experienced glacier melting know that the mountains next to the glacier are the only shelter.

There are also some dinosaur groups who have heard of "a series of legendary deeds of Gollum", and they have basically followed.

Now that the continental plates have not yet separated, the Yukan continent is the only Pangea continent. The news spreads all over the world without being blocked by the ocean. All terrestrial dinosaurs have heard of the "Legend of Gollum".

These dinosaurs know: Gollum predicted floods, fires, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, etc. In short, as long as Gollum predicted, it happened later, and the group that followed Gollum didn't die, and those who didn't believe Gollum died.

With these as a basis, most migrating herbivorous dinosaurs chose to detour.

Of course, there are also some dinosaur groups that have already walked on the big glacier, and they will not come back, and there are some "lucky" dinosaur groups who think they will get out of the ice sheet before the glacier melts, or think that the glacier is impossible to melt, they They all chose to take shortcuts.

Immediately they began to walk up the mountain opposite the Great Glacier.

To go up the mountain, you must first cross the large glacier, but the distance across the line is not far. This large glacier is endless in length, and its width, especially at the source, is not very large.

As long as they walk up the mountain, even if the ice wall really breaks and the glaciers melt, they will not be flooded. This mountain is very large and has spread to the outside of the polar regions. Walking out of the mountain is equivalent to walking out of the ice sheet.

The sun hadn't set yet when Pardo's group walked up the mountain.

Gollum stood halfway up the mountain and looked down.

The afterglow of the setting sun shone on the glacier below, on the huge ice wall of more than 100 meters opposite, and in the forest where they had eaten before, the glacier and the ice wall turned golden yellow, and the forest was also dressed in gold. The coat is like a resplendent paradise.

Of course, no matter how beautiful it is, it's just a glance. Maybe there will be a "disaster blockbuster" in two days.

Gulu followed the group and continued to move forward. There were many fast-moving herbivorous dinosaur groups in front of them, and there were many behind them, but they were scattered.

On the way of migration, all herbivorous dinosaur groups will keep a relatively long distance from other groups, so that everyone can have something to eat, so that several groups will not eat up this piece of ferns and forests. .

Mungo's ethnic group is not far from the Pado ethnic group, and Gulu can see them at any time, so he can rest assured.

The group of vice dragons was right next to the Pado ethnic group. Gulu emphasized it many times for Long, and after following the Pado ethnic group closely, Long also really remembered it.

The terrain on the mountain is very complex and cannot be compared with the plain below, which is very dangerous.

The forests they walked through before were all coniferous forest plains, nothing very complicated, but it was different on the mountains.

Walking along, Gulu saw a lot of white "ice crystals", or ice cubes, emerging from the ferns in front of him. A large area was like this, and it looked like it had grown from the ground from a distance. .

Gollum knew these were—"ice sprouts."

These ice sprouts slowly emerged from the ground, and they really came out. Some are only a small crystal as long as the thumb, and some are longer and curved, just like bean sprouts, so they are called ice. bud.

Under the setting sun, these ice buds glow colorfully and are very beautiful.

Pardo's group walked through this "ice sprout field", and all the ice sprouts were smashed.

This mountain is mainly a fern field, with sparse trees, and the "ice needles" hanging from the trees are also very beautiful.

Some ice needles are as thin as tiny needles, covering the treetops, some are very long, and they are giant needles, which hang directly from tall trees to the ground, and some are very wide. Very flat, kind of like a sharp guillotine.

Suddenly all the dinosaurs stopped moving forward, and Gollum was stunned, staring blankly at the sky ahead.

Because there are countless "light pillars" and colorful "light pillars" in the sky not far ahead. These light pillars shoot down from the sky and shoot densely and vertically on the ground, which is really spectacular.

These beams of light are like beams of light cast from the sky by countless alien spaceships, or beams of light from countless gods descending to earth.

Gollum knew it was called the "Sun Pillar".

Sun pillar is a very peculiar atmospheric optical phenomenon. When the sun rises or sets, the sun shines on "ice crystals" and is formed by reflecting sunlight from ice crystals. Ice needles, or flat ice needles are most likely to form a sun. column.

When Gulu was a human, he had never seen the "Sun Pillar", he only studied in the "Nature Class", but he didn't expect that he really saw the Sun Pillar after being reborn from the dinosaur.

The conditions for the formation of the sun column are very harsh. It needs to be in a very cold place, and there are many, many ice needles, and it needs to be at sunrise and sunset.

Gulu, who didn't react just now: I almost thought it was an alien spaceship!

At that moment, Gulu still thought: why is this alien spaceship so "non-mainstream", the light of the spaceship is still "multicolored fluorescent", is this the rhythm of using the light of the spaceship to open a party? !

Before traveling on the plains, there were basically no peculiar ice and snow phenomena on the plains, and I couldn't see them at all.

Of course, the dinosaurs were not afraid of these beams of light in the sky. After a while, they started to move forward again.

They went inside the icicle.

Patch Dudu and Mila kept saying to Gulu, "Wow, brother, it's so beautiful here, these lights are so beautiful..."

Gulu also said to them: "Do you know, many gods in our human TV series will have this kind of beam of light when they descend to earth, and there are also such beams of light in high-tech traversal, which is especially fun..."

Although the younger brothers and sisters could not understand or imagine it at all, they were very happy to hear it.

Gulu walked under a beam of light and said, "Pachi Dudu Mila, you see, it's like this, in the TV series, in this kind of beam of light, with a swish, I will be sucked away by the beam of light, and I will disappear, then It's called special effects, isn't it interesting..."

The three younger brothers and sisters also stood under the beam of light and said, "Swoosh, it's gone, have fun, brother..."

Cubs are always so carefree, they always find something to play with, even on a perilous migration path.

The big dinosaurs walked in countless beams of light, and each dinosaur became colorful, which was really indescribably magnificent.

Gulu thought as he walked: I really want to make a big movie of everything I encounter, it must be very shocking!

After walking through this sun column, they came to a small glacier. Because of the complicated mountainous terrain, a huge ice waterfall was formed at the end of the glacier. The water flowing down from the upper stream was frozen, and an ice waterfall could be formed.

This ice waterfall is very large, with a height of more than 20 meters and a width of hundreds of meters.

If they want to reach the fern field opposite, they must cross this glacier, but the water of the glacier is frozen, so it is very safe.

It was also the first time that Gulu had seen such a large ice waterfall. Before walking on the plain, there would never be such a thing as an ice waterfall.

Pado's group was too large, and immediately filled the entire glacier. They could only slowly move towards the opposite side. Many triceratops were still waiting on the shore.

Gulu said to Barbana, "Mama, I want to go under that ice waterfall and have a look. Can you take us there?"

Babbana loves Gulu very much, and since this ice river is small, their clan is too large to cross the river for a while.

Under the leadership of Barbana, the four cubs walked under the ice waterfall.

A thick ice wall formed at the junction of the waterfall and the glacier below, but there was a large gap that was just not sealed by the ice wall, and they walked from this gap to the ice cave behind.

Barbana and the four cubs were shocked.

Looking out from the ice cave, the entire ice waterfall has turned blue, and the thick ice is wrapped in a soft blue light, and the blue light penetrates from the outside.

Gulu: This is too beautiful!

The satisfied Gulu kept rubbing against Barbana's neck and said, "Mama Ma Ma, isn't it very beautiful, very beautiful..."

Barbana rubbed Gulu back and said, "Well, it's very beautiful, Gulu." The three younger siblings also rubbed against Gulu and said to look good.

After admiring the beautiful blue ice waterfall, they continued to walk forward with the group. At this time, they happened to be in the middle of the group and did not delay their journey at all.

After walking through this glacier, they arrived at a very open field of ferns. It was getting late, and the sun was too low. The Padojans ate and rested on this field of ferns, and left tomorrow.

Many migrating herbivorous dinosaurs choose to eat and rest on this fern, because it is very big, and the ferns are enough for many dinosaurs to eat, and there are forests on both sides of this fern, and tall dragons can go to the forest. eat leaves.

Gulu watched the terrain while eating.

This fern field is indeed fertile enough, because at the end of this broad fern field is a tall snowy mountain, and the melting snow on the snow mountain nourishes this forest and fern field.

Between the snow-capped mountains and the forest in the distance hangs a huge ice waterfall. According to Gulu's visual observation, this ice waterfall is at least 1,000 meters high and two or three hundred meters wide, like a huge silver-white curtain falling from the sky.

There is also a huge "ice tongue" between the fern field and the forest. It is the glacial water under this huge ice tongue that nourishes the fern field and the forest.

As the name suggests, the ice tongue is a kind of ice and snow phenomenon in the shape of a "tongue". The ice tongue is flowing, but the flow is very slow, and a large amount of glacier water flows out from the tip of the ice tongue.

This huge ice tongue really looks like a huge sparkling "tongue" from a distance, and a large amount of crystal clear "Halazi" glacier water is constantly flowing out.

When night fell, the waterfall in the distance became a huge luminous body, and the snow and ice on the surrounding mountains also became luminous bodies, making the night here very bright, with faint blue lights flashing everywhere.

Pado knew that this fern field was too large and surrounded by forests. Basically, all the migrating herbivorous dinosaurs would eat and rest in this fern field and the surrounding forest, which would definitely attract many ice carnivore dragons.

This night is not destined to be peaceful.

So Pardo organized a tight defense.

If then in the middle of the night, many Cryolophosaurus and Feather King dragons came to hunt, and the fern fields and forests were full of the sounds of fighting between herbivorous dinosaurs and carnivorous dinosaurs, with various roars and thumps.

But fortunately, there are many groups of herbivorous dinosaurs here. Triceratops is the most rigid herbivorous dinosaur, and the group of Pado is the most powerful group of Triceratops. Many carnivores will not choose the group of Pado to hunt.

Many other groups of herbivorous dinosaurs, such as Protoceratops, Diplodocus, Ankylosaurus, Curlysaurus, Stegosaurus, Hadrosaurus, etc., were attacked more.

Of course, Pado's ethnic group was also attacked. It was a dozen Cryolophosaurus who attacked them, but Pado had actively organized defenses before and was well prepared. A dozen Cryolophosaurus was nothing.

Of course, the group of vice dragons next to Pardo were also attacked, but their roars were really too loud, especially the rumbling sound, which made all the carnivorous dragons unbearable, and those carnivorous dragons who attacked them quickly escaped. , and also helped Pardo's tribe drive away those carnivorous dragons.

Paractenosaurus is really amazing. They can actually make the roar sound especially harsh for carnivorous dinosaurs, but not so uncomfortable for herbivorous dinosaurs. It’s just that the Pado group didn’t find it too harsh, and it was still within the acceptable range. .

Gulu and his three younger siblings were all protected at the center of the group, and they were basically not in any danger.

Mungo's group is also hunting, but Tyrannosaurus Rex is very efficient at hunting compared to local hunting dinosaurs such as Cryolophosaurus and Feather Rex.

Soon, Mungo's group hunted an adult Triceratops, and went to sleep after eating.

The Tyrannosaurus Rex never has to worry about a sneak attack by a dragon when sleeping. Probably the only Tyrannosaurus Rex group in the entire Yukan Continent who can sleep carefree anytime, anywhere.

The carnivore dragons were even more afraid to patronize because of the group of paractypic dragons with particularly terrifying roars next to Pado's group.

In the second half of the night, when other groups of herbivorous dinosaurs were still fighting, Pardo's group and Paractenosaurus had already begun to sleep.

Of course, Pado still arranged for the dragon to watch the night. Triceratops are very smart. Even if they are sleeping, they will take turns to watch the night.

The Pado's group had a good rest last night, and they woke up the next day. They began to eat, and they continued to migrate immediately when they were full.

Gulu didn't expect that with a group of sub-claw dragons following him, he could "roar back" a lot of carnivorous dragons. Long's group is really powerful.

Last night, Pado was also very grateful to Long, and went to find Long with Gulu.

Long stared blankly at Pado and Gollum walking towards him.

Gulu knew that Long had forgotten again, and Long's eyes seemed to say: I'm not very familiar with you, why are you looking for me? !

Then Gulu briefly explained to Long what they had known before, and Long remembered.

Pado thanked Long, and Gulu emphasized it to Long again, to keep up with Pado's ethnic group, be sure to follow closely.

In fact, Long remembered to keep up with Pado's ethnic group, but he didn't know why.

It took them more than half a day to walk out of this huge fern field, eating while walking. After finally having such a fertile fern field, of course, they had to eat to their fullest.

Mungo's clan has been following Pado's clan not far and near, and Gulu can see them whenever he turns back.

After getting out of the fern fields, they had to go around the tall snow-capped mountains in front of them.

Groups of herbivorous dinosaurs walked through the foot of the snow-capped mountain. There were many dragon groups in front of the Pado group, and many dragon groups behind them.

There is a valley between the snow-capped mountains and the forest. All herbivorous dinosaurs need to pass through this valley. A huge fern field and some strange peaks can be vaguely seen on the opposite side of the valley.

The valley was relatively small, and when they got to the middle, they were blocked by a deep, deep gulf, and they couldn't get through.

The tribes that arrived first were all torn between this gulf, not knowing what to do.

This gap is at least 20 meters deep, and the slopes on both sides are vertical, even the tallest Argentine dragon can't get up.

Gulu carefully observed that the gap spread from the tall snow-capped mountains, which means that the gap might actually have been a big river.

Snow Mountain is the birthplace of the big river, and the chasm that crosses this valley is equivalent to the "hukou" of the big river.

If so, then there must be a Hukou Waterfall, where a natural ice bridge may be formed.

The formation of natural ice bridges is to use water to sway down the narrow spout, and the turbulent sediment and water will be frozen to form natural ice bridges.

Gulu immediately asked Mungo to take him along this chasm, and sure enough, he found a natural ice bridge in the most remote part of the valley!

But this ice bridge can't withstand too many dragons passing by. If there are dragons stepping on the ice bridge first, filling the gap with the trampled part, it will be perfect.

Gulu immediately called the group of vice-claw dragons over, trying to make them roar and collapse the ice bridge, but the ice bridge was too thick and the structure was different from other stone caves.

Soon, other dragons also discovered the ice bridge and walked over it one after another.

Gulu asked Mungo and Pado's group to wait, don't rush over, of course Pado obeyed.

Batch after batch of dragons all walked over the ice bridge.

At this time, Gulu heard a loud noise from the valley, and looked up at the snow-capped mountains, an avalanche!

The avalanche would soon flood the valley, and the opposite bank had to be crossed immediately, but the bridge was about to be stepped on.

The terrifying sound of the avalanche made all the dragons in the valley rush to the bridge. ,